1978 Master's Projects

Author:    Forbes-Davis
Title:    Classical Radio is Alive and Getting Well (see miss. Vol)
Year:    1978
Author:    Baehr
Title:    Quieting New York's Subway system
Year:    1978
Author:    Barkin
Title:    A Victim of Tradition
Year:    1978
Author:    Bauman
Title:    Concessions in New York City
Year:    1978
Author:    Beherman
Title:    Gambling with Disease
Year:    1978
Author:    "Bennett, H."
Title:    Art Theft
Year:    1978
Author:    "Bennett, J."
Title:    Bail
Year:    1978
Author:    Berke
Title:    Police Brutality in Newark
Year:    1978
Author:    Bilello
Title:    Women and the Priesthood
Year:    1978
Author:    Boddie
Title:    Pregnant adolescents
Year:    1978
Author:    Boehm
Title:    Madison Square Garden
Year:    1978
Author:    Bohrman
Title:    Nuclear Particle Research
Year:    1978
Author:    Bowman
Title:    Four Activists in New York City
Year:    1978
Author:    Brown
Title:    The Renewal of the south Street Seaport
Year:    1978
Author:    Buckley
Title:    The Making of a Jesuit Provincial
Year:    1978
Author:    Burns
Title:    The Right to Die
Year:    1978
Author:    Butler-Booker
Title:    The Rastafarians in Jamaca
Year:    1978
Author:    Campbell
Title:    Black Politics in Brownsville
Year:    1978
Author:    Cardenas
Title:    Illegal Aliens in New York
Year:    1978
Author:    Carver
Title:    Suicide
Year:    1978
Author:    Chase
Title:    Community Planning Board Four
Year:    1978
Author:    Chenoweth
Title:    The People vs. JP Stevens
Year:    1978
Author:    Chiesa
Title:    "The ""Newsmagazine"" Show on TV"
Year:    1978
Author:    Chu
Title:    Chines-American Performers on TV
Year:    1978
Author:    Corcoran
Title:    New York's Halfway Houses for Ex-convicts
Year:    1978
Author:    DeFulgentiis
Title:    Why New York City doesn't Rate
Year:    1978
Author:    D'Emilio
Title:    Homes for the Mentally Retarded
Year:    1978
Author:    Dent
Title:    The Chief Medical Examiner's Office
Year:    1978
Author:    Detjen
Title:    Water Supply Project for New York Area
Year:    1978
Author:    Dickerman
Title:    Tay-Sachs Disease
Year:    1978
Author:    Di Michele
Title:    Italian-Americas of South Brooklyn
Year:    1978
Author:    Dobsons
Title:    The 1977 Blackout: con Ed's responsibility
Year:    1978
Author:    Doi
Title:    The Garbage of New York
Year:    1978
Author:    Downey
Title:    Child Abuse
Year:    1978
Author:    Edney
Title:    Minority Business Ventures
Year:    1978
Author:    Ehrlicj
Title:     Human Marvels
Year:    1978
Author:    Eisner
Title:    Race Relations in Crown Heights
Year:    1978
Author:    El-Amin
Title:    Evolution of a Harlem Mosque
Year:    1978
Author:    Feldman
Title:    Feminists Conquer the Steinman Media Monopoly
Year:    1978
Author:    Foster
Title:    The Burden of air Control
Year:    1978
Author:    Fox
Title:    Private and Independent Jazz Record Companies
Year:    1978
Author:    Fraizier
Title:    Chinatown children
Year:    1978
Author:    Friend
Title:    "Rockaway, the Forgotten Peninsula"
Year:    1978
Author:    Gary
Title:    Psychiatry and Working-Class Ethnics
Year:    1978
Author:    Gillerman
Title:    Tenant Takeovers
Year:    1978
Author:    Ginza
Title:    Temporary Office Personnel
Year:    1978
Author:    Goldwater
Title:    Manufacturers and Tory Safety
Year:    1978
Author:    "Gray,  J."
Title:    Landlord-Tenant Conflict
Year:    1978
Author:    "Gary, M."
Title:    National Black Theater
Year:    1978
Author:    Gunn
Title:    Civil Defense
Year:    1978
Author:    Harris
Title:    Education of Roosevelt Island
Year:    1978
Author:    Henery
Title:    The Revival of Columbus Avenue
Year:    1978
Author:    Hewson
Title:    Theatrical Lighting
Year:    1978
Author:    Hill
Title:    Andrew Young
Year:    1978
Author:    Hirsh
Title:    Weather Modification
Year:    1978
Author:    Holman
Title:    The Political future of New York City
Year:    1978
Author:    Hymowitz
Title:    Childbirth After 35
Year:    1978
Author:    Innes
Title:    Teenage Pregnancy
Year:    1978
Author:    Irwin
Title:    Widowhood
Year:    1978
Author:    Jones
Title:    "Garbage, NY Style"
Year:    1978
Author:    Kabourianni
Title:    The Illegals
Year:    1978
Author:    Kannan
Title:    TV Network News
Year:    1978
Author:    Karib
Title:    Black Stereotypes and TV Reform
Year:    1978
Author:    "Kelly, c."
Title:    The Growth of Fundamentalist Religions
Year:    1978
Author:    "Kelly, J."
Title:    Clean Sheets for Hell's Bedroom
Year:    1978
Author:    Kiernan
Title:    Marketing the Tribe
Year:    1978
Author:    Kiyonaga
Title:    Jose Alberto Medrano
Year:    1978
Author:    Klein
Title:    Anthony Herbert v. CBS
Year:    1978
Author:    Knebelman
Title:    Playboy Clubs and the women who Work There
Year:    1978
Author:    Landman
Title:    Solar Energy
Year:    1978
Author:    Larson
Title:    Whiteness for the Prosecution
Year:    1978
Author:    Lesnick
Title:    Anti-Castro Cubans in America
Year:    1978
Author:    Lore
Title:    Arson
Year:    1978
Author:    McCoy
Title:    Black English Revisited
Author:    McDonnell
Title:    The Fox Street Shelter
Year:    1978
Author:    MacKay
Title:    Stock Options
Year:    1978
Author:    Macklin
Title:    Federal Funding of Public TV
Year:    1978
Author:    MacPherson
Title:    The Abortion Experience
Year:    1978
Author:    Mansson
Title:    "Steve Dain, AKA Doris Richards"
Year:    1978
Author:    Massot
Title:    The Journalist as Critic of the Culture
Year:    1978
Author:    Meehan
Title:    Hanging on in Hell's Kitchen
Year:    1978
Author:    Merwin
Title:    Investigating Arsonists
Year:    1978
Author:    Miles
Title:    At Home in the South Bronx
Year:    1978
Author:    Minutaglio
Title:    Asian Indians in New York
Year:    1978
Author:    Monrose
Title:    Parochial School Education
Year:    1978
Author:    Morris
Title:    Oil Drilling in the Atlantic
Year:    1978
Author:    Moses
Title:    Portrait of a Young Worker
Year:    1978
Author:    Nelson
Title:    New York's Nights Courts
Year:    1978
Author:    Neinhuis
Title:    "Hyman Shapiro, Private Developer"
Year:    1978
Author:    Nilson
Title:    Disputed Youth and Delinquency
Year:    1978
Author:    Njeri
Title:    Female Background singers
Year:    1978
Author:    Oatis
Title:    Problems of Ocean Dumping in New York Area
Year:    1978
Author:    Ollove
Title:    Artists in SOHO: Their housing problems
Year:    1978
Author:    Oppenheimer
Title:    Latin America: A Hole in the news
Year:    1978
Author:    Pallais
Title:    Art as a Business
Year:    1978
Author:    Panter
Title:    Artists' Rights
Year:    1978
Author:    Perez
Title:    Miguel Sales
Year:    1978
Author:    Perkins
Title:    Activists in the Rights of the Handicapped Movement
Year:    1978
Author:    Ramirez
Title:    Puerto Rican voters
Year:    1978
Author:    Randell
Title:    Female comics
Year:    1978
Author:    Revson
Title:    Rights and Gay Power
Year:    1978
Author:    Rimmer
Title:    JHS 117: Education in Bedford-Stuyvesant
Year:    1978
Author:    Ritz
Title:    Why is New York Burning
Year:    1978
Author:    Roberts
Title:    Female Entrepreneurs
Year:    1978
Author:    Rochford
Title:    Inwood: A changing neighborhood
Year:    1978
Author:    Rose
Title:    Alcoholic Priests
Year:    1978
Author:    Rozencwajg
Title:    Explosion in Modern Dance
Year:    1978
Author:    Rubin
Title:    The Jews of Texas
Year:    1978
Author:    Rubio
Title:    Profile of Russell Means
Year:    1978
Author:    Russ
Title:    The Republican Future
Year:    1978
Author:    Salant
Title:    Unilateralism in New Jersey
Year:    1978
Author:    Schaffer
Title:    The Legal Aid society Diversion Program
Year:    1978
Author:    Scheinin
Title:    Black and White in Crown Heights
Year:    1978
Author:    Scheuer
Title:    The Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee
Year:    1978
Author:    Schiavone
Title:    Terrorists Invade the Media
Year:    1978
Author:    Seelye
Title:    Infections in Hospitals
Year:    1978
Author:    Segal
Title:    Emergency Medicine in NYC
Year:    1978
Author:    Segell
Title:    The Male Prostitute
Year:    1978
Author:    Shaw
Title:    The Home Computer
Year:    1978
Author:    Shea
Title:    Women and War
Year:    1978
Author:    Shen
Title:    Foreign Journalists in the United States
Year:    1978
Author:    Shugasser
Title:    Market Research and the Des Case
Year:    1978
Author:    Skipper
Title:    US Treatment of Haitian Refugees
Year:    1978
Author:    Slutsker
Title:    Welfare Reform and Public Assistance
Year:    1978
Author:    Smith
Title:    Foreign Medical Doctors in New York
Year:    1978
Author:    Stephens
Title:    Move
Year:    1978
Author:    Stokes
Title:    William O. Walker
Year:    1978
Author:    Sturzenacker
Title:     Involuntary Mental Commitment
Year:    1978
Author:    Tam
Title:    Youth and the Catholic Church
Year:    1978
Author:    Taylor
Title:    The Housebound Elderly in New York
Year:    1978
Author:    Tragey
Title:    The Consumer Movement in Sports
Year:    1978
Author:    Trostli
Title:    Single Parents
Year:    1978
Author:    Warren
Title:    Deliberate single Mothers
Year:    1978
Author:    "White, A. "
Title:    Benighted Politics for the Benighted
Year:    1978
Author:    "White, N."
Title:    Women Starting Small businesses
Year:    1978
Author:    Wiley
Title:    Joe Papp and the New York Shakespeare Festival
Year:    1978
Author:    Wilkinson
Title:    The Mentally Ill Criminal
Year:    1978
Author:    Williams
Title:    The Runaway Problem
Year:    1978
Author:    Witty
Title:    Drugs and Doctor-Caused illnesses
Year:    1978
Author:    Wolf
Title:    Agnes De Mille
Year:    1978
Author:    Ybarra
Title:    The Female Offender in the Juvenile Justice System
Year:    1978