North Africa Region
- All Africa.Com: Recent News Summaries on North Africa (AllAfrica Global Media, Washington, DC)News summaries in English based on reports from the Pan African News Agency (PANA), East African newspapers and news agencies, and other sources. See also individual country sections. Warning: access to articles more than 30 days old requires a subscription.
- AmazighWorld (Rabat, Morocco)Current and recent news about Amazigh communities in Morocco, the rest of North Africa, and elsewhere -- in English, French, and Arabic. The site also includes cultural history summaries, event announcements, and related links.
- American Institute for Maghrib Studies (via University of Arizona, Tucson)"AIMS was founded in 1984 to promote the systematic study of North Africa ... sponsors The Journal of North African Studies (published by Frank Cass in London), publishes a biannual newsletter, produces an annual roster of members and research directory, sponsors yearly academic conferences in North Africa, maintains overseas research centers in Tunis (CEMAT) and Tangier (TALIM)..."
- CAWTAR--Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (Tunis, Tunisia)
"...created on March 7, provide the region with a center of research and studies relating to gender and the status of women, of advocacy for the improvement of women’s status and of data collection, indicators and statistics."
--CAWTAR Clearing House on Gender
- Center for Strategic and International Studies: The Middle East and North Africa (CSIS, Washington, DC)Review of CSIS activities and downloadable reports on economics, population, trade patterns, energy developments and military balance in the ME and North Africa.
- face to face with tunisia, libya & egypt (via Berlin, Germany)" Internet platform for young and seasoned journalists from Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. This bi-lingual, digital magazine offers an exchange of expertise amongst the most dynamic spots across post-revolutionary North Africa."
- Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran, and Turkey (Cairo, Egypt)
- The site offers online publications, information about conferences, and related links. ' improve the quality and increase the quantity of applied policy-oriented economic research...launched in June of 1993, with assistance from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the European Commission, the Ford Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank, subsequently followed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.'
- ERF Working papers
- Policy perspective (policy briefs)
- ERF conferences & workshops
- ERF open access "data portal"
- European Union External Action -- Middle East and North Africa (via Europa--European Union On-Line, Brussels, Belgium)
- Fahamu : Networks for Social Justice (Oxford, UK ; Nairobi, Kenya ; Claremont, South Africa ; Dakar, Senegal)
- "[Fahamu]...supports the strengthening of human rights and social justice movements by: promoting innovative use of information and communications technologies ; stimulating debate, discussion and analyses ; publishing news and information ; developing and delivering educational courses, including by distance learning."
- Pambazuka news. (Online) below.
- Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme sur l'Afrique = International Federation for Human Rights on Africa (Paris, France)Les actualités sur les droits de l'homme et les appels urgents des organisations membres -- en français, en anglais, en arabe, ou en espagnol. "Créée en 1922, la FIDH fédère aujourd’hui 141 ligues dans près de 110 pays."
- Gnawa Stories: Mystical Musician Healers from Morocco (Rodrigo Dorfman, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)A Masters' thesis project on the history and cultural traditions of the Gnawa, with maps and suggested readings in print and on the web.
- Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
International Conference on "West Africa and the Maghreb: Reassessing Intellectual Connections in the 21st Century," September 13-15, 2018, Harvard Divinity School. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program.
-- Preliminary program - H-Maghrib Discussion Network (H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)In English: "...aims to facilitate scholarly discussion and research about North Africa, a region that today comprises the countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania." Plus, information on how to subscribe and some other Africa-related links.
- Human Rights Watch on Middle East and North Africa: reports, press releases, etc. (New York and Brussels)
- Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (Tunis, Tunisie)
- << Etablissement du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, doté de l'autonomie financière, l'IRMC rélève de la Sous-direction des Sciences Sociales et Humaines et de l'Archéologie de la Direction Générale de la Cooperation Internationale et du Développement. Il est placé sous la tutelle scientifique d'un conseil scientifique consultatif et sous l'autorité de l'ambassadeur de France en Tunisie >>.
- Le bulletin de l'IRMC: Correspondances. (Online)
-- Tunis: IRMC, 2001-- - Publications des travaux de l'IRMC
- International Crisis Group on North Africa (Washington, DC; New York; Brussels, Belgium)"The ICG is a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to understand and respond to impending crises. ICG's approach is grounded in field research ... and advocacy."
- International Organization for Migration: Middle East and North Africa -- Migration Issues (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Jadaliyya -- "Maghreb" and "Maghreb Media Round-Up" (Arab Studies Institute, Washington, DC)Weekly digest of news commentary from the region and related Maghreb studies announcements.
- An Introduction to the Literature of the Maghreb (Rachid Aadnani et al., Maghrebi Studies, Wellesley, Massachusetts)An annotated list of web links on contemporary literature of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia); plus a section on music.
- LIMAG: Littératures du Maghreb--Archive (2015) (Charles Bonn & Coordination internationale des chercheurs sur les littératures du Maghreb, Université Lyon, France)Sur ce site, on peut trouver un calendrier des colloques, une liste des théses sur les littératures du Maghreb, le bulletin "Etudes littéraires maghrébines" en texte intégral, et une banque de données documentaires sur les littératures et la culture du Maghreb.
- MAP--Maghreb Arabe Presse (Rabat, Maroc)Les actualités en français, en arabe, en anglais, ou en espagnol de l'agence de presse officielle du gouvernement.
- Le Maghreb dans les sciences sociales et humaines
(La Fondation du Roi Abdul Aziz Al Saoud pour les Etudes Islamiques et les Sciences Humaines, Casablanca, Morocco)- Le site officiel de la fondation: << Une institution à la fois documentaire, scientifique et culturelle. Créée en 1985, elle est le fruit d'un besoin et d'une initiative: besoin d'information et de documentaire vivement ressenti parmi la communauté des chercheurs et des opérateurs à Casablanca ; initiative heureuse de son Altesse Le Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Saoud...>>
- Revue des revues sur le Maghreb
- Edition et éditeurs au Maghreb
- Catalogue du centre de documentation
Remarque: il y a plusieurs banques de données en français ou en arabe. - Liens du Maghreb
- Maghreb Emergent. (Algiers, Algérie)Depuis 2013, ce site électronique offre les actualités économiques sur les pays de la région maghrebienne.
- Maghreb Info (via France)"...a été fondée par un collectif de journalistes maghrébins, en février 2011."
- Maghrebi Studies (via Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts)An introduction to the literature, cinema, and music of the Maghreb region and its diaspora in France and elsewhere; plus, related web links.
- MENALIB--Middle East Virtual Library: Database of Online Resources for the Middle East & Islam: "Maghreb"
Formerly known as "ALMISBAH" (The State- and University Library Saxony-Anhalt, Halle, Germany)
- Middle East Studies Internet Resources (Columbia University Libraries)
- Le Monde Diplomatique on North Africa, 2006--: (See individual country pages for more articles.)
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs on The Middle East and North Africa (Washington, DC)Consultancy and other activity reports. "The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit organization working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide. Calling on a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides practical assistance to civic and political leaders advancing democratic values, practices and institutions."
- Observatoire Sahara et Sahel = Sahel and Sahara Observatory (Tunis, Tunisie)"L'OSS est une organisation internationale membres sont des pays d'Afrique et d'Europe, quatre organisations sous-régionales, des organisations régionales, des agences du système des Nations-unies et une ONG internationale."
- Rock Art of Sahara and North Africa: thematic study. (June 2007) -- Paris, France: ICOMOS--International Council of Monuments and Sites, 2007. 213 pages in PDF format
- Small Arms Survey: Security Assessment in North Africa (Geneva, Switzerland)
- "...a multi-year project of the Small Arms Survey to support those engaged in building a more secure environment in North Africa and the Sahel-Sahara region (especially Libya and Mali)."
- SANA Publications
- Souffles : revue culturelle arabe du Maghreb. (Online) -- Rabat, Morocco : Souffles ; New York : Abdellatif Laâbi, Thomas C. Spear, 1966-71; 1997-98."Cette revue trimestrielle fut publiée entre 1966 et 1971, date à laquelle les activités de son directeur, Abdellatif Laâbi, furent suspendues par les autorités marocaines." Pour les numéros 10 à 15, consultez le site de Thomas C. Spear.
- The Tariqa Tijaniyya (USA)An unofficial site with basic information in English about the order, its doctrines, and biographies of the founder (Shaykh Ahmad Tijani) and successive Tijani scholars.
- Union du Maghreb Arabe = Arab Maghreb Union (Rabat, Morocco)
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Middle East and North Africa At a glance. (New York)Basic information, statistics, maps, & indicators.
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa--Office for North Africa (Rabat, Morocco)
--See especially: Publications