1924-1932 Master's Projects

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Author:    "Allen, Florence E."
Title:    Foreign News in United States Newspapers Since the World War
Year:    1930
Author:    "Anderson, F. David"
Title:    The Development of Co-operative Newsgathering in the Dominion of Canada
Year:    none listed
Author:    "Appelget, Norma Scudder"
Title:    Columbia Women Journalists
Year:    1930
Author:    "Atlass, Beatrice"
Title:    The Relationship Between the Press and the Police
Year:    1932
Author:    "Blackmar, Beatrice"
Title:    The Ethics of Journalism: the invasion by the newspaper of the rights and privacy of the individual
Year:    1924
Author:    "Bond, Fraser F."
Title:    "The Making of an Editor: a record of the influences, social, academic, professional, which contributed to the development of Charles Ransom Milller Editor-in-Chief, the New York Times, 1883-1922"
Year:    1925
Author:    "Byrne, Ethel M. "
Title:    "American News Items into the London times: April and October, 1912 and 1924"
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Burdick, Annabelle Elizabeth"
Title:    The Life of Herman Henry Kohlsaat
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Don Beuick, Marshall "
Title:    The Evolving Editorial
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Berno, Constance"
Title:    A Study of the Newspaper Magazine
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Baird, Enid"
Title:    The Shaping of Industrial Opinions by the Business Press
Year:    1928
Author:    "Bruce, Niles Alfred"
Title:    Effects of Publicity on the Theatre
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Blassingame, Lurton"
Title:    The Action Story Magazines
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Boren, Mary Louvier"
Title:    The Relation of the City Press to the Rural situation in Nebraska
Year:    1932
Author:    "Barnett, Lincoln Kinner"
Title:    Trends in Personal journalism and Journalistic Personalities: the revival of personal journalism and journalistic personalities
Year:    1932
Author:    "Caldwell, Belle"
Title:    Engineering Journalism in the United States at the Present Time
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Carroll, Eleanor"
Title:    Joseph Pulitzer's Pans for His School of Journalism
Year:    1924
Author:    "Insley-Casper, Rebecca"
Title:    Influence of the French Press: January 1923 to May 1924
Year:    1924
Author:    "Chang, Eva C."
Title:    A History of the Appeal to Women Readers in American Periodicals
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Cochran, Sylvia"
Title:    Study of the Dramatic Section of Four New York Sunday Papers in 1924
Year:    1925
Author:    "Callaway, Mary"
Title:    "The Fiction Policy of the Atlantic Month, Harper's, Century, and Scribner's Magazine Since 1909"
Year:    1925
Author:    "Chao, Thomas Ming-heng"
Title:    Radio and Cable Control in China
Year:    1926
Author:    "Cosse, Margaret Victoria"
Title:    The Suburban Weekly
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Caygill, Harry Winant"
Title:    Press Censorship in the American Expeditionary Forces
Year:    1932
Author:    "Davidson, Kenneth Wayne"
Title:    The Decay of the Party Organ
Year:    1924
Author:    "Sawson, Samuel Arthur"
Title:    Qualified Privilege: The struggle for the right to report public and official proceedings
Year:    1924
Author:    "Duffield, Marcus"
Title:    An Editorial Council at the Helm of a Newspaper: The story of the Baltimore Sun.
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Devine, Eric James"
Title:    A Study of Sport Journalism in New York City Newspapers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Dobkin, Eva Zeitlin"
Title:    American children's Magazines 1789-1932
Year:    1932
Author:    "Ewan, Earl Otho"
Title:    "Informing the Orient of our ""Japanese Menace"""
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Franklin, Zilpha Carruthers"
Title:    Through John Bull's Looking Glass: A study of the relations of England and America as reflected in the periodical press between 1830-1840
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Folk, Edgar Estes"
Title:    "W.W. Holden, Civil War Editor"
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Flom, Mary Antoinette"
Title:    "The Removal of Foreign Cencorship from our New, With Special Tribute to the work of Melville E. Stone"
Year:    1931
Author:    "Fine, Benhamin"
Title:    An Unknown Giant of the Press
Year:    1932
Author:    Garrison Jr. J.
Title:    An Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Hearst Organization as business Achievement
Year:    1925
Author:    "Geiger, George Raymond"
Title:    The columnist and His Self-revelation
Year:    1926
Author:    "Groggina, Madeline H."
Title:    "The World's ""Martin Tabert"" Campaign: A study in the technique of influencing public opinion"
Year:    1926
Author:    "Gumbrecht, Alfred Charles"
Title:    "An Analytical and historical Survey of the Technical Journals, namely, ""Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering."""
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Garber, K. Louise"
Title:    The Tribune Editorials of Isaac H. Bromley
Year:    1929
Author:    "Gramley, Dale H."
Title:    The Decline of the Editorial in Small city Newspapers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Guevara, Edith Hand"
Title:    The Grub Street Parade or A Study of women Journalists in Eighteenth Century England
Year:    1930
Author:    "Geffen, Pauline Felix"
Title:    Tabloid Journalism in the United States
Year:    1930
Author:    "Gleason, Nell Katherine"
Title:    The Editorial Management of the Small city Newspaper
Year:    1930
Author:    "Horne, George Fox"
Title:    A comparative Study of Foreign Intelligence in New York Papers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Hutto, Nelson"
Title:    Sensational Make Up-in Texas Newspapers
Year:    1927
Author:    "Harrel, Robert Frank"
Title:    Factors Making for Success in Journalism: a study of the careers of 500 successful journalists
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Hinkle, John V."
Title:    The Construction of Adolph S. Ochs to Journalism
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Hunt, Charles Albert"
Title:    Newspaper Interpretation of the War: An analysis of three episodes on three New York newspapers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Jones, Howard P."
Title:    The Concept of Court Power and the Freedom of the Press
Year:    1932
Author:    "Jones, Dewey Roscoe"
Title:    Effect of the Negro Press on Race Relationship in the South
Year:    1932
Author:    "Kayser, Cleo Patricia"
Title:    An Analysis of News in New York Paers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Larson, Lavinia"
Title:    "An Inquiry into the Propaganda of Some Prominent Organizations for and Against Prohibition, since passage of the 18th Amendment."
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Lawless, Grace"
Title:    The Book Supplement in the New York City Newspaper
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Lloyd, Margaret C."
Title:    The Evolutionary Controversy in Nineteenth Century Periodicals
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Loftus, Joseph A."
Title:    A Study of Trade Unionism in Journalism
Year:    1931
Author:    "Light, Henrietta E."
Title:    Women of the Future in Journalism
Year:    1932
Author:    "MoMahan, Mary A."
Title:    The Country Weekly
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Millar, Agnes"
Title:    Special Features for Children in the New York Newspapers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "McSherry, Irl S."
Title:    History of journalism in Oregon
Year:    1926
Author:    "Mann, Robert S. "
Title:    Turnover in Newspaper Editorial Staff: A study of the frequency of changes of personnel amount reporters and copy readers.
Year:    1927
Author:    "Morton, Margaret"
Title:    Walter Lippmann: A ariticle and biographical study
Year:    1930
Author:    "Manard, Helene M."
Title:    City Organization for High School Publications
Year:    1930
Author:    "Miller, Barbara"
Title:    The Influence of the Newspapers on the Development of Aviation
Year:    1931
Author:    "Nash, Janie K."
Title:    The First Fifty Years of Texas Journalism
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Oltusky, Rose Josephine"
Title:    "Some Effects of the New York Pressman's Strike of September, 1923"
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Ollerton, Fay"
Title:    The American Periodicals Treatment of Mormonism since 1850
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Ohlson, Margaret Elizabeth"
Title:    Criteria of Modern Criticism: A study of the critical theories of contemporary criticism and their application by modern critics and book reviewers.
Year:    1932
Author:    "Pfister, Walter John"
Title:    "The Small City Newspaper: An analysis of small city journalism, based on experiences in a particular middle western city; includes also opinion of small city editors from twenty states in the country."
Year:    1924
Author:    "Pruitt, Grace Lockhart"
Title:    The Development of the Press in New Jersey
Year:    1927
Author:    "Pitt, William Page"
Title:    The Law of Libel of West Virginia
Year:    1930
Author:    "Petersen, Camilla"
Title:    Protestant Church Publicity Departments and the Secular Press
Year:    1930
Author:    "Perkins, Agnes Frances"
Title:    British Political Life as Seen in the London Times
Year:    1930
Author:    "Parrish, Wayne William"
Title:    Financial Speculation and the Newspaper
Year:    1930
Author:    "Merrill, Harrison R."
Title:    "The Latter Day Saint Press, 1830-1930"
Year:    1930
Author:    "Parten, Ailese"
Title:    The Dallas News
Year:    1932
Author:    "Poe, Elizabeth"
Title:    Liberal Through Among Business Men
Year:    1944
Author:    "Quirino, Eliseo"
Title:    Political Parties in the Philippines
Year:    1922
Author:    "Rudd, Arthur Sarell"
Title:    The Development of Illustrated Tabloid Journalism in the United States
Year:    1925
Author:    "Rollins, Mabel"
Title:    Labor and the Press: Past and present
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Rosenberger, Graham"
Title:    "Personnel Problem in the Larger Newspaper Editorial Offices: Is it, or can it be handled efficiently?"
Year:    1932
Author:    "Stevens, Hazel B."
Title:    "An Inquiry into The Present Contents of Women's Magazines: As an index to women's interests using give women's magazines that lead in present circulation. The Ladies Home Journal, Pictorial Review, McCall's, Delineator, woman's Home companion"
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Steffler, Clarence W."
Title:    "A Study of Graduates of the Pulitzer School of Journalism, Columbia University"
Year:    1926
Author:    "Stein, Judith Irene"
Title:    The Growth of Charitable Publicity in the New York Newspapers During the Last Ten Years
Year:    1927
Author:    "Schwartz, Abraham R."
Title:    A Study of the Toledo Press
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Swift, Edith Eleanor"
Title:    Comparative Analysis of Eight Daily New York city Papers with Especial Reference to Anti-Social News
Year:    1927
Author:    "Sullivan, Tim J. Jr."
Title:    Developments in Political Writing
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Sanden, Florence H."
Title:    "Consolidation of Montana Newspapers, Their Tendency Toward Standardization, and Present Ownership"
Year:    1930
Author:    "Thomason, Caroline Wasson"
Title:    The Integration of Rochester Newspapers
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "TwWalt, P.L."
Title:    The Reading Habits of Typical Small Inland city
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "White, Paul Welrose"
Title:    Changing columns: A survey of the newspapers of today as contrasted to those of twenty-five years ago.
Year:    1924
Author:    "Wang, Y.P"
Title:    The Rise of Native Press in China
Year:    1924
Author:    "Wiggins, DuBois"
Title:    Recent Newspaper Tendencies in New York city
Year:    1924
Author:    "Waterman, Myra M."
Title:    Cartoons and Comics: A study of their growth and development
Year:    1927
Author:    "Weldy, Margaret"
Title:    "George Dennison Prentice Editor of the Louisville Journal, 1830-1869"
Year:    1929
Author:    "Webster, Lyle"
Title:    Publicity Methods and Results in Weekly Newspapers: a study based upon conditions found in weekly newspapers of North Dakota
Year:    None Listed
Author:    "Wilkinson, Gladys W."
Title:    Contemporary LiteraryCritisism
Year:    1930
Author:    "Warlick, Selma"
Title:    Negro News in the Southern Press
Year:    1931
Author:    "Weinberg, Adrian"
Title:    New York Newspaper Campaigns Against Financial Fraud Since the World War
Year:    1931
Author:    "Whitely, Frank A."
Title:    The Financial Page and Public Opinion
Year:    1932
Author:    "Wakelee, Arthur H."
Title:    News Broadcasting
Year:    1932