
Yuusuf S. Caruso, Ph.D.
African Studies
Lehman Library
420 West 118th St.
New York, NY 10027 USA
The African Studies Librarian is building the collections on Sub-Saharan Africa at Columbia. Duties include selection of books, journals, and online databases, editing of internet resources web pages, specialized reference, and liaison with faculty. Dr. Caruso is available for individual consultations and reference assistance on African Studies. In-class instruction sessions and advice are enthusiastically offered on research strategies, print and electronic bibliographies and indexes, and on the best ways to search CLIO and other online resources (including Columbia's own African Studies Internet Resources). Dr. Caruso can also direct readers to informed and helpful colleagues in other libraries.
For more information, please see the African Studies Resources Home Page.
Recommendations and suggestions from students, faculty, and scholars in the field are always welcome.