Burundi: General Resources, Politics, & Human Rights
- African Arguments (London, UK): "Burundi: The president has crossed the Rubicon--there's no turning back," (May 11, 2023) ; "Burundi's cross-ethnic opposition under threat." (February 16, 2016) by Jordan Anderson
--See also: Central Africa Forum - Amnesty International on Burundi--Profile and Update (New York)
- Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi (August 28, 2000) --via Peace Accords Matrix. (Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
- Burundi Web Page (University of Pennsylvania)
- CNDD-FDD: Burundi Information (Bujumbura, Burundi)Le site du Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie-Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie--le parti de Pierre Nkurunziza qui a été élu président de la République du Burundi le 19 août 2005.
- Constitution of Burundi
- Constitution of Burundi, 2005 (English translation) --via Constitute, Comparative Constitutions Project. (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Constitution de Burundi (2005) (via Ministère de la Justice, République du Burundi, Bujumbura) 77 pages en format PDF
- La Constitution de 2005 (via L'Assemblée Nationale du Burundi)
- Elections in Burundi 2020, earlier elections, and post-election violence
- CENI--Commission électoral nationale indépendante de la République du Burundi (2020)
- European Union: Mission d'observation électorale Burundi 2015 -and- 2010 (Bujumbura; Brussels, Belgium)
- International Crisis Group (Washington, DC; Brussels, Belgium)
- See also: IFES--International Foundation for Electoral Systems below
- CENI--Commission électoral nationale indépendante de la République du Burundi (2020)
- Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme: Le Burundi au bord du gouffre, retour sur deux années de terreur. (juin 2017) En collaboration avec le Ligue ITEKA. -- Paris, France : FIDH, 2017.
44 pages en format PDF - FRODEBU--Front pour la démocratie au Burundi--Documents, 1993-2006 --via University of Antwerp, Belgium, Great Lakes of Africa Centre.
- Gouvernement de la République du Burundi et la Présidence (Veuillez voir ci-dessous)
- Human Rights Watch on Burundi (New York & Washington, DC)
- HRW on Burundi: latest news and reports
- "Burundi: Campaigns Begin Amid Clampdown," April 27, 2020.
- "Tanzania: Burundians Pressured Into Leaving." (December 12, 2019) ; "Aslyum Seekers Coerced Into Going Home: Hundreds of Burundians in Camp Targeted." (October 29, 2019)
- "'We Let Our Children Go Hungry to Pay': Abuses Related to the 2020 Election Levy in Burundi." (December 6, 2019) -- See also: French version
- Burundi: "Attacks by Ruling Party Youth League Members." (January 2017)
- Burundi: "Government Investigations Ignore State Abuses." (April 13, 2016) = Les enquêtes du gouvernement passent sous silence les abus des forces étatiques.
- Burundi: "President's Speech Instills Fear as Killings Increase." (November 10, 2015)
- Burundi: "Spate of Arbitrary Arrests, Torture..." (August 6, 2015); see also: French version
- "'You will not have peace while you are living': The escalation of political violence in Burundi." (May 2012) -- New York: HRW, 2012. 89 pages in PDF format
- 'We'll tie you up and shoot you': lack of accountability for political violence in Burundi. (May 14, 2010) = 'Nous allons vous ligoter et vous abattre' -- New York: HRW, 2010. 53 pages in PDF format
- Mob justice in Burundi: official complicity and impunity.(March 25, 2010) = La "justice" populaire au Burundi. -- New York: HRW, 2010. 93 pages in PDF format
- "On s'enfuit quand on les voit: exactions en toute impunité de la part du Service National de Renseignement au Burundi." (octobre 2006) Human Rights Watch report. (Online); vol. 18, no 9(A). Voir aussi: la version anglaise.
- Souffrir en silence: les civils dans la guerre à Bujumbura rural (juin 2004). Un document d'information de HRW.(Voir aussi: English version) En format HTML ou PDF
- Les civils dans la guerre au Burundi: victimes au quotidien. (décembre 2003) Par Caroline Sculier et alii. -- New York ; Washington, DC : HRW, 2003. (HTML or PDF formats ; English)
- Burundi, 2002. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2003. (Online).
- Burundi, 2001. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2002. (Online).
- Burundi, 2000. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2001. (Online).
- Burundi: neglecting justice in making peace, April 2000. Human Rights Watch reports. Vol. 12, no. 2 (A)
- Burundi, 1999. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2000. (Online).
- Burundi, 1998-99. In Human Rights Watch World Report 1999. (Online).
- Proxy targets: civilians in the war in Burundi. (March 1, 1998) 200 pages in PDF format
- Intahe--Burundians Speak Truth to Power (Bujumbura, Burundi; The Hague, The Netherlands)"[For the Burundian public --in English, French, and Kirundi]...this project is run by Journalists for Justice (The Hague, The Netherlands) and supported through collaboration with the International Justice Programme of the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists."
- International Crisis Group on Burundi, 1999-- (Washington, DC; Brussels, Belgium)
- "The ICG is a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to understand and respond to impending crises. ICG's approach is grounded in field research ... and advocacy."
- "An Essential Primer on Burundi's Elections." May 18, 2020.
- "A First Step Toward Reform: Ending Burundi's Forced Contribution System." (April 2020) Briefing
- "Running Out of Options in Burundi" (June 2019)
- "Burundi: The Army in Crisis" (April 2017) Summary & full report in English
--See also: Burundi: l'armée dans la crise, le 5 avril 2017 - ICG on "Burundi: A Dangerous Third Term," May 2016
- Alerts: Burundi Conflict Alert (November 5, 2015) ; plus links to reports & "In Pursuit of Peace" blog articles
- Les élections au Burundi...(le 17 avril 2015) 36 pages en format PDF
- Les terres de la discorde (I): la réforme foncière au Burundi (le 12 février 2014) | English summary of part I ;
(II): Restitution et réconciliation au Burundi (le 17 février 2014) | English summary, part II
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre: Internally displaced persons in Burundi (2000--) Norwegian Refugee Council (Geneva, Switzerland)For each country in the IDP survey, the document collection includes an overall summary, population figures, social indicators, and some analyses. See also, the IDMC Homepage.
- International Alert: Burundi--Publications on Gender and Peacebuilding, 2006- (London, UK)"Analysis and research of fragile and conflict-affected countries and regions."
--Rebuilding Dignified Lives: Gender in Peacebuilding in Burundi (November 2014) 38 pages in PDF format - International Documentation Network on the Great African Lakes Region = Réseau documentaire international sur la région des Grands Lacs africains Réseau Grands Lacs Africains (via Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland)
- NOTE: For best results, select Categories and Keywords; do not try to use "Fulltext" search. The website is in French or in English consisting of an archive of documents from governments, local and international NGOs, scholars, and other individuals from the early 1990s to 2009.
- IFES--International Foundation for Electoral Systems on Burundi (Washington, DC)News and reports --in English or in French-- on IFES projects on elections and democracy in Burundi.
-- Elections in Burundi: 2015 General Elections (July)
-- "Amatora mu Mahoro: Système de Monitoring des Principes Démocratiques et de Prévention de la Violence Electorale." (le 17 mai 2010) - International Organization for Migration: Burundi (Geneva, Switzerland)Country overview, press releases, and reports. "[Since 1951]...IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners."
- International Peace Institute on Burundi (New York, USA)
- IPI Special Report: "The African Union's less coercive diplomacy on Burundi" (February 2016) -and- "The African Union's coercive diplomacy on Burundi" (December 2015) by Prof. Paul D. Williams, George Washington University (Washington, DC)
- IPI Forum: "Dialogue Remains Critical for Burundi's Future" (June 23, 2015) Summary and video
- Civil society and democratic transitions in the DRC, Burundi and Rwanda (April 2005) by Mashood Issaka and Batabiha Bushoki (2005)
- International Refugee Rights Initiative -- Great Lakes: Burundian Refugees in Tanzania (New York)
***Search "Focus on Africa -- Great Lakes Region" for the following:- From refugee to returnee to asylum seeker: Burundian refugees struggle to find protection in the Great Lakes region. (Nov. 2013)
- An urgent briefing on the situation of Burundian refugees int Mtabila camp, Tanzania (August 2012)
- Resisting repatriation: Burundian refugees struggleing to stay in Tanzania (Sept. 2011)
- "I don't know where to go": Burundian refugees in Tanzania under pressure to leave. (September 2009) 14 pages in PDF format
- Going home or staying home?: ending displacement for Burundian refugees in Tanzania. (November 2008) 43 pages in PDF format
- Interpeace on Burundi (Geneva, Switzerland)This site features publications on Burundi democratization and peace efforts between 2008 and 2010. "We were created by the United Nations in 1994. We became an independent organization in 2000 while maintaining a unique partnership with the UN. As a result, we operate either as an independent NGO or as a UN initiative. Interpeace is headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland) and has offices in Brussels (Belgium), Guatemala City (Guatemala), Nairobi (Kenya) and New York (USA)."
- Iteka -- Ligue Burundaise des Droits de l'Homme (Bujumbura, Burundi)Le site offre les actualités --en français et en anglais-- surtout à propos des droits humains au pays (y compris une archive des vieux dépêches), un recueil des documents et rapports, et des informations sur les activités de la ligue.
- MOLI--Mouvement pour les Libertés Individuelles (Bujumbura, Burundi)"MOLI a été créée dans le souci d’apporter sa contribution dans le renforcement du respect des droits humains au travers la documentation et la recherche sur les cas d’abus et violence basée sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre réelle ou supposée."
Veuillez voir surtout: Publications - The New Humanitarian on Burundi. Formerly IRIN News. (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Présidence de la République du Burundi -- Site officiel (Bujumbura)
- République du Burundi -- Site portail des Institutions (Bujumbura)Un portail des informations du gouvernement, des actualités, et des discours du Président Nkurunziza.
- Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research on Burundi (Lund, Sweden)The website includes information about programs and selected reports on peace and reconciliation research and analysis of conflict. "Created in 1986, TFF is an independent think tank, a global network and a homepage for peace by peaceful means."
- United Nations Agencies on Burundi
- UN Office in Burundi--BNUB, 2007--2014 (Bujumbura)
- UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Burundi
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees on Burundi (2023) (Geneva, Switzerland)
- UN Mission in Burundi--ONUB, 2004-2006 (New York)
- "...under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council, by its resolution 1545 of 21 May 2004, decided to establish the United Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB) in order to support and help to implement the efforts undertaken by Burundians to restore lasting peace and bring about national reconciliation, as provided under the Arusha Agreement."
- University of Florida Libraries: René Lemarchard Collection of African Political Papers: Burundi (Dan Reboussin, Gainesville, Florida)This web site is about the collection at the George Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. "The collection includes copies of official reports and other documents assessing political situations and events, newspapers from several countries, and copies of unpublished studies and reports."
- United States on Burundi (Washington, DC)
- U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. World Factbook: Burundi (2024)
- U.S. Department of State: Burundi Country Report on Human Rights Practices: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
--Search by country for years: 1996-1999 -and- 1999-2015 - U.S. Embassy in Bujumbura, Burundi
- U.S. Institute of Peace on Burundi (Washington, DC)
- USIP on Burundi (June 2015)
- "Postgenocidal reconstruction: building peace in Rwanda and Burundi." (Sept. 1999) by John Prendergast and David Smock.
- "Preventing genocide in Burundi: lessons from international diplomacy." (July 1998) by Stephen R. Weissman.
- U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. World Factbook: Burundi (2024)
- UPRONA -- Parti de l'Unité pour le Progrès National -- "Parti de l'Indépendance"
- University of Antwerp, Belgium -- Great Lakes of Africa Centre: Le Parti UPRONA, Documents 1989-2021
- Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Burundi Leadership Training Program--Reports and Articles, 2003- PDF format (Washington, DC)