Directions to the Science & Engineering Library

From College Walk (the pedestrian boulevard corresponding to West 116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue), go up the left (west) side steps of Low Plaza, which is the large open space in front of the domed Low Library Building. Continue on the walkway that runs along the left side of the Low Library Building, continue past Uris and turn left when you reach Schapiro and Pupin. The Library is to the left as you enter inside the Northwest Corner Building on the campus level (fourth floor).

As an alternative route from 120th Street, enter the building at the corner of 120th Street and Broadway, go up the escalators or use the elevator; the Library is on the fourth floor.
Note: The library is open to Columbia affiliates only. Those without a valid Columbia I.D. should first visit the Library Information Office (LIO) for information on library privileges and access.