Research Data Services
We help researchers across Columbia find, evaluate, understand, steward, and use a range of statistical, geospatial, and textual data. Our expert staff provide training and consultation around a number of tools for analyzing, visualizing, and managing data.
- Schedule a Consultation
- Schedule an Instruction Session
- Recommend a Data Set for the Libraries collections
- Join Data Club

Eric Glass
GIS/Metadata Librarian
- Digital Scholarship

Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen
Head, Research Data Services
- Digital Scholarship

Moacir P. de Sá Pereira
Research Data Librarian
- Digital Scholarship

Wei Yin
Research Support & Data Services Librarian
- Digital Scholarship

Libraries Acquire Full-Text Corpus Data
The Libraries recently acquired 12 full-text corpus datasets, including the comprehensive Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), which will help researchers across many disciplines to understand how language is and has been used around the world.

Everyone Uses Research Data | Exceptional Scholarship with Research Data, Part 1
The Libraries' Research Data Services team collaborates with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to design a course on research data management, which includes a series of publicly-available animated videos.