Speaker Profiles
John Caulker
John Caulker is the Executive Director of Forum of Conscience (FOC), Sierra Leone, and is a participant in the 2007 Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia's Center for the Study of Human Rights. Mr. Caulker draws attention to the role of diamond mining in Sierra Leone's past war and pushes for recognition of the environmental degradation associated with mining. He strives to prevent recurring violence by connecting the root causes of Sierra Leone's brutal conflict to the need for corporate accountability and transparency. As the National Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Working Group, Mr. Caulker has pressured the government of Sierra Leone to implement the recommendations of the TRC's 2004 report. Specifically, he has fought to ensure that some of the revenues from the sale of Sierra Leone's natural resources benefit Sierra Leoneans themselves in the form of a special fund for war victims. As part of this effort to raise awareness and guarantee protection for the rights of victims of the conflict, Mr. Caulker also mediated an agreement that allows members of the Amputees and War Wounded Association to participate in the TRC and Special Court process.
Mary Marshall Clark
Mary Marshall Clark is director of the world's oldest oral history program and archive, the Columbia University Columbia Center for Oral History, located in the Columbia University Libraries. She is past president of the Oral History Association, and a founding member of the Executive Council of the International Oral History Association. She is a lecturer for the Organization of American Historians. She is co-founder, with the sociologist Peter Bearman, of the September 11, 2001 Oral History Narrative and Memory Project, in which nearly 500 people were interviewed following the catastrophe, with a special focus on immigrants, refugees, Muslims and those who were directly affected by the events.
Alison Des Forges
Alison Des Forges, senior advisor to the Africa Division of Human Rights Watch, directed the research for and wrote a major history of the Rwandan genocide, based on extensive use of official and unofficial documents. She has provided expert testimony in 10 trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and in national trials in Belgium and Switzerland, and at a Gacaca trial in Rwanda.
Richard Dicker
Richard Dicker has been the director of Human Rights Watch's International Justice Program since the program’s beginning in 2001. He is a graduate of New York University Law School and received his LLM from Columbia University. After his academic training, Mr. Dicker spent two years practicing civil rights law in New York. For the past sixteen years, he has worked for Human Rights Watch, where he first focused on accountability issues in southern Africa and arbitrary detention in China. In 1994-95, Mr. Dicker led Human Rights Watch's efforts to bring a case before the International Court of Justice charging the government of Iraq with genocide against the Kurds. Starting in 1995, he directed Human Rights Watch's multi-year campaign to establish the International Criminal Court (ICC). He observed the preparatory negotiations at the United Nations and was present in Rome for the 1998 Diplomatic Conference that finalized the ICC treaty. In the last few years, he has been outspoken in defense of the ICC in the face of intense criticism by the U.S. government. In addition to remaining very active with the ICC, Mr. Dicker has led advocacy efforts urging the creation of effective domestic accountability mechanisms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the former Yugoslavia. He has made several visits to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Balkans to meet with officials and nongovernmental organizations there. In 2002-04, he observed segments of the Milosevic trial in The Hague, and in October 2005 he was present in Baghdad for the start of the Dujail trial against Saddam Hussein. Richard Dicker's views appear frequently in the press on international justice issues.
Kate Doyle
Kate Doyle is Senior Analyst of US policy in Latin America for the National Security Archive in Washington, DC, -- a research institute and advocacy organization that campaigns for the citizen’s right to know, investigates U.S. national security and foreign policy, and uses the Freedom of Information Act to obtain and publish declassified US documents. Since 1992, she has worked with Latin American human rights investigators, prosecutors and truth commissions to obtain government records that shed light on state violence and repression.
Douglas Greenberg
Douglas Greenberg is Professor of History at the University of Southern California and Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education. Previously Vice President of the American Council of Learned Societies, President of the Chicago Historical Society, and CEO of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, he taught history at Lawrence, Princeton, and Rutgers Universities. He is currently chair of the California Council on the Humanities. Although a historian of the United States by training, he now writes and speaks frequently on the Holocaust and genocide, as well as on the application of digital technology to scholarship and teaching in the humanites.
Mónica Iris Jasis
Mónica Iris Jasis, a physician and public health specialist, is the founder and co-director of Centro Mujeres, a community health organization dedicated to fostering the empowerment and well-being of women and adolescents in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Founded in 1991, Centro Mujeres offers community health and leadership training services and pushes for domestic policy changes to strengthen the position of women and youth in society. Dr. Jasis, who is a participant in the 2007 Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia's Center for the Study of Human Rights, led a successful seven–year campaign that reformed the penal codes and health laws at the state level. The new laws now recognize the freedom of reproductive choice and criminalize domestic violence and sexual harassment. These reforms served as a basis for the recent institution of legal protections for abortion rights in Mexico City. Dr. Jasis also lobbies the local and federal governments as well as corporations to improve the quality of life for seasonal migrant workers who come from extremely poor states in Southern Mexico.
Paul Gordon Lauren
Paul Gordon Lauren is an internationally-recognized teacher and scholar of human rights and global politics, considered one of the world's leading authorities on the history of international human rights. He is currently the Regents Professor at The University of Montana where he also served as the Founding Director of the Mansfield Center and as the Mansfield Professor of Ethics and Public Affairs. Prof. Lauren has a Ph.D. from Stanford, where he has also served on the faculty. Since 1974 he has been teaching in the Department of History at the University of Montana, where his distinguished scholarship and teaching have been recognized by numerous awards, including the Most Inspirational Teacher Award, and the Distinguished Service to International Education Award. Prof. Lauren's many published works (translated into many languages) include the well-known books Force and Statecraft, The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen (nominated for a Pulitzer Prize), and Power and Prejudice. He has given lectures and addresses in his areas of expertise at The Smithsonian Institution, the Nobel Peace Institute, and the UN, and before a wide variety of academic, professional and government audiences around the world.
Kalev Leetaru
Kalev Leetaru is Coordinator of Information Technology and Research at the University of Illinois Cline Center for Democracy, Chief Technology Advisor to the Illinois Center for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science, and Center Affiliate of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Among his research areas is the intersection of digital technologies and information management and he has led numerous large-scale projects in information retrieval, archival, and processing in collaborations with Fortune 100 corporations, university researchers, and educational groups.
Grace Lile
Grace Lile is Media Archive Manager at WITNESS. Prior to WITNESS, Grace established and oversaw the first video archive and news library at CNN New York. She has a BA in Cinema Studies from Hunter College, and an MS in Information and Library Science from Pratt Institute. Grace has presented papers on various topics pertaining to non-fiction and human rights audiovisual archives at conferences of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, and the Society of American Archivists.
David Magier
David Magier was appointed Director of the Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research at Columbia University Libraries in January 2007. A specialist in South Asia, he continues to serve as Director of Area Studies at Columbia -- a position he has held since 1987 -- operating one of this country's strongest interdisciplinary global research collections to support the deep study of 6 different world areas. As Director of the CHRDR, Dr. Magier is responsible for coordinating with Columbia's Rare Books and Manuscripts Library for the acquisition, preservation, processing and public accessibility of the Center's vast collections of human rights organizational archives (including those of Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Watch, Committee of Concerned Scientists and many others). He also works to develop collections of non-archival resources on all aspects of human rights (films, published monographs and journals, government documents, oral histories, statistical data, online databases, etc.) throughout the Columbia Libraries system, and is coordinating a collaborative effort among librarians to archive ephemeral human rights websites. Dr. Magier serves as liaison to several dozen HR organizations and institutes throughout Columbia and beyond, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Study of Human Rights. He runs the CHRDR's outreach and public programs, designed to promote the awareness of human rights collections and resources, and to make them as visible, accessible and useful as possible to academia and to the world community of human rights advocates, activists and practitioners. Dr. Magier holds a PhD in Linguistics from UC Berkeley, and was a professor of linguistics at Berkeley and Michigan State University before embarking on his library career. He is well known internationally for his librarian training efforts and digital library/global resource development projects.
Elavarthi Manohar
Elavarthi Manohar, a participant in the 2007 Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia's Center for the Study of Human Rights, is a highly respected activist in India who champions sexuality rights for lesbians, bisexuals, gays, and transgendered persons. He serves as the Director of Campaigns for Sangama, the premier Indian organization for sexual minorities that he originally founded. Mr. Manohar guides Suraksha, an NGO closely allied with Sangama, that fights for the rights of sex workers and sexual minorities in three districts of Karnataka, India. Mr. Manohar dedicates his advocacy in particular to those most marginalized among sexual minorities, including poor and non-English speaking individuals as well as male and transgendered sex workers. He fights for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and for universal access to AIDS treatment. He has actively campaigned against Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code that criminalizes sexual minorities and the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act that criminalizes most aspects of sex work. Mr. Manohar also mentors the Karnataka Sexworkers Union, an independent trade union of sex workers.
J. Paul Martin
J. Paul Martin, the founding executive director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University, resigned recently to devote himself to teaching and research at both Columbia University and Barnard. Since 1978, under his direction, the Center promoted interdisciplinary human rights research, teaching and training at Columbia and overseas. For each of the past eighteen years, the Center's signature four-month Human Rights Advocates Program has enabled ten or more human rights activists from developing countries to receive advanced training at Columbia and to interact with Columbia faculty and students. Dr. Martin's research and teaching now focus on collective security, human rights and social change in Africa, and on religion, rights and international affairs. In both fields, he is especially interested in the role of external actors, a focus that originated with his dissertation on the educational role of the first missionaries in Lesotho (1833-1884).
David Marwell
The subject of the Holocaust and its meaning in contemporary society has been a focal point of Dr. Marwell's career since 1980. He served as the Chief of Investigative Research at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations, where he conducted historical research in support of prosecution of Nazi war criminals living in the United States. He also played a major role in the Justice Department's investigations of Klaus Barbie and Josef Mengele. From 1988 to 1994, Dr. Marwell was the Director of the Berlin Document Center, where he managed the archive and records repository and supervised the microfilming of the Center's 25 million Nazi-era personnel files, and subsequently oversaw the transfer of the Center's administration to the German government. Since joining the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in late 2000 as Director, Dr. Marwell has overseen the Museum's capital expansion, an 82,000 SF project that nearly quadrupled the physical space of the Museum. The Robert M. Morgenthau Wing, which opened in September 2003, was the first new construction to begin in Lower Manhattan after September 11 terror attacks. Prior to coming to New York, Dr. Marwell was the Associate Director for Museum Programs at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. His role at the museum involved the supervision of the museum's educational programs, museum services, collections, exhibitions, and the expansion of the Museum's technological and web-based information services. These areas served not only Museum visitors but also provided research and education resources to scholars, educators, and potential visitors around the world. Prior to his tenure at the USHMM, Dr. Marwell was the Executive Director of the JFK Assassination Records Review Board from 1994-1997. He has also served as an expert witness and consultant to the governments of Canada and Australia on several war crimes prosecutions, and was a member of the Interagency Working Group for Nazi War Criminal Documents. Dr. Marwell is a graduate of Brandeis University with a B.A. in English, and of the State University of New York at Binghamton with a Ph.D. in Modern European History. He is married and the father of two sons.
Juan E. Méndez
Juan E. Méndez is President of the International Center for Transitional Justice. From July 2004 through March 2007, he also served concurrently as the Special Advisor to the Secretary- General of the UN on the Prevention of Genocide. A native of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, Mr. Méndez has dedicated his legal career to the defense of human rights and has a long and distinguished record of advocacy throughout the Americas. As a result of his involvement in representing political prisoners, the Argentinean military dictatorship arrested him and subjected him to torture and administrative detention for more than a year. During this time, Amnesty International adopted him as a "Prisoner of Conscience." After his release from detention in the late 1970s, Mr. Méndez moved to the United States. For 15 years, he worked with Human Rights Watch, concentrating his efforts on human rights issues in the western hemisphere. In 1994, he became general counsel of Human Rights Watch, with worldwide duties in support of the organization's mission, including responsibility for the organization's litigation and standard-setting activities. From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Méndez was the executive director of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in Costa Rica, and between October 1999 and May 2004 he was professor of Law and director of the Center for Civil and Human Rights at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Between 2000 and 2003 he was a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States, and served as president in 2002. In July 2004, Mr. Méndez was appointed the United Nations special adviser on the prevention of genocide, a post that was complementary to his full-time position as the president of the ICTJ. Mr. Méndez is a member of the boards of directors of the Center for Justice and International Law, Global Rights, and the Open Society Justice initiative. He is on the board of advisors of the Social Science Research Council's Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum, and the advisory council of the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights. He has taught International Human Rights Law at Georgetown Law School and at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and he teaches regularly at the Oxford Masters Program in International Human Rights Law in the United Kingdom. He is the recipient of several human rights awards, the most recent being the inaugural Monsignor Oscar A. Romero Award for Leadership in Service to Human Rights, presented by the University of Dayton in April 2000, and the Jeanne and Joseph Sullivan Award of the Heartland Alliance in May 2003. Mr. Méndez is a member of the bar of Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the District of Columbia, US. He earned a JD from Stella Maris University in Argentina and a certificate from the American University, Washington College of Law.
Alice Miller
Alice M. Miller, J.D. is the co-Director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University and of the Human Rights concentration at the School of International and Public Affairs. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Population and Family Health & International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, with appointments at the Schools of Public Health (Mailman SPH) and International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Her research, teaching and advocacy focus on gender, sexuality, health and human rights and humanitarian issues. In 1998-1999, she was a Rockefeller Fellow in the Program for the Study of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Human Rights at the School of Public Health, Columbia University. Continuing from that Fellowship, her work addresses the theory and action necessary to build a human rights framework for sexuality, in the context of global debates on the inter-related, indivisible and universal claims for human rights. She has worked for 20 years as staff or volunteer with various NGOs, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Human Rights Law Group (now Global Rights) on human rights issues in the US and globally, including on anti-death penalty, women's rights, safe migration and anti-trafficking strategies, the rights and health of war-affected populations, HIV/AIDS and LGBT rights.
Peter Nardulli
Peter F. Nardulli is Professor of Political Science and Law at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the founding Director of the ClineCenter for Democracy. He has been on the faculty at UIUC since 1974 and served as department head in Political Science from 1992 until July 2006. Nardulli is the author of six books on various aspects of the American legal process and empirical democratic theory. His most recent book is Popular Efficacy in the Democratic Era: A Re-examination of Electoral Accountability in the U.S., 1828-2000 (Princeton University Press, 2005). Nardulli has edited another five books. He has authored a number of articles in journals such at the American Political Science Review, Public Choice, Political Communication, Political Behavior and a number of law reviews. Nardulli is currently directing a global study, the Societal Infrastructures and Development Project, which uses a number of innovative methodologies to examine the impact of democracy, free enterprise and the rule of law on a wide range of societal development indicators (economic growth, environmental quality, human rights, societal stability, etc.).
James Neal
Jim Neal is currently the Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian at Columbia University, providing leadership for university academic computing and a system of twenty-five libraries. His responsibilities include the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL), the Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, the Copyright Advisory Office, and the Center for Human Rights Documentation and Research. He participates on key academic, technology, budget and policy groups at the University. Previously, he served as the Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University and Johns Hopkins University, and held administrative positions in the libraries at Penn State, Notre Dame, and the City University of New York. At Columbia, he has focused on the development of the digital library, special collections, global resources, instructional technology, library facility construction and renovation, electronic scholarship, and fundraising programs. Neal has served on the Council and Executive Board of the American Library Association, on the Board and as President of the Association of Research Libraries, on the Board and as Chair of the Research Libraries Group (RLG), and as Chair of OCLC's Research Library Advisory Council and Chair of the RLG Program Committee of the OCLC Board. He is on the Board and incoming Chair of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), and on the Board of the Freedom to Read Foundation. He has also served on numerous international, national, and state professional committees, and is an active member of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). Neal is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, consultant and published author, with a focus in the areas of scholarly communication, intellectual property, digital library programs, organizational change and human resource development. He has worked on editorial boards of journals in the field of academic librarianship. He has served on the Scholarly Communication committees of ARL and ACRL and as Chair of the Steering Committee of SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, and currently on the Board of the Columbia University Press. He has represented the American library community in testimony on copyright matters before Congressional committees, was an advisor to the U.S. delegation at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) diplomatic conference on copyright, has worked on copyright policy and advisory groups for universities and for professional and higher education associations, and during 2005-07 was a member of the U.S. Copyright Office Section 108 Study Group. He was selected the 1997 Academic Librarian of the Year by the Association of College and Research Libraries and is the 2007 recipient of ALA's Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award.
Trudy Peterson
Trudy Huskamp Peterson is a consulting archivist and an internationally recognized leader in the management of archives. Peterson has a Ph.D. in History from the University of Iowa, and has served as Archivist of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Executive Director of the Open Society Archives; Executive Director of the Open Media Research Institute; and from 1993 to 1995 was Acting Archivist of the United States. Dr. Peterson was also a member of the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission on MIAs/POWs. In recognition of her work in the international archives arena Dr. Peterson has been a grantee of the United States Institute of Peace (2004-2005), a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2003-2004), a Fellow of the World Bank (2002-2003), and was elected to the Order of Arts and Letters, Republic of France (1995). Among Dr. Peterson's publications are: Temporary Courts, Permanent Records (Special Report 170, United States institute of Peace, 2006); Final Acts: A Guide to Preserving the Records of Truth Commissions (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005); "Archives in Service to the State: The Law of War and Records Seizure," in Political Pressure and the Archival Records, Margaret Procter, et al., eds., (Society of American Archivists, 2006); and "Archives of UNESCO Europe: A Comparative View," UNESCO World Information Report, 1997.
Bernard Reilly
Bernard F. Reilly is the President of the Center for Research Libraries, a consortium of 230 U.S. and Canadian academic and independent research libraries. Based in Chicago, the Center works to ensure the survival and availability of historical evidence and primary source materials for advanced research and teaching in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Reilly has been the Center’s chief executive officer since 2001. From 1997 to 2001 Reilly was Director of Research and Access at the Chicago History Museum, where he directed acquisition, public service, cataloging, and electronic dissemination of the Society’s vast research holdings of books, prints and photographs, manuscripts and archives, films and broadcasts, and architectural records. Prior to 1997 Reilly was Chief Curator in the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, where he directed acquisitions, preservation, research projects and publications, and service to advanced researchers of the Library’s pictorial collections. Reilly was active in the early years of the Library’s development of the National Digital Library and American Memory collections. Reilly has also published and lectured on political art and propaganda and American drawings and graphic art.
Richard Richie
Richard Richie has served as the curator of the Southeast Asia Collection of Yale University Library since 1997. Prior to that time he served from 1992 until 1997 as the Southeast Asia Bibliographer at Arizona State University Library. He holds a BA in Political Science with a focus on Southeast Asia from the University of California; has served as an agricultural extension agent while serving in Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer from 1983 to 1986; and received a Master of Library and Information Studies, from the University of California at Berkeley in 1991.
Peter Rosenblum
Peter Rosenblum is the first holder of the Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein Clinical Professorship of Human Rights Law at ColumbiaUniversity's School of Law. He came to Columbia from Harvard Law School, where he spent 7 years with the Human Rights Program. Before taking a full time university position, Professor Rosenblum worked with many of the major international human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, the Human Rights Law Group, and the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, as well as the United Nations. He has been a member of the UN Secretary General's Advisory Group on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Human Rights Watch Africa Division Advisory Committee. He has been a consultant to the Carter Center, and serves on the boards of several NGOs. His current workaddresses the confluence of natural resource and human rights issues around the world, with special emphasis on Africa as well as studies in the evolution of the human rights movement worldwide.
Joshua Rubenstein
Joshua Rubenstein is the Northeat Regional Director of Amnesty International USA. He first joined AIUSA as a volunteer in 1975 and was soon hired as a part-time organizer. His primary responsibilities include media, outreach, organizing. In the 1970s, Rubenstein conducted the original organizing for AI in the Midwest and the South, in addition to his efforts in the Northeast. He has a particular interest in human rights in the former Soviet Union, and has written or edited four major books on 20th century Russian history: Soviet Dissidents, Their Struggle for Human Rights; Tangled Loyalties: The Life and Times of Ilya Ehrenburg; Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (for which he was awarded the National Jewish Book Award); and The KGB File of Andrei Sakharov. Rubenstein holds a bachelors degree from Columbia University, NY and is a long-time Fellow of Harvard's Davis Center for Russian Studies; he has made many research trips to Moscow and other Russian cities.
James Simon
James Simon is Director of International Resources at the Center forResearch Libraries in Chicago, Illinois. He is also the Director ofthe Global Resources Network, a collaborative initiative of the majorNorth American universities and research libraries to promote thewidespread availability and exchange of knowledge and source materialsfor international studies. Simon is responsible for the coordination ofsuch programs as the Digital South Asia Library, the InternationalCoalition on Newspapers, and the Area Studies Microform projects of the Center for Research Libraries. Prior to his appointment in 1998, Simon worked in Washington, DC for the International Research & Exchanges Board where he was Program Officer for scholarly exchanges and cooperative partnerships with Russian and Slavic organizations.
Graeme Simpson
Graeme Simpson has an LLB and a history Masters degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has worked extensively on issues related to transitional justice, including work with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and on the transformation of criminal justice institutions in South Africa. Mr. Simpson was a founder and, from 1995-2005, executive director of the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, in Johannesburg. He was one of the drafters of the National Crime Prevention Strategy, adopted by the South African cabinet in May 1996, as well as being a member of the drafting team for the South African White Paper on Safety and Security. Mr. Simpson has worked as a consultant to both governmental and non-governmental organizations in various countries. Currently, he is the Director of Thematic Programs at the International Center for Transitional Justice where he oversees the Center's various thematic engagements, namely prosecutions, reparations, truth-telling, security sector reform, memorials and memorialization, gender work, and a newly established project exploring the relationship between peace and justice. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University Law School, where he teaches a seminar on Transitional Justice.
Lucy Thomson
Lucy Thomson is a Senior Principal Engineer, Information Security, and Privacy Advocate at Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), a global IT company, where she works on teams developing information systems for large organizations. A career U.S. Department of Justice attorney from 1977-2001 and a former criminal prosecutor, she has extensive experience as both a litigator in complex federal civil and criminal cases and as an expert in new technology and electronic discovery. Active in the American Bar Association (ABA), Ms. Thomson is a member of the ABA Digital Evidence Project and is a principal author of an upcoming book on Foundations of Digital Evidence. She is currently a member of the ABA House of Delegates, the Council of the ABA Section of Science & Technology Law, and the AAAS National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists. She was appointed Consumer Privacy Ombudsman by two federal courts to oversee the sale of electronic consumer records in bankruptcy cases. Ms. Thomson earned her J.D. degree from Georgetown University Law Center and an M.S. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). She is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/G) and holds certificates in Network Security and Advanced Electronic Discovery.
Robert Wolven
Robert Wolven is Associate University Librarian for Bibliographic Services and Collection Development at Columbia University Libraries. He is a past chair of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Committee and of the ALCTS Heads of Technical Services in Large Research Libraries. Long active nationally in developments related to metadata and cataloging, he has served on planning and advisory groups for the Digital Library Federation, Research Libraries Group and OCLC, and as moderator for the CONSER Summit on Serials in the Digital Environment and the Taiga Forum on Shifting Boundaries. He is currently serving on the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control.
CHRDR Conference: 4-6 October 2007
Human Rights Archives and Documentation:
Meeting the Needs of Research, Teaching,
Advocacy and Social Justice
Selected Proceedings