Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa

This list includes only "free" publications on the Internet.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V-Z

[Electronic Newspapers Only]



Abidjan.Net Actualités – El Cajon, California : Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire : Abidjan.Net, Weblogy, 1999-

Un quotidien des actualités de la presse ivoirienne et des liens à la presse internationale.

Addis fortune. – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Independent News & Media Plc, 1999-

The electronic version of an Ethiopian business news weekly newspaper, with short news highlights and commentary. The archive offers back issues only since mid-December 2008.

Addis standard. -- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: JAKENN Publishing P.L.C., 2011-

This web site has a searchable archive of selected articles for the last 6 months only. "...a monthly English private magazine...It is a magazine that will focus on current socio-political and socio-economic aspects of both domestic and international affairs."

Africa policy journal -- Cambridge, Massachusetts: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2012-

"...a student-run online publication dedicated to promoting dialogue about African policy and current affairs in the realms of governance, law, education, business, health, design and culture.

Africa renewal. – New York: UN Department of Public Information, 2004-

Formerly known as: Africa Recovery (1996-2004).
Current electronic monthly issue in full; in English or French. There is a link to an archive of some previous issues, but each back issue is only composed of a few excerpts and the table of contents.
--See also: "Africa Renewal" website

Africa review of books=Revue africaine des livres. – Dakar, Senegal: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA); Oran, Algeria: Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, 2004-

A multidisciplinary journal co-sponsored with the Forum for Social Studies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), based in Oran, Algeria.
--See also: CRASC site in English, French, and Arabic.

AfricaUpdate. – New Britain, CT: Central Connecticut State University, 1993-.

AfricaUpdate is the quarterly newsletter of the Central Connecticut State University African Studies Program.

African.Org, The., -- Archive 2009-2012 – Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2009-2012.
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Archive of a bi-monthly e-zine on African contemporary affairs, with virtual reading features, published between June 2009 and May 2012.

African communist : The journal of the South African Communist Party. Quarterly. – Johannesburg: The Party, 1995-

***Select "African Communist" under Publications.  Current issue and archive of selected back issues only. Subscription information for print version.

African diaspora archaeology newsletter. – Urbana, Illinois: African Diaspora Archaeology Network, Department of African American Studies and Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, 2005-

Formerly "African-American Archaeology Newsletter" (1994-2000): This site offers the current quarterly issue and the complete indexed archive of back issues. The newsletter includes scholarly articles on excavations and historical research, new book lists, event announcements, and lists of recently completed American doctoral dissertations on African and African diaspora archaeology.

African executive, The. – Nairobi, Kenya: African Executive, 2005-

An online weekly magazine which offers selected current and recent "news analysis" and opinion on finance, banking, and investment in Africa; with an archive of back issue articles since April 2005.

African human rights law journal. -- Pretoria, South Africa : Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, 2001-

"...publishes peer-reviewed contributions dealing with human rights related topics of relevance to Africa, Africans and scholars of Africa. The Journal appears twice a year, in March and October."
See also: Centre for Human Rights.

African journal on conflict resolution. – Mount Edgecombe, Durban, South Africa: ACCORD, 1999--

Current issue, plus links to other publications and activities of ACCORD.

African journal of biotechnology. – Lagos, Nigeria: Academic Journals, Inc, 2002-

A quarterly scientific publication, whose editors are based in Nigeria and the United States.

African journal of environmental assessment and management = Revue africaine de gestion et d'ávaluation environnementales. – Accra, Ghana ; Baltimore, MD ; Montréal, Québec, Canada: AJEAM-RAGEE, 2002- via Scientific References Cosmos (Greece) --ISSN: 1438-7890

"AJEAM-RAGÉE is an ["open access"], free, expedited, peer-reviewed international bi-lingual journal of the environmental sciences. SRCosmos provides access to the abstracts online; download full text articles in PDF format.

African journal of history and culture. -- Lagos, Nigeria: Academic Journals, 2009-

"...a peer reviewed open access journal, published monthly and covers all areas of the subject." The editors of AJHC are based in the United States.

African journal of neurological sciences. – Nairobi, Kenya: Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences, 1995- -- via Bioline International Publications.

Published twice per year by the PAANS: the most recent issue and back issues available.

African journal of science and technology. – Nairobi, Kenya: UNESCO ; African Network of Science and Technological Institutions, 2001-

The web site offers tables of contents and online full-text articles; plus links to related information on activities of the network.  ***Note: back issues since 2004 only.

African population studies. . – Dakar, Senegal: Union for African Population Studies, 2002- -- via Bioline International Publications.

Published twice per year by the UAPS – in English: the most recent issue and back issues are available.

African review, The. (Archive, 1971-2019). -- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: University of Dar es Salaam, 1971-.

"An international journal, published since 1971, which hosts intellectual debates and discussions on African politics, development and international affairs." ***Note: Since 2020, the journal is published by Brill as a subscription-based title.

African Studies Quarterly – Gainesville, Florida: Center for African Studies, University of Florida, 1997-.

Current issues and archive of back issues, plus information on authors and a link to the U. of Fla. African Studies program.

African symposium: a journal of educational research on Africa. – Raleigh, North Carolina: African Educational Research Network (AERN); via North Carolina State University, 2001--

See the "Archives" for the most recent and all of the back issues.

African Voices: A Newsletter on Democratization and Governance in Africa. – Washington, DC: Africa Bureau Information Center, USAID, 1995-.

Issued 3-4 times per year: "African Voices provides a forum for dialogue on democratization in Africa; news and analysis of USAID and its collaborators' activities in civil society; profiles of African NGOs working in civil society; internet resources; publications; and conference highlights."

African writing. – Nottingham, UK: Fonthouse Ltd., 2007- --ISSN 1754-6672

The electronic version of a print journal about contemporary African writing in the English language and writers in Africa and the diaspora, with interviews, short fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, news about forthcoming publications, awards, and events, and useful web links. The archives contain back issues since no. 1 (June/August 2007).

Africana Libraries Newsletter (Archive) – Bloomington, Indiana : Published for the Africana Librarians' Council by Indiana University Libraries ; East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Libraries, 1997-2014.

"Africana Libraries Newsletter (ALN) was published 2-3 times per year by Indiana University Libraries. It began as a bimonthly at Boston University in 1975 and was continued at Urbana, IL, and then at East Lansing, Michigan, prior to Bloomington, IN. ALN is produced to support the work of the Africana Librarians Council (ALC) of the African Studies Association. It carries reports on meetings of ALC, CAMP (Cooperative Africana Materials Project) and other relevant groups plus other items of interest to Africana librarians and those concerned about information resources about or in Africa."

Africology: Journal of Pan African studies. – Los Angeles, California: Amen-Ra Theological Seminary Press and Amen-Ra Community Assembly of California; The California Institute of Pan African Studies, Inc., 1987-2010; 2011-
–ISSN: 0888-6601

[Formerly, Journal of pan-African studies]  "A:JPAS is a transdisciplinary scholarly journal devoted to an Africological synthesis of African world community studies and research since 1987." This site offers the current online issue and back issues of the JPAS, 1987-2010; and Africology, since 2011.

AfrikaFocus. -- Ghent, Belgium: Gents Afrika Platform (GAP), Universiteit Gent ; Afrika Brug, 2012--

Originally appeared in print in 1985, the current open access web site for this bi-annual, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal -- in French and in English -- offers issues since 2012 only.
--For older issues, see also: Directory of Open Access Journals archive (1985 to present)

Afrique Education. -- Paris: Afrique Education, 2015-

La version électronique du mensuel français de longue date sur l'Afrique. Le site comprend le dernier numéro et les vieux articles depuis le mois d'août 2015.

Afriques : débats, méthodes et terrains d'histoire. – Paris: Centre d'études des mondes africains, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2010-

"C'est une revue internationale d'histoire des mondes africains, qui privilégie les époques antérieures au XIXe siècle, en dialogue avec d'autres disciplines comme l'archéologie, la philologie, l'anthropologie ou la linguistique."

Afriques, Les : le journal de la finance africaine. – Geneva, Switzerland: Les Afriques Edition et Communications, 2007-

L'équipe africaine de la rédaction et leurs partenaires en Suisse offre sur la Toile les articles sélectionnés de la version imprimée de cet hebdomadaire. Le site comprend les dernières actualités quotidiennes sur l'Afrique surtout pendant les deux derniers mois, une archive des depêches ["Fils d'Info"], et un répertoire des prochains événements tout autour du continent. Il faut s'abonner à cette publication pour accéder au journal en texte intégral en ligne et tous les vieux numéros.  [See also abridged version in English.]

Afrolivresque. -- Yaoundé, Caméroun; Roubaix, France, 2014--

"... est un magazine en ligne qui se veut être le miroir de la création et de l’actualité littéraires africaines et afro-descendantes, tout en posant un regard critique sur l’Afrique et sa diaspora d’un point de vue littéraire."

Ahram, Al-. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahram Foundation, 1998--

The current electronic issue in Arabic, with a few previous issues. See also: English daily Ahram Online -and- Al-Ahram Weekly. Or, Al-Ahram Hebdo in French!

Akhbar, Al-. (Online) -- Nouakchott, Mauritania: Al-Akhbar, 2006-

Ce site offre la version électronique du journal quotidien, avec un recueil des articles les plus lus et une complète archive des vieux articles depuis les derniers trois mois.

Akhbar, al-. (Online) -- Khartoum, The Sudan: AlAkhbar, 2010-

Current online issue of a Sudanese Arabic language daily newspaper.

Akhbar El Yom. – Cairo, Egypt: Muassasat Akhbar al-Yawm, 1952-

The online version of a weekly newspaper in Arabic, current and recent issues only.
See also, the daily version (via AkhbarWay.com).

AIM Reports – London ; Maputo : Agencia Informação Moçambique - Mozambique News Agency, 1996- - via Poptel.

Current bi-monthly and recent English language issues only at this mirror site of the official home page in Maputo. There is also an unofficial site produced by AIM Communications Service (via GeoCities) which has a more complete archive of back issues.

AMUCHMA newsletter. – Buffalo, New York: African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics, 1987-

The online newsletter of the African Mathematical Union = Union Mathematique Africaine recording the activities and interests of the organization on the African continent.

Angola Peace Monitor. – South Africa: Action for Southern Africa, 1995-

Current issue and back issues archive. "The Angola Peace Monitor is produced every month by ACTSA - Action for Southern Africa, the successor organisation to the British Anti-Apartheid Movement. It is produced as our contribution towards the work of the Angola Emergency Campaign, which seeks to highlight the need for international action in support of peace and democracy in Angola."

Annals of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria. (Online). -- Abuja, Nigeria: SSAN, 1988-

Launched in 1988: this open access journal publishes original, unpublished and scholarly papers in the social sciences and related disciplines. The site includes current articles and the archive of older issues since 1988.

ARIA: Annual review of Islam in Africa. – Cape Town: Centre for Contemporary Islam, Department of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town, 1998-2012.

Formerly ARISA: Annual review of Islam in South Africa (1998-2005). The archive collection of this open access UCT journal, along with information about a subscription-based publication: Journal of Islamic Studies.

Asiri. -- [Nigeria ; United States]: Asiri Magazine, 2013-

An online cultural magazine that is "unlocking the secrets of Nigeria cultural heritage." The site includes current and recent news, feature articles on artists, writers, and various aspects of Nigerian cultural life, and in-depth interviews since 2014.

Assabah. – Casablanca, Morocco: Assabah, 2004-

A daily newspaper in Arabic, with the most recent electronic issue in PDF format only.

L'Autre Fraternité. -- Cotonou, Bénin: L'Autre Fraternité, 2006-

La version électronique du hebdomadaire avec une archive des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2006.

Awoko. – Freetown, Sierra Leone: Awoko Newspaper, 2007-

This site offers the electronic version of an "independent" print newspaper launched in 2003.
Warning: The archive of back issues is searchable....but the publication dates of articles are not indicated.

Awramba times. – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Awramba Times, 2008-

The electronic English language version of an independent Amharic newspaper, with selected articles covering issues important to Ethiopians and the Ethiopian diaspora.



Balancing Act news. – London, UK: Balancing Act, 2002-

A weekly e-newsletter. Balancing Act seeks to be the primary source for information on the telecoms, Internet and audio-visual media industries in Africa. The website/newsletter includes links to free (and fee-based) reports on African Internet Connectivity issues in individual countries and regional trends.
The site also provides access to the archive of back issues only since 2007.

Batik: bulletin d'analyse sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication. – Dakar, Sénégal: Observatoire sur les Systèmes d'Information, les Réseaux et les Inforoutes au Sénégal, 1999-

'Batik est une lettre d'information électronique mensuelle qui traite de l'actualité des TIC au Sénégal.' Sur ce site, on peut lire (en version HTML ou en PDF) les numéros depuis avril 1999.

Bendré. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Bendré, 2002-

<< Le hebdomadaire d'information et de réflexion >>: on peut lire la << une >>. Il y a une archive des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2002.

Billets d'Afrique et d'aiileurs. : bulletin mensuel d'information alternative sur les avatars de la politique africaine de la France – Paris: Association Survie, 2006-

Sur ce site, on peut lire en ligne les extraits du dernier numéro du bulletin mensuel et également lire et télécharger les anciens numéros.

Black Commentator, The. – Washington, DC: The Commentator, 2002–

A weekly forum for African American political commentary and satire on American and world affairs. The current issue is available, plus back issues since April 2002.

Black star news.. – New York: Black Star News, 1997-

The online version of the weekly newspaper covering news on the United States, Africa, and the world; with an archive of back issue articles since April 2007.

Blueprint. -- Abuja, Nigeria: Blueprint Newspapers Ltd., 2011-

The electronic version of the English language daily newspaper from Nigeria, with back issue articles since 2014.
--See also: Hausa language version, Manhaja. (Online)

BNL times. -- Blantyre, Malawi: Blantyre Newspapers, Ltd., 2013-

The current edition of the electronic version of The Daily Times from Malawi. The site includes an archive of selected back issue articles from one year ago.

Bukedde. – Kampala, Uganda: New Vision Printing & Publishing Corporation, 2000 -

Current daily issue in Luganda and a searchable archive – since 2000 – of the electronic version of this government-run newspaper.

Bulletin. Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. -- United States : The Association, 1987-

The online archive of the most current and back issues since 1995. "ACAS is an organization of scholars and students engaged in critical research and analysis of Africa and U.S. government policy; developing communication and action networks; and mobilizing concerned communities on critical, current issues related to Africa."

Bulletin de l'APAD. – Marseille, France; Leiden, The Netherlands: Revues.org, pour l'Association euro-africaine pour l'anthropologie du changement social et du développement, 2006-

In French and English. Bilingual publication of L'APAD.

Business daily Africa. – Nairobi, Kenya : The Nation Media Group, Ltd., 2007-

The electronic version of the current daily issue with business and economic news for Kenya and East Africa.

Business Day. – Johannesburg: BDFM Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 2005-

Current issue of daily financial and investment news, downloadable information, other links; plus a searchable archive of articles since 1997.

Business day. – Lagos, Nigeria: BusinessDAY Media Ltd., 2005-

The online version of the daily business newspaper, with feature reports from the last 20 days only.

Business report. – Johannesburg, South Africa: Business Report, 1998-

The current issue of this daily business news, with a searchable archive of back issues since 1998.





Calame, Le.  L'hebdomadaire en français – Nouakchott, Mauritania: Le Calame, 2007–

Voici la version électronique du journal indépendant (créé en 1993), avec les vieux numéros depuis mars 2007 dans les archives.

Cameroon tribune, The. – Yaoundé : La Société de Presse et d'Edition du Cameroun–SOPECAM, 2002-

Le journal électronique du gouvernement et les archives des vieux numéros depuis deux ans.

Canal de Moçambique. -- Maputo, Mozambique: Canal, 2017--

CanalMOZ is the electronic version of the weekly Portuguese language printed newspaper, distributed in Maputo and in major cities of Mozambique. The searchable archive provides access to selected content since 2017.

Cape Business News. – Cape Town, South Africa: CBN, 1980-

The electronic version of the monthly newspaper, plus business information center for Cape Town and Cape Province, and a searchable business directory. The archives contains issues from the last three months and a larger collection is accessible via a search index.

Capital. – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Crown Publishing P.L.C., 1998-

The electronic version of the "longest established English newspaper in Ethiopia" offering weekly business news; with an archive of back issue news for 6-8 months.

Champion, The. – Lagos, Nigeria: Champion Newspapers Ltd., 2001–

This website offers the current electronic version of the daily newspaper, including the Saturday and Sunday editions. Access to the back issues archive requires a subscription.

Childhood in Africa : an interdisciplinary journal---Archive. – Athens, Ohio: The Institute for the African Child, Ohio University, 2009-2017.

CAJ is published bi-annually: encouraging holistic approaches ; publishing articles that reflect African and Africanist perspectives regarding children and childhood ; including all academic disciplines in the discussion ; furthering the professional interests of Africanists by disseminating knowledge about children and childhood in Africa.

Chimurenga. – Excerpts and Tables-of-Contents – Cape Town, South Africa: Chimurenga Magazine, RedhotMoondog Media, 2002-

This publication is the electronic version of a quarterly magazine on music and popular culture in South Africa and global Africa. "CHIMURENGA magazine is an advertising-free revue of arts.culture.politics and the relations that these enjoy around Africa. It is another kicking initiative by the Pan African Market aka Kalakuta Republique."

Chimurenga Chronic Now-now, a quarterly pan African gazette -- Cape Town, South Africa: Chimurenga, 2013.

A monthly gazette available online or in print featuring news and commentaries on African culture and politics.

Chinafrique. = Chinafrica. – Beijing, People's Republic of China: Beijing Review, 2001-

Un mensuel électronique en français ou en anglais...qui offre les actualités officielles sur les relations sino-africaines, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis 2001. Aussi, il y a des liens au site plus général de Beijing Review en chinois et dans quelques autres langues.

Citizen, The. = Mwananchi. – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : The Nation Media Group, Ltd., 2007-

The electronic version of the Tanzanian daily newspaper in English or Swahili, published in Tanzania by the Kenyan company, The Nation Media Group.

Coast, The. (Online). -- Mombasa, Kenya: The Coast Newspaper, 2015-

The electronic version of a daily newspaper from the Kenya coast, with county, coast regional, and national news.  The site includes back issue articles since July 2015.

Communicatio: Southern African journal for theory and research. – Pretoria : Department of Communication Science, University of South Africa; Unisa Press, 1994-

"Communicatio" is part of "Unisa Press Online Academic Journals." Selected full articles and tables of contents only.

Concord times. -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Concord Times Communications, 2014--

"The Concord Times newspaper was founded in 1992. It is Sierra Leone’s leading publication. This [daily] newspaper has a reputation for top quality, fair and unbiased stories and features." The searchable archive includes articles since 2014.

Confident, Le. – Bangui, Central Africa Republic: Le Confident, 2005-

Le dernier numéro du quotidien centrafricain, avec un recueil des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2005.

Conflict trends. – Durban, South Africa : ACCORD, 1998-

Recent issues of the online version of the quarterly publication of the African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). 'The magazine examines conflict issues on the African continent in a thorough and yet accessible fashion. African writers are expressly prioritized ...'

Conscience, La. – Kinshasa ; Gombe : La Conscience, 2004-

Un site d'actualité et de commentaire sur la situation politique et économique en RDC, avec une archive des articles depuis 2006. "Cette version en ligne de La Conscience, hebdomadaire congolais...est un espace d'expression, d'information, d'échange et de pédagogie autour des enjeux actuels en RDC qui se veut interactif."

Contemporary And: Platform for International Art From African Perspectives -- Berlin, Germany: C&, 2014--

A web site and e-zine on trends in contemporary African art and news about exhibitions.

Continent, The.  With Mail & Guardian. -- Johannesburg, South Africa: M&G, 2020--

A weekly news briefing magazine, with a country or thematic focus. The archive includes issues since May 2020 to present.

Correspondances. –Archives – Tunis, Tunisia : Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (IRMC), 2000-2004.

On peut accéder aux archives électroniques du bulletin de l'IRMC. "Etablissement du Ministère             des Affaires Etrangères, doté de l'autonomie financière, l'IRMC rélève de la Sous-direction des Sciences Sociales et Humaines et de l'Archéologie de la Direction Générale de la Cooperation Internationale et     du Développement."

Crop prospects and food situation. -- Rome: Trade and Markets Division, Food and Agriculture Organization, under the Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS), 2006-

"...published four times a year and focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) in particular."



Daily graphic. Graphic Ghana – Accra, Ghana: Graphic Communications Group Ltd., 2004-

The online edition of the Daily Graphic newspaper, with Graphic Sports and The Mirror (society news). Current news, with selected news articles from the last 6 months.

Daily guide Africa. – Accra, Ghana: Western Publications, 2016-

The web site of the daily Ghanaian newspaper, originally begun in 2005 ; with new stories and features for the last month only.

Daily independent. -- Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria: Independent Newspapers Ltd., 2001--

The current issue of the electronic newspaper from Nigeria; with a searchable archive of back issues since February 2006.

Daily mail. . – Lusaka, Zambia: Zamnet Communications Systems, Ltd., 1994-

Current electronic issue of daily and Sunday editions of this pro-government newspaper, with an archive of selected articles since November 2007 only.

Daily nation. . – Nairobi: The Nation Newspapers, Ltd., 1996-

Excerpts from the current daily issue and a searchable archive of selected back issue articles.

Daily news Egypt. International Herald Tribune. – Giza, Egypt: Egyptian Media Services, Ltd., 2005-

An online version of the English language daily, with back issue articles for the last 2 months.

Daily newswatch. – Lagos, Nigeria: Newswatch Communications, Ltd., 1998-

This is the electronic version of the daily newspaper --formerly a weekly magazine-- featuring current and recent news articles. Selected older news articles are also accessible without charge, but the full archive of back issues is available only with a subscription.

Daily observer. The Liberian observer -- Monrovia, Liberia: The Liberian Observer Corporation, 2005-

The electronic version of the daily newspaper, with current and recent news that are freely accessible; but a paid subscription is required to read the full online archives since 2009

Daily sun, The. – Lagos, Nigeria: The Sun News Online, 2003-

Nigeria's King of the Tabloids: the online version of the current issue. The archives for the back issues of the daily newspaper are often inaccessible.

Daily times, The. – Blantyre, Malawi: BNL Ltd, 2005-

The current edition of the electronic version of this daily newspaper from Malawi. The site includes articles from the most recent Sunday Malawi news and a recent sample of the Sunday times. There are no other back issues available.

de arte. : journal of the Department of Art History and Fine Arts: 1994-2002 – Pretoria : Unisa Press, published for the Department of Art History and Fine Arts, University of South Africa, 1994-2002.

"de arte" is part of a library of "Unisa Press Online Academic Journals." Selected full articles and tables of contents only.

Democrata, O.. -- Bissau, Guiné-Bissau: O Democrata GB, 2014-

The electronic verison of the daily newspaper --in Portuguese--with selected back issue articles since October 2017.

DeRebus: SA Attorney's journal. – Pretoria, South Africa : DeRebus, 1998–

The online version of the monthly journal on South African legal issues, with a back issues archive.

Dispatch, The. – South Africa: Dispatch Media, 1997-

The daily electronic edition of this Eastern Cape newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issues since September 1997.



Eagle Online, The. -- Lagos, Nigeria: Premium Eagle Media Ltd., 2012-

Current and recent news from the electronic version of a Lagos-based newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issue articles.

East African, The – Nairobi: The Nation Newspapers, Ltd., 1996-

Excerpts from the current weekly issue and the issue of the previous week only.

East African business week. (Online) -- Kampala, Uganda: East African Business Week Ltd., 2005-

The electronic version of a weekly newspaper covering business news mostly for Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, sometimes for neighboring countries. Several weeks of reports are readily available on the web site; use "search" feature to find reports from back issues since October 2005.

Echos, Les : édition quotidienne de Jamana – Bamako, Mali: Jamana, 2005-2008.

Le dernier numéro et des articles sélectionnés dans les archives depuis 2005. "La Coopérative Culturelle Jamana s'est fixée comme objectif principal la promotion des cultures maliennes et africaines par la publication, l'édition, la diffusion de toute oeuvre culturelle par tous les moyens y compris les moyens audio visuels."

Economiste, L'. . – Rabat, Morocco: L'Economiste, 1991-

Un quotidien économique du Maroc. Remarque: il faut inscrire pour accéder aux archives.

Egypt independent. -- Cairo, Egypt: Al Masry Al Youm, 2012-

The English language, electronic version of Al-Masry al-Youm, a daily independent newspaper in Arabic.

Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. – Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Libraries, 1996-2014 ; New York: Columbia University Libraries, 2022-.

"EJAB is a refereed, online, open access journal of annotated bibliographies and bibliographic essays. The journal covers any aspect of Africa and the African Diaspora, including its peoples, their homes, cities, towns, districts, states, countries, and regions, and all subject areas, with a special interest in history, politics, social movements, sustainable development, technology, creative literature, and the arts."

Engineering news. from Creamer Media – Garden View, South Africa: Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd., 2005-

The online version of the weekly business and industry news magazine, featuring current news stories and profiles only–access to archives requires a subscription. The website also offers subscription information and online business research services.

Enquête. -- Dakar, Sénégal: Enquête, 2012-

La version électronique d'un quotidien sur les actualités sénégalaises, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis février 2012.

Essor, L'. – Bamako, Mali : Agence malienne de presse et de publicité, 2000-

Ce bulletin national d'informations offre les actualités maliennes du gouvernement de la République du Mali. On peut rechercher par mots-clés dans les archives qui contient les vieux numéros depuis 2000.

Ethiopian journal of health development, The. – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : Department of Community Health, Addis Ababa University, 1984–

The current issue and full archive of back issues are online...and open access. "The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development is currently (2017) a joint scholarly publication of the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) and the School of Public Health (SPH), Addis Ababa University.

Ethiopian journal of health sciences. (Online) -- Jimma, Ethiopia: Jimma University, 2000-  via AJOL--African Journals Online

This journal was first published in 1990 by the Jimma Institute of Health Sciences. Since July 2007, it is published 3 times annually by Jimma University.
--See also: Archive of EJHS, 2010-2017, via PubMed Central

Ethiopiques: revue négro-africaine de littérature et de philosophie. – Dakar, Sénégal: Ethiopiques, 2018--

Ce site offre une petite archive de vieux numéros choisis depuis 2018 --en texte intégral-- d'une des plus importantes revues sur l'étude de la littérature africaine...fondée par Léopold Sédar Senghor.

Evénement, L'. Bi-mensuel burkinabé. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: L'Evénement, 2001-

C'est la version électronique d'un mensuel sur la politique et les autres actualités du Burkina Faso qui parait en ligne comme un bimensuel--les 15 et 30 du mois. On peut rechercher les archives des vieux articles depuis 2005 par mots-clés.

Événement précis, L'. -- Cotonou, Benin: L'Événement précis, 2007-

La version électronique du quotidien béninois, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis septembre 2007.

Export & import Southern Africa. -- Randburg, South Africa: Malnor Publishers, 2015-- Monthly

"...serves to highlight, in a professional and responsible manner, the trends and many associated issues influencing Southern Africa’s trade with the world."

Express de Madagascar, L'. – Antannarivo, Madagascar: L'Express, 2005-

La "une" électronique de ce <<>>...avec beaucoup d'entretiens et des photos.

Express, L'. – Port Louis, Mauritius: L'Express, 1997-

La "une" et les archives des vieux numéros depuis 2003.

Express, The – Dar es Salaam: Media Holdings (T) Ltd., 1997-

A weekly newspaper from Tanzania in electronic format. Current issue and link to archive of back issues.

Eyes on malaria. -- Accra, Ghana: African Media and Malaria Research Network, 2006-

A quarterly magazine of news on the fight against malaria in Africa.



Faso.Net, Le. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Faso.Net, 2003-

Les actualités quotidiennes du Burkina Faso qui se sont tirées de la presse nationale, avec une petite archive.

Fasozine : quotidien burkinabé de l'information (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)

"Lancé depuis septembre 2008, le quotidien numérique du Groupe de presse Fasozine est une plateforme dynamique relayant des informations du Burkina Faso, d’Afrique et du monde dans tous les secteurs : politique, économie, societé, culture, sport…"

Feminist Africa. – Legon, Accra, Ghana: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana ; Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa: African Gender Institute, 2002–

Beginning in 2020, the journal began publishing from Ghana. This site offers the current issue and the archive. "Feminist Africa is a continental gender studies journal produced by the community of feminist scholars. It provides a platform for intellectual and activist research, dialogue and strategy...It provides a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the continent. By prioritising intellectual rigor, the journal seeks to challenge the technocratic fragmentation resulting from donor-driven and narrowly developmentalist work on gender in Africa."

Financial Gazette, The. – Harare, Zimbabwe : The Gazette, 1997-.

This site offers the online version of the Zimbabwe financial weekly: current issue and an archive of selected back issues since 2003 only.

Financial Mail Interactive. – South Africa : Times Media Ltd., 1997-.

Issued about twice per month, this site offers current South African business information, with links to special reports, etc.

Folha 8. -- Luanda, Angola: WT/Mundovídeo, Lda, 1995--

The web site of a daily Portuguese language newspaper from Luanda, originally launched in March 1995. The searchable site includes selected back issue articles from the past year only.

Food Outlook. – Rome: FAO/GIWES, 1996-

FO is published six times a year by the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System. It 'provides a global perspective on the production, stocks and trade of cereals and other basic food commodities, through an analysis of trends and prospects'. It also 'contains analysis and statistical information on developments in the world cereal markets, export prices and ocean freight rates'. Current and back issues.

Food Supply Situation & Crop Prospects in Sub-Saharan Africa – Rome: FAO/GIWES, 1996-

Published by the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System as a quarterly, this report 'provides an regional assessment of the current food supply situation in sub-Saharan Africa, highlights the major food emergencies in the region and draws attention to the countries where the need for donor assistance is most urgent'. Current and back issues.

Foodcrops and Shortages – Rome: FAO/GIWES, 1996-2005.

F&S was issued until 2006 by the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System six times a year. "Readers are provided with country-by-country summaries of the most recent information on the production, trade, stocks and consumption of food commodities, as well as food aid requirements, pledges and actual deliveries, when appropriate." Current and back issues.

Foroyaa. – Serrekunda, The Gambia: Foroyaa, 2007-

An electronic newspaper with current news from The Gambia and an archive of selected articles since July 2007.

Fraternité matin. – Abidjan: Groupe Fraternité Matin et la Société Nouvelle de Presse et d'Edition de Côte d'Ivoire, 1997-

Ce quotidien était le journal gouvernemental historique (celle de Félix Houphouet-Boigny et son parti politique). Depuis 1993, la rédaction de cette publication est devenue plus indépendante. En 2004, le journal s'est classé toujours comme une publication publique. On peut lire la "une" et rechercher par un mot-clé ou par une phrase dans les petites archives.

Ghana review international . – U.K.: Ghana Review Ltd., 1996-.

A news service on Ghanaian affairs, with an archive of news from the past three weeks, special reports on Parliament and other aspects of Ghanaian politics; plus, international news.

Global times. -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: The Global Times Newspaper, 2013-

The news portal site for the independent Sierra Leonean newspaper, with searchable articles since 2013.

La grande Afrique. -- Paris, France: Association des Étudiants de Sciences Po pour l’Afrique, 2006-

Créée en 2006 par un groupe d’étudiants de Sciences Po Paris, l’Association des Étudiants de Sciences Po pour l’Afrique oeuvre depuis plus de dix ans pour promouvoir l’Afrique dans sa diversité."

GroundUp -- Cape Town, South Africa: Community Media Trust and Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town, 2012--

Human rights news analysis and commentary from South Africa. [Since April 2012] "We report news that is in the public interest, with an emphasis on the human rights of vulnerable communities."

Guardian, The. – Lagos, Nigeria: The Guardian; via Microcom Systems, Ltd., 1998-

The current daily issue of this independent newspaper.
Note: a subscription is required to access the "previous issues" archive.



Haramata. (Archive) – London: International Institute for Environment and Development, 2001-2010. PDF format

The official bulletin of the IIED Drylands Programme–in English or in French.  Ceased in 2010.

Hebdomadaire du Burkina, L'. : Journal d'information générale paraissant le vendredi. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: L'hebdomadaire, 2000–

"La une" et les petites archives.

Hekima review. -- Nairobi, Kenya: Hekima University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 1988-

"...a forum for the development of African Christian Theology and Peace studies." The site offers the most current issue and complete run of back issues in the browseable archive

Herald, The. – Harare, Zimbabwe: The Herald, 1998-

The current daily electronic issue of this government-backed newspaper and a small archive of back issues.

Heritage. -- Monrovia, Liberia: Heritage Newspaper, 2011-

The online version of a printed newspaper in publication in Liberia since 1996.

Hespéris-Tamuda. -- Rabat, Morocco: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, 2010--

Current issues and archive (1921 to present). [Depuis 1960] "...une revue académique et pluridisciplinaire consacrée à l’étude du Maroc, et à la diffusion du savoir relatif à sa société, à son histoire, à sa culture et d’une manière générale aux sciences sociales de l’Occident musulman et de l'espace méditerranéen."

Horn of Africa bulletin. -- Uppsala, Sweden: Life & Peace Institute, 2007--

The newsletter of the Institute, whose parent body is The Christian Council of Sweden. The Institute "runs conflict transformation programmes in the Horn of Africa and Great Lakes regions in partnership with local civil society organisations and universities in Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and the DRC."
--See also: Horn of Africa Bulletin, 1994-1995 Archive -- via University of Pennsylvania, African Studies Center (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)



Indépendant, L'. -- Bangui, Central African Republic: L'Indépendant journal, 2010-

Depuis 2010, ce journal électronique se déclarait comme un "média indépendant pour le développement humain et la promotion des droits de l'homme."

Independent, The. – Johannesburg: Independent News & Media, 1996-

The electronic version of the daily newspaper; plus links to information about the company's many newspapers.

Independent, The. – Kampala, Uganda: The Independent, 2008-

The electronic version of a weekly news magazine for Uganda, East Africa, and the world, with back issue articles since December 2008.

Info-matin. – Bamako, Mali : Agence Mali Médias, 1999-

La version électronique du quotidien indépendant d'informations générales, mais avec une très petite archive de quelques vieux numéros seulement.

Informer, The. – Monrovia, Liberia: Satellite Communications Systems, Inc., 2005-

An electronic daily owned and operated by Liberians, with archive of selected news stories since September 2005.

Intelligences. -- Dakar, Sénégal: Intelligences, 2019-

Un quotidien d'actualités sur le Sénégal, l'Afrique de l'Ouest, et le reste du monde.




Jahazi. -- Nairobi, Kenya: Jahazi, 2015--

"[Originally founded in 2006] Jahazi is an arts and culture journal [in English] whose vision is harnessing the wealth of artistic and cultural synergies in East Africa and how they are influenced by communities, even as they contribute to social change." ***Note: the journal's website offers tables of contents for the earliest issues and full text access only since 2015.

Jamhuuriya wargeyska. – Hargeisa, Somaliland: Jamhuuriya Media Group, 2006-

The electronic version of the weekly Somali language newspaper from Somaliland ; plus, links to other Somali language and Somaliland news and cultural web sites.

Johannesburg review of books, The. -- [Johannesburg, South Africa]: The Review, 2017-

"...publishes reviews, essays, poetry, photographs and short fiction from South Africa, Africa and beyond...also produce[s] audio clips and short videos related to literary goings-on."

Jos journal of humanities. Archive, 2010-2014. -- Jos, Nigeria: Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, 2010-

Jour, Le. Le quotidien le jour. -- Yaoundé, Cameroun : Le Jour, 2018-

The web site of an independent daily newspaper from Cameroon.

Journal of African elections. (Johannesburg, South Africa)

Published since 2002 by the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa, the JAE is the only internationally accredited journal that is devoted entirely to African elections.

Journal of African travel writing. –Archive. – Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Institute of African American Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996-2001.

Note: This is a Web site promoting the print journal; only selected articles from each issue are available online. "The Journal of African Travel-Writing is a semi-annual print journal presenting and analyzing accounts of past and contemporary African travel."

Journal du jeudi, Archive, 1999-2016. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Journal du jeudi and Altern, 1999-2016.

La "une" de ce hebdomadaire satirique burkinabé et les archives: octobre 1999 au septembre 2016.

Journal of Dagaare studies. – Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 2001- –ISSN 1608-0661

"[JDS]...strives to publish high quality peer-reviewed research articles in various areas of the Arts and Sciences that bear on the language, culture and society of the Dagaaba of West Africa [Burkina Faso & Ghana]."

Journal of energy in southern Africa. -- Cape Town, South Africa: South African Department of Science, Technology and Innovation; University of Cape Town, 1990--

"JESA is inter-disciplinary, with contributions accepted from energy studies, and related disciplines including: engineering, economics, sociology, political science, history, geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental science, international relations."

Journal of food technology in Africa. . – Nairobi, Kenya: Innovative Institutional Communications, 2001- – via Bioline International Publications.

A quarterly publication for eastern African food science research, with the most recent issue and back issues available.

Journal of humanitarian assistance--Archive. – Medford, Massachusetts: Alan Shawn Feinstein International Center, 1995-2015.

An online journal with a majority of articles on Africa in current and back issues. The old archive extends back to 1995.

Journal of Indian Ocean world studies. -- Montréal, Québec, Canada: McGill University Library, 2017-

"...publishes original peer reviewed articles and book reviews...that contribute to an understanding of the Indian Ocean World (IOW) and its constituent parts, from early times to the present day."

Journal of West African languages. -- [Ibadan, Nigeria] : West African Linguistic Society, 1964-

Since 2015, this journal has been open access; the web site includes an archive of all journal issues, 1964 to present.
--See also: West African Linguistic Society (via University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria)

Journalist, The. (Online) -- [South Africa]: The Journalist, 2014-

"The Journalist is a groundbreaking media project that provides history and context for key issues facing South African journalists. Since our launch in August 2014 we have provided a combination of first-rate storytelling with contextual detail, so often missing from contemporary stories."




Kata Kata: the authentic African cartoon magazine. (Online) -- The Netherlands; Kampala, Uganda: Kata Kata, 2013-

The electronic international version of a quarterly cartoon magazine, featuring comics with political and cultural satire.

Khabar, El. – Alger: El Khabar, 1990-

The electronic version of the daily and weekly newspaper – in Arabic, English, or French ; with a small archive of the last two months.



Lagos review. The. -- Lagos, Nigeria: The Review, 2021-

Book reviews and articles on African and popular global culture.

Lalé. – Ndjamena, Tchad: Lalé, 2004-

Une publication tchadienne qui offre un aperçu indépendant sur le Tchad mais le plus souvent qui couvre les événements du retard.

Lawino. -- Kampala, Uganda: Dilstories Ltd., 2014-

"Lawino is an electronic magazine started by writers, to promote writing from Africa, with particular focus on Uganda. It is named in honor of the most famous Ugandan writer, Okot p'Bitek, who wrote the poem 'Song of Lawino, Song of Ocol'.

Leadership. – Abuja, Nigeria: Leadership, 2010-

The electronic version of a daily "national" newspaper, with current news and articles from the previous week; plus links to other Nigerian electronic newspapers and other online news sources.

Lejecos: le journal de l'économie sénégalaise. -- Dakar, Sénégal: Lejecos, 2014-

On peut chercher les vieux articles de ce magazine depuis mai 2014.

Liaison énergie-francophonie. Institut de l'Energie et l'Environnement de la Francophonie. -- Québec, Canada : Institut de la Francophonie Pour le Développement Durable, 1996-

Cette revue est publiée trimestriellement. Le site web offert les versions électroniques des vieux numéros depuis numéro 33 en 1996.

Libération-Niger. -- Niamey, Niger: Le Groupe Libération, 2007-- via PlaneteAfrique.Com>/p>

La version électronique d'un hebdomadaire nigérien indépendant d'information et d'opinion comprend des extraits de << la une >> et des dépêches depuis 2007.

Liberté. -- Lomé, Togo: Groupe de Presse Liberté, 2008-

La version électronique d'un quotidien privé togolais, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis un an.



Madagascar tribune. – Antannarivo, Madagascar: Tribune, 2005-

La "une" électronique de ce journal malgache, avec une archive des vieux numéros du dernier mois.

Mail, The. – Accra, Ghana: Accra Mail Online, 1998–

A daily online newspaper from Ghana with brief reports under a variety of news topics; no back issues available.

Mail & Guardian, The Daily. . – Johannesburg : The Mail & Guardian, 1994-

Current news headlines. Warning: many reports–identified as "premium content", and the back issues archive (1994 to present), are accessible to overseas readers only through a low-price monthly subscription.

Malagasy nature.: journal international sur l'histoire naturelle de Madagascar et des îles voisines (Mascareignes, Seychelles et Comores).
-- Antananarivo, Madagascar: Association Vahatra, 2008--

"Malagasy Nature est une revue publiée par l'Association Vahatra concernant certains aspects de l'histoire naturelle de Madagascar et des îles voisines (Comores, Mascareignes et Seychelles). La revue publie des contributions scientifiques originales en anglais et en français concernant les animaux, les plantes, l'écologie, la conservation, la biogéographie, systématique et la paléontologie."

Malaria and infectious diseases in Africa = Paludisme et maladies infectieuses en Afrique. –-Archive, 2000 – Paris: SmithKline Beecham International Africa, 1997-2000.

See also the old site. The most recent issue and links to back issues and conferences (past and forthcoming) are available. "Malaria ... is the first French/English bilingual publication completely focused on malaria. The primary objective of this publication is to give African malariologists the opportunity to know each other, exchange views, find out who is doing what and to envisage the possibilities for south-south collaboration in research."


Mandenkan. – Paris: LLACAN–Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire, 1981-

Un bulletin spécialisé des études linguistiques mandé...paraît environ 2 fois par an.

Matin, Le. -- Cotonou, Benin: Le Matin

La version électronique du quotidien béninois d'informations et de publicité avec les articles récents seulement.

Matinal, Le. – Cotonou, Bénin: Le Matinal, 2000-

"La une" de ce quotidien béninois et une petite archive des vieux articles.

Mauricien, Le. – Port Louis, Mauritius: Le Mauricien Ltd., 2000–

"La une" et une petite archive de vieux numéros.

Midi Madagasikara – Antananarivo: Midi Madagasikara, 1997-

"Le premier quotidien national d'information diffusé à Madagascar. Créé en 1983." Un journal electronique, avec un lien aux archives des cinq derniers numéros seulement.

Mmegi. – Gaborone, Botswana: Dikgang Publishing Co., 2003-

The online version of the Botswana newspaper, originally founded in 1992, with the masthead Mmegi since 1994 and published daily since 2003. The site includes an archive of selected articles since December 2003.

Monde diplomatique, Le –Général et à propos de l'Afrique – Paris: Le Monde Diplomatique/L'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, 2006- – via Columbia University.

On peut avoir accès au dernier numéro électronique du mois actuel, aux archives générales, et aux articles à propos de l'Afrique---classés par pays ou par sujet.

Monitor, The. . – Kampala, Uganda : 2000-.

Current and recent electronic issues of the independent daily newspaper from Uganda.
Note: the archive is only searchable for subscribers.

MOTS PLURIELS et grands thèmes de notre temps: revue électronique de Lettres à caractère international. (Archive) – Nedlands, Australia: The University of Western Australia, Department of French Studies, 1996-2003.

Archive of all issues. African and comparative studies in literature and the social sciences; in French and English.

Moudjahid, El. – Alger : L'EPE-EURL El Moudjahid, 2001-

La version électronique du quotidien (à l'origine, ce journal a lancé en 1956 par le FLN). Dans les archives, on peut lire les numéros des derniers trois mois seulement.

Mozambique political process bulletin.  -- Maputo, Mozambique : Centro de Integridade Publica ; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa, 1993-2015. --via The Open University, UK

This site provides access to the most complete archive available for the monthly bulletin in English and Portuguese on governance and civil society in Mozambique, including current news on elections, corruption, and transparency.

Musow. : le magazine des femmes africaines. – Bamako, Mali: Afribone, 2000-

Au site de ce magazine culturel en ligne, on peut lire le dernier numéro et rechercher par un mot-clé dans l'archive des vieux articles. Tous les articles et les interviews se classent aux plusieurs rubriques. En plus des articles, on offre un forum de discussion.



Namibia economist, The. – Windhoek: The Namibia Economist; via IAFRICA.COM, 1998-

The current electronic issue of the Namibian business news weekly, plus a small archive of back issues.

Namibian, The – Windhoek: The Namibian, 1997-

Current issue of the electronic version of the daily newspaper, plus access to an archive of back issues (under construction).

Nation, La. – Djibouti: La Nation, 2018–

La version électronique du bi-hebdomadaire et les vieux numéros depuis 2018.

Nation, The. The Malawi Nation. -- Blantyre, Malawi: Nation Publications Ltd., 2006-

The online version of the daily newspaper, with back issue articles for the last three months only.

Nation, The. – Mushin, Lagos State, Nigeria: Vintage Press Ltd., 2006-

The electronic version of the daily newspaper from Nigeria, with selected current and recent news stories; plus a searchable archive from August 2006.

National daily newspaper. – Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria: Paradigm Communications, Ltd., 2006-

The electronic version of a daily newspaper, with current and recent news articles and commentaries. Warning: the date of publication for individual articles is not displayed.

New dawn, The. -- Monrovia, Liberia: Searchlight Communications, 2011-

The online version of an "independent" newspaper from Liberia offering current and recent news reports.

New democrat. -- Monrovia, Liberia: ND, 2010-

The Liberian electronic newspaper offering current news and an archive of older articles since November 2010.

New era. – Windhoek, Namibia: New Era Publication Corporation, 2003–

The online version of this government-run newspaper, published three times per week; with an archive since May 2003.

New times, The. – Kigali, Rwanda: The New Times, 2006-

The electronic version of an English language daily from Rwanda; the archive may not be accessible at all times. "Started in 1995, this newspaper is a registered Rwandan private media outlet...In April 2006, it started producing a daily newspaper."

New vision, The. – Kampala, Uganda: New Vision Printing & Publishing Corporation, 2000 -

Current daily issue and a searchable archive – since 2000 – of the electronic version of this government-run newspaper (originally founded in 1986).

New Zimbabwe. – Birmingham, West Midlands, UK: New Zimbabwe, 2008-

The online edition of "Zimbabwe’s weekly tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom," with current and selected recent news articles on Zimbabwe and southern Africa.

News, The. -- Lagos, Nigeria: Independent Communications Network Ltd., 2014-

The electronic version of a daily Nigerian newspaper, based in Lagos, with an archive of articles since March 2014.

NewsDay. -- Harare, Zimbabwe: Alpha Media Holdings, Ltd., 2010-

The online version of the daily English language newspaper, with selected back issue articles since 2010.

Ngiga review. -- Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria: Ngiga review, 2020-

"Ngiga is a writers collective open to works from around the globe focused on netting different perspectives of our convergent lives. We are open to new forms of story telling, artistic explorations, poetic expressions and poignant essays and reviews that meet the need of changing time. "

Nigeria media monitor. -- Lagos, Nigeria; UK: via Kilima.Com.

Edited by Reuben Abati, The Guardian ; Independent Journalism Centre: a weekly summary of recent news reports on freedom of the press and related stories from Nigeria.

Nigerian tribune. – [Ibadan, Nigeria]: African Newspapers of Nigeria, Plc., 2005-

The current electronic issue is available at this site, with an archive of back issues from the last two weeks only.

Nokoko. -- Ottawa, Canada: Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, 2010-

"...the journal Nokoko offers a space for emerging and established scholars to publish and engage in discussions about their work on Africa and the African diaspora. Published annually, articles and contributions to the journal are peer-reviewed."

Nordic journal of African studies. – Helsinki, Finland: Nordic Association of African Studies, 2004–

Online full-text articles and abstracts since 1995 are available at this site. "NJAS has appeared since 1992, two issues per year in the beginning, but since 2000 three numbers have appeared annually. The Web version, starting from 2004, appears four times per year."

Nord-Sud quotidien. – Abdijan, Côte d'Ivoire: Groupe Nord-Sud, 2008-

La version électronique du journal avec "la une" et les vieux articles depuis le dernier mois.

Notícias. – Maputo, Mozambique: Sociedade Notícias, 2006-

"[Foi fundado a 15 de Abril de 1926] O Jornal Notícias é um jornal privado diário de carácter nacional cuja actividade se baseia no rigor e criatividade editorial, com orientação, independente de qualquer vinculação ideológica, política, económica ou religiosa."

Notre voie. – Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Notre Voie, 1998-

On peut lire <<>> du quotidien électronique du Front Populaire Ivoirien (le parti de Laurent Gbagbo) et rechercher dans les archives de vieux numéros.

Nouveau réveil, Le. – Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Le Nouveau Réveil, 2006-

La version électronique du quotidien, avec une archive des vieux numéros sélectionnés depuis janvier 2006.

Nouvelle tribune, La. – Cotonou, Bénin: La Nouvelle Tribune, 2001-

La version électronique du quotidien béninois qui offre les actualités de la semaine la plus rénte seulement.

Nouvelles, Les. – Antannarivo, Madagascar: Les Nouvelles, 2004-

Ce site offre la version électronique du quotidien national d'information et d'analyse, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis avril 2004.

Novo jornal. -- Luanda, Angola; Lisbon, Portual: Nova Vaga, 2017-

The web site of a weekly Portuguese language newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issue articles since September 2017.

Nyasa times. – Blantyre, Malawi: NT Media Group, 2006-

Current and recent news stories from this daily electronic newspaper, with selected articles for the last 6 months and a small searchable archive (2008).



Observateur, L'. -- Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo: L'Observateur, 2013-

La version électronique du quotidien congolais, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis juillet 2013.

Observer, The. – Kampala, Uganda: The Observer, 2008-

The site offers the current issue of the electronic version of the Ugandan newspaper, appearing every Sunday and Wednesday, with an archive of selected articles, editorials, and opinions since May 2008.

Observateur Guinée, L'. – Conakry, Guinea: Observateur-Guinée, 2008-

Ce site offre la version électronique de l'hebdomadaire d'information générales de la Guinée avec les articles séléctionnés depuis novembre 2008.

Observateur paalga, L'. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Groupe L'Observateur, 2000-

Un quotidien avec les actualités en bref et des commentaires. On peut les vieux numéros depuis avril 2000.

OkayAfrica (New York, USA)

"A digital media platform" featuring current and recent news on the latest trends in African music, art, film, and politics, as well as interviews and reports on African artists in the USA and elsewhere in the diaspora.

Opinion, L'. – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Zedcom–Zenith Edition Communication, 2001-

Le numéro dernier de ce hebdomadaire électronique et les petites archives.



País, O. -- Luanda, Angola : SOCIJORNAL--Sociedade Jornais e Revistas. S.A., 2008-

The electronic version of this daily newspaper in Portuguese from Angola; a subscription is required to view selected back issues online since 2008.

País, O. -- Maputo, Mozambique: Grupo SOICO, 2018-

The electronic version of the daily Portuguese language newspaper from Maputo, with videos, and other content in the searchable archive since 2018.


Pambazuka news. – Oxford, UK ; Cape Town, South Africa : Fahama, 2000-

Formerly Kabissa-Fahamu Newsletter: Current weekly issue and back issues since December 2000. "Pambazuka News is a free weekly electronic newsletter covering news, commentary and analysis, and a range of other resources on African human rights and sustainable development. Pambazuka News is produced by Fahamu. The newsletter includes links to news reports from various online news services and organizations, and a catalogue of back issues."


Patriote, Le.  – Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Groupe Mayama Editions et Production, 1999-

Le quotidien qui est associé au parti d'opposition, Rassemblement des Républicains (RDR). Le site comprend une archive des vieux numéros depuis janvier 2004.

Pays, Le. -- N'djamena, Chad: Le Pays, 2016-

Le site du journal quotidien d'actualités tchadiennes, avec des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis le mois de mars 2016.

Pays, Le. -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Groupe de Presse "Le Pays", 2014-

C'est la version électronique d'un quotidien indépendent qui a été lancé à l'origine en 1991. Les archives du site comprend les vieux articles depuis février 2014.

Perspective, The. – Atlanta, Georgia: The Perspective, 1998-

Current monthly news analysis and editorials on Liberian affairs, with a back issues archive since January 1998; plus related links.

Peuples noirs, peuples africains. : Archive, 1978-1984. – Paris, France; Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia, 2005.

Une archive d'une publication sous la direction de l'écrivain camerounais Mongo Beti: "la revue des radicaux noirs de langue française publiée par Mongo Beti et son épouse Odile Tobner de 1978 à 1991." En plus, il y a un résumé de la vie et les ouvrages de Mongo Beti.

Phare, Le. -- Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo: Le Phare, 2010-

La version électronique du quotidien indépendant, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis 2010.

Point, The. – Banjul, The Gambia: The Point Newspaper, 2005-

The online version of the week day newspaper, with an archive of selected back news stories organized under topics since August 2005.

Points Chauds du Maghreb et de l'Afrique Francophone. –Nouakchott, Mauritanie: Points Chauds, 2003-

La version électronique du bimensuel (anciennement un hebdomadaire) sur la Mauritanie et le reste de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest, y compris les archives des vieux numéros sélectionés en format PDF depuis décembre 2003.

Politeia. : journal for the political sciences and public administration. – Pretoria : Unisa Press, published for the Departments of Political Sciences and Public Administration, University of South Africa, 1995-

"Politeia On Line" is part of a library of "Unisa Press Online Academic Journals." Selected full articles and tables of contents only.

Politico. Politico SL News -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Free Media Group, 2015-

"Independent" news analysis and editorials from a team led by a former BBC reporter.

Potchefstroom electronic law journal. -– Potchefstroom, South Africa: North-West University, 1998–

Current issue and an archive of back issues. The site can be viewed in English or in Afrikaans –- most of the articles are in Afrikaans, with English language summaries.

Potentiel, Le. – Kinshasa: Le Potentiel, 2004-

Un quotidien électronique sur les actualités de la RDC, du reste de l'Afrique, et du monde; avec une archive des vieux dossiers depuis un an.

Presse, La. – Tunis: Le Groupe La Snipe, 2003-

"La une" de l'édition en ligne du quotidien de Tunisie.

Prospérité, La. (Online) -- Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo: La Prospérité,, 2014-

"Quotidien d'action pour la démocratie et le développement": la version électronique d'un journal quotidien, avec les plus dernières actualités et une petite archive des articles du mois précédent.

Public agenda. – Accra, Ghana: Public Agenda Communications, 2017-

"Ghana's only advocacy and development newspaper": Published twice per week, this online newspaper focuses especially on development issues and politics in Ghana.  

Public eye. – Maseru, Lesotho: Public Eye, 1997-

Current and recent articles of the electronic version of this daily newspaper.

Punch, The. -- Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria: The Punch, c2006-

This site features the online version of the Nigerian daily newspaper, providing access to articles from the current issue and the past 7 days only.



Quest: an African journal of philosophy--Archive = Revue africaine de philosophie. – Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre, 1987-2012.  ISSN 1011-226X

"...[was] a channel of expression for thinkers in Africa, and to stimulate philosophical discussion on problems that arise out of the radical transformations Africa and Africans are undergoing."

Quotidien, Le. – Dakar, Sénégal: Avenir Communications SA, 2003–

Sur ce site, on peut lire l'édition du jour et les vieux numéros de la semaine précédente. "Le Quotidien" est un journal Sénégalais d'informations générales qui paraît tous les jours de la semaine. Le premier numéro de ce journal a été publié le lundi 24 février 2003.

Quotidien, Le. – Tunis, Tunisia: Le Quotidien, 2002-

On peut accéder à "la Une" de la version électronique.

Quotidien d'Oran. – Oran, Algérie : SPA Oran-Presse, 2000-

Le journal électronique du jour et les vieux numéros depuis fevrier 2000 dans les archives.



Ray al-Aam, al-. – Khartoum, The Sudan: Al Rayaam, 2002-

The electronic version of this Sudanese Arabic language daily newspaper, with an archive of back issues since January 2002.

Realnews. (Online) -- Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria: RealNews, 2012-

"[Realnews,] a general interest magazine, is an online publication which thrives on investigative journalism." The site includes back issue news stories since November 2012.

Recherches Africaines: annales de la Faculté des lettres, langues, arts et sciences humaines de Bamako. – Bamako, Mali : FLASH de l'Université de Bamako, en partenariat avec l'Université de Gaston Berger de Saint Louis (Sénégal), l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Sénégal) et la FALSH de l'Université de N'Gaoundéré (Cameroun) avec le soutien de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), 2002- ISSN 1817-423X

"Recherches africaines est l'organe à travers lequel la FLASH publie les résultats de ses recherches mais elle est ouverte aux chercheurs et enseignants de toute université, l'essentiel étant de remplir les critères exigés par les différents sous-comités...sociologie--anthropologie, histoire--archéologie, littérature, linguistique, psychologie--sciences de l'éducation et géographie--démographie."

Religion & theology. . – Archives, 1995-97 – Pretoria: University of South Africa Press; Leiden : Koninklijke Brill, 1995- – via Columbia University Libraries.

Selected full articles and tables of contents only. This journal contains articles mostly on Christian theology in general, but also includes some articles on African culture and politics.

Reporter, Le. -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Le Reporter, 2007-

La version électronique d'un hebdomadaire d'opinion et d'analyses, avec une archive des articles sélectionnés depuis décembre 2013.

Repulikein, Die. – Omurambaweg, Namibia: 2004-

Current news from Namibia and southern Africa in Afrikaans and some in English, with a searchable archive ("Argiewe").

Revue noire – Archives – Paris: Publications Éditions Bleu Outre mer, 1991-.

This site offers only excerpted texts from the old issues – in French or English – and color images from the Paris-based African arts and culture journal, essays, and information about subscriptions to the monthly journal in paper.

Rhodes journalism review. – Grahamstown, South Africa: Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, 1999–

Issued 3-4 times per year: current online issue only is available, with some information about tables of contents for back issues. [Founded in 1990] "RjR is South Africa's only publication covering journalism-specific issues."

Rosa el-Yossef. (Online) Ruz al-Yusuf. -- Cairo, Egypt: Rosa el-Yossef, 2006-

Current and recent news from the electronic version of the Arabic daily newspaper, owned and operated by the publisher of the well-established weekly magazine of the same name (founded in 1925).

Sahel, Le. – Niamey, Niger: Office National d'Edition et de Presse, 2008-

Le site de la version électronique du journal quotidien de l'ONEL du Ministère de la Culture, des Arts, et de la Communication, avec les vieux articles depuis septembre 2008.

Sahel weather and crop situation. . – Rome: FAO/GIEWS, 1995-

SWCS is issued by the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System every month throughout the growing season (June to October). The report 'describes weather conditions, pest infestations and crop prospects in the Sahel, a drought-prone zone'. Current and back issues.

Savana. -- Maputo, Mozambique : Mediacoop, 2017-

The electronic version of a weekly independent Mozambican newspaper in Portuguese, with an archive of articles since September 2017.

SAVVY : art.contemporary.african -- Berlin, Germany: SAVVY, 2010-

"The aim of this bilingual journal is to revitalise an open and academic discourse on contemporary artistic positions and art projects related to Africa and its Diaspora...A further focal point is the art scene in the German-speaking countries, where this journal is the first of its kind and where the methodologies of curating contemporary African art need to be investigated."

SD abstracts : A Newsletter from the Office of Sustainable Development, Bureau for Africa, USAID. – Washington, DC : USAID, 1994-2002.

SD Abstracts was published quarterly by the Office of Sustainable Development in the Bureau for Africa (AFR/SD), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The documents are brief summaries of the results of analytic work performed by the bureau staff.

SD developments : A Newsletter from the Office of Sustainable Development, Bureau for Africa, USAID. – Washington, DC : USAID, 1994-2002.

SD Developments was published quarterly by the Office of Sustainable Development in the Bureau for Africa (AFR/SD), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), by the Africa Bureau Information Center, operated by the Academy for Educational Development under contract to USAID.

Seychelles medical and dental journal. – Archives. – Victoria, Seychelles: SMDJ, via Atlas Seychelles Ltd., 1993-1999.

This site offers only the "current issue" (1999) and an archive of back issues.

Seychelles nation. – Victoria, Seychelles: Seychelles Nation, 2004-

The current daily issue in English, plus an archive of selected news stories since 2004 in English, French, and Kreol, as well as Seychelles-related links.

Sidwaya. -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Editions Sidwaya, 2000-

"Sidwaya est un quotidien national du Burkina Faso. Ancien journal étatique, il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un journal de référence par la population Burkinabé."

Soir info, Le -- L'Inter. – Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Editions Olympe, 2005-

Le dernier numéro de la version électronique du journal quotidien, avec une archive de vieux numéros.

Soleil, Le. – Dakar, Senegal: Le Soleil, 1998-

Le numéro du jour. Pour regarder aux vieux numéros des deux dernières semaines, choisissez "Nos derniers numéros".

Somaliland times. – Hargeisa, Somaliland: Haatuf Media Network, 2002-

The site offers the electronic version of an English language weekly newspaper from Somaliland, with archive of selected back issues since 2002.

Souffles : revue culturelle arabe du Maghreb. – Rabat, Morocco : Souffles ; New York : Abdellatif Laâbi, Thomas C. Spear, 1966-71; 1997-98.

"Cette revue trimestrielle fut publiée entre 1966 et 1971, date à laquelle les activités de son directeur, Abdellatif Laâbi, furent suspendues par les autorités marocaines." Pour les numéros 10 à 15, consultez le site de Thomas C. Spear.

Soul beat. – Braamfontein, South Africa: Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication, in partnership with SANGONeT; Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: The Communication Initiative, 2003-

The Soul Beat Africa website offers the current bi-weekly issue of the newsletter and the archive of all previous issues. "...for communicators, practitioners, media makers, academics, researchers and others who are using communication for change in Africa."

South African geographical journal, The. – Rondesbosch, South Africa: The University of Cape Town, published for the Society of South African Geographers, 1993-

Published twice annually: long abstracts and tables of contents for the current issues and for many other issues since April 1993 are available online. Full text articles available only through paid subscription to the print edition.

South African health review. . – Durban, South Africa : Health Systems Trust, 1995-

An annual review of health policy developments in South Africa: the most recent issue and back issues – all downloadable in HTML or PDF formats; plus order information. See also, the HST Home Page.

South African journal of science. -- Pretoria: Academy of Science of South Africa, 2001--

"[Originally] established in 1903 as the Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science....[currently] a multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly." Full text access for issues since January 2009 on the main site ; 2001 to present--via Sabinet's "open access" SA ePublications

Southern Africa report. : Archive, 1985-2000 and Index – Toronto, Canada: Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa, via African Activist Archive, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

The full text of most issues published from june 1985 to October 2000.  

Southern African journal of information and communication, The. : TOCs and Archive – Johannesburg, South Africa: LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, 2001-

This site offers the table-of-contents for the most recent issue and full text of the back issues. "...to encourage debate in the area of policy, regulation, management and development of broadcasting, telecommunications and information technology in Southern Africa."

Sowetan, The. – Johannesburg, South Africa: The Sowetan, 2005-

The home page of the South African daily newspaper, with current electronic issue only.
Note: a subscription is required to access back issues.

Standard, The. -- Banjul, The Gambia: XL Standard Co., Ltd., 2014-

A daily, Gambian-based newspaper online, with a searchable archive of older articles since March 2014.

Standard, The.  Standard Digital  – Nairobi, Kenya: The Standard Group, Ltd., 2001-

Formerly The East African Standard: the current daily electronic issue and the previous week of back issues are available.

Standard times press news. – Freetown, Sierra Leone: Standard Times Press, 2006-

This electronic newspaper offers daily news, editorials, commentaries, recent news coverage and feature reports, including: Business World.

Star, The. -- Nairobi, Kenya: Radio Africa Group, 2009--

Current and recent news, with a searchable archive containing selected articles since September 2012 only.

Start : a journal of arts and culture. -- Kampala, Uganda: Kampala Arts Trust, 2007-

The web site includes the archive of back issues since October 2007. "Start has been published four times as a printed magazine between 2007 and 2010, and has been online since December 2010. The website publishes thematic editions filled with special analysis, art critiques, artist interviews and other stories about the arts and culture scene in Kampala and beyond."

Statesman, The. – Accra, Ghana: The Statesman, 2006-

The newspaper was originally founded in 1949. Since 2006, it has been published as a daily. The website offers the electronic version of the current and recent news, plus an archive of selected past articles since January 2007.

Studies in African linguistics. (Online) -- Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida ; Portland, Oregon: Studies in African Linguistics, Inc., [1970]--

The web site features open access to "articles" from 1970 to the present. "...a peer-reviewed, academic journal whose goal is to provide a public forum within the community of African language scholars for discourse on issues of direct concern to the field of African Linguistics. Thus, the journal seeks to publish African language data and analysis that might not find a place easily or suitably in more general journals."

Sudan and Nubia. -- London, UK: Sudan Archaeological Research Society, The British Museum, 1997-

This site provides access to the online archive of the Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society.

Sudan Studies Association bulletin (and newsletter). – Providence, Rhode Island: SSA, 1981-

Selected issues of the SSA Bulletin, previously titled "SSA Newsletter" of the US-based association of scholars who study Sudanese affairs.

Sudlangues. , 2002-2016 – Dakar, Sénégal: La Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, 2002-2016.

La dernière mise à jour était au mois de décembre 2016. "[Cette revue] est destinée aux universitaires, enseignants, chercheurs et étudiants intervenant dans le secteur des sciences du langage. Elle est ouverte à tous les chercheurs du monde, et accordera une attention toute particulière à ceux du sud, plus confrontés à des problèmes d'édition."

Sud quotidien – Dakar: Le Groupe Sud Communication, 1997-

On peut accéder au numéro du jour ("A la Une"), et aux dossiers spéciaux.

Sudan Tribune (SudanTribune.Com, USA)

A current, daily news portal in English on the Sudan and Africa based on a variety of news sources, mostly from outside Africa; plus commentary...with articles since July 2003.

Sudan update. –Archive – London: Sudan Update, 1995-1999. – via University of Pennsylvania.

This archive is compiled from e-mail messages by Dr. Ali Dinar, University of Pennsylvania. "Sudan Update is an international media review, published twice monthly, recording news and comment on Sudanese affairs from all quarters to promote dialogue and education."

Sudanic Africa : a journal of historical sources (Excerpts only) – Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1990-2003.

The archive for the electronic versions of excerpts and tables of contents for this annual journal; plus an index to articles. "Sudanic Africa is an international academic journal devoted to the presentation and discussion of historical sources on the Sudanic belt, the area between the Sahara and the Bay of Niger, the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. The journal typically presents such sources in the original language and in translation, with comments."

Sunday mail, The. – Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Newspapers, Ltd., 2000-

The most recent electronic issue of this weekly newspaper from Zimbabwe.
Note: the electronic news is sometimes a few weeks behind; and there are no back issues.

Sunday times, The.  – South Africa: Times Media Ltd., 1997-

Encompassing The Sunday Business Times: Current online edition and a searchable archive of back issues since 2004 only. ***See also: The Times Live ...for daily news.

Sunday tribune, The. – Lagos, Nigeria: The Tribune, 2001–

This website offers the most recent electronic issue of the weekly newspaper from Nigeria; there are no back issues.
Note: the news is often 1-2 weeks old.

Swahili forum. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere. -- -- Leipzig, Germany : Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Regionalwissenschaften, Universität Leipzig ; Mainz, Germany: Universität Johannes Gutenburg, 1994-

The current and previous issues in full text of the journal, with articles mostly in English, some in Kiswahili.



Tadias magazine. -- New York: Tadias, Inc., 2003-

An Ethiopian-American online magazine which includes recent political and cultural news, as well as contributions from scholars and journalists on a variety of contemporary and historical topics, including Ethiopian-American and Ethiopian artists, musicians, religious, and political figures. Excerpts are also available from the archives.

Tahalil hebdo: hebdomadaire indépendant d'informations et d'analyses. – Nouakchott, Mauritania: MPS, 2006-

La version électronique du journal mauritanien, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis le mois de mars 2006.

Technology times. News Service of the Nigerian ICT Industry. -- Lagos, Nigeria: Technology Times Media Network, 2004-

This online magazine offers articles on selected developments in the ICT sector of Nigeria.

Tell. -- Lagos: TELL Communications, Ltd., 2013-

The electronic version of this very popular weekly news magazine, originally launched as a printed weekly in 1991.

Temps, Le. – Tunis: Dar Assabah, 2007–

La version électronique du quotidien tunisien est disponible à ce site, avec une archive des vieux numéros depuis janvier 2007.

Think Africa press. -- London, UK: ThinkAfricaPress, 2011-

A current and recent news analysis magazine. "Bringing together commentary from leading African and international thinkers, we make sense of rolling news..."

Thinker, The. -- Johannesburg, South Africa: Vusizwe Media, 2013-

Pan-African quarterly for thought leaders: This publication began in January 2013 as a monthly. The site includes an archive of past issues.

This day. – Lagos, Nigeria: Leaders & Company, Ltd., 2001–

The electronic version of this daily Nigerian newspaper, with current issue and recent back issues.

ThisNigeria. -- Lagos: ThisNigeria Media Company, Ltd., 2020-

"A digital and print newspaper" offering current Nigerian and African news, an archive of articles since 2020, and a sampling of digital editions of recent issues.

Times of Eswatini, The. – Mbabane, Eswatini: African Echo (Pty) Ltd, 2005-

The current and recent electronic issues of this daily newspaper (originally founded in 1897).

Times of Nigeria, The. – United States: New Generation Media, Inc., 2005-

An online newspaper with current ("real time") and recent news from Nigeria, Africa, and the Nigerian diaspora.

Track two. – Rondebosch, South Africa : Centre for Conflict Resolution and the Media Peace Centre, University of Cape Town, 1992-2005

Last two issues and a link to archive. "Track Two was a quarterly publication ... to promote innovative and constructive approaches to community and political conflict, as an alternative to traditional adversarial tactics."

Tract. -- Dakar, Sénégal : GCI Global Com, 2018--

Depuis mars 2018, un journal électronique d'analyse et d'opinion sur les actualités politiques, culturelles, et économiques du Sénégal, de l'Afrique, de la reste du monde.

Tribune du citoyen, La. -- Yaoundé, Cameroun: Association ASSOAL, 2015-.

Un mensuel d'information et d'éducation surtout sur les questions du développement.
Remarquez: beaucoup des articles sur ce site ne sont pas accompagné de la date de publication.



Umsebenzi: voice of the South African Communist Party. -- Johannesburg: SACP, February 1996--March 2021.

The electronic issues of the official SACP newsletter; see also: "Umsebenzi Online" October 2002--July 2021.

University world news--Africa edition. -- London, UK; Durban, South Africa: Higher Education Web Publishing Ltd, 2008-

This open access weekly newspaper on higher education in Africa, is published from London, but with offices in South Africa and correspondents around the African continent. The archive contains issues since March 2008.

USAfrica Online. – Houston : USAfrica Digital Networks, 1996-.

A daily and weekly news magazine: "to serve as the primary, professional news medium for Africans and Americans; promote and support establishing of pro-development structures and ideas..."

Vanguard. – Lagos, Nigeria : Vanguard Media Ltd., 1998-

Current and the preceding week's issues of the online version of the Nigerian daily newspaper (originally launched in 1984); plus links to general African and Nigerian business news.

@Verdade. -- Maputo, Mozambique: @Verdade, 2008-

@Verdade began as a weekly newspaper in 2008 and recently expanded to a daily publication.  This site is the electronic version in Portuguese, with selections in English translation. Selected articles under various rubrics from the last 3 years are accessible without searching the archive. Note: The archive --searchable by year-- only contains selected articles from 2008-2014.

Wafd, Al-. – Cairo, Egypt: al-Wafd, 1978-

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