Papyri and Ostraca

Finding Ostraca and Papyri

Records for the ostraca and papyri are accessible through Some images are available; imaging is ongoing.

Tips on searching in

To search by P.Col. numbers in, : 

  1. Navigate to the Search
  2. Under Series, select DDDP P.Col. or HGV p.col;
  3. Type the volume number in the volume box
  4. Type the item number in the ID box
  5. Click search

The brief result will appear in the right panel; click on it and you get the full record. 

Note: the canonical URL is displayed on the full item display page, e.g.,;3;8 * .You can bookmark it if you want and then follow the pattern for other P.Col. items

To search Col. inv. and O.Col. inv items
you need to use a string search against the metadata, rather than a Series search, as follows:

  1. Select Collection: "columbia (5758)" rather than using Series
  2. In the search box at the top, now called "Refine Search", enter the inv number, e.g., "O. Col. inv. 10" or "Col.inv. 444" (no "P." in front for inv. numbers)
  3. Select a Metadata search rather than a Text search in the radio buttons
  4. Click search up at the top

Note: if you do more than one search, the form reverts to Text search, and you have to select the Metadata button again.

To search phrases like "Homer" or "wrestling"
it works like the the Inv. items:

  1. Select Collection: "columbia (5758)" rather than using Series
  2. In the search box at the top, now called "Refine Search", enter the word: e.g. Homer
  3. Select a Metadata search rather than a Text search in the radio buttons
  4. Click search up at the top

Researchers who need further assistance are encouraged to consult RBML staff.

For more information about these materials see RBML Units: Papyri and Ostraca.