Call for Presentations

9th Columbia University Libraries Symposium
“New Models of Academic Collaboration”
March 16th, 2012
Columbia University, Uris Hall

Note: The call for presentations is now closed.

The planning committee for the 9th Columbia University Libraries Symposium invites submissions of proposals for presentations to be delivered at the symposium at Columbia University in the City of New York on March 16, 2012.

The theme for this year's symposium, “New Models of Academic Collaboration”, will focus on how research libraries are discovering the value of collaboration among and within institutions.  As these collaborative models evolve, they foster new approaches to scholarship among faculty, students, library professionals, and institutions.  The symposium will address questions such as: What are these new models and approaches?  How are they being applied?  How can they be replicated or adapted?  Alternative topics within the umbrella theme will also be considered.  All proposals should explore both the challenges and possible resolutions and can be based on either actual experience or hypothetical proposition.

Abstracts should focus clearly on the theme of the symposium, and should convey in 250-500 words the scope, conclusions, and relevance of the presentation. Formats for presentations are flexible. We will consider talks, panels, and Pecha Kucha-style presentations (lightning talks).  Submissions will be accepted through January 18, 2012, and should be submitted by e-mail to Please include your complete contact information with your submission. Responses from the committee will be sent by February 12, 2012.

In your submission please state the type of presentation you would like to give.  Audio and visual technology needs will be accommodated. The final presentations will be due on March 11, 2012, and represent a commitment on the part of the submitter to present the paper at Columbia University on March 16th, 2012.

Please send questions to the planning committee at