
Newly Processed and Updated Oral History Collections for September 2023
Newly-processed collections in the Libraries' Oral History Archives in September include the Cuban Voices oral history collection, which follows the transition to communist rule after the Cuban Revolution and events of the subsequent decades.

From Staging Plays in New York’s Chinatown Community Theatres to Fostering Talents in Sing Sing’s RTA Program: Joanna Wan-Ying Chan Papers
The personal papers of Joanna Wan-Ying Chan (陳尹瑩), a Chinese-American playwright and producer and a member of the Maryknoll Sisters, are now available to researchers through the Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Noteworthy Acquisitions, Digitization, and Conservation for 2023
Archivists, curators, and subject specialists highlight a number of noteworthy acquisitions, conservation projects, and digitization efforts that are underway in 2023, including the Fly Papers that are now held by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Oral History A-to-Z | B…is for Schlesinger Library’s Black Women’s Oral History Project
An A-to-Z guide to the Libraries' Oral History Archives: 'B' is for the Schlesinger Library’s Black Women’s Oral History Project, which memorializes women who had a significant impact on Black communities in the U.S.

An A-to-Z of Oral History at Columbia | The Addicts Who Survived Collection by David Courtwright
An A-to-Z guide to oral history at Columbia: A monthly series that begins with the Addicts Who Survived collection, which features interviews with drug addicts about family histories, patterns of drug use, and other topics.

Dan Talbot, a New Yorker and His Love for Independent Films and World Cinema
The personal papers of Daniel Talbot, a notable figure in art-house cinema who operated several theaters on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, are now accessible to researchers through the Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Research at the RBML | Tomoko Akami on the Institute of Pacific Relations Papers
Professor Tomoko Akami from the School of Culture, History, and Language at ANU College of Asia and the Pacific examines the archives of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) to explore how the IPR shaped the field of Asian studies.

Research at the RBML | Nadav Millman Investigates the Chris Claremont Papers
Illustrator Nadav Millman visits the Rare Book & Manuscript Library to delve into the personal papers of comic book author and Marvel contributor Chris Claremont, whose archive includes discarded story ideas, works in progress, and more.

An Overdue Book from the King’s College Library
Talk about past due! On September 6, 1950, a book was returned to the Libraries that was last checked out in 1772 from the library at King’s College (now Columbia University), one of the few volumes from the library to survive the Revolutionary War.

Research at the RBML | Hannah Klimas on Mirra Ginsburg’s Translations of Mikhail Bulgakov
Hannah Klimas, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Leeds, visits the Rare Book & Manuscript Library to examine materials on Mirra Ginsburg and her translations of Russian-Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

Research at the RBML | Max Lewontin on CLR James and Darcus Howe
Max Lewontin, a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University, consulted the papers of activists CLR James and Darcus Howe for his dissertation on "Black Power as a transnational social and political movement in the 1960s and 1970s."