Health Sciences Library (HSL)
General Collections
The Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library has transferred collections to ReCAP since 2006. HSL has transfered circulating, non-circulating and special collections to ReCAP. Most collections may be requested by patrons via CLIO. Special collections require staff mediation to retrieve (via Restricted Access Request). Appointment times must be arranged with HSL staff to view off-site special collections.
HSL has three CLIO locations assigned for off-site collections:
- off,hsar : unused, intended to separate archives from print special collections
- off,hsl : general collection of circulating monographs
- off,hsr : non-circulating collection of serials
- off,hssc : non-circulating special collections
HSL collections correspond to three different customer codes:
- HS : allow delivery to all CUL and ReCAP partner libraries (off,hsl)
- HR : allow delivery only to Health Sciences Library and allows EDD scanning (off,hsr)
- HX : allow delivery only to Health Sciences Library and do not allow EDD scanning (off,hssc)
The majority of HSL's collections are currently stored in Clancy-Cullen's warehouse in Patterson, NY. The location is commonly referred to as "Brewster." All items are visible to patrons in the OPAC, encoded with CLIO location hsl,clncy.
Collections at Brewster are not retrievable by patrons; patrons are referred to Borrow Direct/ILL via online Request Materials link. HSL maintains a Where to find library material guide.

HSL shelves approx. 25-30,000 books onsite. No new acquisitions are sent directly to ReCAP. Incoming acquisitions are shelved onsite for at least four years. After four years they become candidates for offsite transfer if they average less than one circ/year.
On the annual (estimated) ReCAP quotas, HSL has been allocated 60,000 volumes for large-scale transfer from Brewster to ReCAP. This figure has been subject to change due to space constraints at ReCAP.
CLIO Location Displays

- off,hsl
Display "Offsite" matches other, circulating collections that have CU barcodes. Corresponds to customer code HS.

- off,hsr
Display "Offsite" matches other, off-site collections that are requestable for delivery via CLIO. The only delivery option is the Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk. Corresponds to customer code HR.

- off,hssc
Corresponds to customer code HX. Requires staff place Restricted Access Request. Deliverable only to Health Sciences Library Circulation Desk; non-circulating.
Circulation Desk Reference
General Reference
- Quick link to ReCAP Request Forms
- More information on Non-CLIO and Restricted Access Mechanisms
Current Practice
- ReCAP courier delivers totes to staging area near staff offices behind the circulation desk
- HSL circ staff processes incoming deliveries according to standard guidelines. With these exceptions: delivery label is bright green, [tk method of making hold slip], charge to hold shelf status patron [HSLHOLD001?]
- Staff uses the HSL Circulation Desk happening location for charging; Butler Circulation Desk happening location for discharging
- Hold or Recall notice is generated for a non-HSL patron, it is routed to Butler ILL
- HSL circ staff processes outgoing returns according to standard guidelines.
- Deliveries: Gene Roberts processes items/ Gene Robinson back-up. Also, Sheila opens M-F and sees the Recap deliveryman many mornings.
- Returns: Circulation Staff discharge items at circulation desk,
- Packing: Gene Roberts boxes up ReCAP items/ Gene Robinson back-up.
- EDD issues: Gene Robinson / Gene Roberts back-up
- Non-Delivery Days
ReCAP deliveries are suspended for scheduled for University Holidays. Severe weather may delay or cancel deliveries. Unscheduled interruptions will be announced via the CUL Notes. Google Group A list of past suspensions is available here.
- Supplies
Consult complete supply list for standard items used for ReCAP transfer and delivery.
ReCAP Data
HSL Circulation Data (.pptx) : Updated through FY13. Summary of circulation activity of HSL collections, the HSL happening location, and including system-wide data.
HSL Circulation Data (.pptx) : Updated through FY12. Summary of circulation activity of HSL collections, the HSL happening location, and including system-wide data.
ReCAP Data
Health Sciences Library and ReCAP: Update and Statistics (.pptx), FY13: Overview of Health Sciences Library collections at ReCAP and system-wide data on accessions, requests and circulation.
- Accessions
Health Sciences-owned collections that have been transfered to the ReCAP facility. - Requests
Total items requested from Health Sciences-owned collections at ReCAP. - Deliveries
Items physically delivered to the Health Sciences circulation desk. Includes items from all ReCAP collections, not only Health Sciences-owned. - EDD
Total number of EDD (electronic document delivery) requests for Health Sciences collections. A subset of total "Requests."
Primary Statistics
Accessions | Requests | Deliveries | EDD | |
FY02 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
FY03 | 0 | 0 | 56 | 0 |
FY04 | 544 | 0 | 169 | 0 |
FY05 | 148 | 0 | 418 | 0 |
FY06 | 3,803 | 13 | 396 | 9 |
FY07 | 1,532 | 42 | 628 | 19 |
FY08 | 28,486 | 298 |
799 | 21 |
FY09 | 82,753 | 2,149 | 1,850 | 1,461 |
FY10 | 29,455 | 5,912 | 2,957 | 4,428 |
FY11 | 15,005 | 4,704 | 2,102 | 3,254 |
FY12 | 14,483 | 4,146 | 1,821 | 2,891 |
FY13 | 27,683 | 4,018 | 2,277 | 1,899 |
FY14 | 4,708 | 2,493 | ||
FY15 | 5,116 | 2,463 | ||
TOTAL | 31,106 | 18,938 |
Request Rate = 2.14% |


EDD Data
For more information on system-wide data and trends, please see the EDD section of the ReCAP Data Center.
Primary Statistics
HSL | All Other Departments | |
FY02 | 0 | 169 |
FY03 | 0 | 391 |
FY04 | 0 | 1,745 |
FY05 | 0 | 1,965 |
FY06 | 9 | 2,766 |
FY07 | 19 | 2,504 |
FY08 | 21 | 2,314 |
FY09 | 1,461 | 3,001 |
FY10 | 4,428 | 2,160 |
FY11 | 3,254 | 2,083 |
FY12 | 2,891 | 1,576 |
FY13 | 1,899 | 1,616 |
Total | 13,982 | 22,290 |
- 54.0% of EDD requests in FY13 were for HSL collections
- Decreasing number of HSL EDDs for ILL over past few years due to inconsistent success rate
- Importance of high fill-rate is important; requets now physically delivered and scanned in-house
- HX is not an authorized customer code for EDD

Complex Bound-withs
- SCARM-335 : Bound-with Procedures for Offsite Serials and Multi-volume Monographic Set
Analytics (full and partial)
- Analytics for ReCAP : Procedures for Fully and Partially Analyzed Sets
- SCARM 704: Processing a:off Offsite Analyzed Serials
- SCARM 705: Processing a:all Offsite Analyzed Serials
Orphan Barcodes
Orphans barcodes are the largest category of "missing" collections from ReCAP. To be orphaned, a barcode is accessioned at ReCAP and is not present in Voyager. More information is available on the ReCAP Reports website.
- HSL Orphan Barcodes : 1,555 on May 5, 2010 (IN: 998, OUT: 151, PWI: 406)
- HSL Orphan Barcodes : 1,067 on March 27, 2012 (IN: 873, OUT: 166, PWI: 28)
- HSL Orphan Barcodes : 168 on December 23, 2013 (IN: 3, OUT: 164, PWI: 1)

ReCAP User Inquiry Alias:
Supervisor, ReCAP Access Services: Jennifer Loubriel
Phone: (212) 854-3542