Digital Library Seminar Series: 2010-06-30


Providing Access to Archived Web Sites in the Library of Congress Web Archives (LCWA)


Tracy Meehleib


Tracy Meehleib is Network Specialist at the Library of Congress, Network Development & MARC Standards Office. Her areas of specialization include visual materials cataloging, digital reference, metadata mappings and conversions, and web archiving. For the past five years she has been focusing on methods for providing integrated access to web archives at the archive and item levels. This work is accessible as part of the Library of Congress Web Archives (LCWA) at She holds a BA in anthropology from University of California San Diego and an MLS from University of Maryland.


The Library of Congress Web Archives provides item-level access to thousands of archived web sites. The Library uses automated and traditional techniques to build MODS records for each site. Metadata such as title, keywords, abstract, and capture dates are extracted from the web archive data to create an initial MODS record. Catalogers then review and enhance the record using controlled vocabularies to provide integrated access with traditional library materials and collections. This presentation will focus on the model and workflow the Library of Congress uses to create web archive MODS records that function in a broader library context. The deriving, describing, searching, and packaging aspects of the LCWA project are all part of the Library's continuing research in effective methods and practices for acquiring, archiving, providing access to, and preserving web material.






10:00 - 11:00 AM


203 Butler Library, Morningside Heights Campus, Columbia University
