Columbia University Songs
Roar, Lion, Roar
According to a note in Columbia University Songs, 3rd edition, 1924, this song, with words by Corey Ford ('23) and music by Roy Webb ('10) and Morris W. Watkins ('24), "received the prize awarded by the Alumni Federation of Columbia University for the Football Song-Contest of 1923".
- Recording (MP3 format) (performance by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Columbia Masterworks M35120, 1978, available in CLIO under call number W1159) (used with permission)
- Music Score
- Lyrics (on the site)
- Lyrics, with 1st stanza (on the wikiCU page - see also general wikiCU link below)
We Are The Stuff (a.k.a. "Who Owns New York")
It's not entirely clear when the "Who owns New York" line became the more commonly used title for this song. The phrase appears in this version as "Who'll own New York?", in the third verse. Apparently, over time, the more decisive version has gained favor!
Sans Souci
- School Songs page on wikiCU
Contains information on several other Columbia songs, links to additional audio recordings, and a link to a scan of an 1877 collection of Columbia songs. - Columbia University Marching Band (includes a page with audio as well as lyrics to several songs)

All scans of music above are taken from Columbia University Songs, 3rd edition, 1924, New York: Alumni Federation of Columbia University, available in the Music & Arts Library under call number Music Scores Case 73.74 C72 C