Milstein Undergraduate Collection
The interdisciplinary undergraduate collection is shelved in the 24/7 reading rooms on the second, third, and fourth floors of Butler Library. With more than 50,000 volumes, the collection is especially strong in history, literature, and the social sciences supporting the undergraduate curricula for Columbia College, General Studies, and to a limited extent, the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS).
Although focused on the curricular and research needs of undergraduate students, the collection is open to all Columbia users and eligible visitors. Users can borrow most books from the collection for semester-length loan periods. Books may be checked out from the Circulation Desk (3rd floor) or at another circulation desk through the Libraries' pick-up service. In Butler, users can also check out material through the Libraries' self-checkout service.
For assistance locating items in the Milstein Collection, please consult the Butler Call Number Guides or ask for assistance at the service desks for Butler Circulation (3rd Floor Lobby) or Reference (Butler 310).
See the Milstein collection-development policy for more information about the collection and its history.
The Barnard College Library circulating collection is also available to Columbia affiliates and provides material particularly relevant to Columbia undergrauate students, including course materials for Barnard College classes and a strong emphasis on dance, gender, and sexuality studies. Barnard Library collections, as well as other Columbia University collections, are discoverable through the Libraries' catalog, CLIO.