Mozambique: General Resources, Conflict Resolution, Politics, & Human Rights
- Amnesty International on Mozambique, 2017-- (Washington, DC and New York)
- AWEPA--Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa : Mozambique (Amsterdam,
The Netherlands; Maputo, Mozambique: Centro de Integridade Publica)- Mozambique political process bulletin. (Online)--Archive, 1993-2015. -- Maputo, Mozambique : Centro de Integridade Publica ; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa, 1993-2015. --via The Open University, UKA monthly bulletin in English and Portuguese on governance and civil society, including news on elections, corruption, and transparency.
- Mozambique political process bulletin. (Online)--Archive, 1993-2015. -- Maputo, Mozambique : Centro de Integridade Publica ; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa, 1993-2015. --via The Open University, UK
- The Carter Center on Mozambique, 2004-Reports on the center's consultancy work since 1998 and election observations and monitoring.
- CDD--Centro para Democracia e Direitos Humanos (Maputo, Mozambique)--Ver especialmente: as publicações em português e inglês do Centro: Boletim ; Democracia review ; Vozes do Norte de Moçambique
- Centro de Integridade Publica (Maputo, Mozambique)
- The official site of The Center for Public Integrity of Mozambique --in Portuguese, with Google English translation available-- includes current news, policy briefs, and investigative reports on anti-corruption, transparency, elections, and civil society activities. "It is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, independent organisation..."
- Conciliation Resources: The Mozambican Peace Process in Perspective (1998) Accord: an international review of peace initiatives. (Online) ; no. 1. (London, UK)Note: after clicking on the image of the Mozambique issue, you must scroll down to the bottom of this web page to view the table of contents and links to chapters.
- Constitution of Mozambique
- Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique (2004, with amendments through 2007) (via Constitute, Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique (2004, with amendments through 2007) (via Constitute, Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Darch, Colin. A Success Story Gone Wrong? The Mozambican Conflict and Peace Process in Historical Perspective. (2018) -- Maputo, Mozambique: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Mozambique. 27 pages in PDF format.
--See also: Colin Darch: Articles and Writings - Elections in Mozambique, 2024, 2019 and earlier
- "25 years of electoral fraud, protected by secrecy," February 19, 2024. By Joseph Hanlon. Published by Centro de Integridade Publica, Maputo, via The Open University, UK.
- Africa Confidential: "Frelimo falters as a people’s uprising gathers steam," December 19, 2024. (London, UK)
- African Union on Mozambique Elections, October 2019 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- Centro de Integridade Publica: "Esta eleição foi a mais fraudulenta desde 1999," (October 25, 2024) = "This election was the most fraudulent since 1999" ; Orçamento para eleições de 2019 e excessivo." (March 2019) (Maputo, Mozambique)
- The Conversation: "Mozambique’s deadly protests: how the country got here ," December 5, 2024. (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Electoral Institute of Southern Africa: Mozambique (2019) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Human Rights Watch: "Mozambique’s Ruling Party Wins Elections Amid Nationwide Protests," October 24, 2024 ; "Insecurity in Mozambique leaves thousands in Mozambique unable to vote," October 14, 2019. (New York)
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Election Guide for Mozambique (2024) (Washington, DC)
- London School of Economics, International Development--Elections Research (UK)
- Mozambique Elections (1999-2014): A Collective Research Project--Files and data (Joseph Hanlon)
- "Identifying Fraud in Democratic Elections: a case study of the 2004 presidential election in Mozambique." (December 2006) By Joseph Hanlon and Sean Fox. 32 pages in PDF format
- Mozambique Elections (1999-2014): A Collective Research Project--Files and data (Joseph Hanlon)
- See also: Women and Law in Southern Africa--Mozambique on Elections in 2009 and 2004
- "25 years of electoral fraud, protected by secrecy," February 19, 2024. By Joseph Hanlon. Published by Centro de Integridade Publica, Maputo, via The Open University, UK.
- Partido FRELIMO--Frente de Libertação de Moçambique-- Página oficial: A Força da Mudança (Maputo, Moçambique)
- Governo de Moçambique -- Portal (Maputo)
- Human Rights Watch on Mozambique (New York & Washington, DC)
- HRW on Mozambique: recent press releases, campaigns, & reports on southern Africa.
- "Mozambique legalizes militia to fight insurgency in the North," April 26, 2023. Dispatch
- "Five Years On, Justice Still a Dream for Cabo Delgado Victims," November 24, 2022.
- "Mozambique armed groups burn villages," June 19, 2018.
- News release: "Mozambique prominent opposition leader killed..." (October 11, 2016)
- "'What is a house without food?' Mozambique's coal mining boom and resettlements." (May 2013) -- New York: HRW, 2013. 130 pages in PDF format
- Mozambique, 2000. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2001. (Online).
- "Landmines in Mozambique: after the floods (March 2000)," by Mary Wareham.
- Mozambique, 1999. In Human Rights Watch World Report 2000. (Online).
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Moçambique = National Institute of Statistics (Maputo)Aqui estão: os indicadores macro-económicos, os resultados censo 1997, o inquérito demográfico e de saúde 1997, e o indice de preços no consumo (1996-99) em português ou em inglês; e outros estatísticas e algumas conexões.
- Legis Palop: A Base de Dados Oficial dos Palop (Lisbon, Portugal) Registration required
- Mozambique Peace Agreements (1990-1992) (via USIP below)
- Mozambique Reports and Documents (Joseph Hanlon, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)
- Presidência da República de Moçambique -- Página oficial (Maputo)
- República de Moçambique -- Página oficial (Maputo)
- United Nations Agencies on Mozambique: Conflict Resolution, Environment & Human Rights
- UN System in MozambiqueMozambique-related links to UN news, projects, reports, conferences, etc.
- UNOCHA: UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- ReliefWeb on MozambiqueCurrent news reports from UN agencies, USAID FewsNet and other sources; plus an archive of old news.
- ReliefWeb Map Center: Mozambique and Southern Africa MapsPolitical, rainfall, vegetation, and other thematic maps of Mozambique and the rest of southern Africa.
- ReliefWeb on Mozambique
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2001--) (General)
- UN Peacekeeping Operations: ONUMOZ -- UN Operations in Mozambique, December 1992-December 1994 (via UN server, New York)
- UN System in Mozambique
- United States. Central Intelligence Agency. World Factbook: Mozambique (2024)
- United States. Department of State (Washington, DC)
- Mozambique Country Report on Human Rights Practices: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
--Search by country for years: 1996-1999 -and- 1999-2015 - Mozambique Country Report on International Religious Freedom: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
--Search by country for years: 2001-2015
--Plus: 1999 | 2000 - U.S. Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique
- Mozambique Country Report on Human Rights Practices: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
- United States Institute of Peace: Mozambique Peace Agreements (1990-1992) USIP Peace Agreements Digital Collection. (Washington, DC)
- Women and Law in Southern Africa Mozambique (Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust, Maputo, Mozambique)
- "A missão da WLSA Moçambique é contribuir para identificar e disseminar os contextos favoráveis, as áreas críticas e os obstáculos no que respeita á igualdade de direitos e oportunidades entre mulheres e homens no país, propiciando a mudança na lei e nas políticas públicas, no acesso e administração da justiça, e nas práticas sociais."
- Narrativas e práticas sobre direitos humanos no contexto do(s) Conflito(s) em Cabo Delgado: uma análise de género. (2021) 208 pages in PDF format
- Rites of Initiation in the Current Context. Adjustments, Ruptures and Confrontations. Constructing a Gender Identity. (2014) 432 pages in PDF format
- Género e democracia: as eleições de 2009 em Moçambique (2010) para Conceição Osório. -- Maputo: WLSA Mozambique, 2010. 260 pages in PDF format
- Outras vozes. (Online)--Archive. Boletim da WLSA Moçambique -- Maputo: WLSA Mozambique, 2002-2012.
- Rebuilding lives: the strategies of women survivors of domestic violence. (2007) Organized by Maria José Arthur and Margarita Mejia. -- Maputo: WLSA Mozambique, 2007. 177 pages in PDF format
- Subverting political power?: gender analysis of the 2004 legislative elections in Mozambique. (2007) By Conceição Osório. -- Maputo: WLSA Mozambique, 2007. 153 pages in PDF format
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