General Organizations
- OACPS: Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States -- General Secretariat (Brussels, Belgium)
- This site -- in English or in French -- offers current news, press releases, and documents pertaining to the activities of the OACPS (originally created as the ACP in 1975) and its relations with other organizations.
- About the OACPS: history and documents
- OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly -and- List of Assembly Members
- 9th Summit Declaration of the ACP Heads of State, December 9-10, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
- Georgetown Agreement, Revised, December 6, 2019
- Post-Cotonou and Cotonou Agreements (Documents and overview, November 2023)
- African Diaspora Policy Centre (The Hague, The Netherlands)"...ADPC enables African Diaspora in Europe to connect more closely with the continent as a collective force. The thematic areas are Peacebuilding, Research, Expert Meetings, Training, Better Governance, Migration & Development, and Brain Gain."
--See epecially: ADPC publications: articles, policy briefs and papers, reports, book summaries, etc. - African Press Organization: Database of Press Releases Related to Africa (Dakar, Senegal; Lausanne, Switzerland)A searchable database of official press releases from governments and international organizations since August 2007.
- African Union = Union Africaine (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) Formerly the Organization of African Unity
- AU Political Affairs, Peace and Security: News, legal instruments, other documents, and links
- Decisions and Declarations of the AU Assemby, 1964 to present
- Decisions and Declarations of the AU Executive Council, 1963 to present
- AU Common Repository (Archive)
- 37th AU Summit, January 15--February 18, 2024
- 36th AU Summit, January 16th--February 18, 2023
- AU / Africa CDC on COVID-19
- The African Union on Infrastructure and Energy Development
- 32nd AU Summit--"2019 Year of Refugees, Returnees, and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa," February 10-11, 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 31st AU Summit--"2018 Year of Combatting Corruption," June 25-July 2, 2018, Nouakchott, Mauritania
- 30th AU Summit Decisions and Declarations, January 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 5th African Union-European Union Summit, November 29-30, 2017, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
--See also: European Union site - 29th AU Summit, "Harnessing the Demographic Dividend Through Investments in Youth," June 27--July 4, 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Compendium of key human rights documents of the African Union. (2016) 6th edition. -- Pretoria, South Africa: Pretoria University Law Press, 2016. --via Directory of Open Access Books
- African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS)Press release and reports, October 27, 2015
-- See especially: Final Report of the AUCISS, October 15, 2015 315 pages in PDF format; plus:
A Separate Opinion. By Mahmood Mamdani, Commissioner, Member of the AUCISS, October 20, 2015 - The White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Washington, DC):
"Remarks by President Obama to the People of Africa," Mandela Hall, African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethioipa, July 28, 2015 - Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want (April 2015)
- 50th Anniversary of OAU/AU Statements, May 25, 2013
--Plus: OAU Charter (May 1963) --and- Resolutions from the Inaugural Meeting of the Organization of African Unity, May 25, 1963 - AU Panel of the Wise: strengthening relations with similar regional mechanisms (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : 4-5 June 2012) 63 pages in PDF format
- Global African Diaspora Summit, May 23-25, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa (via South African Government, Pretoria)
- Common African Position on the Proposed Reform of the United Nations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 8, 2005 (via The Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC)--See also: "Ezulwini Consensus" (via International Coalition for The Responsibility to Protect, New York)
- NEPAD--The New Partnership for Africa's Development (Johannesburg, South Africa)The NEPAD offices were established with the formal adoption of The NEPAD Strategic Framework at the 37th Summit of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) in July 2001, as a programme of the OAU.
- Le mouvement panafricaniste du vingtième siècle, textes de référence, Dakar, du 7 au 9 octobre 2004. Edité par l'Organisation internationale de la francophonie. Conférence des Intellectuels d'Afrique et de la Diaspora, Dakar, Sénégal, octobre 2004. Format PDF
- The Centre for Conflict Resolution Seminar: "Building an African Union for the 21st Century: Relations with Regional Economic Communities (RECs), NEPAD and Civil Society", 20-22 August 2005 (Cape Town, South Africa) A 66 page report in PDF format.
- For other documents and a web site about the OAU, see below.
- Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie: Journal de l'Agence de la Francophonie. (Online). No. 31, janvier-mars 2003: à propos de la langue française en Afrique. Format PDF. -- Paris, France: AIF, 2003.
- Voir aussi, le site de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie ci-dessous.
- Amani Africa Media and Research Services (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)" independent pan-African policy research, training and consulting think tank with expertise on the African Unionpolicy processes and a specialization on the African Union Peace and Security Council."
--See especially: 2024 African Union Peace and Security Council Handbook. 309 pages in PDF format
--See also: Policy briefs and Research reports - Associations - O.N.G. Annuaire international africain via PlaneteAfrique.Com (Niamey, Niger)
- China-Africa Relations
- Africa Research Institute (London, UK)
- Ambassador Zhong Jianhua on Trade, Aid, and Jobs (August 2013) Conversation series
- Between extremes: China and Africa (October 2012) Briefing note.
- African Economic Research Consortium--Publications (Nairobi, Kenya)
--Search for "China-Africa economic relations policy briefs"
--The impact of China and India on the SSA [Sub-Saharan Africa]: a methodological framework. (March 2007) by Raphael Kaplinsky. Asian drivers working paper ; 17 pages in PDF format - AidData: on Africa (via Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia) is a collaborative online platform that seeks to make information about Chinese development finance flows worldwide more accessible and usable."
- Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)--"Understanding China's Belt and Road infrastructure projects in Africa," September 2019. A report by David Dollar.
--"Africa in Focus" blog: "Rising Sino-Japanese competition in Africa," Aug. 31, 2016 - Center for Strategic and International Studies -- Africa (Washington, DC)
- "Real Threats and Misplaced Fears at the Seventh Forum for China-Africa Cooperation." (September 5, 2018). By Judd Devermont, Director, Africa Program.
- The Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa: Taming the dragon? : defining Africa's interests at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), July 13-14, 2009. Seminar report ; 55 pages in PDF format.
- China-Africa Project (Eric Olander and Cobus van Staden, Vietnam and South Africa)"...a multimedia resource dedicated to exploring every aspect of China’s growing engagement with Africa. Through a combination of original content and curation of third-party material from across the Internet..."
- "China in Africa" Web Dossier (April 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- ChinAfrica = Chinafrique. (Online) -- Beijing, République populaire de Chine : Beijing Review, 2001-Official news from the Chinese government in English, French, or Chinese.
- China in Africa, Part I: The Good. By David Volodzko (2016) The Diplomat. (Online). June 2016. (Tokyo, Japan)
--See also: Part II: The Bad -and- Part III: The Ugly - "China in Africa: The Real Story" Blog (Prof. Deborah Brautigam, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC)
- China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) -and- Department of African Affairs. (See People's Republic of China below)
- Chinese University of Hong Kong -- Events & Documents on Africa
- CODESRIA--Council for the Development of the Social Sciences in Africa: Africa-China relations: updated bibliography (June 2022) (Dakar, Senegal)
- Gavin Menzies' 1421 Project and his critics
- Gavin Menzies: 1421 (Gavin Menzies, London, UK)
- The '1421' myth exposed: Chinese admiral Zheng He did not discover the world in 1421 (2012) (Dr. Geoff Wade et al., Singapore) --via The Internet Archive--Wayback Machine
" international group of academics and researchers who are greatly concerned about the myths being created and perpetuated by Gavin Menzies, his business group, and his publishers (1421: The Year China Discovered the World )."
- GIGA--German Institute of Global and Area Studies (Hamburg, Germany)
Online-Bibliographies dok-line: Africa and China: relations in the era of globalisation (2009) ; Update, 2009-2012 ; Update, 2013-2015 ; Update 2016-2018 - ICASSA--Institute for China Africa Studies in Southern Africa (SARDC--Southern African Research and Documentation Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe)"ICASSA was established to coordinate the exchanges, seminars and research activities for China Africa Studies that began in 2007."
--See especially: Papers - Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced and International Studies: China Africa Research Initiative (Washington, DC, USA) Since 2014
--See especially: CARI Publications -and- Blog--"China in Africa: The Real Story" - South African Institute of International Affairs -- China-Africa Relations (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- South China Morning Post--Post Magazine: "Afro-Chinese marriages boom in Guangzhou..." June 1, 2014, by Jenni Marsh. (Hong Kong, China)
- Zhejiang Normal University, Institute of African Studies (China)
- Africa Research Institute (London, UK)
- Commission de l'Océan Indien (Port Louis, Mauritius)
- << La COI (créé en 1984) est une organisation originale qui regroupe quatre Etats ACP (Comores, Madagascar, Maurice, Seychelles) et une région ultrapériphérique européenne (La Réunion). >>
- --Veuillez voir surtout: COI Publications
- Commission for Africa, March 11, 2005 (London, UK)
- "The Commission for Africa was launched by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair in February 2004...Five formal objectives were established to guide the Commission's respond to positive changes taking place on the continent, such as the leadership shown by the AU and generate new ideas and action; to support the best of existing work; to help deliver implementation of existing international commitments; to offer a fresh and positive perspective; to understand and help fulfil African aspirations..."
- See also: United Kingdom web pages for: Foreign & Commonwealth Office (below) ; Department for International Development --or-- The Commonwealth Secretariat.
- The Commonwealth Secretariat -- General Home Page (London, UK)
- The Commonwealth Election Reports The Commonwealth iLibrary (London, UK)NOTE: Electoral observation mission reports can be read online for free, but full text download requires a subscription.
- News from Africa
- The Commonwealth Election Reports The Commonwealth iLibrary (London, UK)
- Embassy Worldwide
This is a useful portal site for general information about and links to official sites for all embassies of all most countries. Search by country
- EPIC-Africa Creating Agency (Dakar, Senegal)EPIC-Africa creates..."a platform that increases visibility for the [civiil society] sector and facilitates financing of African CSOs. The African CSO Index and The African CSO Excellence Awards provide a clear view of the CSOs that have the capacity to effect the most impactful change and gives the sector a much needed tool to further develop the organizational capacity of African CSOs."
--See: The Impact of COVID-19 on African Civil Society Organizations: Challenges, Responses, and Opportunities. June 2020.;
French version
--See also: The State of African CSOs: 2019 Report - Symposium sur les Etats Unis d'Afrique, suivi du Forum sur le Rôle et la Place de l'Afrique dans la Gouvernance Mondiale, du 27 au 30 juillet 2009, Dakar, Sénégal Sous le patronage du Président Abdoulaye Wade, la Ministère des Affaires étangères, et l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop. (via Convergence FM, La Radio Panafricaine, Dakar)En plus du programme, des photos, et des discours des intervenants au symposium, ce site comprend une recueil des entrées biographiques sur les "grands panafricanistes."
- European Union and Africa (Brussels, Belgium)
- Africa and Europe in Partnership (Africa-EU)
- Post-Cotonou Agreement Negotiations, 2015--
- 5th African Union-European Union Summit, November 29-30, 2017, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
--See also: European Union site on 5th AU-EU Summit - Africa-EU Summit, 29-30 November 2010, Tripoli, Libya
- The Africa-EU strategic partnership: a joint Africa-EU strategy (2007)
- : news and resources on the Joint Africa-EU Strategy"The Joint Strategy, adopted during the second Africa-EU Summit in Lisbon in December 2007, outlines a long term shared vision of the future of Africa-EU relations in a globalized world."
- European Commission on EU-Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific Relationships (ACP)
Reports, country profiles, and press releases.
- Africa and Europe in Partnership (Africa-EU)
- Femmes Africa Solidarité (Geneva, Switzerland ; New York, USA ; Dakar, Senegal)
- FAS is a non governmental development organisation founded in 1996.
- FAS Publications (2004--)
- Human Rights Documentation
- Forum International de Dakar sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Organisé par Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et des Sénégalais de l’extérieur et le Centre des Hautes Etudes de Défense et de Sécurité. Le premier objectif: "Instaurer un rendez-vous international annuel qui rassemble tous les acteurs et experts africains et internationaux concernés par les questions de paix et sécurité en Afrique."
- 8ème Forum international de Dakar sur la paix et la sécurité en Afrique, du 24 au 25 octobre 2022---Programme
- Actes de la 7ème Forum international de Dakar sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique, du 6 au 7 décembre 2021. 120 pages en format PDF
- Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) (Nairobi, Kenya)
- General information about FAWE and its activities, plus contact information for national chapters. "The Forum for African Women [FAWE] ... brings together African women ministers in charge of national education systems, women vice chancellors of universities and other senior women policy makers in education in Africa. Founded in 1992, and registered in Kenya as a pan-African NGO in 1993, FAWE has 56 full members drawn from 30 African countries, 25 associate members comprising male ministers of education and permanent secretaries ... to stimulate broad policy reform and create a conducive environment for increasing parental demand for girls' education."
- France. Ministère des Affaires étrangères sur l'Afrique (via France Diplomatie, Paris)
- Ce site officiel offre les dernières actualités et les documents sur les relations françaises-africaines.
- 25ème Sommet "Afrique-France," du 30 mai au 1er juin 2010, Nice (via France. Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Paris)
- Ce site officiel offre les dernières actualités et les documents sur les relations françaises-africaines.
- Le G5 Sahel--Secretariat Permanent (Nouakchott, Mauritania)"...créé le 16 Février 2014...Le G5 Sahel a pour objet : garantir des conditions de développement et de sécurité dans l’espace des pays membres ; offrir un cadre stratégique d’intervention permettant d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations..."
--Veuillez voir surtout: Publications -et- Discours - G7/G8 Summit Meetings
- G7 Information Centre (University of Toronto Library, Toronto, Canada)
- Gouvernance en Afrique (Paris)Le site comprend un annuaire des alliés (la plupart des organisations-participants se sont basée aux pays francophones en Afrique de l'Ouest), toutes les informations sur les activités de l'alliance et leur réunions, et une archive des documents en français et quelques-uns qui sont en anglais. "L'Alliance pour refonder la gouvernance en Afrique relie des acteurs africains et non-africains engagés dans l'action et la réflexion, soucieux de promouvoir à la fois au niveau des citoyens africains et du monde, un dialogue sur la gestion des affaires publiques en Afrique."
- Institute for Cultural Diplomacy: Experience Africa (Berlin, Germany)" promote social and economic development within Africa, and to strengthen relations between cultural groups and nation states on the continent. At the global level, the program works to promote stronger political, economic, and cultural links between Africa and other regions." The site features highlights from conferences, public conversations, interviews, and program information.
--See especially: ICD "Experience Africa" Research Program -- and -- Selected Conference Papers. - International Conference on the Great Lakes Region = Conférence international sur la région des Grands Lacs (Bujumbura, Burundi)
- "In November 2004, the eleven Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the International Conference on the Great Lakes region (IC/GLR) unanimously adopted the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Peace, Security and Development in the Great Lakes region in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." Since then, the conference has met in 2006 and 2007.
- International Court of Justice = Cour internationale de Justice (The Hague, The Netherlands)
- The legal arguments, judgements, and discussion surrounding the cases before the court.
- ICJ Home Page = CIJ Page d'accueil.
- Bénin vs. Niger, 2002-
- Democratic Republic of Congo vs. Rwanda, 2002-
- Republic of Congo vs. France, 2002-
- Republic of Guinea vs. Democratic Republic of Congo, 1999-
- Cameroon v. Nigeria, 1994-
- Botswana / Namibia, 1998- : Kasikili/Sedudu Island
- International Peace Academy on Africa (New York)
- "International Peace Academy (IPA) is an independent, non-partisan, international organization dedicated to promoting the peaceful settlement of armed conflicts between and within states."
- IPA Home Page
- IPA Research & Policy Development
- IPA Publications (Newsletter, occasional papers, reports, etc.)
- International Women's Media Foundation on Africa (Washington, DC)
- IWMF Home Page
- Stats and Studies--Africa and elsewhere
- Writing for our lives: how the Maisha Yetu Project changed health coverage in Africa (2005) 124 pages in PDF format
- Deadline for health: the media's response to covering HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria in Africa (2004) 36 pages in PDF format
- Reporting on HIV/AIDS in Africa: a manual (2002) 39 pages in PDF format
- Interpol -- Africa Activities (Lyon, France)General annual reports, legal materials, contacts, and African regional conference highlights (since 2001) are provided on this site. "Interpol is the world's largest international police organization with 181 member countries. ...established in 1923...receives, stores, analyses and circulates criminal data in co-operation with its member only with international crimes; that is, crimes that involve two or more member countries."
- Kabissa - Space on the Internet for the African Non-Profit Sector (Washington, DC)
- An extensive clearinghouse and website provider, with news reports on "social justice" from various online news services, opinions, and links to information about African NGOs, as well as general Africa links.
- Pambazuka newsletter. (Online) -- Oxford, UK; Cape Town, South Africa: Pambazuka, 2000-Formerly Kabissa-Fahamu Newsletter: Current weekly issue and back issues since December 2000. "Pambazuka News is a free weekly electronic newsletter covering news, commentary and analysis, and a range of other resources on African human rights and sustainable development. Pambazuka News is produced by Fahamu, Kabissa and Sangonet. The newsletter includes links to news reports from various online news services and organizations, and a catalogue of back issues."
- 'New Partnership for African Development', 'New African Initiative' & Related Documents, 2001-- (via United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- OACPS: Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (See above)
- Observatoire des Fonctions Publiques Africaines (OFPA) (Cotonou, Bénin)<< OFPA est une mise en commun des expériences de restructuration des fonctions publiques africaines: collecte des informations, appréciation des problèmes communs...lors de sa création en 1991... Il comprend actuellement vingt-six Etats membres.>>
- Le Portail du Droit des Affaires en Afrique (Centre d'affaire La Défense, Paris, France)Une archive de publications en français sur le droit en Afrique. Il faut s'incrire pour avoir accés aux textes intégrals et aux autres services du site.
- Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (Paris, France)
- Page d'accueil de l'OIF
- Textes de référence: charte, déclarations, et accords de coopération
- Dakar 2014--XVe Sommet de la Francophonie, du 29 au 30 novembre 2014, Dakar, Sénégal
- Liste des conférences et colloques
- The Organization of African Unity (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) For more information, see the new "African Union" website above.
- Actions taken by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU, 1992- (via African Human Rights Resource Center, University of Minnesota, Human Rights Library)Includes a link to the University of Cincinnati-College of Law, DIANA Collections, with online documents from the early years of the OAU.
- The "Creation of the OAU" Web Site (Makonnen Ketema, USA)Warning: The links on this site only work with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
An unofficial site offering a historical summary on the OAU, with many photographs -- based on interviews with and the personal papers of Ketema Yifru, who served as Foreign Minister of Ethiopia during the Haile Selassie years.
- Actions taken by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU, 1992- (via African Human Rights Resource Center, University of Minnesota, Human Rights Library)
- People's Republic of China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Africa (Beijing)
- Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
- "[Launched in Beijing in 2000]...a platform established by China and friendly African countries for collective consultation and dialogue and a cooperation mechanism between the developing countries, which falls into the category of South-South cooperation."
- 2024 Summit of the FOCAC, September 4-6, 2024, Beijing
- The 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, November 29-30, 2021, Dakar, Senegal
--Veuillez voir aussi: le site en français - Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19, June 17-22, 2020 (Beijing, China)
- FOCAC 2018: Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, September 3-5, 2018, Beijing, China
- Departments of African Affairs -and- West Asian and North African Affairs
- Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
- REPAOC--Réseau des Plates-formes nationales d'ONG d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Third World Network Africa (Accra, Ghana)The site features news analysis, some downloadable reports, and related links. "TWN Africa is a Non Governmental Organisation which carries out Research and Advocacy on issues of social and economic policy that advances the needs and interests of peoples of African and other third world countries (especially marginalized social groups), a fair distribution of world's resources, and forms of development which are sustainable and fulfil human needs."
- Government of The United Kingdom on Africa (London)
- Department for International Development in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
--See also: Development Tracker : current & recent UK aid projects
--Search UK Web Archive for past DFID programs in Africa (via The British Library, London, UK) - Foreign and Commonwealth Office -- Publications
- UK and Kenya
- UK and Nigeria
- Department for International Development in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
- United Nations agencies on Africa (via Columbia University Libraries)