Islamic Studies Reading Room

The Islamic Studies Reading Room contains some 4,500 non-circulating items on various facets of Islam and Islamic Studies. It is located in Room 602, Butler Library. This core non-circulating collection features sourcebooks and introductions to Islam, in addition to reference texts on Islam and Islamic societies and cultures. Canonical classical and secondary works on topics related to Islam are also available here, e.g. Qur’anic exegesis and commentary (Tafsir), Hadith and Sunna, Islamic Historiography, Islamic Law, Islamic science and philosophy, and Sufism. The Room is not intended to be a comprehensive source for the study of these subjects, but rather a space in which interested persons can browse and consult major and reference works in the field. The materials are mostly in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu as well as in English: there are also some works in German and French.
Here follows a sample list of databases and online resources relevant to Islamic Studies that are available to the Columbia University research community:
- Encyclopedia of Islam
- Encyclopedia of the Qur’an
- Brockelmann Online
- Dictionary of Qurʾanic Usage
- Encyclopedia of women and Islamic cultures
- Oxford bibliographies - Islamic studies
- Qurʾān Concordance
- The Cambridge History of Islam in four volumes from the complete
Cambridge Histories Online- The Cambridge History of Islam Vol. 1A:
The central Islamic lands from pre-Islamic times to the First World War - The Cambridge History of Islam Vol. 1B:
The central Islamic lands since 1918 - The Cambridge History of Islam Vol. 2A:
The Indian sub-continent, South-East Asia, Africa and the Muslim West - The Cambridge History of Islam Vol. 2B:
Islamic Society and Civilization
- The Cambridge History of Islam Vol. 1A: