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Electronic Newspapers of Africa

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Part of: African Studies Virtual Library

See also: Electronic Newspapers of Africa -- By Country

This list of open access, online newspapers from Africa is frequently updated.  Originally, this list was part of a larger, effort -- AFRINUL--"a union list" of African newspapers held by research libraries in North America (Europe and Africa to be added in the future). AFRINUL was a special project of the Africana Librarians Council of the African Studies Association of the United States and the Cooperative Africana Materials Project at the Center for Research Libraries.  


Ahram, Al-. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Al-Ahram Foundation, 1998--
The current electronic issue in Arabic, with a few previous issues. See also: English daily Ahram Online -and- Al-Ahram Weekly. Or, Al-Ahram Hebdo in French!

Akhbar, Al-. (Online) -- Nouakchott, Mauritania: Al-Akhbar, 2006-
Ce site offre la version électronique du journal quotidien, avec un recueil des articles les plus lus et une complète archive des vieux articles depuis les derniers trois mois.

Akhbar, al-. (Online) -- Khartoum, The Sudan: AlAkhbar, 2010-
Current online issue of a Sudanese Arabic language daily newspaper.

Akhbar El Yom. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Muassasat Akhbar al-Yawm, 1952-
The online version of a weekly newspaper in Arabic, current and recent issues only.
See also, the daily version (via

Allgemeine Zeitung. (Online) -- Windhoek, Namibia: Democratic Media Holdings, 2000-
The electronic version of this 90+ years old daily newspaper--online since 2000, offers current and recent news in German from Namibia.

Assabah. (Online) -- Casablanca, Morocco: Assabah, 2004-
A daily newspaper in Arabic, with the most recent electronic issue in PDF format only.

L'Autre Fraternité. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: L'Autre Fraternité, 2006-
La version électronique du hebdomadaire avec une archive des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2006.

Awoko. (Online) -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Awoko Newspaper, 2007-
This site offers the electronic version of an "independent" print newspaper launched in 2003.  The site includes older articles since 2013.  Warning: The archive of back issues is searchable....but the publication dates of some older articles are not always indicated.


Bendré. (Online) -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Bendré, 2002-
<< Le hebdomadaire d'information et de réflexion >>: on peut lire la << une >>. Il y a une archive des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2002.

Biladi. (Online) -- Nouakchott, Mauritania: Biladi, 2008-
Ce site offre la version électronique du journal quotidien en format HTML ou en format PDF, avec une archive des vieux numéros.

Blueprint. (Online). -- Abuja, Nigeria: Blueprint Newspapers Ltd., 2011--
The electronic version of the English language daily newspaper from Nigeria, with back issue articles since 2014.
--See also: Hausa language version, Manhaja. (Online)

BNL times. (Online) -- Blantyre, Malawi: Blantyre Newspapers, Ltd., 2013-
The current edition of the electronic version of The Daily Times from Malawi. The site includes an archive of selected back issue articles from one year ago.

Botswana gazette, The. (Online) -- Gaborone: News Company Botswana, 1985-
Current weekly Internet edition only.

Bukedde. (Online) -- Kampala, Uganda: New Vision Printing & Publishing Corporation, 2000 -
Current daily issue in Luganda and a searchable archive -- since 2000 -- of the electronic version of this government-run newspaper.

Business daily Africa. (Online) -- Nairobi, Kenya : The Nation Media Group, Ltd., 2007-
The electronic version of the current daily issue with business and economic news for Kenya and East Africa.

Business day. (Online) -- Johannesburg: BDFM Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 1996-
Current issue of daily financial and investment news, downloadable information, other links; plus a searchable archive of articles since 1997.

Business day. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: BusinessDAY Media Ltd., 2005-
The online version of the daily business newspaper, with feature reports from the last 20 days only.

Business report. (Online) -- Johannesburg, South Africa: Independent Online News, 1998-
The current issue of this daily business news, with a searchable archive of back issues since 1998.

Cairo times. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt : Cairo Times, 1999-
Excerpts from the current issue of this weekly English language -- general news -- magazine; with selected excerpts from back issues.

Calame, Le. (Online). L'hebdomadaire en français -- Nouakchott, Mauritania: Le Calame, 2007--
Voici la version électronique du journal indépendant (créé en 1993), avec les vieux numéros depuis mars 2007 dans les archives.

Canal de Moçambique. (Online)  -- Maputo, Mozambique: Canal, 2017--
CanalMOZ is the electronic version of the weekly Portuguese language printed newspaper, distributed in Maputo and in major cities of Mozambique. The searchable archive provides access to selected content since 2017.

Cameroon tribune, The. (Online) -- Yaoundé : La Société de Presse et d'Edition du Cameroun--SOPECAM, 2002-
Le journal électronique du gouvernement et les archives des vieux numéros depuis deux ans.

Cape times. (Online) -- Cape Town, South Africa: Cape Times, 2002-
The current electronic verison of this daily newspaper, plus a searchable archive of back issues since 2002.

Capital. (Online) -- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Crown Publishing P.L.C., 1998-
The electronic version of the "longest established English newspaper in Ethiopia" offering weekly business news; with an archive of back issue news for 6-8 months.

Chronicle, The. (Online) -- Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Newspapers Ltd., 2001-
The electronic version of the current issue of this pro-government weekly newspaper; no back issues.

Chronicle of education, The. (Online) -- Ibadan, Nigeria: Debb Gosean Ltd, 2015-
A daily online newspaper "...thematically focused on education at all levels (pre-tertiary and tertiary) in Nigeria, with the goal of putting education squarely in the forefront of national development."

Citizen, The. = Mwananchi. (Online) -- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : The Nation Media Group, Ltd., 2007-
The electronic version of the Tanzanian daily newspaper in English or Swahili, published in Tanzania by the Kenyan company, The Nation Media Group.

Clicanoo. (Online): le journal de l'île de la Réunion. -- Saint Dénis, Réunion [France]: Clicanoo, 2005-
La dernière version électronique du journal, avec une petite archive des vieux numéros de la semaine.Au delà d'une semaine l'accès au contenu des articles est payant.

Coast, The. (Online). -- Mombasa, Kenya: The Coast Newspaper, 2015-
The electronic version of a daily newspaper from the Kenya coast, with county, coast regional, and national news.  The site includes back issue articles since July 2015.

Concord times. (Online). -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Concord Times Communications, 2014--
"The Concord Times newspaper was founded in 1992. It is Sierra Leone’s leading publication. This [daily] newspaper has a reputation for top quality, fair and unbiased stories and features." The searchable archive includes articles since 2014.

Confident, Le. (Online) -- Bangui, Central African Republic: Le Confident, 2005-
Le dernier numéro du quotidien centrafricain, avec un recueil des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis 2005.

Daily graphic. (Online) Graphic Ghana -- Accra, Ghana: Graphic Communications Group Ltd., 2004-
The online edition of the Daily Graphic newspaper, with Graphic Sports and The Mirror (society news). Current news, with selected news articles from the last 6 months.

Daily guide Africa. (Online) -- Accra, Ghana: Western Publications, 2016-
The web site of the daily Ghanaian newspaper, originally begun in 2005 ; with new stories and features for the last month only.

Daily independent. (Online) -- Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria: Independent Newspapers Ltd., 2001--
The current issue of the electronic newspaper from Nigeria; with a searchable archive of back issues since February 2006.

Daily mail. (Online). -- Lusaka, Zambia: Zamnet Communications Systems, Ltd., 1994-
Current electronic issue of daily and Sunday editions of this pro-government newspaper, with an archive of selected articles since November 2007 only.

Daily nation (Online). -- Nairobi: The Nation Newspapers, Ltd., 1996-
Excerpts from the current daily issue and a searchable archive of selected back issue articles.

Daily news. (Online) -- Dar es Salaam: Daily News Media Group, 2009-
The electronic version of the current issue only of this pro-government newspaper from Tanzania. See also, the Swahili version, Habari leo. (Online)

Daily news Egypt. (Online) International Herald Tribune. -- Giza, Egypt: Egyptian Media Services, Ltd., 2005-
An online version of the English language daily, with back issue articles for the last 2 months.

Daily observer. (Online) The Liberian observer -- Monrovia, Liberia: The Liberian Observer Corporation, 2005-
The electronic version of this daily newspaper, with current and recent news that are freely accessible; but a paid subscription is required to read the full online archives since 2009.

Daily sun, The. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: The Sun News Online, 2003-
Nigeria's King of the Tabloids: the online version of the current issue. The archives for the back issues of the daily newspaper are often inaccessible.

Democrata, O. (Online). -- Bissau, Guiné-Bissau: O Democrata GB, 2014-
The electronic verison of the daily newspaper --in Portuguese--with selected back issue articles since October 2017.

Dispatch, The. (Online) -- South Africa: Dispatch Media, 1997-
The daily electronic edition of this Eastern Cape newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issues since September 1997.

Dustour, Al-. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Al Dustour, 2005-
The electronic version of this "independent" daily newspaper in Arabic from Egypt; current and recent news only.

Eagle Online, The. -- Lagos, Nigeria: Premium Eagle Media Ltd., 2012-
Current and recent news from the electronic version of a Lagos-based newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issue articles.

East African, The (Online) -- Nairobi: The Nation Newspapers, Ltd., 1996-
Excerpts from the current weekly issue; plus the issue of the previous week only.

East African business week. (Online) -- Kampala, Uganda: East African Business Week Ltd., 2005-
The electronic version of a weekly newspaper covering business news mostly for Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, sometimes for neighboring countries. Several weeks of reports are readily available on the web site; use "search" feature to find reports from back issues since October 2005.

Economiste, L'. (Online). -- Rabat, Morocco: L'Economiste, 1991-
Un quotidien économique du Maroc. Remarque: il faut inscrire pour accéder aux archives.

Egypt independent. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Al Masry Al Youm, 2012-
The English language, electronic version of Al-Masry al-Youm, a daily independent newspaper in Arabic.

Egyptian gazette, The. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: El Tahrir, 2003-
The current electronic issue only of this English language daily newspaper.

Egyptian mail, The. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: El Tahrir, 2003-
Saturday edition of the Gazette: the current electronic issue only of this English language weekly newspaper.

Enquête. (Online) -- Dakar, Sénégal: Enquête, 2012-
La version électronique d'un quotidien sur les actualités sénégalaises, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis février 2012.

Essor, L'. (Online) -- Bamako, Mali: Agence malienne de presse et de publicité, 2000-
La version électronique du quotidien et celle du hebdomadaire, avec une archive des vieux numéros.

Evénement, L'. (Online). Bi-mensuel burkinabé. -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: L'Evénement, 2001-
C'est la version électronique d'un mensuel sur la politique et les autres actualités du Burkina Faso qui parait en ligne comme un bimensuel--les 15 et 30 du mois. On peut rechercher les archives des vieux articles depuis 2005 par mots-clés.

Événement précis, L'. (Online) -- Cotonou, Benin: L'Événement précis, 2007-
La version électronique du quotidien béninois, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis septembre 2007.

Express de Madagascar, L'. (Online) -- Antannarivo, Madagascar: L'Express, 2005-
La "une" électronique de ce << quotidien d'information et d'analyse >>...avec beaucoup d'entretiens et des photos.

Express, L'. (Online) -- Port Louis, Mauritius: L'Express, 1997-
La << une >> et les archives des vieux numéros depuis 2003.

Express, The (Online) -- Dar es Salaam: Media Holdings (T) Ltd., 1997-
A weekly newspaper from Tanzania in electronic format. Current issue and link to archive of back issues.

Financial gazette, The. (Online) -- Harare, Zimbabwe : The Gazette, 1997-.
This site offers the online version of this independent financial weekly from Zimbabwe: current issue and an archive of selected back issues since 2003 only.

Financial mail interactive. -- South Africa : Times Media Ltd., 1997-.
Full access to archive requires subscription. Issued about twice per month, the site offers current South African business information, with links to special reports, etc.

Folha 8. (Online) -- Luanda, Angola: WT/Mundovídeo, Lda, 1995--
The web site of a daily Portuguese language newspaper from Luanda, originally launched in March 1995. The searchable site includes selected back issue articles from the past year only.

Foroyaa. (Online) -- Serrekunda, The Gambia: Foroyaa, 2007-
An electronic newspaper with current news from The Gambia and an archive of selected articles since July 2007.

Fraternité. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: Fraternité.Com, 2005-
La version électronique du quotidien béninois, avec une archive des vieux numéros depuis un mois.

Fraternité matin (Online) -- Abidjan: Groupe Fraternité Matin et la Société Nouvelle de Presse et d'Edition de Côte d'Ivoire, 1997-
Ce quotidien était le journal gouvernemental historique (celle de Félix Houphouet-Boigny et son parti politique). Depuis 1993, la rédaction de cette publication est devenue plus indépendante. En 2004, le journal s'est classe toujours comme une publication publique. On peut lire la << une >> et rechercher par un mot-clé ou une phrase dans les petites archives.

Gabha al-Demokratia, Al-. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Hizb al-Gabha al-Demokratia, 2007-
The electronic version of the daily newspaper in Arabic of the "Democratic Front"--an opposition political party in Egypt, founded in 2007.

Global times. (Online) -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: The Global Times Newspaper, 2013-
The news portal site for the independent Sierra Leonean newspaper, with searchable articles since 2013.

Guardian, The. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: The Guardian; via Microcom Systems, Ltd., 1998-
The current daily issue of this independent newspaper. Note: a subscription is required to access the "previous issues" archive.

Hebdomadaire du Burkina, L'. (Online): Journal d'information générale paraissant le vendredi. -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: L'hebdomadaire, 2000--
<< La une >> et les petites archives.

Herald, The. (Online) -- Harare: The Herald, 1998-
The current electronic issue of the government-supported daily newspaper and a small archive of back issues.

Indépendant, L'. (Online) -- Bangui, Central African Republic: L'Indépendant journal, 2010-
Depuis 2010, ce journal électronique se déclarait comme un "média indépendant pour le développement humain et la promotion des droits de l'homme."

Independent, The. (Online) -- Johannesburg: Independent News & Media, 1996-
The electronic version of the daily newspaper -- current issue only; plus links to information about the company's many newspapers. No archives!

Info-matin. (Online) -- Bamako, Mali : Agence Mali Médias, 1999-
La version électronique du quotidien indépendant d'informations générales, mais avec une très petite archive de quelques vieux numéros seulement.

Informer, The. (Online) -- Monrovia, Liberia: Satellite Communications Systems, Inc., 2005-
An electronic daily owned and operated by Liberians, with archive of selected news stories since September 2005.

Jornal de Angola. (Online) -- Luanda, Angola : Edições Novembro-EP, 2000-- (via EBONet)
O jornal diaramente da Républica de Angola (desde Novembro 2000).

Jour, Le. Le quotidien le jour. -- Yaoundé, Cameroon: Le Jour, 2018-
The web site of an independent daily newspaper from Cameroon.

Journal du jeudi. (Online)--Archive -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Journal du jeudi and Altern, 1999-2016.
La "une" de ce hebdomadaire satirique burkinabé et les archives: octobre 1999 au septembre 2016.

Juba post, The. (Online) -- Juba, South Sudan, Sudan: Juba Media Information and Advertising Co., 2010-
" the first independent newspaper for Southern Sudan...for all people in Southern Sudan: the Acholi, Zande, for the Anya and the Yulu and all the other 66 peoples."

Khabar, El. (Online) -- Alger: El Khabar, 1990-
The electronic version of the daily and weekly newspaper -- in Arabic, English, or French ; with a small archive of the last two months.

Lance, La. (Online)--Archives -- Conakry: BINTTA-Guinée; via Afribone.Net, 1998-2008.
Quelques numéros des archives de cet dernière mise à jour a été en janvier 2008.

Leadership. (Online) -- Abuja, Nigeria: Leadership, 2010-
The electronic version of a daily "national" newspaper, with current news and articles from the previous week; plus links to other Nigerian electronic newspapers and other online news sources.

Libération-Niger. (Online) -- Niamey, Niger: Le Groupe Libération, 2007-- via PlaneteAfrique.Com
La version électronique d'un hebdomadaire nigérien indépendante et d'opinion comprend des extraits de << la une >> et des dépêches depuis 2007.

Liberté: quotidien national d'information. (Online)
-- Alger: SARL-SAEC, 2000-
Le version électronique de ce journal algérien depuis janvier 2000. Remarque: il y a plusieurs liens manquants dans les archives.

Liberté. (Online) -- Lomé, Togo: Groupe de Presse Liberté, 2008-
La version électronique d'un quotidien privé togolais, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis un an.

Madagascar tribune. (Online) -- Antannarivo, Madagascar: Tribune, 2005-
La "une" électronique de ce journal malgache, avec une archive des vieux numéros du dernier mois.

Mail & guardian, The Daily. (Online). -- Johannesburg : The Mail & Guardian, 1994-
Current issue headlines.
Warning: many reports--identified as "premium content", and the back issues archive (1994 to present), are accessible to overseas readers only through a low-price monthly subscription.

Masry al-Youm, Al-. (Online) -- Garden City, Cairo, Egypt : Al-Masry Al Youm for Journalism and Publication, 2004-
The electronic version of the independent daily newspaper in Arabic published since June 2004.

Matin, Le. (Online). -- Cotonou, Benin: Le Matin
La version électronique du quotidien béninois d'informations et de publicité avec les articles récents seulement.

Matinal, Le. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: Le Matinal, 2000-
<< La une >> et une petite archive des vieux articles.

Le Mauricien. (Online) -- Port Louis, Mauritius: Le Mauricien Ltd., 2000--
La 'une' et une petite archive de vieux numéros.

Midi Madagasikara (Online) -- Antananarivo: Midi Madagasikara, 1997-
"Le premier quotidien national d'information diffusé à Madagascar. Créé en 1983." Un journal electronique, avec un lien aux archives des cinq derniers numéros seulement.

Mmegi. (Online) -- Gaborone, Botswana: Dikgang Publishing Co., 2003-
The online version of the Botswana newspaper, originally founded in 1992, with the masthead Mmegi since 1994 and published daily since 2003. The site includes an archive of selected articles since December 2003.

Monitor, The. (Online). -- Kampala, Uganda : 2000-.
Current and recent electronic issues of the independent daily newspaper from Uganda. Note: the archive is only searchable for subscribers.

Moudjahid, El. (Online) -- Alger : L'EPE-EURL El Moudjahid, 2001-
La version électronique du quotidien (à l'origine, ce journal a lancé en 1956 par le FLN). Dans les archives, on peut lire les numéros des derniers trois mois seulement.

Mtanzania. (Online) -- Dar es Salaam: New Habari, 2006- 
In Kiswahili -- the online version of a weekly newspaper, with back issue articles since June 2014.

Municipal, Le. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: Le Municipal, 2004-
Un journal électronique béninois d'information et d'analyses, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis 2004. "Le Municipal a pour ligne éditoriale la promotion de la décentralisation et du développement à la base."

Mwananchi. = The Citizen. (Online) -- Dar es Salaam: The Nation Media Group, Ltd., 2007-
A daily newspaper in Kiswahili or in English.

Namibian, The (Online) -- Windhoek: The Namibian, 1997-
Current issue of the electronic version of the daily newspaper, plus access to an archive of back issues.

Nation, La. (Online) -- Djibouti: La Nation, 2018--
La version électronique du bi-hebdomadaire et les vieux numéros depuis juin 2018.

Nation, The. (Online) The Malawi Nation. -- Blantyre, Malawi: Nation Publications Ltd., 2006-
The online version of the daily newspaper, with back issue articles for the last three months only.

Nation, The. (Online) -- Mushin, Lagos State, Nigeria: Vintage Press Ltd., 2006-
The electronic version of the daily newspaper from Nigeria, with selected current and recent news stories; plus a searchable archive from August 2006.

National daily newspaper. (Online) -- Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria: Paradigm Communications, Ltd., 2006-
The electronic version of a daily newspaper, with current and recent news articles and commentaries. Warning: the date of publication for individual articles is not displayed.

New dawn, The. (Online) -- Monrovia, Liberia: Searchlight Communications, 2011-
The online version of an "independent" newspaper from Liberia offering current and recent news reports.

New era. (Online) -- Windhoek, Namibia: New Era Publication Corporation, 2003--
The online version of this government-run newspaper, published three times per week; with an archive since May 2003.

New times, The. (Online) -- Kigali, Rwanda: The New Times, 2006-
The electronic version of an English language daily from Rwanda; the archive may not be accessible at all times. "Started in 1995, this newspaper is a registered Rwandan private media outlet...In April 2006, it started producing a daily newspaper."

New vision, The. (Online) -- Kampala, Uganda: New Vision Printing & Publishing Corporation, 2000 -
Current daily issue and a searchable archive -- since 2000 -- of the electronic version of this pro-government newspaper (originally founded in 1986).

New Zimbabwe. (Online) -- Birmingham, West Midlands, UK: New Zimbabwe, 2008-
The online edition of "Zimbabwe’s weekly tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom," with current and selected recent news articles on Zimbabwe and southern Africa.

News, The. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: Independent Communications Network Ltd., 2014-
The electronic version of a daily Nigerian newspaper, based in Lagos, with an archive of articles since March 2014.

NewsDay. (Online) -- Harare, Zimbabwe: Alpha Media Holdings, Ltd., 2010-
The online version of the daily English language newspaper, with selected back issue articles since 2010.

Nigerian observer, The. (Online) Including The Sunday Observer. -- Benin City, Bendel State, Nigeria: Bendel Newspapers Co., Ltd., 2008-
This site features the electronic version of this daily newspaper, published since May 1968. The searchable archive of selected articles covers the period 2008 to present.

Nigerian pilot. (Online) -- Abuja ; Lagos, Nigeria ; London, UK: DOM Communications, 2010-
The electronic version of this daily Nigerian newspaper, with back issue articles since 2022 only.

Nigerian tribune. (Online) -- [Ibadan, Nigeria]: African Newspapers of Nigeria, Plc., 2005-
The current electronic issue is available at this site, with an archive of back issues from the last two weeks only.

Notícias. (Online) -- Maputo, Mozambique: Sociedade Notícias, 2006-
"[Foi fundado a 15 de Abril de 1926] O Jornal Notícias é um jornal privado diário de carácter nacional cuja actividade se baseia no rigor e criatividade editorial, com orientação, independente de qualquer vinculação ideológica, política, económica ou religiosa."

Notre voie. (Online) -- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Notre Voie, 1998-
On peut lire << la une >> du quotidien électronique du Front Populaire Ivoirien (le parti de Laurent Gbagbo) et rechercher dans les archives de vieux numéros.

Nouveau réveil, Le. (Online) -- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Le Nouveau Réveil, 2006-
La version électronique du quotidien, avec une archive des vieux numéros sélectionnés depuis janvier 2006.

Nouvelle tribune, La. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: La Nouvelle Tribune, 2001-
La version électronique du quotidien béninois qui offre les actualités de la semaine la plus rénte seulement.

Novo jornal. (Online) -- Luanda, Angola; Lisbon, Portual: Nova Vaga, 2017-
The web site of a weekly Portuguese language newspaper, with a searchable archive of back issue articles since September 2017.

Nyasa times. (Online) -- Blantyre, Malawi: NT Media Group, 2006-
Current and recent news stories from this daily electronic newspaper, with selected articles for the last 6 months and a small searchable archive (2008).

Observateur, L'. (Online) -- Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo: L'Observateur, 2013-
La version électronique du quotidien congolais, avec une petite archive des vieux articles depuis juillet 2013.

Observer, The. (Online) -- Kampala, Uganda: The Observer, 2008-
The site offers the current issue of the electronic version of the Ugandan newspaper, appearing every Sunday and Wednesday, with an archive of selected articles, editorials, and opinions since May 2008.

Observateur Guinée, L'. (Online) -- Conakry, Guinea: Observateur-Guinée, 2008-
Ce site offre la version électronique de l'hebdomadaire d'information générales de la Guinée avec les articles séléctionnés depuis novembre 2008.

Observateur paalga, L'. (Online) -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Groupe L'Observateur, 2000-
Un quotidien avec les actualités en bref et des commentaires. On peut les vieux numéros depuis avril 2000.

Online independent, The. -- Accra: Africa Online (Ghana) Ltd., 1996-.
News from Ghana. Most recent issue, plus a link to the archives.

Opinion, L'. (Online) -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Zedcom--Zenith Edition Communication, 2001-
Le numéro dernier de ce hebdomadaire électronique et les petites archives.

Opinion, L'. (Online) -- Rabat, Maroc : Société Arrissala, 2001-
La version électronique du quotidien marocain, avec beaucoup de vieux articles.

Option infos, L'. (Online): le quotidien béninois d'analyse. -- Cotonou, Bénin: L'Option Info, 2008-
La parution du jour en texte intégral (format PDF) et les archives de vieux articles depuis le mois de mars 2008.

País, O. (Online) -- Luanda, Angola : SOCIJORNAL--Sociedade Jornais e Revistas. S.A., 2008-
The electronic version of this daily newspaper in Portuguese from Angola; a subscription is required to view selected back issues online since 2008.

País, O. (Online) -- Maputo, Mozambique: Grupo SOICO, 2018-
The electronic version of the daily Portuguese language newspaper from Maputo, with videos, and other content in the searchable archive since 2018.

Patriote, Le. (Online). -- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Groupe Mayama Editions et Production, 1999-
Le quotidien qui est associé au nouveau parti d'opposition, Rassemblement des Républicains (RDR). Le site comprend une archive des vieux numéros depuis janvier 2004.

Pays, Le. (Online) -- N'djamena, Chad: Le Pays, 2016-
Le site du journal quotidien d'actualités tchadiennes, avec des vieux articles sélectionnés depuis le mois de mars 2016.

Pays, Le. (Online) -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Groupe de Presse "Le Pays", 2014-
La version électronique d'un quotidien indépendent qui a été lancé à l'origine en 1991. Les archives du site comprend les vieux articles depuis février 2014.

PM News. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: Independent Communications Network, Ltd., 2010-
This electronic version of the P.M. News, a daily newspaper in Lagos since 1994. This site offers only selected back issue articles since 2010.

Point, The. (Online) -- Banjul, The Gambia: The Point Newspaper, 2005-
The online version of the week day newspaper, with an archive of selected back news stories organized under topics since August 2005.

Politico. (Online) Politico SL News -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Free Media Group, 2015-
"Independent" news analysis and editorials from a team led by a former BBC reporter.

Potentiel, Le. (Online) -- Kinshasa: Le Potentiel, 2004-
Un quotidien électronique sur les actualités de la RDC, du reste de l'Afrique, et du monde; avec une archive des vieux dossiers depuis un an.

Presse, La. (Online) -- Tunis: Le Groupe La Snipe, 2003-
La << Une >> de l'édition en ligne du quotidien de Tunisie.

Prospérité, La. (Online) -- Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo: La Prospérité,, 2014-
"Quotidien d'action pour la démocratie et le développement": la version électronique d'un journal quotidien, avec les plus dernières actualités et une petite archive des articles du mois précédent.

Public agenda. – Accra, Ghana: Public Agenda Communications, 2017-
"Ghana's only advocacy and development newspaper": Published twice per week, this online newspaper focuses especially on development issues and politics in Ghana.  

Public eye. (Online) -- Maseru, Lesotho: Public Eye, 1997-
Current and recent articles of the electronic version of this daily newspaper.

Punch, The. (Online) -- Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria: The Punch, c2006-
The site features the online version of this Nigerian daily newspaper, with full access to articles from the current issue and the past 7 days only.

Quotidien, Le. (Online) -- Dakar, Sénégal: Avenir Communications SA, 2003--
Sur ce site, on peut lire l'édition du jour et les vieux numéros de la semaine précédente. << Le Quotidien >> est un journal Sénégalais d'informations générales qui paraît tous les jours de la semaine. Le premier numéro de ce journal a été publié le lundi 24 février 2003.

Quotidien, Le. (Online) -- Tunis, Tunisia: Le Quotidien, 2002-
On peut accéder à la << Une >> de la version électronique.

Quotidien d'Oran. (Online) -- Oran, Algérie : SPA Oran-Presse, 2000-
Le journal électronique du jour et les vieux numéros depuis fevrier 2000 dans les archives.

Ray al-Aam, al-. (Online) -- Khartoum, The Sudan: Al Rayaam, 2002-
The electronic version of this Sudanese Arabic language daily newspaper, with an archive of back issues since January 2002.

Refus, Le. (Online): le journal de l'Alliance des Forces de Refus. -- France: FAAS--Front Arabo-Africain de Salut Contre l'Esclavage, via Lycos, 1999-2004
C'était un hebdomadaire en ligne sur la lutte pour la défense des droits de l'homme en Mauritanie.

Reporter, The. (Online) -- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Media & Communications Center, 2013-
A searchable news website, in English or in Amharic, with stories contributed by anonymous staff and space provided for commentary by registered members. The contents are also published as a weekly newspaper.

Républicain, Le. (Online) -- Cotonou, Bénin: Groupe Afrique Média, 2002-
On peut lire << l'édition du jour >> seulement. Remarque: on affiche souvent les mises à jour en retard.

Repulikein, Die. (Online) -- Omurambaweg, Namibia: 2002-
The electronic version of a daily newspaper in Afrikaans from Namibia; with searchable archive ("Argiewe").

Repulikein, Die. (Online) -- Omurambaweg, Namibia: 2004-
Current news from Namibia and southern Africa in Afrikaans and some in English, with a searchable archive ("Argiewe").

Rosa el-Yossef. (Online) Ruz al-Yusuf. -- Cairo, Egypt: Rosa el-Yossef, 2006-
Current and recent news from the electronic version of the Arabic daily newspaper, owned and operated by the publisher of the well-established weekly magazine of the same name (founded in 1925).

Sahel, Le. (Online) -- Niamey, Niger: Office National d'Edition et de Presse, 2008-
Le site de la version électronique du journal quotidien de l'ONEL du Ministère de la Culture, des Arts, et de la Communication, avec les vieux articles depuis septembre 2008.

Savana. (Online) -- Maputo, Mozambique : Mediacoop, 2017-
The electronic version of a weekly independent Mozambican newspaper in Portuguese, with an archive of articles since September 2017.

Sawt al-Ahrar. (Online) -- Algiers : Sawt al-Ahrar, 2009-
The electronic version of the daily newspaper from Algeria -- in Arabic; current and recent issues only.

Sen'Tract. (Online) -- Dakar, Sénégal : GCI Global Com, 2018--
Depuis mars 2018, un journal électronique d'analyse et d'opinion sur les actualités politiques, culturelles, et économiques du Sénégal, de l'Afrique, de la reste du monde.

Seychelles nation. (Online) -- Victoria, Seychelles: Seychelles Nation, via Atlas Seychelles Ltd., 2004-
The current daily issue in English, plus an archive of selected news stories since 2004 in English, French, and Kreol, as well as Seychelles-related links.

Shurouq, Al-. (Online) -- Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt: Dar El Shorouk, 2009-
The electronic version of the "independent" daily newspaper in Arabic, owned and operated by a major book publisher in Egypt.

Sidwaya. (Online) -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Editions Sidwaya, 2000-
"Sidwaya est un quotidien national du Burkina Faso. Ancien journal étatique, il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un journal de référence par la population Burkinabé."

Soir info, Le. (Online)--L'Inter -- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Editions Olympe, 2005-
Le dernier numéro de la version électronique du journal quotidien, avec une archive de vieux numéros.

Soleil, Le. (Online) -- Dakar, Senegal: Le Soleil, 1998-
Le numéro du jour. Pour regarder aux vieux numéros des deux dernières semaines, choisissez "Nos derniers numéros".

Somaliland times. (Online) -- Hargeisa, Somaliland: Haatuf Media Network, 2002-
The site offers the electronic version of an English language weekly newspaper from Somaliland, with archive of selected back issues since 2002.

South Sudan today. (Online) -- Juba, South Sudan: South Sudan Today, 2013-
The electronic version of a newspaper, publishing online since October 2013.

Sowetan, The. (Online) -- Johannesburg, South Africa: The Sowetan, 2005-
The home page of the South African daily newspaper, with current electronic issue only. Note: a subscription is required to access back issues.

Standard, The. (Online) -- Banjul, The Gambia: XL Standard Co., Ltd., 2014-
A daily, Gambian-based newspaper online, with a searchable archive of older articles since March 2014.

Standard, The. (Online)  Standard Digital  -- Nairobi, Kenya: The Standard Group, Ltd., 2001-
Formerly The East African Standard: the current daily electronic issue and the previous week of back issues are available.

Standard times press news. (Online) -- Freetown, Sierra Leone: Standard Times Press, 2006-
This electronic newspaper offers daily news, editorials, commentaries, recent news coverage and feature reports, including: Business World.

Star, The. (Online) -- Nairobi, Kenya: Radio Africa Group, 2009--
Current and recent news, with a searchable archive containing selected articles since September 2012 only.

Statesman, The. (Online) -- Accra, Ghana: The Statesman, 2006-
The newspaper was originally founded in 1949. Since 2006, it has been published as a daily. The website offers the electronic version of the current and recent news, plus an archive of selected past articles since January 2007.

Sud quotidien (Online) -- Dakar: Le Groupe Sud Communication, 1997-
On peut accéder au numéro du jour ("A la Une"), et aux dossiers spéciaux.

Sunday mail, The. (Online). -- Lusaka, Zambia: The Sunday Mail, 1999-
Current electronic issue only of this pro-government newspaper.

Sunday mail, The. (Online) -- Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Newspapers, Ltd., 2000-
The most recent electronic issue of this weekly newspaper from Zimbabwe. Note: the electronic news is sometimes a few weeks behind; and there are no back issues.

Sunday times, The. (Online). -- South Africa: Times Media Ltd., 1997-
Encompassing The Sunday Business Times: Current online edition and a searchable archive of back issues since 2004 only. ***See also: The Times Live ...for daily news.

Tahalil hebdo. (Online): hebdomadaire indépendant d'informations et d'analyses. -- Nouakchott, Mauritania: MPS, 2006-
La version électronique du journal mauritanien, avec une archive des vieux articles depuis le mois de mars 2006.

Temps, Le. (Online) -- Tunis: Dar Assabah, 2007--
La version électronique du quotidien tunisien est disponible à ce site, avec une archive des vieux numéros depuis janvier 2007.

This day. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: Leaders & Company, Ltd., 2001--
The electronic version of this daily Nigerian newspaper, with current issue and recent back issues.

ThisNigeria. (Online) -- Lagos: ThisNigeria Media Company, Ltd., 2020-
"A digital and print newspaper" offering current Nigerian and African news, an archive of articles since 2020, and a sampling of digital editions of recent issues.

Times of Eswatini, The. (Online) -- Mbabane, Eswatini: African Echo (Pty) Ltd, 2005-
The current and recent electronic issues of this daily newspaper (originally founded in 1897).

Times of Nigeria, The. (Online) -- United States: New Generation Media, Inc., 2005-
An online newspaper with current ("real time") and recent news from Nigeria, Africa, and the Nigerian diaspora.

Tribune, La. (Online) -- Alger: La Tribune, 2000-
<< La une >> et les numéros des jours de la dernière semaine; de plus, on peut lire les anciens numéros depuis avril 2000.

University world news. (Online)--Africa edition. -- London, UK; Durban, South Africa: Higher Education Web Publishing Ltd, 2008-
This open access weekly newspaper on higher education in Africa, is published from London, but with offices in South Africa and correspondents around the African continent. The archive contains issues since March 2008.

Vanguard. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria : Vanguard Media Ltd., 1998-
Current and the preceding week's issues of the online version of the Nigerian daily newspaper (originally launched in 1984); plus links to general African and Nigerian business news.

@Verdade. (Online) -- Maputo, Mozambique: @Verdade, 2008-
Began as a weekly newspaper in 2008 and recently expanded to a daily publication. This site is the electronic version in Portuguese, with selections in English translation. Selected articles under various rubrics from the last 3 years are accessible without searching the archive. Note: The archive --searchable by year-- only contains selected articles from 2008-2014.

Wafd, Al-. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: al-Wafd, 1978-
The weekly newspaper in Arabic of the New Al-Wafd political party; current and recent issues only.

Watan, El. (Online): le quotidien indépendant. -- Algiers: SPA El Watan, 2000-
La "une" et les numéros de la semaine actuelle de la version électronique de ce journal algérien. On peut lire les gros titres dans les archives depuis mars 2000, mais il faut avoir une abonnement pour lire les textes intégrals.

Watani. (Online) -- Cairo, Egypt: Watani International, via NetEgypt.Com, 1998-
The electronic version of the Coptic Christian Sunday newspaper from Egypt in Arabic, with English summary version. The archive offers back issues since 2007.

Watwan, al-. (Online) -- Moroni, Comoros: Al-Watwan, via Comores Info, 2005-
La version électronique de ce quotidien comorien. Remarque: à ce site, l'accès au numéro du jour est gratuit, mais il faut s'abonner pour lire les archives. Pour toutes les actualités comoriennes, voir le site de Comores-Infos.

Witness, The. (Online) -- Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: The Witness, 1997- formerly The Natal Witness
Requires free registration to access: current issue of the electronic version of this daily newspaper, which focuses on local Kwa-Zulu Natal events. Highlights from back issues are available in the archive.

Zambian watchdog, The. (Online) -- Lusaka, Zambia: Zambian Watchdog Media, 2008-
The online version of the weekly newspaper from Lusaka, specializing in investigative and analytical news reporting, with a small archive since September 2008.

Zimbabwe independent, The. (Online) -- Harare: Zimind Publishers Ltd., 1997-
Access to current issue of this weekly newspaper, plus a link to the archive of back issues.

Zimbabwe standard, The. (Online) -- Harare: Zimbabwe Standard, 1998-
Current electronic issue of the Sunday newspaper and a searchable archive of selected back issues.

Zimbabwean, The. (Online) -- London, UK: The Zimbabwean, 2005-
The online version of a weekly newspaper on Zimbabwean affairs organized by Zimbabweans outside of the country...launched in mid-March 2005...The paper will be edited by Wilf Mbanga, founder and first Chief Executive of Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe, the publishers of The Daily News (closed down in 2003 under the terms of the Zimbabwe Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.)"