
Libraries Acquire Full-Text Corpus Data
The Libraries recently acquired 12 full-text corpus datasets, including the comprehensive Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), which will help researchers across many disciplines to understand how language is and has been used around the world.

Historias: Latino Arts and Activisms Collections at RBML
The latest installment in the Curatorial Shorts event series will highlight the Latino Arts and Activisms collection, which stewards the archives of Latinos and Latino organizations in New York and other regions, including Dominican-American writer Josefina Báez.

New Life for an Old Friend: Ming Dynasty Sculpture on View at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
A cheerful Chinese sculpture of a child that dates to the Ming dynasty in 1641, held by Avery Library, is now on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the current exhibition, "Recasting the Past: The Art of Chinese Bronzes, 1100-1900."

A Revolutionary Friendship: Malcolm X and Yuri Kochiyama
A panel discussion at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, hosted in collaboration with the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, commemorated the 60th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X and celebrated his friendship with activist Yuri Kochiyama.

Music Technology Workshops and Office Hours: Spring 2025
The Music & Arts Library, in collaboration with the Digital Scholarship team, offers a series of music technology workshops for Spring 2025, designed and conducted by Sound Art MFA graduate students and current Digital Music Interns Ása Ólafsdóttir and Miles Scharff.

Inscriptions Unbound: Edward Said’s Library, An Exhibit in Butler Library
An exhibition in Butler Library, "Inscriptions Unbound: Edward Said’s Library," curated by Joy Al-Nemri, a Columbia alum and scholar in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African studies, showcases works from Said's personal book collection.

Hybrid History Happy Hour
The Burke Library partnered with the Department of History to host the inaugural "History Happy Hour," facilitated by professors Julie Lillis and Simran Jeet Singh and intended to create a space for in-person and online participants to engage with a given subject matter.

“What’s Your Library Story?” Survey Winner Reflects on Favorite Library Spaces
The winner of a recent survey intended to collect information about how and why students use in-person library services reflects on meaningful interactions with Libraries staff and useful library resources (like including free newspaper subscriptions!).

Announcing the Spring 2025 Ask A Librarian Interns
The Ask A Librarian Internship Program, which provides currently-enrolled library and information science students with hands-on experience in academic librarianship, announces the Spring 2025 interns: Angelica Aranda, Jala Robertson, and Sam Ward.

Strategies for Publishing Success: Spring Workshop Series from Open Scholarship
Join the Open Scholarship team for a series of workshops for journal editorial board members and those interested in learning more about scholarly publishing, including sessions on Overleaf, an editorial software, and journal workflow management with Open Journal System (OJS).

New and Featured Books: Arabic Poetry, with a Special Focus on Palestine
As part of the ongoing "New and Featured Books" display in the Butler Library lounge, a collection of titles highlights Arabic poetry, "reflecting the cultural, artistic, literary, political, and social changes in Arab societies."

Belle da Costa Greene and Columbia
To mark the 100th anniversary of the Morgan Library and Museum as a public institution, University archivists remember its first director, Belle da Costa Greene, as "a key partner and contributor" to library exhibitions at Columbia throughout the early 20th century.