Equatorial Guinea: Economic Development, Environment, & Health
- African Development Bank Group on Equatorial Guinea (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)Basic economic indicators and links to other "country operations" reports.
- AFRISTAT: Guinée équatoriale -- Données structurelles (2008) (Observatoire économique et statistique d'Afrique Subsaharienne, Bamako, Mali)
- Sur ce site, on peut trouver les données statistiques sur le pays: démographie, education, activités économiques, échanges extérieurs, prix, transports, tourisme et environnement, etc. 'AFRISTAT est une organisation internationale créée par un traité signé le 21 septembre 1993 à Abidjan par les pays de la Zone Franc.'
- AFRISTAT -- Page d'accueil
- Banco Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial (Malabo)
- Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program (Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; in partnership with Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Malabo)A web site mostly about conservation efforts and the study of primates, nesting sea turtles, and their environment on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea; with links to other primate research web sites.
- CEIDGE--Centro de Estudios e Iniciativas para el Desarrollo de Guinea Ecuatorial (via Red Eurosur, Spain)"El C.E.I.D.G.E. es una entidad no gubernamental de desarrollo ... Promovido por un grupo de ténicos y profesionales guineoecuatorianos en España, se constituyó en Madrid en agosto de 1996. ...Como principios de actuación en C.E.I.D.G.E. priorizamos la capitalización de los recursos humanos locales, los enfoques de Desarrollo Humano y de Género en todas nuestras acciones de desarrollo y la implementación de proyectos humanos y ecosostenibles."
- Equatorial Guinea, Ministerio de Industria y Energia
- Equatorial Guinea, Ministerio de Minas et Hidrocarburos
- Equatorial Guinea, Ministerio de Sanidad y Bienestar Social
- FAO Aquastat Programme: Equatorial Guinea, 2005 (Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome)A profile --in French-- of water resources in Equatorial Guinea. "The 'thirst' for water data is ever increasing and there is indeed considerable demand for data on rural water use from national governments and development agencies. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations initiated an activity in 1993 to meet this demand with particular focus on irrigation. This resulted in the AQUASTAT Programme, the objective of which is to generate rural water use data at country level in a systematic manner."
- The International Monetary Fund: Equatorial Guinea Country Info (Washington, DC)Summaries, full length reports, and recent news. Note: Some documents are in PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat.
- UNCTAD--United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Least Developed Countries:
Search for Equatorial Guinea (Geneva, Switzerland)
- United Nations Development Programme: Human Development Index for Equatorial Guinea (2021)
(New York)
- UNFPA--United Nations Population Fund: Search for Equatorial Guinea Country Indicators, Policy Developments, and Overview (New York)
- United States Agencies on Equatorial Guinea -- Economy (Washington, DC)
- United States. Census Bureau. Foreign Trade Statistics:
- United States. Energy Information Administration: Equatorial Guinea
- The World Bank on Equatorial Guinea (Washington, DC)
- The World Bank in Equatorial Guinea, 2010-A country brief and data (in PDF file); plus a searchable database on project information.
- The World Bank in Equatorial Guinea, 2010-
- World Resources Institute on Equatorial Guinea (Washington, DC)
- Atlas Forestal Interactivo de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (2013) Part of: WRI's Congo Basin Forest Atlases