African Literature on the Internet
- Peter Abrahams, 1919-2017
- Africa is a Country blog: "Pan-Africanism was Peter Abrahams' Country, " February 13, 2017. By Tyler Fleming. (New York)
- The Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica): "Literary icon Peter Abrahams is dead," January 19, 2017
- The New York Times: "Peter Abrahams, a South African Who Wrote of Apartheid and Identity, Dies at 97," January 22, 2017
- Sunday Times (Johannesburg): "Peter Abrahams, writer who exposed pre-apartheid racism," January 29, 2017.
- Chinua Achebe, 1930-2013
- AfricanWriter.Com: "An Evening with Chinua Achebe," October 2009, The Library of Congress, Washington, DC and related posts (USA)
- AfroMarxist, via Chinua Achebe, interviewed in 1964 by Lewis Nkosi and Wole Soyinka, on his two novels "Things Fall Apart " and "No Longer At Ease." Video
- BBC News: "Nigerian author Chinua Achebe dies," March 22, 2013 (London, UK)
- The Guardian. (Online): "The significance of Chinua Achebe's short stories--Part 1 -and- Part 2 By Prof. Adekunle Mamudu, October 2017. (Lagos, Nigeria)
- The Independent. (Online): "Father of African literature,' Achebe, 82, dies after short illness,"
March 22, 2013 (London, UK) - London Review of Books: "Things Left Unsaid," by Chimamanda Adichie, October 11, 2012
Review of: There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra (2012) by Chinua Achebe. (London, UK) - The New York Times: Excerpt--"The Education of a British-Protected Child" by Chinua Achebe,
December 15, 2009. (New York) - Postcolonial & postimperial literature in English: Chinua Achebe and his works (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
- Vanguard. (Online): Chinua Achebe: Exit of a Literary Giant, March 2013 (Lagos, Nigeria) A series of articles
- Africa Book Club (Olney, Maryland, USA)Founded in 2010, an international online newsletter, with book reviews and a forum about Africa's literary past, present, and future, Africans in the diaspora, and related issues; plus an online bookstore.
- Africa's 100 Best Books (Zimbabwe International Book Fair, Harare; via Columbia University)
- General announcement and contact information. All nominations have been received, a short list drawn up by a jury, and the 100 titles were announced on February 18, 2002.
See a copy of the list of 100. - H-Africa Discussion Forum, 2000-2002 (H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)
- African Studies Centre, Leiden University: Web Dossier on "Africa's 100 Best Books of the 20th Century" (2002) (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- General announcement and contact information. All nominations have been received, a short list drawn up by a jury, and the 100 titles were announced on February 18, 2002.
- Africa Cartoons: Encyclopedia of African Political Cartooning (Prof. Tejumola Olaniyan, University of Wisconsin--Madison, USA)This site features sample work of and biographical information on over 180 cartoonists from around the African continent. "...when finished...As appropriate, there will be links to news, interviews, reviews, journalistic articles and scholarly books and essays on cartooning in Africa generally, and individual cartoonists."
- Africa in Words (University of Sussex, UK)A blog initiated by graduate students on African cultural and literary affairs, with a focus on anglophone Africa...commentaries, book reviews, information on events in the UK, South Africa, and elsewhere.
- African literature -- Africa and Women Authors See "Lire les femmes africaines" below
- African Literature Association (via Hobart & William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York)The site includes general information about ALA conferences and issues.
Note: The "ALA Bulletin" is available online ONLY for ALA members.
-- 2025 Annual Meeting "Ecologies of Transition: Spaces and Mobilities in African Cultures and Literatures," June 25-28, 2025, Nairobi, Kenya
--2023 Annual Meeting "Crossings: Africans Moving In/Across Space and Time," May 24-27, 2023, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
--See also: Draft Final Program for 2023 Conference
--45th Annual Meeting -- "Institutions of African Literature: Future, Present, Past," May 15-18, 2019, Columbus, Ohio
--See especially: Final program 48 pages in PDF format
--ALA 2017 43rd Annual Conference -- "Africa and the World: Literature, Politics, and Global Geographies," June 14-17, 2017, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
--See especially: Final Program - African Poetry Digital Portal (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)"The APDP is a project of the African Poetry Book Fund. The Portal is a resource for the study of the history of African Poetry providing access to biographical information, selected poetry, artifacts, news, video recordings, images and other documents related to African poetry from antiquity to the present."
--See also: African Poetry Book Fund's African Poetry Libraries--Africa - AfricanResource.Com (2005-2011): Djelia -- Fiction, Poetry, and Oral History -and- Literary Essays (Binghamton, New York)These web pages included biographical sketches and excerpts from the works of African poets of today, as well as links to journals and other projects of AfricaResource.Com. Some of the featured poets include Kofi Anyidoho (Ghana) and Tanure Ojaide (Nigeria); plus lesser known and younger writers.
- African Speculative Fiction Society (Nigeria ; USA)"The African Speculative Fiction Society is an informal organization of African writers, editors, comic and graphic artists, and filmmakers in the fields of speculative fiction such as fantasy, science fiction, stories that draw on traditions, horror and philosophical fiction."
--See especially: List of Published African SFF -and- Nommo Awards - African Street Literature Blog (Ashleigh Harris and Nicklas Hållén, Uppsala University, Stockholm, Sweden)The blog of a literary research project on "street literature" in Africa. "New forms of literature are emerging in African megacities, outside the established publishing industry. The African Street Literature project aims to make such material accessible."
- African Studies Association of the United States: Childrens' Africana Book Awards (via AfricaAccess.Com, Silver Spring, Maryland)Since 1991, the Outreach Council of the ASA annually honors outstanding authors and illustrators of children's books about Africa published in the United States.
- African Theatre Association (London, UK)"AfTA was founded [in 2006] by a group of senior Africanist academics with a central aim of enabling and disseminating the highest quality of research and practice, as well as facilitating scholarly discourse and education on African theatre and performance. AfTA works to promote the understanding and appreciation of African theatre and performance forms and traditions by facilitating and maintaining scholarly discourse and collaborative research in the fields of African and African Diasporan theatre and performance."
--See especially: 2024 Annual Conference--"Theatres, cultures and democracies in Africa = Théâtres, cultures and démocraties en Afrique," 3 – 6 July 2024, Laboratoire des Sciences de la Communication, des Arts et de la Culture (LSCAC / UFR ICA) Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. ***The proposal submission deadline is 29 February 2024. - African writer magazine (Avenel, New Jersey, USA)Since 2004, a writers' blog for poetry, essays, book reviews, videos, news, bookshop, and a directory of web links.
- "African Writers" (2016) in Pambazuka News. (Online): weekly forum for social justice in Africa.
-- Oxford, UK; Cape Town: Fahamu.
- African Writers Series (ProQuest, LLC, USA)A commercial publisher's site which offers a preview of the full plain-text, digital collection of selected titles from the celebrated international series originally published by Heinemann in the UK.
--See also: Pearson Education (UK) - African Writers Trust (London, UK ; Kampala, Uganda)"Established in 2009, African Writers Trust is a non-profit body, which coordinates and brings together African writers in the Diaspora and their counterparts on the continent to promote mutual sharing of skills and other resources, and to foster knowledge and learning between the two groups."
- African writing. (Online) -- Nottingham, UK: Fonthouse Ltd., 2007-The electronic version of a print journal about contemporary African writing in the English language and writers in Africa and the diaspora, with interviews, short fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, news about forthcoming publications, awards, and events, and useful web links. The archives contains back issues since no. 1 (June/August 2007).
- Africultures: le site des cultures africaines (Olivier Barlet, Editions Harmattan, France)
- Chaque mois, ce site offre un agenda et des informations actualisées au jour le jour - y compris les festivals de cinéma, les concerts, les expositions, etc. Aussi, on peut regarder aux tables des matières de la revue et les textes intérales des vieux numéros sélectionnés.
- Afrolit Sans Frontières Literary Festival, March-November 2020 (via Writing Africa [James Marua Literature Blog], Nairobi, Kenya)
- Afrolivresque. (2022) -- Yaoundé, Caméroun; Roubaix, France, 2014-2022"... est un magazine en ligne qui se veut être le miroir de la création et de l’actualité littéraires africaines et afro-descendantes, tout en posant un regard critique sur l’Afrique et sa diaspora d’un point de vue littéraire."
- Afrology.Com Dossiers: Littérature (Brussels, Belgium)Un petit recueil d'essais biographiques sur les grands écrivains africains du vingtième siècle.
- Ama Ata Aidoo, 1942-2023
- "The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo." (2014) Directed and produced by Yaba Badoe. (Fadoa Films, UK)
-- Director/producer's commercial site ; see also: (kweliTV)
- British Broadcasting Corporation: "Ama Ata Aidoo: Ghana's famous author and feminist dies." May 31, 2023. (London, UK)
--See also: BBC HARDtalk: "Ama Ata Aidoo: celebrating women in Africa." Interview, July 21, 2014. Audio - Brittle Paper: "100 Writers Celebrate Ama Ata Aidoo’s Life and Work," June 26, 2023. (Madison, Wisconsin)
- The Conversation: "Ama Ata Aidoo: the pioneering writer from Ghana left behind a string of feminist classics." June 7, 2023. By Rose A. Sackeyfio. (Washington, DC)
- Graphic Online: "Ghanaian writer Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo is dead," May 31, 2023. (Accra, Ghana)
- The New York Times: "Ama Ata Aidoo, groundbreaking Ghanaian writer, dies at 81." June 5, 2023. (New York)
- Postcolonial & postimperial literature in English: Ama Ata Aidoo (2002) (Prof. George P. Landow and his students at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
- Radical Books Collective: "Ama Ata Aidoo: Five Decades of Killjoy Feminism." September 22, 2022. (USA) --via
--This event was organized in collaboration with Africa is a Country, Brittle Paper, and The Armah Institute of Emotional Justice. - Royal Africa Society: An Audience with Ama Ata Aidoo. July 12, 2014. (London, UK) --via
- Scholar & Feminist Online: "Negotiating with the Diaspora: An interview with Ama Ata Aidoo (Fall 2005) Issue 7, Spring 2009. (Barnard College, Columbia University, New York)
- The Toyin Falola Interviews (Austin, Texas): "A Panel Discussion on Ama Ata Aidoo," July 2, 2023. -- via
With Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, Bisi Adjapon, Dr. Akwasi Aidoo, Dr. Wale Okediran, H.E. Abena Busia, and Prof. Peter Amuka.
- "The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo." (2014) Directed and produced by Yaba Badoe. (Fadoa Films, UK)
- Littératures : le guide de l'Algérie à l'affiche (via France)Un "webzine" sur les nouveautés de la littérature, tous les arts, et l'histoire et la société en Algérie.
- Amazwi --South African Museum of Literature (Makbanda, Grahamstown, South Africa)"The National English Literary Museum was founded with a small collection of South African manuscripts by the late Professor Guy Butler of Rhodes University in the 1960s...officially renamed Amazwi South African Museum of Literature by the Minister of Arts and Culture in March 2019. The museum now has a mandate to collect literary artefacts relating to the literatures of all South African languages."
- União dos escritores Angolanos (Luanda, Angola)
- ANA: Association of Nigerian Authors (Lagos, Nigeria)
- APELA--Association Pour l'Étude des Littératures Africaines (Pessac, France)"...fondée en septembre 1983 par un groupe de chercheurs français. Son but est de créer un lieu de rencontres et d’échanges scientifiques qui permette de faire connaître et de mettre en relation toutes les productions littéraires du continent africain."
--A propos de la revue "Études Littéraires Africaines"
--Rencontres, 1985-2017 - Awa: la revue de la femme noire. (Online) 1964-1973. (Project on "Popular print and reading cultures in francophone Africa," University of Bristol, UK)"[Awa] était un magazine indépendant produit à Dakar (Sénégal) entre 1964 et 1973 par un réseau de femmes africaines. La revue propose des poèmes, des histoires courtes, des reportages politiques et des essais, mais aussi des recettes, des articles sur la mode, l’ameublement et la décoration d’intérieur, ainsi que des pages consacrées au courrier des lecteurs...Ce magazine a été numérisé par l’Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire-Cheikh Anta Diop (IFAN) à Dakar dans le cadre d’un projet intitulé Global Challenges et financé par l’Arts and Humanities Research Council (Royaume-Uni)."
- Kofi Awooner (George Awooner-Williams), 1935-2013
- BBC News: "Kofi Awooner: Remembering a Ghanaian poet," September 23, 2013 (British Broadcasting Corporation, London, UK)
- Tribute to Prof. Kofi Awooner, September 23, 2013 (Accra, Ghana)
- Amadou Hampâté Bâ -- Web Dossier (2007) (Library, Documentation and Information, African Studies Centre, Leiden University, The Netherlands)
- Amadou Hampâté Bâ (1900-1991) was one of the major intellectual and literary figures of twentieth-century Africa. A historian and collector and translator of oral and ethnological texts, he was also a poet in his native Fulfulde and the author of prize-winning and widely-read literary works (two volumes of his memoirs and a novel set in colonial French West Africa), as well as a spokesperson for Sufi understandings of Islam and religious ecumenism.
- See also: Tierno Bokar -- U.S. Premiere, March 30 - April 26, 2005, Barnard Hall, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
- Biyi Bandele-Thomas (1967-2022)
- The Africa Report (Paris): "Nigeria: Author, playwright and filmmaker Biyi Bandele dies at 54," August 10, 2022
- Brittle Paper (USA): "100 African Writers Celebrate Biyi Bandele's Life and Work," August 15, 2022.
- The Conversation (Johannesburg): "Biyi Bandele: A Serial Storyteller Who Elevated Nigerian Culture," August 19, 2022. By Ezinne Ezepue.
- The Guardian (Lagos): "For Biyi Bandele, Who Snapped and Snapped Out," August 14, 2022. By Sola Adeyemi.
- Francis Bebey (1929-2001)
- Biographie de Francis Bebey (Paris, France)
- Francis Bebey (Discographie) (Afromix.Org, Fabrice Gaillard, Paris)
- Mongo Beti (1932-2001) on the Web
- Bellagio Publishing Network: "Mongo Beti: the writer-gadfly." (2002) (George Ngwane, Cameroon National Book Development Council, Buea, Cameroon) BPN newsletter. (Online); no. 30 (May 2002).
- Grioo.Com: Mongo Beti 1932-2001 (mars 2003)
- "Mongo Beti et nous." par Boubacar Boris Diop (Cercle Social, le 19 février 2002; via << Nouveau millénaire, Défis libertaires >>, Philippe Coutant, Nantes, France)
- Voir aussi: Peuples noirs, peuples africaines. (Online). -- Paris, France; Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia, 2005.
- "Black Portraiture[s]: The Black Body in the West," January 17-20, 2013, Paris, France (An international conference co-sponsored by New York University-Paris, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard University, Cornell University, Musée du quai Branly, FSHM, and L’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts)
- Brittle Paper : An African Literary Experience (Prof. Ainehi Edoro ...[et al.], Madison, Wisconsin) Since 2010" Our objective is to help build a vibrant African literary scene. We seek out innovative approaches to book reviews and literary commentaries. We offer a thorough coverage of the African literary scene...Fifty years ago, we said that the reader of African fiction wanted to be saved from colonial mentality. Today, African readers simply want stories that entertain and inspire them. Brittle Paper is a response to this new mandate."
--See also: 100 Notable African Books of 2023 -and- 2022 ; 50 Notable African Books of 2021 -and- 2020 ; Notable African Books of 2019 -and- 2018
--Plus: Guide to African Novels - Dennis Brutus, 1924-2009
- Global Voices Online: "South Africa : A Glowing Tribute to Dennis Brutus," by Njeri Wangari, Jan 6, 2009 (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
- H-AfrLitCine Discussion Network: Obituary and commentaries by Ken Harrow, Patrick Bond, & others, December 26, 2009 (H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)
- Mail & Guardian. (Online): "Poet and protester Dennis Brutus dies," Dec 27 2009 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Northwestern University Libraries--Archives: Finding Aid for Dennis Brutus Papers, 1960-1984 (Evanston, Illinois)
- South African History Online (SAHO): Dennis Brutus, 1924-2009 (Pretoria, South Africa)
- The AKO Caine Prize for African Writing (London, UK)
- A prize given annually for the best short story written by an African author in English. The home page includes information about the most recent prize winner and short-listed stories.
- About the prize
- 2023 Caine Prize -- "A Soul of Small Places." By Mame Bougouma Diene and Woppa Diallo.
--Read the winning story - 2022 Caine Prize -- "Idza Luhumyo for ‘Five Years Next Sunday’," July 18, 2022
--Read the story "Five Years Next Sunday." - 2021 Caine Prize -- Meron Hadero and "The Street Sweep." (2018)
-- Read the story here.
- 2020 Caine Prize -- "Irenosen Okojie for "Grace Jones", July 27, 2020
--Read the story "Grace Jones" by Irenosen Okojie - 2019 Caine Prize -- "Lesley Nneka Arimah wins 2019 Caine Prize for Writing," July 8, 2019
--Read the story "Skinned" by Lesley Nneka Arimah - 2018 Caine Prize -- "Fanta Blackcurrent" by Makena Onjerika
--Read the story - 2018 Caine Prize--Short List
- 2017 Caine Prize -- "The Story of the Girl Whose Birds Flew Away" by Bushra al-Fadhil
--Read the story
- 2017 Caine Prize Short List
- Previous Winners
- 2016 Caine Prize -- "Memories we lost" by Lidudumalingani
- 2015 Caine Prize -- "The Sack" by Namwali Serpell
See: "Also shortlisted" to find the full text of "The Sack" In: Africa39 (Bloomsbury, London, 2014);
13 pages in PDF format - 2014 Caine Prize -- "My Father's Head" by Okwiri Oduor
- 2013 Caine Prize -- "Miracle" by Tope Folarin
--See the full text of In Transition vol. 109, 2012. - 2012 Caine Prize -- "Bombay's Republic" by Babatunde Rotimi
- 2011 Caine Prize -- "Hitting Budapest" by NoViolet Bulawayo
--Published in The Boston Review, vol 35 - 2010 Caine Prize -- "Stickfighting Days," by Olufemi Terry --via The New Internationalist (London); originally appeared in Chimurenga, vol. 12/13.
- BBC News: "Nigerian scoops African 'Booker'," 2009 Caine Prize Winner E.C. Osondu (July 7, 2009)
- "Waiting" by E.C. Osondu (October 2008) Guernica. (Online): a magazine of art & politics. -- New York: Guernica Inc., 2008-
- 2007 short listed author Uwem Akpan's "My Parent's Bedroom." The New Yorker. (Online). June 12, 2006.
- Guardian Unlimited Books: "Afolabi wins African Booker" (July 6, 2005)
- Brian Chikwava and "Seventh Street Alchemy" in Writing Still. -- Harare: Weaver Press, 2003. via Bellagio Publishing Network.
- 2002 Winner (Binyavanga Wainaina)...see below.
- La CENE Littéraire (Switzerland)"Le CErcle des amis des écrivains Noirs Engagés a pour buts la promotion et la défense des littératures produites par les écrivains africains et afrodescendants et mettant en exergue une cause humaine, sociétale, idéologique, politique, culturelle, économique de l’Afrique ou de sa diaspora."
--Veuillez voir surtout: Prix Littéraire Les Afriques - Aimé Césaire, 1913-2008
- Against the Grain: Prof. Robin Kelley on Aimé Césaire (August 2013) Audio
- "Aimé Césaire and the Broken Record." (2018) By Dr. Alexander Gil Fuentes. (Columbia University Libraries, New York, USA)The following enumerative bibliography of critical commentary and scholarship on Aimé Césaire builds on and refines the Aimé Césaire Zotero Group collective bibliography. This bibliography is the largest of its kind in existence today."
- Columbia University: Legacies of Aimé Césaire: The Work of Man Has Only Just Begun, December 5-6, 2013 (New York)
A 2-day "researchathon" and public forum.
--See also: Working Comprehensive Bibilography on Césaire (Zotero-based) - Continent Premier Magazine (Paris): "Notre mémoire sera pour Césaire le panthéon le plus sur..." par Boubacar Boris Diop, le 6 mai 2008
- L'Express. (Online), Lire...entretiens avec Maryse Condé: Aimé Césaire: << La culture, c'est tout ce que l'homme a inventé pour rendre le monde vivable et la mort affrontable >>, juin 2004 (Paris)
- Grioo.Com: "Aimé Césaire (1913-2008): le poète martiniquais est officiellement décédé" (le 17 avril 2008) (Paris)
- Hommage à Aimé Césaire -- Site officiel (Fort de France, Martinique)
- Ile en île: Aimé Césaire: un profil et une bibliographie. (Lehman College, The City University of New York)
- Outre-mer 1ère: Aimé Césaire, une vie, un destin -et- Aimé Césaire: un centenaire et des livres juin 2013 (France Télévisions Interactive, Paris)
- Penn State University Libraries: Les Écrits d'Aimé Césaire: biobibliographie commentée (1913–2008). Édité par Kora Véron et Thomas A. Hale. (Penn State, Pennsylvania)En français ou en anglais: " proposer un panorama de la recherche menée aujourd’hui sur l’œuvre et l’univers de Césaire, par exemple livres, articles, videos, enregistrements sonores, et colloques."
- Radio France International: Centenaire Aimé Césaire (le 22 novembre 2013) -et- Aimé Césaire, le << nègre fondamental >>, est mort (le 24 avril 2008): un recueil d'entretiens. (Paris)
- Older sites in English:-- Emory University, Department of English: Post Colonial Studies -- Aimé Césaire, author profile (1999) (Atlanta, Georgia)
-- Monthly Review (New York): "A Poetics of Anticolonialism," by Robin D. G. Kelley (1999)
-- Poetry Foundation: Aimé Fernand Césaire--biography and bibliography (Chicago, Illinois)
- John Pepper Clark-Bekederemo, 1935-2020
- The Conversation: "J.P. Clark: the 'pepper' of the Niger Delta activism stew." November 12, 2020. By Destiny Idegbekwe. (Washington, DC)
- The News: "J P Clark: Intimate Revelations by Friends, Colleagues, Children." November 13, 2020. (Nigeria)
- Okayafrica: "Legendary Nigerian Poet and Writer John Pepper Clark Dies." October 14, 2020. (New York)
- The Vanguard: "The pen drops as renowned poet, playwright, J.P. Clark dies." October 14, 2020. (Nigeria)
- The Conversation: "J.P. Clark: the 'pepper' of the Niger Delta activism stew." November 12, 2020. By Destiny Idegbekwe. (Washington, DC)
- Commonwealth Writers: 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize Winner -- Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi (London, UK)
--See: "Let's Tell This Story Properly," by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi (2014) --via, UK - Cinquantenaire du 1er Congrès international des écrivains et artistes noirs, Paris, France, 19-22 septembre 2006 (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris) --via The Internet Archive--WayBack Machine, USA.
Ce site --en français ou en anglais-- offre le programme des activités et des extraits du premier numéro de la revue Presence Africaine. "La communauté africaine et l'Institut W.E.B Du Bois pour la recherche africaine et africaine américaine de l'université de Harvard (Etats-Unis) ouvrent, à l'université de la Sorbonne, les célébrations du cinquantième anniversaire du 1er Congrès international des écrivains et artistes noirs qui se déroula le 19 septembre 1956..." Voir aussi l'article du site officiel de l'Institut W.E.B. DuBois (Harvard University) - Cultures sud. (Online): la revue en ligne des littératures du sud.-- Paris : Culturesfrance, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes et du Ministère de la Culture en partenariat avec le Réseau culturel français à l'étranger, 1999-2009. --via Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France.
- Anciennement "Notre librarie" [A l'origine, établie en 1969.] Ce site comprend les derniers articles de la revue et un répertoire des auteurs, des sites sur Internet, et des notes de lecture. "...c'est une revue de référence, d'actualité et de critique sur les littératures d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et de l'océan Indien."
- Dans les archives: << 1250 nouveaux titres de littérature d'Afrique noire -- 1997/2001 >> Notre librairie. (Online); no. 147, janvier-mars 2002. Format PDF (134 p.) --via Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France.
- Bernard Binlin Dadié, 1916-2019
- (Côte d'Ivoire): "Disparition de Bernard Dadié: un hommage national sera bientôt organisé," le 11 mars 2019
- (Senegal): "'Bernard Binlin DADIE, un écrivain ivoirien engagé pour un monde meilleur,' par M. Amadou Bal Ba," le 10 mars 2019.
- Le Patriote. (Côte d'Ivoire): "Décès du Père de la Littérature Ivoirienne," le 12 mars 2019.
- Alioune Diop, 1910-1980
- Ferloo.Com: "Alioune Diop: un intellectuel humaniste..." par Amadou Bal Ba (juillet 2014) (Dakar, Senegal)
- Grio.Com: "Alioune Diop, fondateur de la maison d'édition Présence Africaine," le 3 août 2010 (Paris, France)
- Ker Gingimbre: "Centenaire de la naissance de Alioune Diop (Présence Africaine)," le 8 janvier 2010 (Dakar, Senegal)
- Radio France Internationale: "Présence Africaine s'installe au coeur de l'université de Dakar," le 12 mars 2011 (Paris, France)
- Ferloo.Com: "Alioune Diop: un intellectuel humaniste..." par Amadou Bal Ba (juillet 2014) (Dakar, Senegal)
- Birago Diop, 1906-1989
- "Birago Diop, poète, conteur, et traditionnaliste sénégalais...": par Amadou Bal Ba, le 9 juillet 2016 (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Birago Diop: la plume raboutée (Patrice Birago Neveu et al., France)Sur ce site, on peux trouver beaucoup de renseignements à propos du auteur de Contes d'Amadou Koumba. (1947) et d'autres livres importants (y compris une page d'interviews qui s'ecoutent avec RealPlayer).
- East African Literatures -- Web Dossier (November 2024). (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)"This dossier showcases literary works in English and Swahili that have been published in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the last ten years. All titles are available at the African Studies Centre Leiden library."
- Cyprian Ekwensi
- Ekwensi at 80 in the year 2001-- "Cyprian Ekwensi." (2001) (Charles R. Larson, American University, Washington, DC; Extracts from The ordeal of the African writer, pub. by Zed Books, 2001) BPN newsletter (Online); no. 29 (December 2001). -- Oxford, UK: Bellagio Publishing Network, 1994-
-- "What Cyprian Ekwensi meant to me." (2001) (Kole Omotoso, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland, South Africa) BPN newsletter (Online); no. 29 (December 2001). -- Oxford, UK: Bellagio Publishing Network, 1994-
- Ekwensi at 80 in the year 2001
- Buchi Emecheta, 1944-2017
- African Arguments (London): "Remembering Buchi mother," by Sylvester Onwordi, February 1, 2017
- The Guardian (Lagos): "Of Buchi Emecheta and womankind," March 14, 2017
- The Guardian (London): "Buchi Emecheta, pioneering Nigerian novelist, died aged 72," January 26, 2017
--See also: Obituary (February 3, 2017) - Postcolonial Web: "Buchi Emecheta: An Overview" (Prof. George Landow et al., Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
- The Punch (Lagos): "Nigerian writers mourn Buchi Emecheta," January 31, 2017
- Vanguard. (Lagos): "Renowned literary icon, Buchi Emecheta drops pen at 72," January 29, 2017
- Wasafiri (London): "A Sort-of Career: Remembering Buchi Emecheta," by Jane Bryce (February 2017)
- Ethiopiques: revue négro-africaine de littérature et de philosophie. (Online) -- Dakar, Sénégal: Ethiopiques, 2018--Ce site offre une petite archive de vieux numéros choisis depuis 2018 [seulement] --en texte intégral-- d'une des plus importantes revues sur l'étude de la littérature africaine...fondée par Léopold Sédar Senghor.
- Etonnants Voyageurs, Festival International du Livre et du Film: Les États Généreux des Littératures Africaines, 13-17 fevrier 2013, Brazzaville, Congo Palais des Congrés, Institut Français du Congo (via Saint-Malo, France)Veuillez voir aussi: le programme 48 pages en format PDF
- Etonnants Voyageurs, Festival International du Livre et du Film, du 22 au 28 novembre 2010, Bamako, Mali (Saint-Malo, France)Veuillez voir aussi: les invités en 2010. Aussi, on peut consulter les archives et rechercher par le mot-clé "Bamako" pour trouver les profils des écrivains qui participent aux festivals entre 2001 et 2006.
--En plus: Festival 2010: Café littéraire -- Images, Sons et Vidéos - Le Festival du Livre Africain de Marrakech, du 30 janvier au 2 février 2025 (Marrakech, Maroc)
- Literature & Culture of Francophone Africa & The Diaspora: a guide to resources on the web (2006) (Center for Digital Initiatives, Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island)
In English or in French
- Littératures africaines francophones des années 1980 et 1990. Edité par Lydie Moudileno. Document de travail ; no. 2 (2003) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA, 2003. (94 p. ; 99 pages en format PDF)
- Athol Fugard
- Athol Fugard, Playwright (Iain Fisher, The Netherlands)A brief biographical sketch of this well-known South African writer-director, commentaries on Fugard's plays, and a host of links to related web pages and sites.
- Indiana University, Lily Library: Athol Fugard Manuscripts, 1918-1997 ; 1976-2002 ; and, 1970-1975 (Bloomington, Indiana)
- Athol Fugard, Playwright (Iain Fisher, The Netherlands)
- Ghanaian theatre: a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. (2009) By James Gibbs. -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2012. 326 pages in PDF format
- Édouard Glissant, 1928-2011
- Africultures: "Édouard Glissant (1928-2011), un héritage magnifique," par Boniface Mongo-Mboussa. (le 4 février 2011) (Paris)
- Afrik.Com: "Édouard Glissant, poète-philosophe en mission," (le 3 février 2011) -et- "Édouard Glissant: 'Le racisme n'est pas inné' -- Entretien avec un humaniste." (le 31 mai 2007) (Paris)
- Cultures Sud. (Online): "Édouard Glissant: une âme inquiète du monde!" par Ernest Pépin et quelques autres hommages. (Paris)
- Grio.Com: "L'écrivain Édouard Glissant est décédé...(le 3 février 2011) (Paris)
- Île en île: Édouard Glissant: un dossier sur l'écrivain et ses oeuvres. (Lehman College, The City University of New York, New York)
- Radio France Internationale: "Décès de l'écrivain martiniquais Édouard Glissant." (le 3 février 2011) -et- Hommages par Manthia Diawara (le 5 février 2011) et quelques autres. (Paris)
- Africultures: "Édouard Glissant (1928-2011), un héritage magnifique," par Boniface Mongo-Mboussa. (le 4 février 2011) (Paris)
- Nadine Gordimer, 1923-2014
- Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana): Guide to the Nadine Gordimer Papers in the Lilly Library
- Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg): "Anti-apartheid writer Nadine Gordimer dies," July 14, 2014
- The New York Times (New York): "Nadine Gordimer, Novelist Who Took on Apartheid, is dead at 90," July 14, 2014
- Nobel Prize in Literature 1991--Nadine Gordimer (The Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden)
--See also: April 2005 Interview
--Plus: "Nadine Gordimer and the South African Experience" by Per Wästberg (2001) - Postcolonial & postimperial literature in English: Nadine Gordimer (Prof. George P. Landow and his students at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
- South African History Online (Cape Town): Nadine Gordimer
- University of Utah, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values: "The Essential Gesture: Writers and Responsibility," by Nadine Gordimer. Delivered at The University of Michigan, October 12, 1984. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
- Abdulrazak Gurnah, 1948--
- Africa is a Country: "Abdulrazak Gurnah's skepticisms," October 8, 2021. By Nicole Rizzuto. (New York)
- Africa in Words (University of Sussex, UK)
--"Q&A with Abdulrazak Gurnah about latest novel 'Afterlives': 'These stories have been with me all along…'," March 26, 2021.
--" Review: A Reckoning with East Africa’s Colonial Histories – Abdulrazak Gurnah’s 'Afterlives'," March 20, 2021. By Florian Stadtler. - Al Jazeera--English: "In Tanzania, Gurnah’s Nobel Prize win sparks both joy and debate," October 9, 2021.. (Doha, Qatar)
- Brittle Paper: "103 African Writers Respond to Abdulrazak Gurnah' s Nobel Prize Win," October 12, 2021. (Madison, Wisconsin)
- The Conversation: "Abdulrazak Gurnah: what you need to know about the Nobel prize-winning author," October 7, 2021. (Waltham, Massachusetts)
- The Guardian: Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the 2021 Nobel prize in literature," October 7, 2021 (London, UK)
- The Nobel Prize: The Nobel Prize for Literature 2021--Abdulrazak Gurnah (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Postcolonial Text: "'Arriving at writing': A Conversation with Abdulrazak Gurnah." (2019) By Anupama Mohan and Sreya M Datta. (Paris, France)
- Wasafiri: "Abdulrazak Gurnah Wins the Nobel Prize for Literature," October 8, 2021. (London, UK)
- H-AfrLitCine Web Page. (Humanities-Net; via Michigan State University)"H-AFRLITCINE is the H-Net discussion list dealing with African Literature and Cinema and is affiliated with the African Literature Association."
- Bessie Head, 1937-1986
- Bessie Amelia Head, 1937-1986 (Bessie Head Heritage Trust, Serowe, Botswana)This biographical site on the celebrated literary figure also includes information from 2009 about the "Bessie Head Papers" housed in the Khama III Memorial Museum.
- Postcolonial studies: Bessie Head Blog. (Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia)
- South African History Online: Bessie Amelia Head (South Africa)
- Bessie Amelia Head, 1937-1986 (Bessie Head Heritage Trust, Serowe, Botswana)
- Indian Ocean -- Literature
- Index des archives littéraires d’Île en île: littérature des îles francophones et de leur diaspora, littérature îlienne. Dossiers sur auteurs, extraits de textes, liens Internet. (Prof. Thomas Spear, Lehman College, City University of New York)
- INA--Institut national de l'audiovisuel: Grands Entretiens -- Afrique(s) (Paris, France)Un vidéothèque qui contient des entretiens avec Abdou Diouf, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Joaquim Chissano, Frederik de Klerk, Boris Boubacar Diop, Nurruddin Farah, Kenneth Kaunda, Mac Maharaj, Claude Ernest Ndalla, Wole Soyinka, Wangari Maathai, Alpha Oumar Konare.
- Francis Abiola Irele, 1936-2017
- "African Studies as Discipline and Vocation." (2014) 2014 Bashorun MKO Abiola lecture at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association of the United States. --via
- The Guardian. (Online): "Abiola Irele dies at 81," July 4, 2017 (Lagos, Nigeria)
- H-AfrLitCine: Abiola Irele 1936-2017" (July 4, 2017) By Adéléké Adéẹ̀kọ́, current President of the African Literature Association. (USA)
- The News (Online): "Abiola Irele: A Tribute to the Master," July 3, 2017 (Independent Communications Network Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria)
- ISOLA--International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (via Paris, France; Niamey, Niger"The Society was established in 1991 in London and it draws its international membership from experts and students involved in the exploration of the oral traditions of Africa and the African Diaspora...organizes regular scholarly conferences: London, UK (1991); Legon, Ghana (1995); Cape Town, South Africa (1998); Chambery, France (2002); Banjul, Gambia (2004); and, Trinidad and Tobago (2006); and Lecce, Italy (July 2008)."
--10th Conference of the ISOLA, University of Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, June 12-15, 2014
(See also: French version) - Jahazi. (Online) -- Nairobi, Kenya: Jahazi, 2015--"[Originally founded in 2006] Jahazi is an arts and culture journal [in English] whose vision is harnessing the wealth of artistic and cultural synergies in East Africa and how they are influenced by communities, even as they contribute to social change." ***Note: the journal's website offers tables of contents for the earliest issues and full text access only since 2015.
- Jalada: a pan-African writers' collective. (Nairobi, Kenya)"Our aim is to publish literature by African authors regularly by making it as easy as possible for any member to publish anything or execute any literary project as quickly and effectively as possible....We will publish new anthologies every quarter."
--See also: Jalada Conversations: " interview series where we talk to some of the continent’s most exciting and respected writers." - Johannesburg review of books, The. (Online) -- [Johannesburg, South Africa]: The Review, 2017-"...publishes reviews, essays, poetry, photographs and short fiction from South Africa, Africa and beyond...also produce[s] audio clips and short videos related to literary goings-on."
- JWTC--Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)A university-based blog in South Africa featuring commentaries and interviews. " experiment in global conversation based in the be a critical node in the re-territorializing of global intellectual production."
--See especially: The Johannesburg Salon. Edited by Lara Allen and Achille Mbembe. Volume 1 (2009) -and- Volume 2 (2010) - Lilyan Kesteloot, 1931-2018
- Editions Orizons (Paris): Lilyan Kesteloot -- Bibliographie
- L'Harmattan Sénégal (Dakar): "Entretien avec Lilyan Kesteloot," le 19 mars 2016
- Meroe Africa (Paris)
- Le Quotidien. (Dakar): "Décès du Pr. Lilyan Kesteloot: L'UCAD perd une lumière," le 2 mars 2018
- Radio France Internationale (Paris): "Disparition: Lilyan Kesteloot a été la grande pionnière des études africaines," le 1 mars 2018
- Kikwetu : a journal of East African literature. (Nairobi, Kenya) Since 2015."Kikwetu is an annual online literary journal that publishes both new and established writers from East Africa and beyond in English and Swahili."
- Ahmadou Kourouma (1927-2003) sur la Toile
- Cahier spécial << Ahmadou Kourouma: L'héritage >> Notre librarie: revue des littératures du Sud. (Online); no. 155-156, juillet-décembre 2004. (Paris, France) Format PDF.
- Ahmadou Kourouma at the complete review (December 2003) The complete review. (Online) (USA)
- << Ahmadou Kourouma, le guerrier terrassé >> (Afrik.Com, Paris, France) ... avec quelques liens aux résumés des ouvrages de Kourouma.
- Décès de l'écrivain Ahmadou Kourouma, le 11 décembre 2003. Grioo.Com (Paris, France)
- Ahmadou Kourouma, ou la dénonciation de l'intérieur (1999) -- An African novelist's inside story. Le Courrier de l'Unesco. (Online) March 1999.
- Mazisi Kunene, 1930-2006
- Mail & Guardian. (Online): "Shaka epic born anew, in isiZulu," March 16, 2017 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- "Mazisi Kunene, South African Poet Laureate, Anti-apartheid Leader, and UCLA Professor (August 2006)" (UCLA Center for African Studies, Los Angeles, California)
- KZN "Literary Tourism": Mazisi Kunene (August 2006) (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
- Kwani Trust (2018) (Nairobi, Kenya) --via African Books Collective (UK)
Brief information on the popular literary magazine Kwani? and related publications. - KZN Literary Tourism (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)This web site consists of essays and reviews, will photogaphs and illustrations, celebrating South African writers and the places and people that they write about. "Literary Tourism is tourism that deals with places and events from fictional texts as well as the lives of their authors. This could include following the route a fictional character charts in a novel, visiting particular settings from a story or tracking down the haunts of a novelist."
- The 21st Lagos Book and Art Festival, November 2019 (Nigeria)"Since its birth in 1999, LABAF has manifested as a yearly ritual for top-notch publishers, adherent book lovers, literary activists and artists of all hues, attracting huge patronage from members of the public across ages and divergent persuasions."
- Lagos International Poetry Festival (Nigeria)The 5th Lagos International Poetry Festival--"Wide Awake", October 31--November 4, 2019. The site includes the official program and highlights from the events.
- Lire les femmes écrivains et les littératures africaines = Reading Women Writers and African Literatures (Dr. Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia, Perth)In French or English. This well-organized site provides useful biographical information about African women writers and excerpts from published works; it also includes a short bibliography of Anglophone women writers.
- Literary Map of Africa (2009-2012) (Miriam Conteh-Morgan et al., Ohio State University Libraries, Columbus, Ohio)Note: this project has been suspended since 2012.
"The Literary Map of Africa is a bio-bibliographical database, designed to be a comprehensive research and information tool on African literature." - LIMAG: Littératures du Maghreb--Archive (2015) (Charles Bonn & Coordination internationale des chercheurs sur les littératures du Maghreb, Université Lyon, France)Sur ce site, on peut trouver un calendrier des colloques, une liste des théses sur les littératures du Maghreb, le bulletin "Etudes littéraires maghrébines" en texte intégral, et une banque de données documentaires sur les littératures et la culture du Maghreb.
- LITAF: Littératures africaine francophone -- Une base de données bibliographique (Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France)Une réference générale qui existe en version WEB et en version cédérom. "LITAF est un projet du Groupe de recherche "Littératures d'Afrique noire" dirigé par Alain Ricard, directeur de recherches au Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. Le Groupe est affilié au Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire de Bordeaux."
- A Bibliography of Lusophone (African) Women Writers (Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia)A listing of writers and their works; some linked biographical information on individual authors and a link to an essay on Lusophone African women's writing.
- Lusophone African women's writing : a brief introduction. (1999) by Tony Simoes da Silva. (via Lire les femmes écrivains et les littératures africaines, University of Western Australia)
-- See also, the bibliography
- Lolwe. (London, UK; Nairobi, Kenya) African literary magazine since June 2020.
- Alain Mabanckou, 1966-
- Alain Mabanckou -- site officiel (University of California-Los Angeles)
- Grioo.Com: "Alain Mabanckou: Psychologie à la sauce africaine" par diplomatix (le 29 septembre 2005) (Paris, France)
- Afrik.Com: "Rencontre avec Alain Mabanckou: l'écrivain congolais auteur d'African psycho" (le 22 octobre 2003) (Paris, France)
- Maghrebi Studies (via Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts)An introduction to the literature, cinema, and music of the Maghreb region and its diaspora in France and elsewhere; plus, related web links.
- Naguib Mahfouz, 1911-2006
- Afrik.Com: "Le prix Nobel de littérature Naguib Mahfouz s'en est allé" (August 2006) (Paris)
- Al-Ahram Weekly: "A master and his mantle" (August 2006) (Cairo, Egypt)
- BBC News: Obituary--Naguib Mahfouz (August 30, 2006) (London, UK)
- Traversées Mauritanides Cultures et Identités en Mouvements (Nouakchott, Mauritanie)Un site qui offre un coup d'oeil sur la littérature francophone de la Mauritanie et du reste de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, avec les informations sur les rencontres littéraires qui sont réalisées à Nouakchott, et sur l’ensemble du territoire mauritanien. Il y a aussi des entretiens avec les écrivains de la région et une sélection d'articles sur eux.
- Tierno Monénembo, 1947--
- Le Point Afrique. (Paris): « J'ai traversé tellement de mémoires... » Grand Prix de la francophonie 2017, l'écrivain franco-guinéen Tierno Monénembo a été reçu sous la coupole de l'Académie française. (le 1 décembre 2017)
- Radio France Internationale. (Paris): Littérature sans frontières: Tierno Monénembo reçoit le Grand Prix de la Francophonie 2017 Podcast
- MOTS PLURIELS et grands thèmes de notre temps: revue électronique de Lettres à caractère international. (Archive) -- Nedlands, Australia: The University of Western Australia, Department of French Studies, 1996-2003.Archive of all issues. African and comparative studies in literature and the social sciences; in French and English.
- Es'kia Mphahlele, 1919-2008
- Mail and Guardian. (Online): "Leaving the forefront of African lit" (November 1, 2008) -and- "Mphahlele, first black professor at Wits, dead at 88" (October 28, 2008) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- South African History Online--People (Cape Town): Dr. Es'kia Mphahlele
- The Sowetan. (Online): "The godfather -- Mphahlele taught blind to read a-z in braille" (October 29, 2008) (South Africa)
- Urban spectrum. (Online): "Eye on Africa: the African literary journey of Esk'ia Mphahlele," by James Ainsworth (Jan. 2006) Vol. 19 ; no. 10. (Denver, Colorado)
- Micere Githae Mugo, 1942-2023
- Brittle Paper: "Micere Githae Mugo, another African pioneer who has left us," July 10, 2023. (Madison, Wisconsin)
- The Elephant: "Micere Mugo and the struggle for politics," August 2, 2023. By Wandia Njoya. (Nairobi, Kenya)
- In Remembrance of Mĩcere Gĩthae Mũgo (Mũmbi Mugo ...[et al.], USA)
--See especially: Obituary - The Nation: "Who will sing for Mama Micere Mugo's orphans," July 2, 2023. By Tom Odhiambo ; "Prof. Micere Mugo pens her last life at 80," July 1, 2023. (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Writing Africa: "Micere Mugo has passed away," July 1, 2023. Includes 3 videos of Mugo lectures. (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Munyori Literary Journal (Emmanuel Sigauke and others, Sacramento, California)Since 2013 : "Munyori Literary Journal is a Zimbabwean-American literary platform --in English, with a section in Shona about Shona literature-- that features works from global writers and artists... the journal now receives the bulk of its submissions from Zimbabwe and the United States, but we have also featured works from other countries, Nigeria, India, China, the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Ghana, Canada, and others."
- The New African: the radical monthly (1962-1969) (DISA--Digital innovation South Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)"...[first] published in January 1962. The four founders, Randolph Vigne, Neville Rubin, James Currey and Timothy Holmes wrote copiously - leaders, articles and reviews - often under pseudonyms The first subscribers to the periodical were drawn from the Liberal Party circle [in South Africa]. Contributors to those early issues were mostly South Africans, with a few from Britain and only three from elsewhere. The magazine’s character, largely English-speaking South African and liberal, was forward looking in the post- Sharpeville time of hope, and original in its commingling of culture and politics."
- Ngiga review. (Online) -- Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria: Ngiga review, 2020-"Ngiga is a writers collective open to works from around the globe focused on netting different perspectives of our convergent lives. We are open to new forms of story telling, artistic explorations, poetic expressions and poignant essays and reviews that meet the need of changing time. "
- Noma Award for Publishing in Africa. Sponsored by Kodansha Ltd., Japan. (Oxon, UK)
- "Established in 1979, the Noma Award is open to African writers and scholars whose work is published in Africa. The US$10,000 prize is given annually for an outstanding new book in any of these three categories: (i) scholarly or academic,
(ii) books for children, and (iii) literature and creative writing. Books are admissable in any of the languages of Africa, both local and European." - Noma Award Winners, 1980 to the present
- "Established in 1979, the Noma Award is open to African writers and scholars whose work is published in Africa. The US$10,000 prize is given annually for an outstanding new book in any of these three categories: (i) scholarly or academic,
- Ben Okri, 1959--
- Ben Okri--Poet, Novelist, Artist: Official Site (London, UK)
- Ben Okri Web Page (Robert Bennett, Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara; via Prof. George P. Landow et al., Brown University, "Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English")
- Ben Okri--Poet, Novelist, Artist: Official Site (London, UK)
- Onitsha Market Literature : From the Bookstalls of a Nigerian Market (University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, Kansas)"Onitsha Market Literature consists of stories, plays, advice and moral discourses published primarily in the 1960s by local presses in the lively market town of Onitsha, an important commercial site in the Igbo-speaking region of southeastern Nigeria. Twenty-one pamphlets appear here fully digitized and annotated to exemplify styles of expression found in this intriguing form of African popular literature. They are part of a unique collection of 101 pamphlets from Onitsha now held at the Spencer Research Library."
- Festival International de Littérature Orale Africaine, les 6, 7, et 8 décembre 2012, Niamey, Niger
(Arts Cultura y Desarollo, Valencia, Espagne)
--Veuillez voir aussi: Programme du Congrès international de littérature orale africaine - Ferdinand Leopold Oyono (1929-2010) -- "le site officiel" (Emmanuel Kamdem Fopa et alli., Yaoundé, Cameroun)
- Pan African Space Station (Cape Town, South Africa)"Founded by Chimurenga in collaboration with musician and composer Neo Muyanga in 2008, the Pan African Space Station (PASS) is a periodic, pop-up live radio studio; a performance and exhibition space; a research platform and living archive, as well as an ongoing, internet based radio station."
--See especially: PASS Blog -and- PASS Radio Archive --via M-X Cloud - Pan African Writers Association (Accra, Ghana)Formally established in Ghana in 1992, with the support of UNESCO and the African Union. PAWA " made up of the 52 national writers associations on the continent, and seeks to contribute its quota to moral, cultural and intellectual renaissance in Africa." PAWA sponsors annual symposia in celebration of "International African Writers' Day" (November 7th), various workshops, special publications, etc.
--See also: "Okediran appointed Secretary General, Pan African Writers Association," The News. July 21, 2020 (Nigeria) - Peuples noirs, peuples africains. (Online): Archive, 1978-1984. -- Paris, France; Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia, 2005.Une archive d'une publication sous la direction de l'écrivain camerounais Mongo Beti: "la revue des radicaux noirs de langue française publiée par Mongo Beti et son épouse Odile Tobner de 1978 à 1991."
En plus, il y a un résumé de la vie et les ouvrages de Mongo Beti. Voir aussi les autres sites ci-dessus. - 26th Poetry Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal--Durban, October 6-16, 2022 (Centre for Creative Arts, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)The site offers information on the festival and conference; plus highlights, biographies, and bibliographies from previous festivals: 2019-2021.
- Postcolonial & postimperial literature in English: Africa (Prof. George P. Landow and his students at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island)
- A compilation of documents, mostly by students, on African authors (including some biographical information), African literary themes, bibliographies, and discussions of postcolonial literary theory arranged on a Web site.
- African Postcolonial Literature in English -and- General site
- Chinua Achebe
- Ama Ata Aidoo
- Tsitsi Dangarembga
- Buchi Emecheta
- Nadine Gordimer
- Chenjerai Hove
- Yvonne Vera
- Charles Mungoshi
- Ben Okri
- Femi Osofisan
- Ken Saro Wiwa
- Wole Soyinka
- Post Colonial Studies: African Literary Figures (Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia)
- "The Postcolonial Studies website (PS) is a project in progress at the English Department at Emory University. Begun in Spring 1996, it is intended to serve primarily as a resource for students of postcolonial literature and theory at Emory University. Another important objective, however, is to provide a site on the Web where people from around the country and around the world can come for an introduction to major topics and issues in Postcolonial Studies." Note: The documents at this site are produced by students.
- Home Page (General: introduction, authors, theories, etc.)
- Tsitsi Dangarembga
- Assia Djebar
- Buchi Emecheta
- Frantz Fanon
- Bessie Head
- J. Nozipo Maraire
- Ngugi wa Thiong'o
- Flora Nwapa
- Nawal El Saadawi
- Olive Schreiner
- Huda Shaarawi
- M.G. Vassanji
- Nawal El Saadawi, 1931-2021
- The Conversation (USA): "Nawal El Saadawi: Egypt's grand novelist, physician and global activist," March 25, 2021. By Adele Newson-Horst.
- The Guardian (UK): "Nawal El Saadawi obituary: outspoken Egyptian feminist, writer and campaigner who fought against patriarchy and poverty," March 22, 2021.
- Remember Saro-Wiwa (PlatformLondon, London, UK)This website includes biographical information on the writer-publisher-activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa, excerpts from his writings, current reports on Nigeria and on the activities of organizations concerned about Nigeria, and links to related organizations. "...a coalition of UK-based organisations and individuals encompassing the arts and literature, human rights and environmental and development issues."
- Tayeb Salih, 1929-2009
- "Sudan's top novelist dies in London at 80," Sudan tribune. (Online), February 18, 2009.
- "Tayeb Salih: acclaimed author of Season of Migration to the North," The Guardian. (Online), February 20, 2009.
- "Farewell to Tayeb Salih: one of Africa's most illustrious literary figures," by Mustapha Marrouchi, February 26, 2009. --via Pambazuka news. (Online)
- Saraba magazine. (Online) -- Lagos, Nigeria: 2009-2019."Saraba is a literary magazine focused on the work of new writers in Nigeria and other parts of the African continent. Since 2009, we have published several issues of a magazine, editions of poetry chapbooks, and online-only work."
- Ousmane Sembène, 1923-2007
- The Conversation: "Ousmane Sembène at 100: a tribute to Senegal's 'father of African cinema'," January 10, 2023. By David Murphy. (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- 34e Festival International du Film d'Amiens: Hommage à Ousmane Sembène, du 14-22 novembre 2014 (France)Le site propose une filmographie complète, une biographie, et un fichier vidéo avec des petits extraits des films de Sembène.
- Africultures.Com: Ousmane Sembène -- Biographie et filmographie (2007) -et- << Le problème est plus mental qu'économique >> -- Entretien de Samba Gadjigo avec Ousmane Sembène à propos de Moolade (2004) (Paris)
- The Guardian. (Online): Ousmane Sembène, June 5, 2005: interview with Bonnie Greer. (London, UK)
- Indiana University, Lilly Library: Ousmane Sembene Manuscripts, 1956-2008 -- Finding Aid (Bloomington, Indiana)
- Ousmane Sembene--"Senegal's most admired film maker of the century" (Prof. Samba Gadjigo, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts)
- The Conversation: "Ousmane Sembène at 100: a tribute to Senegal's 'father of African cinema'," January 10, 2023. By David Murphy. (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906-2001) sur Internet
- African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University: Web Dossier on Leopold Sedar Senghor (2001) (Leiden, The Netherlands)" overview of publications by and on Senghor that can be found in the ASC library and includes a selection of links to websites on Senghor. The introduction gives background information on the man and his work."
- Archipo -- Les Archives: Léopold Sédar Senghor (Dakar, Sénégal)
Un recueil de fichiers sonores et de quelques textes. - Commune de Verson: Espace Léopold Sédar Senghor (Basse-Normandie, France)Veuillez cliquer sur "Espace Senghor" ou "Vie culturelle." "...un hommage au célèbre versonnais, au poète et homme de culture, ancien président de la République du Sénégal, membre de l'Académie française, promoteur de la francophonie et chantre de la négritude."
- Ethiopiques -- revue negro-africaine de littérature et de philosophie. (Online) -- Dakar, Senegal :
Hommage à Senghor (Numéro 69, 2003) -et- Spécial centenaire - Contributions de Léopold Sédar Senghor à la revue (Numéro 67, 2006)
- France. Assemblée nationale: Léopold Sédar Senghor, 1906-2002 << Négritude, francité, et civilisation de l'universel >> (Paris)Le site est une exposition virtuelle sur Senghor et l'Assemblée nationale pendant la durée de la IVe République en France. On peut lire les documents en ligne d'une petite archive numérique des lois, des interventions, des rapports, et des lettres...y compris un essai biographique avec beaucoup de photos et de vidéos.
--Veuillez voir aussi: Actes du Colloque sur << Léopold Sédar Senghor: La Pensée et l'Action Politique >> à l'Assemblée nationale de France, le 26 juin 2006, organisé parla section française de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie. 269 pages en format PDF - Léopold Sédar Senghor -- Page spéciale (iSenegal, Paris, France)Un page de liens aux sites qui rendent hommage à Senghor.
- The Library of Congress Webcasts: "Leopold Sedar Senghor: Thinker, Statesman, Poet," by Souleymane Bachir Diagne, November 7, 2006 African & Middle Eastern Division (Washington, DC)
- African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University: Web Dossier on Leopold Sedar Senghor (2001) (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Souffles : revue culturelle arabe du Maghreb. (Online) -- Rabat, Morocco : Souffles ; New York : Abdellatif Laâbi, Thomas C. Spear, 1966-71; !997-98."Cette revue trimestrielle fut publiée entre 1966 et 1971, date à laquelle les activités de son directeur, Abdellatif Laâbi, furent suspendues par les autorités marocaines." Pour les numéros 10 à 15, consultez le site de Thomas C. Spear.
- Southern African review of books. (Online) Archive -- Ulm, Germany: Universität Ulm, 1987-2007.
--via The Internet Archive Wayback Machine.The archive of this once popular book review journal. See especially the SAROB anthologies, compiled by Robert Turrell. SAROB was a leading journal dealing with the cultural politics of Southern Africa, containing book reviews in the fields of literature and cultural studies, as well as essays, columns, and diaries. - Wole Soyinka, 1934--
- Channels Television--Newsnight (Lagos, Nigeria): Interview with Wole Soyinka, August 22, 2022. --via
- Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa (The Lumina Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria)
- Wole Soyinka, 1986 Nobel Laureate (Nobel E-Museum, Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden)A brief biographical sketch, Soyinka's Nobel lecture, and related information.
- Stanford University, The Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts: Wole Soyinka, 1998 (Peter Blank et al., Website editors, Stanford University, California)This site includes excerpts from published works and the Fall 1998 Stanford lecture by Wole Soyinka, a contemporary Nigerian author and world public intellectual; plus biographical information, related links, and a bibliography.
- Channels Television--Newsnight (Lagos, Nigeria): Interview with Wole Soyinka, August 22, 2022. --via
- 2017 Storymoja Festival, September 27-October 1, 2017, Nairobi, Kenya"The Storymoja Festival started out as a small gathering of 300 people in 2007, and has grown to a vibrant gathering of the greatest minds in Kenya and beyond, celebrating ideas and culture...Books are brought to life through poetry, storytelling, lively discussions with local and international artists, music, workshops, film and much more."
- SPLA -- Portail de la Diversité Culturelle SudPlanète (Paris, France)Ce site offre les actualités et les liens sur les divers événements culturels au tour du monde francophone.
- Think Africa Press -- Literature (London, UK)Part of: The Guardian Africa Network
This site features book reviews and information about the African literary world, from Think Africa Press and the publishers of The Guardian newspaper. - Tierno Bokar -- U.S. Premiere, March 30 - April 26, 2005, Barnard Hall, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York.
- 26th Time of the Writer= Le Temps des Ecrivains, International Festival of Writers, University of KwaZulu-Natal--Durban, March 2023 (Centre for Creative Arts, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)This site provides information about the programme, the participants, and related links; plus information on previous festivals.
--See also: TOW Facebook page
- Miriam Masoli Tlali, 1933-2017
- The Conversation: "Rest in power, Miriam Tlali: author, enemy of apartheid and feminist," February 28, 2017. By Barbara Boswell. (Washington, DC)
- The Johannesburg Review of Books: "'Miriam Tlali understood the complicated meanings of being 'the first' for a Black woman'...Excerpt from Miriam Tlali: Writing Freedom, by Pumla Dineo Gqola," June 18, 2021. (South Africa)
- The Paris Review: "Re-Covered: The Protest Writing of South Africa," July 25, 2019. By Lucy Scholes. (New York) --About "Muriel at Metropolitan" (1975)
- South African History Online: Miriam Tlali (Pretoria, South Africa)
- Le Togo Littéraire: Comptes-rendus de lecture (Prof. Koffi Anyinefa, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania)"L’objectif principal de ce site est de pouvoir...proposer aux internautes des comptes-rendus de lecture d’oeuvres relatives au Togo. On y trouvera sutout...des comptes-rendus d’œuvres littéraires d'auteurs d'origine togolaise et d’oeuvres critiques sur ces auteurs, mais aussi d’œuvres à caractère littéraire ou non d’auteurs togolais ou étrangers mais relatives au Togo."
- Touki Montréal : l'actualité africaine à Montréal (Canada)"Un magazine électronique depuis avril 2009...notre mission est donc de vous faire voyager à travers le cinéma, la littérature, la musique africaine et bien d’autres choses."
- Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin (1936-2006)
- "An Ethiopian hero: Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin (1936-2006)" by Richard Pankhurst (OpenDemocracy.Net, London, UK)
- "Ethiopia's Poet Laureate: Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin." October 1998. --via Wendy Laura Belcher, Princeton University, New Jersey
- "Poet Laureate Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin of Ethiopia: a short walk through his literary park" by Negussay Ayele (Ethiopians.Com, California)
- "Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin Playwright: list of plays & biographical information (Doollee.Com, UK)
- Binyavanga Wainaina, 1971-2019
- The Kenyan writer who won the Caine Prize for the best short story in July 2002. Since then, he had become a celebrated author, ediiting a major literary journal Kwani?, publishing several books, including a memoir, and many more short stories.
- Africa is a Country: "Our man of the people," by Mukoma wa Ngugi, May 24, 2019. (New York)
- Binyavanga Wainaina Archive Unofficial (Isaac Otidi Amuke, Nairobi, Kenya)
- Caine Prize for African Writing (via Columbia University Libraries)
- 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing: "Discovering Home" By Binyavanga Wainaina --via Binyavanga Wainaina Archive ; published in 2006 by Kwani Trust (Nairobi); originally appeared in G21: The world's magazine (London) in 2001.
- 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing: "Discovering Home" By Binyavanga Wainaina --via Binyavanga Wainaina Archive ; published in 2006 by Kwani Trust (Nairobi); originally appeared in G21: The world's magazine (London) in 2001.
- The Conversation: "Africa has lost Binyavanga Wainaina, but his spirit will continue to inspire," by Adriaan van Klinken, May 23, 2019 (Washington, DC)
- Daily Nation. (Online): "Binyavanga Wainaina was not afraid to court controversy." (May 23, 2019)...and related stories. (Nairobi, Kenya)
- The Johannesburg Review of Books: "Binyavanga Wainaina, 1971-2019, RIP." June 3, 2019. By Jennifer Malec. (South Africa)
- Writing Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)Formerly "James Marua Literature Blog."
[Since June 2013] " give news and reviews from the African literary scene. We specialize in telling you what work your favourite African writer is up to. That means that you will find news on news books, events like book launches, literary festivals, author profiles and more." - Zambia's Literature, An Overshadowed Literature : Mapping the Field. (2011) By Ranka Primorac -- -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2011. A bibliography in 3 parts; in PDF format
- Zimbabwe
- kwaChirere (Prof. Memory Chirere, Harare, Zimbabwe)An informative blog on the local and African regional literature scene by Memory Chirere, a Zimbabwean writer of poetry and short stories in Shona and English and who teaches at the University of Zimbabwe.
- Writers International Network Zimbabwe (Harare, Zimbabwe)News and commentaries about publishing and writing in Zimbabwe and elsewhere, with information about workshops and other writing opportunities.
- kwaChirere (Prof. Memory Chirere, Harare, Zimbabwe)