Science & Engineering Libraries

General Collections

Science & Engineering Libraries have transferred collections to ReCAP since the opening of ReCAP in 2002. Collections include multiple formats.   They have several CLIO locations assigned for off-site collections:

  • off,bio : Biology Library general collections (closed)
  • off,che : Chemistry Library general collections (closed)
  • off,eng : Engineering Library general collections
  • off,glg : Geology Library general collections
  • off,gsc : Geoscience Library general collections
  • off,mat : Mathematics Library general collections
  • off,phy : Physics Library general collections (closed)
  • off,psy : Psychology Library general collections (closed)
  • off,sci : History of Science collection and miscellaneous

Science/Engineering collections correspond to two different customer codes:

  • CU : allow delivery to all CUL and ReCAP partner libraries
  • CR : allow delivery to all CUL libraries

There have been changes in the operation of several Science libraries in the past few years.  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Psychology closed in 2009.  The books formerly held by them are now refered to as "collections."

Engineering Library has progressed through several phases of smart barcoding. Collections have been transferred from several physical locations: Engineering, Prentis, Annex and new acquisitions from MPS via BSP.

On the annual (estimated) ReCAP quotas, Science & Engineering Libraries have typically been allocated 50,000 volumes for collection growth offset.

Other Notes

CLIO Location Displays

  • off,bio off,che off,eng off,glg off,gsc off,mat off,phy off,psy and off,sci
    Corresponds to customer codes CU and CR.  Deliverable to all libraries; circulating.


  • CLIO location eng,anx was used for Dewey-classed items transferred out of Engineering to Brewster during renovation work in 2003.  Items not found or processed for ReCAP were batch suppressed in 2005.  Many were charged to MATOB status patron GLXMSBC004.  Discharged in June 2010.
  • CLIO location eng,anx2 is used as a transitional location for items sent to ReCAP
  • sci originally was the History of Science collection, as well as being a dumping ground for overcrowded libraries.  It was trimmed down with a ReCAP project in 2006 and in 2010 the remaining items were merged into the Mathematics (flipped to mat).
  • sci is now the consolidation of bio, che, phy, psy.  There was a ReCAP project in 2012 to weed out low-use items.  Currently a project is underway to transfer high-use items from the Engineering collection before that collection is sent to ReCAP and that library closed.
  • Lecture Notes in Computer Science (processed/transfered Fall 2006)
  • Proceedings of the SPIE, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (processed/transfered Fall 2008)


ReCAP Statistics FY13 (.pptx) : Engineering, Geology, Geoscience, Mathematics, and overall Sciences & Engineering

ReCAP Statistics: Sciences/Engineering, 10/18/2012  Summarizes main data categories for all Sciences and Engineering collections.  Includes charts to visualize activity by fiscal year and monthly.  Includes request rate by collection.

ReCAP Statistics: Sciences/Engineering, 8/5/2011  Summarizes main data categories for all Sciences and Engineering collections.  Includes charts to visualize activity by fiscal year and monthly.

ReCAP Statistics: Sciences/Engineering, 12/15/2010  Summarizes main data categories for all Sciences and Engineering collections.  Includes charts to visualize activity by fiscal year and monthly.

ReCAP Statistics: Geology/Geoscience, 9/10/2009  Basic summary of accessions from Geology and Geoscience.


Sciences/Engineering Circulation Data : Updated through FY13.  Summary of circulation activity of Science and Enginnering collections and corresponding happening location, including system-wide data.  Primarily concerned with on-campus collections. 

  • Engineering (.pptx)
  • Geology (.pptx)
  • Geoscience (.pptx)
  • Mathematics (.pptx)
  • Sciences (.pptx)

ReCAP Data


  • Accessions
    Science & Engineering-owned collections that have been transfered to the ReCAP facility.
  • Requests
    Total items requested from Science & Engineering-owned collections at ReCAP.
  • Deliveries
    Items physically delivered to the Sciences' circulation desks.  Includes items from all ReCAP collections, not only Science & Engineering-owned.
  • EDD
    Total number of EDD (electronic document delivery) requests for Science & Engineering collections.  A subset of total "Requests."

Primary Statistics

  Accessions Requests Deliveries EDD
FY02 38,673 188 135 25
FY03 79,444 1,164 653 206
FY04 122,139 3,946 1,414 1,149
FY05 26,031 4,897 1,582 1,116
FY06 14,806 4,861 1,534 1,287
FY07 31,162 4,479 1,255 1,006
FY08 52,967 5,257 2,582 805
FY09 32,725 5,491 2,055 855
FY10 44,927 6,109 1,294 864
12,773 5,370 1,364 666
3,318 4,428 1,721 446
4,647 4,993 2,538 424
463,612 51,183 18,137 8,849
Request Rate = 0.97%

Departmental Statistics

  Accessions Requests Deliveries Retrieval Rate
Biology 54,919 7,385 n/a 1.28%
Chemistry 48,637 3,927 n/a 0.99%
Engineering 170,572 17,098 9,673
Geology 40,680 2,838 2,016
Geoscience 11,783 312 1,006
Mathematics 1,706 84 1,973 1.89%
Physics 44,977 4,305 n/a 1.13%
Psychology 28,734 5,961 n/a 2.96%
Science 61,604 9,273
3,135 1.89%



Obsolete CLIO Locations

In early phases of ReCAP transfers, location xxx,anx2 was used as a transitional location for collections going to Offsite.

CLIO Location Total Items Date Resolved
bio,anx2 0 5/16/2013
che,anx 19  
che,anx2 0 6/7/2013
eng,anx 4,612  
eng,anx2 419  
glg,anx2 23  
gsc,anx2 5  
phy,anx2 0 6/7/2013
psy,anx2 0 5/2/2013
sci,anx 14  
sci,anx2 0 9/30/2013


ReCAP User Inquiry Alias:

Supervisor, ReCAP Access Services: Jennifer Loubriel

Phone: (212) 854-3542
