Non-CLIO Item Request Form Guidelines


The Non-CLIO request mechanism is designed to allow CUL staff to request barcodes accessioned at ReCAP that are not present in CLIO.  It should be used only when a barcode is not in CLIO (Voyager).  There are several collections that are accessioned at ReCAP but not in Voyager:

Hardcopy records are available for much of these collections and projects are underway to enter information into CLIO.

Non-CLIO Item Request does not validate request elements.  The form will not verify that a barcode is currently available for request from ReCAP, nor will it require authorized delivery locations.  If the barcode is unavailable or undeliverable to selected location, a failure notice will be sent to the ReCAP Coordinator.

  • 10-digit entry is required in barcode field (implemented November 2009)
  • Selected Delivery Method/Location required (implemented November 2009)
  • Requests via Non-CLIO are logged in rus. It is possible to distinguish Non-CLIO requests from Mediated Requests using Option 2 in rus main menu.  Search by barcode and look for Bib Key 7440755 in full item display.

Record-keeping problem

Barcodes requested via Non-CLIO are not placed in the local record keeping file. This can be problematic if a Non-CLIO request is placed for an item that is in CLIO. The item will continue to appear available for request in CLIO. Subsequent request via CLIO will result in a failed request notice. Ad hoc solution: If the barcode is charged in Voyager it will appear "OUT" on the REQUEST IT from Offsite webform within 24 hours.

  • v.12 requested via Non-CLIO, delivered and charged in Voyager
  • For next 24 hours, v.12 will continue to appear available on the request form
  • After 24 hours, v.12 will be logged as OUT on the request form

Technical note

All CUL ReCAP request forms must populate with a Voyager Bib ID.  The Non-CLIO request form is generated using a placeholder record, Bib ID# 7440755.  Barcode CU14734141 is attached to a real, dummy book that has been accessioned at ReCAP.  For more information, see the ReCAP Appendix.


ReCAP User Inquiry Alias:

Supervisor, ReCAP Access Services: Jennifer Loubriel

Phone: (212) 854-3542
