Installing Schrödinger & PyMOL


This page contains instructions on downloading and activating the Schrödinger and PyMOL licenses.


If you intend to use the software from off-campus locations, you will need to set up CUIT's VPN service first.


Download & Install Schrödinger

Here are the steps to download and install Schrödinger software in your computer:

  1. If you haven't already, create an account with using your email address. After filling out the form, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your login information.
  2. Download the Suite from (You may be asked to log in with the credentials you set up in step 1.
    On this page, if you see this message -- Your account does not currently have access to download software -- please send an email from your Columbia account to stating that you are a Columbia affiliate and would like to download the software.
  3. Choose your desired version from the dropdown menu (see screenshot below).
  4. Choose your operating system.
  5. Check the boxes to agree to terms and conditions.
  6. Click the blue DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE button.

7. Once the download is finished:

On Windows: unzip the contents of the downloaded ZIP file into a local folder (e.g. a newly created folder on the desktop) and run SETUP.EXE.  Accept all default options.   

On a Mac: open the DMG file and double-click the PKG file.  Accept all default options.   

On Linux: please see the Linux Quickstart Guide

8. To finish, configure the software license.


Schrödinger Training & Additional Resources

For many of these links, you will be asked to log in with the Schrödinger user account you created prior to downloading the software.


Download & Install PyMOL

Here are the steps to download and install PyMOL on your computer:

  1. Download PyMOL from the vendor site:
  2. Follow these instructions to obtain a PyMOL license file. (UNI authentication required)
  3. Install PyMOL, then launch it.
  4. You should be asked for the license file; find and select the file you downloaded in Step 2.
    You can also use the program menu-- go to Help, then Install New License File (see screenshot below). Then select the file you downloaded in Step 2.