General Bibliographies

This section lists bibliographies for Tibetological research in a wide range of disciplines. For bibliographies specific to history, anthropology, social sciences, religious studies, language and literature, art, and music, see the links to subject bibliographies provided below.  For indices to journals and online bibliography of Tibetan-language journal articles, see the Periodicals section of this guide.

Resources marked with this symbol are restricted to Columbia affiliates.

Online Bibliographies


Created by Dan Martin. Current as of February 2010, this extensive list is available as a searchable Microsoft Word document file (with more than 17,000 entries) for download. The focus is on journal articles and individual contributions to multi-authored volumes, and languages other than Tibetan and Chinese. For ongoing recommendations by Dan Martin, see his blog Tibeto-logic.

  • Tibetan Histories: Addenda et Corrigenda ("Tibhist")
    Created by Dan Martin. Addenda and corrections to the author's print bibliography, Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works, Serindia Publications (London 1997). The original print bibliography "Tibetan Histories" has been scanned by Google, a preview is available here. For library holdings, see  Z3107.T5 M37 1997g
  • China's Tibetology Research Center (Zhongguo zangxue yanjiu zhongxin)
    This research institute of Tibetan studies, sponsored by the Chinese government, hosts a bibliography at: 
    The website introduces the institute, organization, academic staff, research projects and publications. Includes news related to area development, photos research resources, scholars and their works, bibliographies, and important topics. Introduces Tibetan religion and culture, and its social and economic development. Includes lists of research institutions and links to other sites of Tibetan studies. Their reprinting of archival material is one of the most useful aspects of their work. Search "Publisher" field for "Kruṅ-go'i Bod kyi śes rig par khang" or "Zhongguo zang xue chu ban she" in WorldCat for hundreds of results.



  • Bibliography of Tibetan Buddhist Studies ("Tibskrit 2014")
    Created by Dan Martin. Follow instructions for above resource, or access directly here in Dropbox, courtesy of Dan Martin,  A 2,883 page bibliography of Tibetan Buddhist Studies, arranged by religious text title in Sanskrit and by the (Tibetan) author of commentaries. 
    In the words of Dan Martin: "This work includes Tibetan genres of a broadly philological nature (with some emphasis on the more strictly literary, grammatical and lexicographical), above all and primarily those located at the Tibetan Indian interface, including such works that were originally authored in South Asian languages, primarily Sanskrit, but at the same time not excluding Prakrit, Apabhraṃśa, Hindi, Sinhalese, Pāli and so on."

           Current as of June 1, 2013.

A project of the American Institute of Buddhist Studies (AIBS) and the Columbia University Center for Buddhist Studies (CCBS).


  • Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS)
    842,000 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. Focus is on Western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc. Includes 400,000 citations from 1992 to the present, plus full content of the annual printed Bibliography of Asian Studies from 1971–1991.
  • Hathi Trust, for archived and searchable texts:
  • Googlebooks, esp for pre-1923 resources.
  • For Chinese-language scanned books, see

Print Bibliographies

  • Hallvard Kare Kuloy and Yoshiro Imaeda, comps. Bibliography of Tibetan Studies. Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji, 1986.
  • Chibetto no rekishi shūkyō gengo minzoku ni kansuru kihonteki shiryō no sōgōteki kenkyū: Tōyō Bunko shozō Chibettogo kanpon mokuroku チベットの歴史・宗教・言語・民俗に関する基本的資料の総合的研究 : 東洋文庫所蔵チベット語刊本目錄 / 研究代表者福田洋一. Kenkyū daihyōsha Fukuda Yōichi. [Tokyo : Tōyō Bunko], Heisei 3 [1991].
  • Sadakane Ayako. (1982 & 1997) Chibetto kenkyû bunken mokuroku A bibliography of Tibetan studies 1877-1977, 1978-1995, 2 vols., Tôkyô: Kôka Shoten. v.1 DS786 .S229 1982, v.2 DS786 .S23 1997
        There is an important difference between the two volumes. The first volume only deals with Japanese and Chinese materials. The second volume includes Western materials together with Japanese/Chinese ones. (Thanks to Han-ung Kim for this information).
  • Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies v. 1: 1949-1990, v. 2: 1991-1995, v. 3: 1996-2000 (listings in English, Tibetan and Chinese). Z3107.T5 C48 1997
  • Attar, Chand. Tibet, Past and Present: A Select Bibliography with Chronology of Historical Events, 1660-1981. New Delhi, 1981.
        This bibliography, focused mostly on political history, is especially useful for locating references to otherwise difficult-to-find journal articles.
  • 藏学图籍录 = Zangxue tujilu / 徐丽华编著. Guilin : Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2010. 597 pages

This bibliography lists most book-length studies (in Tibetan and Chinese languages) on Tibet, published from the early Qing Dynasty to the 1980s.

Subject Bibliographies


Bibliographies compiled for the Tibet & Himalayan Digital Library at the University of Virginia for the following (largely religious) subjects: