Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library Reserves Services

Location: 300 Avery
Telephone: (212) 854-6199
E-mail: avery_reserves@library.columbia.edu

Reserves Policies

Materials placed on reserves may be requested at the circulation desk. Anyone with access privileges to the Library may check out reserves materials for Library use.

Loan Period

All reserves materials circulate for 2-hour intervals and are for library use only. No overnight loans are available.

Overdue Fines

Overdue fines for reserves items are $1.00 per hour or part thereof to a maximum of $50.00. If an item is not returned and the library considers it lost, standard replacement ($70.00) and processing ($30.00) fees will be added to the fines. If the costs to replace the item exceed $100, individuals will be charged the actual replacement cost, in addition to any related overdue fines.