FALL 2018
Friday, 9/21/18 11am-noon
Information session Barnard Library
Meet in the Barnard Instruction Lab, where the program directors and some past students will be available to answer questions about the program. Anybody interested is welcome to join program directors as they head to the Art Book Fair @PS1 afterward. This is not part of the program, and attendance is not required to apply to the program.
Friday, 10/12/18 2:00-5:00pm
Typesetting and Printing at the New York Center for Book Arts , 28 W. 27th St.
In this introduction to Typesetting at the New York Center for Book Arts, students will learn the basics of good typography, set a few lines in composing sticks, and learn how to lock up a forme in the printing press. We'll conclude pulling a few prints. Plan to get there early if you want to view the exhibitions up at the NYCBA.
Friday, 11/9/18 noon-4:30pm
Visit to the Woodside Press and Dieu Donné, Brooklyn Navy Yards
Meet by the 1 stop at 116th St. to head by subway and shuttle bus to the Woodside Press, a functional hot metal type shop, and Dieu Donné, a papermaking workshop, in the Brooklyn Navy Yards. The printers at Woodside will demonstrate the basics of letterpress typesetting with monotype and linotype, talk about the history of linotype printing in Brooklyn (it's where the NYTimes was printed!), and show samples of their job printing. At Dieu Donné instructors will show art made at Dieu Donné, demonstrate how fiber is prepared for papermaking pulp, and students will be able to pull several sheets of their own paper. Rubber gloves and aprons will be provided but wear something you don’t mind getting wet.
Friday, 11/16/18 2:00pm-5:00pm
Tour of the Conservation Lab and Party Conservation Lab 1st floor Butler Library (come down the west elevators and then head left)
Behind-the-scenes visit to the Conservation Laboratory for the Columbia University Libraries. Come learn about the department's work and see the Libraries' special collections in a whole new light. Tour will feature a hands-on portion in which students learn to drive a microscope, wield a spatula, and more! We will adjourn to the Hungarian Pastry Shop afterward.
Tuesday, 1/25/19 6:00-8:00pm optional
Take part in New York Bibliography Week by attending the Columbia Bibliography Week lecture in 203 Butler Library: "The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative Media in America" by John McMillian, Associate Professor, Georgia State University. This will be followed by a reception to celebrate the opening of the Global '68 exhibition in the Columbia Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Friday, 2/15/19 2:00-4:30pm
Papermarbling at the Textile Arts Center (Manhattan studio; 26 West 8 St.)
This session will introduce students to the art of papermarbling by hand. Each student will mix a palate of colors to drop into the marbling vats and will be able to experiment with pulling prints with a range of patterns and colors. Because this activity involves working with water and dyes, please dress accordingly.
Saturday, 3/9/19 noon-4pm optional
Lunch and visit to the New York Antiquarian Book Fair in the Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue at 67th Street and nearby shadow fairs
For anybody staying in New York City over Spring Break we're heading to the New York Antiquarian Book Fair, one of the biggest antiquarian book fairs in the United States, and the two shadow fairs that take place nearby. After lunch, students are welcome to browse the fairs on their own or accompanied by the program directors who will introduce them to rare book dealers.
Friday 3/29/19 2:00-4:00pm
Bookbinding in the Columbia Rare Book & Manuscript Library -- Chang Room, 6th floor Butler Library
Book artist, teacher, and conservator Susan Mills will lead students through two simple bookbinding structures: a pamphlet, and a multiple signature binding. The session will be preceded by a demonstration of bookbindings from the Columbia Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Friday, 4/12/19 2:00-4:00pm
Zine-making session and wrap-up party in the Barnard Instruction Lab (113 LeFrak) in the Barnard College Library
Bring the materials you've made all year to assemble into your own zine using the skills that you've learned in the program and whatever else you want to incorporate. At the end of the session we'll break out some food and drink to celebrate!