Tibetan Rare Books & Special Collections
Tharchin Collection
Assorted papers of Gegen Dorje Tharchin (1890-1976), founding editor of the Tibet Mirror Press in Kalimpong, India, including subscription lists, financial accounts, correspondence, photos of family and prominent figures, draft publications, etc., and an online version of the Tibet Mirror. Finding Aid available. See more...

Collection on Lama Govinda
Lama Anagarika Govinda (1898-1985), was founder of the order of the Arya Maitreya Mandala and a teacher of Buddhist meditation, as well as a painter and poet. For many years, Lama Govinda lived in Sri Lanka and then India, offering spiritual direction to a great number of western Buddhist students. In process. See more...
Tibetan Canons
Columbia University holds several Tibetan Buddhist canons in print and electronic formats, including the Narthang, Derge, Lhasa Shol, Urga, Gyantse Tenpangma, Peking manuscript edition, etc., as well as editions of the Bonpo Katen. See more...

Meg McLagan Collection
Dr. Meg McLagan (a.k.a. Margaret McLagan) is a filmmaker and cultural anthropologist. Her film credits include Tibet in Exile (1991), Lioness (2008), Paris is Burning (1990), and more. In 2012, Dr. McLagan donated her research files and other materials to the C.V. Starr East Asian Library to support the archival documentation of the "Tibet Movement" among Tibetans in exile and supporters. The files contain materials on Tibetan diasporic identity, intercultural solidarity, and political and cultural activism between 1991 and 1993, including the "International Year of Tibet" campaign. Earlier materials include documents and raw footage for the documentary film, "Tibet in Exile," which followed the stories of nearly a dozen young Tibetan children who escaped from Tibet for education and a new life in Dharamsala, India. See more...

Lhasa Neighborhood Committee Number Three Records
The Lhasa Neighborhood Committee Three Records document the demographic surveys, policies and political campaigns implemented during the transition to direct Chinese Communist rule in Lhasa from 1959 through 1976. The collection is particularly rich with primary sources for studying the implementation of "Democratic Reforms" (dmangs gtso bcos 'gyur): personal statements and registries of people, property and weapons, and files concerning the Anti-Panchen campaign and the activities of the Tibetan noble Lha smon Ye shes tshul khrims. A small portion of the personal files and public documents date to the period of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Finding Aid available.

Tibet Information Network (TIN) Archives
Records from the London headquarters office of the news and research service founded by Robert Barnett and Nick Howen in 1988, including administrative files, TIN publications, and research files on social and poitical conditions in Tibetan regions of the People's Republic of China, primarily from 1989-2001. In process.