Mozambique: Economic Development, Environment, Health, & the Internet
- African Development Bank Group on Mozambique (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)Basic economic indicators and links to other "country operations" reports.
- Banco de Moçambique (Maputo)
- Câmara Commércio Portugal-Moçambique (Lisboa, Portugal)General reference and business information in Portuguese, some in English.
- CAICC--Centro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (Maputo, Mozambique)"...foi criado em 2006 com o objectivo de contribuir para a expansão, consolidação e sustentabilidade de iniciativas comunitárias na área de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) em Moçambique, visando maximizar o capacidade das iniciativas de apoiar o desenvolvimento local."
--Publicações do CAICC -e- Documents and reports - Cities Alliance: Mozambique Country Programme (Washington, DC)
- Urban space and poverty in Maputo, Mozambique. (June 2013) CMI brief, vol. 12, no. 2 ; 4 pages in PDF format
- Gender and poverty in Mozambique. (October 2010) CMI brief, vol. 9, no. 6 ; 4 pages in PDF format
- Urban space and poverty in Maputo, Mozambique. (June 2013) CMI brief, vol. 12, no. 2 ; 4 pages in PDF format
- CNCS: Conselho Nacional de Combate ao HIV/SIDA (Maputo, Mozambique)"CNCS é uma agência do governo que tem como tarefa coordenar, monitorar, avaliar e angariar financiamentos de toda a acção nacional de combate ao HIV-SIDA conforme preconizado no Plano Estatégico Nacional."
- Demographic and Health Surveys: Mozambique Indicators, Datasets, and Reports (2015, 2011 and earlier) (Calverton, Maryland)
- ELDIS on Mozambique (Electronic Development and Environment Information System, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)This service compiles and indexes links to online full texts (requiring Adobe Acrobat PDF), related web sites, and print publications in the IDS library on a variety of subjects pertaining to Mozambique, especially in the fields of agricultural economics, trade, health, governance, and education.
- Food and Agriculture Organization: Mozambique (Rome, Italy)
- FAO GIEWS Country Brief on Mozambique (June 2021)
- FAO Aquastat Programme: Mozambique, 2016A brief profile on water resources in Mozambique.
- See also: USAID FEWSNET on Mozambique (2019) (below)
- Search for "Mozambique" in FAO Document Repository
- FAO Global Information and Early Warning System: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission Special Report, June 2003
- Governo da Républica de Moçambique (Maputo)
- Portal do Governo de Moçambique
- Ministério da Agricultura
- Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia
- Ministério da Economica et Financas
- Ministério da Indústria e Commercio
- Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia
- Ministério da Saúde
- Ministério da Terra, Ambiente, et Desenvolvimento Rural
- Ministério dos Transportes e Comunicações
- Portal do Governo de Moçambique
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Moçambique = National Institute of Statistics (Maputo)Aqui estão: os indicadores macro-económicos, os resultados censo 1997, o inquérito demográfico e de saúde 1997, e o indice de preços no consumo (1996-99) em português ou em inglês; e outros estatísticas e algumas conexões.
- International Development Research Centre, Digital Library: Search for Mozambique (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)Brief reports on various ICT development projects and programs, some with links to project websites.
- The International Monetary Fund: Republic of Mozambique Country Info (Washington, DC)Summaries, full length reports, and recent news. Note: Some documents are in PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat.
- International Renewable Energy Agency: Mozambique: Renewables Readiness Assessment 2012 -- Abu Dhabi, UAE: IRENA, 2012. 76 pages in PDF format
- Kaleidoscopio (2023) (Maputo, Mozambique)
- Land Investment Deals in Africa--Reports on Mozambique from The Oakland Institute
- Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (South Africa)"...a non-profit organisation consisting of Infrastructure Investors, Service Providers and Stakeholders from Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland."
- Mozambique Reports and Documents (Joseph Hanlon, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)A depository of analytical reports and commentaries on Mozambique's recent economic and political history, compiled by Joseph Hanlon. The site includes 2007 census results, analyses on recent national budgets, 2008 electoral results and the 2008 floods, and links to other Mozambique resources.
- Oakland Institute--Special Investigations: Land Investment Deals in Africa: Mozambique (Oakland, California)
- Policy Project: Mozambique (Futures Group, Washington, DC)A summary of assistance activities in HIV/AIDS policies and other reproductive health policies in Mozambique, with downloadable reports in PDF format.
- United Nations Agencies on Mozambique -- Economy
- UN Development Programme in Mozambique
- UN Economic Commission for Africa: Mozambique Country Profile, 2016. (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) 52 pages in PDF format.
- UN Environment Programme/UNDP Poverty-Environment Initiative: Mozambique Profile, 2005-2015. (Nairobi, Kenya)
- UNFPA--United Nations Population Fund: Search for Mozambique Country Indicators, Policy Developments, and Overview (New York)
- UNOCHA--United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- ReliefWeb on MozambiqueCurrent news reports from UN agencies, USAID FewsNet and other sources; plus an archive of old news.
- ReliefWeb Map Center: Mozambique and Southern Africa MapsPolitical, rainfall, vegetation, and other thematic maps of Mozambique and the rest of southern Africa.
- ReliefWeb on Mozambique
- United States Agencies on Mozambique -- Economy (Washington, DC)
- AGOA--African Growth and Opportunity Act on MozambiqueThis site features a country overview, information on bilateral US-Mozambique trade relations, and trade news.
- United States. Agency for International Development (USAID)
- USAID on Mozambique -- Country Information
- USAID Global Health Initiative on Mozambique
- Development Experience Clearinghouse (General)Search the entire database for downloadable (in PDF) reports on projects and studies on Mozambique.
- FEWSNET--Famine Early Warning System Network--Southern Africa: MozambiqueCurrent news and analysis of the food security situation in Mozambique -- read online or download as a PDF files.-- See also: FEWSNET Southern African Regional Center
- United States. Census Bureau. Foreign Trade Statistics:
- United States. Energy Information Administration on Mozambique (2016-2018)
- AGOA--African Growth and Opportunity Act on Mozambique
- The World Bank on Mozambique (Washington, DC)
- The World Bank in Mozambique
A brief country profile, project reports, news, and related links. - "Local Communities win in Mozambique Climate-Smart Natural Resource Management." (April 2019)
- Mozambique Economic Update (November 2018)
- The World Bank in Mozambique