Columbia Library Columns

Columbia Library Columns was published from 1951 to 1997. It was edited by Dallas Pratt from its beginning through November 1980, with assistant editors Merle and Elva Hoover for the first three years; Charles W. Mixer, to 1972; and then Kenneth A. Lohf. Lohf took over as editor until his retirement in 1992, aided by Rudolph Ellenbogen. Ellenbogen in turn took over as editor from November 1992 to his retirement in May 1994, with the assistance of Patrick Lawlor. Michael Stoller was editor from 1995-1997. The final issue of Columns was volume 46:2 (Autumn 1997).
The digitized collection comprises some 6,900 pages in 46 volumes (135 issues).
Over the years contributors included faculty, University adminstrators, writers, historians and collectors, as well as Columbia librarians. Articles focused on individual collections, special acquisitions, literary topics and issues relating to the growth of Columbia's libraries and special collections generally.
The digitized issues are also available via Simply-E (CU affiliates only, mobile device-friendly).
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Selected articles of interest
Columbia Collections
- Gumby, L.S. Alexander. "The Adventures of My Scrapbooks," (2:1 Nov. 1952)
- Albertson, Dean. "History in the Deep-Freeze: The Story of Columbia's Oral History Project," (2:2 Feb. 1953)
- Logdson, Richard H. "The John Jay Papers," (7:1 Nov. 1957)
- Morris, Richard B. "The Salzer Collection of Mayor's Court Papers," (7:3 May 1958)
- Morris, Richard B. "A Master Spy's Espionage Collection [Donovan Collection]," (15:1 Nov. 1965)
- Gilkes, Lillian G. "The Stephen Crane Collection Before Its Acquisition by Columbia ," (231 Nov. 1973)
- Lohf, Kenneth A. "The House of Books Collection: A Bequest and a Gift," (34:3 May 1985)
- Lohf, Kenneth A. "The Charles Saxon Collection: A Bequest," (39:1 Nov. 1989)
- Cahill, Patricia A. "Instructing Women: Conduct Books in the Plimpton Library," (42:1 Nov. 1992)
Columbia Libraries History
- Driver, Ben. C. "The New Thomas J. Watson Library of Business & Economics: A Picture Section" (14:1 Nov. 1964)
- Jones, C. Lee. "The Augustus Long Health Sciences Library: A Giant Step Forward," (26:2 Feb. 1977)
- Placzek, Adolf K. "The New Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library" (27:2 Feb. 1978)
- Battin, Patricia. "The Library of the Future Has Books," (28:1 Nov. 1978)
- Reardon-Anderson, James. "The C.V. Starr East Asian Library: Computers Challenge the Grand Tradition," (33:1 Nov. 1983)
- Sovern, Michael; Pattrica Battin, Gordon N. Ray, Norman N. Mintz. "The Opening of the New Rare Book and Manuscript Library," (34:2 Feb. 1985)
- Bergdoll, Barry. "Laying the Cornerstone of the New Columbia University (Library), December 7, 1895." (44:2 Autumn 1995)
- Haswell, Hollee. "Low Memorial Library: The Building of a Great University," (44:2 Autumn 1995)
- Stoller, Michael. "South Hall [Butler Library] Rising," (45:2 Autumn 1996)
- Locascio, Aline. "Columbia's Library for the Twenty-First Century: The Renovation of Butler," (45:2 Autumn 1996)—In the final issue of the journal.
Photographic Material
- Flaherty, Robert. "The Exploring Camera of Robert Flaherty: A Picture Selection," (15:2 Feb. 1966)
- "Pictures at an Exhibition," Photographs of Mark Van Doren. (9:2 Feb. 1960)
- "Tenements and Families: Early Twentieth Century Photographs of New York from the Community Services Society Collection," (32:1 Nov. 1982)
- Charters, Ann. "Faces of the Beats and Others," (32:3 May 1983)
- "Photographs Inscribed to Marguerite and Louis Cohn," (35:1 Nov. 1985)
- Lehman, Herbert H. "The Photographs of Herbert H. Lehman," (42:2 Feb. 1993)