The 4th Columbia University Libraries Reference Symposium explores the importance of a service-based reference culture and offers opportunities to discover and discuss innovative reference services (e.g., integrating library services into courseware).
Keynote speaker Joan Lippincott, Associate Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), will be followed by two panels highlighting innovative services. Poster sessions will provide an additional forum for discussion.
The Columbia University Libraries Reference Symposia seek to bring together reference librarians, heads of reference departments, and public service managers from large research libraries in the Northeast to share ideas, concerns and plans about reference services.
See the Symposium Program for more details about the keynote, panels, and the schedule. New this year are Poster Sessions featuring innovative reference practices.
You may pre-register for the Reference Symposium; complete the Symposium Registration Form to register (open through February 24, 2006).
If you are a first-timer to Reference Symposia at Columbia, the Directions page may help you find Columbia Morningside campus and the conference site.
Please direct any questions or comments about the Reference Symposium to, or Sarah G. Wenzel.
Columbia University Libraries
Reference Coordinating Committee