Coeducation at Columbia
Coeducation at Columbia: A Bibliography
Content written by Julie Golia, PhD 2010
Books & Articles
Cott, Nancy. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1987.
Gordon, Lynn. “Annie Nathan Meyer and Barnard College: Mission and Identity in Women’s Higher Education, 1889-1950.” History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 6: (Winter 1986), 503-522.
McCaughey, Robert. Stand, Columbia: A History of Columbia University in the City of New York. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
Rosenberg, Rosalind. Changing the Subject: How the Women of Columbia Shaped the Way We Think About Sex and Politics (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004.
Rosenberg, Rosalind, “The Limits of Access: The History of Coeducation in America” in Faragher and Howe, eds. Women and Higher Education in American History: Essays from the Mount Holyoke Sesquicentennial Symposia. New York: Norton, 1988.
Rosenberg, Rosalind. “’The Woman Question’ at Columbia: From John W. Burgess to Judith Shapiro” Delivered at the Columbia University Seminar on the History of the University, February 17, 1999. [A hard copy can be found in Women: General, Historical Subject Files, University Archives, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University in the City of New York.]
Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1985.
Columbia University Archival Collections

- Frederick A.P. Barnard
- John W. Burgess
- Rev. Morgan Dix
- Michael Sovern
Series XXII: Women at Columbia, 1870s-2000s
- Barnard College
- Coeducation, n.d. – 1981
- Coeducation, 1982 –
- Coed at Last
- Collegiate Course for Women (19th Century)
- Columbia College Survey on Coeducation (1980)
- F.A.P. Barnard’s Reports on ‘The Higher Education of Women’ (1879-1881)
- General
- Graduate Study
Trustee Minutes and Administrative Reports
Columbia University Trustee Minutes
- 1873-1889
- 1976-1983
F.A.P. Barnard’s President’s Reports
- 1879-1881
- 1885-1889
- Columbia Spectator
- Acta Columbiana
- New York Times
- New York Evening Post
- New York Tribune
Other Sources
Blake, Katherine Devereux and Margaret Louise Wallace. Champion of Women: The Life of Lillie Devereux Blake. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1943.
Blake, Lillie Devereux. Woman’s Place To-Day: Four Lectures in Reply to the Lenten Lectures on ‘Woman’ By the Rev. Morgan Dix. New York, John W. Lowell, 1883.
Burgess, John W. Reminiscences of an American Scholar: The Beginnings of Columbia University. New York: Columbia University Press, 1934.
Butler, Nicholas Murray. Across the Busy Years: Recollections and Reflections. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1939.
Dix, Reverend Morgan. Lectures on the Calling of a Christian Woman: And Her Training to Fulfill It, Delivered During the Season of Lent, A.D. 1883. New York: D. Appleton, 1883.