
“What’s Your Library Story?” Survey Winner Reflects on Favorite Library Spaces
The winner of a recent survey intended to collect information about how and why students use in-person library services reflects on meaningful interactions with Libraries staff and useful library resources (like including free newspaper subscriptions!).

Announcing the Spring 2025 Ask A Librarian Interns
The Ask A Librarian Internship Program, which provides currently-enrolled library and information science students with hands-on experience in academic librarianship, announces the Spring 2025 interns: Angelica Aranda, Jala Robertson, and Sam Ward.

A Salute to the CCAA
To mark the 200th anniversary of the Columbia College Alumni Association (CCAA), Columbia College Today visited the University archives to learn more about the origins and early history of the organization - and found just how much alumni have shaped the College and its community.

Strategies for Publishing Success: Spring Workshop Series from Open Scholarship
Join the Open Scholarship team for a series of workshops for journal editorial board members and those interested in learning more about scholarly publishing, including sessions on Overleaf, an editorial software, and journal workflow management with Open Journal System (OJS).

New and Featured Books: Arabic Poetry, with a Special Focus on Palestine
As part of the ongoing "New and Featured Books" display in the Butler Library lounge, a collection of titles highlights Arabic poetry, "reflecting the cultural, artistic, literary, political, and social changes in Arab societies."

Belle da Costa Greene and Columbia
To mark the 100th anniversary of the Morgan Library and Museum as a public institution, University archivists remember its first director, Belle da Costa Greene, as "a key partner and contributor" to library exhibitions at Columbia throughout the early 20th century.

Collaboration and Open Access: Lessons from the Ask A Librarian Internship
Ask a Librarian Intern Federica Alesiani counts "collaboration and open access" among the lessons learned throughout her work with the Libraries: "By actively engaging with my colleagues, sharing ideas, and seeking guidance, I learned from their expertise and contributed to shared goals."

6 Great Columbian-Helmed Podcasts You Should Listen to This Winter
Columbia News highlights six podcasts for winter listening, including "Vis a Vis," produced in partnership with the Libraries' podcasting program and featuring conversations about global economic and social issues with a transatlantic perspective.

1961 to 2024: How Columbia Football Roared Back to the Top
"1961 to 2024: How Columbia football roared back to the top." Columbia Spectator consulted the University Archives to "look back on 63 years of football coaching history - and the rookie coach who brought the Lions their first league title since 1961."

Columbia Libraries: Journal Publishing Program Annual Report
The Libraries' Digital Scholarship team has enhanced and streamlined the format of the annual report for partners in the Journals Publishing program, which will enable users to more easily analyze data and identify trends in readership.

Bookbinding and Letterpress Printing: Two Weeks at the Center for Book Arts
Bibliographic Assistant at the Burke Library Brandon Harrington, also a student at the Queens College Graduate School of Library and Information Science, details a two-week intensive in bookbinding and letterpress printing at the Center for Book Arts.

Open Access Week 2024 (South/Southeast Asia)
As part of the 2024 Open Access Week events, Libraries staff and collaborators presented on "Digitizing Vietnam Project: Increasing Access to Vietnam Studies Materials," a project that will act as an inter-institutional digital hub for Vietnam studies.

A Love Letter To The Music & Arts Library
"A love letter to the Music & Arts Library: The Music & Arts Library has finally received its deserved admiration and gratitude. The quiet environment, the chairs, even the cubicles - something that is so common in every library on campus, but just feels so different with you. You’re truly one of a kind."