1987 Master's Projects

Author:    "Ablow, Gail N."
Title:    Flash and Frustration: Murdoch moves into nightly news
Year:    1987
Author:    "Ackerman, Delia"
Title:    Growing Old
Year:    1987
Author:    "Agudelo, Carlos"
Title:    "The Taxi Industry in New York City: A monster with 11,787 heads"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Anderson, Geneva J."
Title:    Debt-for -Equity Swaps and International Debt
Year:    1987
Author:    "Ansorge, Richard J."
Title:    Designer Drugs: Wolves in chic clothing
Year:    1987
Author:    "Arbanas, Michael"
Title:    Boxing: The hard work and the hard knocks
Year:    1987
Author:    "Ave, Christopher E."
Title:    Tobacco Advertising: To ban or not to ban
Year:    1987
Author:    "Baasiri, Sahar N."
Title:    Foster Care Crisis: No magic solution
Year:    1987
Author:    "Baker, Roberta L. "
Title:    Playing the Game
Year:    1987
Author:    "Barnum, Alexander S."
Title:    Rikers Island: Inside New York's largest prison
Year:    1987
Author:    "Barrett, Sara S."
Title:    The Ultimate Deal
Year:    1987
Author:    "Baumkel, Julie A."
Title:    In the Public Eye: The extended-wear lens controversy
Year:    1987
Author:    "Bell, James T."
Title:    Searching for the Link Between Alcoholism and Depression
Year:    1987
Author:    "Bencvenga, Dominic P."
Title:    Thin Ice: The story of the new Wolman skating rink
Year:    1987
Author:    "Benson, Matthew E."
Title:    Artists' Housing: The crisis of affordability
Year:    1987
Author:    "Berkman, Meredith J."
Title:    Coming to Terms with a Man's World: Three generations of women reporters at the New York Daily News
Year:    1987
Author:    "Biancolli, Amy"
Title:    "The ""Colorization"" Wars"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Borini, Joseph C."
Title:    The Fight Over Missing Children
Year:    1987
Author:    "Brinckman, T. Johnathan"
Title:    Restoring a River: Environmentalists and the Hudson
Year:    1987
Author:    "Bryant, Adam B."
Title:    Fighting Drugs in Washington Heights
Year:    1987
Author:    "Bundy, Kissette L."
Title:    Coping with Greif: A very private matter
Year:    1987
Author:    "Caplan, Janet S."
Title:    Asbestos: Understanding the risks
Year:    1987
Author:    "Carlos, Andrea"
Title:    Salvadorian Immigrants and Health Care: Two centers try to tackle the problems
Year:    1987
Author:    "Carney, Dan"
Title:    International Development Agencies and Small Business
Year:    1987
Author:    "Clarke, Caroline V."
Title:    Amway: Dream or scheme?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Cohen, Ken"
Title:    Education of a College Athlete
Year:    1987
Author:    "Cohen, Paul W."
Title:    Teaching on Crack: The crackdown vs. the crack experience
Year:    1987
Author:    "Cohen, Tova"
Title:    Marriage Fraud Among Friends
Year:    1987
Author:    "Collins, Julia M."
Title:    New York City's Music copyists
Year:    1987
Author:    "Condit, Erin E."
Title:    Big Fight Over a Big Hole in Butte: The abandoned open pit copper mine in Montana endangers the Columbia river system
Year:    1987
Author:    "Cornachio, Donna"
Title:    The Comeback of the Big Wedding: From briefcase bride to daddy's little girl
Year:    1987
Author:    "Curtis, John"
Title:    Hoboken: Reformers and machine politicians struggle for control of City Hall
Year:    1987
Author:    "Daley, William H."
Title:    The Homeless Helping the Homeless
Year:    1987
Author:    "Danaher, Frances J."
Title:    The Manhattan Pregnancy Center
Year:    1987
Author:    "Dates, Karen E."
Title:    The Swinging Pendulum: Blacks at Columbia University
Year:    1987
Author:    "Deresiewicz, William B."
Title:    Terpsichore in Wingtips: Modern dance and the press of commercialism
Year:    1987
Author:    "Dzik, Eileen R"
Title:    Intensive Supervision: Giving probation another chance
Year:    1987
Author:    "Eddie, David S."
Title:    Victims of Torture: Refugees to North America
Year:    1987
Author:    "Esaki, Anna"
Title:    The Wedding Ceremony Blues
Year:    1987
Author:    "Eskin, Leah R."
Title:    False Council: New York's bogus abortion clinics
Year:    1987
Author:    "Esposito, Anthony E"
Title:    On the Edge: Co-op galleries and the New York art market
Year:    1987
Author:    "Estepa, Andrea"
Title:    Turning Truants Around: Does the done project make a difference?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Famalett, Monica A."
Title:    "Salt, Despite Problems, is Still the First Choice of Deicing New York Road Surfaces"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Fan, Yisheng"
Title:    What is the Change: The fifth generation of Chinese students in the US
Year:    1987
Author:    "Federline, Stacey A."
Title:    High on the Corporate Ladder
Year:    1987
Author:    "French, Jennifer B."
Title:    Black Women's Strategies for Dealing with Conflicts in Corporate America
Year:    1987
Author:    "Finn, Peter W."
Title:    The Illegal Irish Community in New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Fitzgerald, Nora P."
Title:    Beyond the Street: A child prostitute's potential for survival
Year:    1987
Author:    "Fleming, Gary J."
Title:    The Homeless Mentally Ill: Have they found a place to stay?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Franzen, Robin I."
Title:    Profiles in Cosmetic Surgery: A modern method to happiness?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Gilligan, Timothy D."
Title:    Legislation Public Relations
Year:    1987
Author:    "Grant, Jr. James E."
Title:    Senegalese Standoff: African peddlers in New York
Year:    1987
Author:    "Greene, Jay"
Title:    Corporate Medicine: The new prescription for New York's health care
Year:    1987
Author:    "Gura, Leslie"
Title:    Connecticut's Changing Health-Care Field
Year:    1987
Author:    "Gutkin, Steven J."
Title:    Yearnings for Utopia: Russia's distant revolution
Year:    1987
Author:    "Haines, Michael R."
Title:    A Wave of New Technology Hits Newspapering
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hale, Christy L."
Title:    Cleopatra Mathis: A poet's life
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hard, Eric C."
Title:    Terrorism in New York
Year:    1987
Author:    "Harper, Patricia I."
Title:    Community Service Sentencing: The Vera program
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hatcher, Candy"
Title:    Government and Gamblers: Paying the price
Year:    1987
Author:    "Henderson, Betsy"
Title:    Wanting the Unwanted: Why parents adopt children wish down syndrome
Year:    1987
Author:    "Heredia, Dina L."
Title:    Bilingual Programs: Have they made a difference with New York City's immigrant students?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Himelstin, Linda"
Title:    Trail by Jury: The uses  of psychology and sociology in jury selection
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hoashi, Mari T."
Title:    Manhattan's Gay Elderly Men: Survivors
Year:    1987
Author:    "Holden, Edward J."
Title:    Advertising to Americans: Japanese agencies get serious about the US market
Year:    1987
Author:    "Howard, William P. "
Title:    Preventing AIDS: The sluggish response to New York City's deadly epidemic
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hunter, Cynthia F."
Title:    Calling the Border Bully's Bluff: Recognizing that unwarranted fears power the 1986 immigration law
Year:    1987
Author:    "Hutt, Katherine"
Title:    The Ascendancy of Cuban-Americans in Hudson County Politics
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jackson, Michael C."
Title:    Eviction: Rising rents and the plight of small businesses
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jacobs, Deborah L."
Title:    Taking the Law in Their Hands: Deaf people in the legal profession
Year:    1987
Author:    "James, Meg"
Title:    Could an Earthquake Devastate New York?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jenkins, McKay B."
Title:    Ethics and Depravity on Wall Street: A look at the lives of young investment bankers
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jimb, Tetsuo"
Title:    Culture Clash: American executives in Japanese subsidiaries
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jordan, Miriam E."
Title:    Personal ADS: Fads and fantasies in the classifieds
Year:    1987
Author:    "Jordan, Lorraine M."
Title:    Chinatown's housing Crisis and the Elderly Chinese
Year:    1987
Author:    "Kadane, Kathleen"
Title:    Victor Botnick and the Politics of the Health and Hospitals Corporation
Year:    1987
Author:    "Kaufman, Dorothy A."
Title:    Inner Vision: four women and their adjustment to blindness
Year:    1987
Author:    "Keehn, Joel A."
Title:    "New York State Dairy Farmers: Fighting back, looking forward"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Keller, Clair J.F."
Title:    Corporate Child Care
Year:    1987
Author:    "Killion, Ann E."
Title:    Playing to Tie: Women in sports reporting
Year:    1987
Author:    "Kimmel, Hank"
Title:    Pass and Play: Academic ineligibility for NYC high school basketball players
Year:    1987
Author:    "Kinkade, Sheila A."
Title:    """Not in My Backyard:"" The case of Vernon township"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Kovacik, Robert P."
Title:    Rethinking the Circuit: Privileges teens after tragedy on New York's Upper East Side
Year:    1987
Author:    "Landry, Anne J."
Title:    Living with Multiple Sclerosis: A profile in courage
Year:    1987
Author:    "Lazo, Rodrigo"
Title:    Churning the Poor: Errors in the closing of welfare cases
Year:    1987
Author:    "Leibowtiz, Wendy"
Title:    The Existence and Persistence of Jewish Terrorism in the US
Year:    1987
Author:    "Levander, Michael L."
Title:    Blowing the Whistle on Corruption in New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Lewis, William E."
Title:    Program Trading: the computerized stock market
Year:    1987
Author:    "Leisman, Steven"
Title:    "Tenant Interim Lease: An embattled low-income co-op plan that works, sometimes"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Lindenberger, Kathleen"
Title:    And Justice for All: Discrimination against the indigent in the New York City baily system
Year:    1987
Author:    "McCoubrey, Carmel B."
Title:    A Portrait of Asian/American couples
Year:    1987
Author:    "McMichael, Earlene C."
Title:    Teenage Mothers: Aren't there any success stories?
Year:    1987
Author:    "McNulty, Jennifer"
Title:    Why Dads Don't Pay
Year:    1987
Author:    "Marcus, Aliza"
Title:    Fact and Fantasy: An analysis of the New York Times coverage of Nicaragua
Year:    1987
Author:    "Martinez, Minerva"
Title:    It Still Hurts: Victims of violent crimes
Year:    1987
Author:    "Mathewson, Judith"
Title:    Contracting with God to Look After the Homeless: Fundamentalists may soon be sheltering-and proselytizing-the homeless with the City's blessing
Year:    1987
Author:    "Meiman, Jane F."
Title:    "The I Have A Dream Project-Defying statistics, delivering dreams"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Merrill, Kevin S."
Title:    High School Counseling: Coping with constant flux
Year:    1987
Author:    "Merill, Michael D."
Title:    "O'Rourke, the Man Who Would be Governor"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Messenger, Amy"
Title:    Ten Years Later: Albany and the Empire State Plaza
Year:    1987
Author:    "Miller, Karen K."
Title:    Airwaves: The new religious classroom
Year:    1987
Author:    "Moore, Allyson Lee"
Title:    Health Maintenance Organizations: Are they a viable option?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Moore, Jonathan T."
Title:    Working for Change with third World Ideas: Urban organizers look to liberation theology for inspiration
Year:    1987
Author:    "Moore, Pamela L."
Title:    Electroshock Therapy: A lesser evil?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Moran, John M."
Title:    Tax Evasion by Boat Owners
Year:    1987
Author:    "Morgan, Kim I. "
Title:    AIDS: A continuum of care
Year:    1987
Author:    "Morrell, Lisa"
Title:    A Job to Do
Year:    1987
Author:    "Mullaney, Timothy"
Title:    Hail to the Half-Truth: Tom Kean and the future of the GOP
Year:    1987
Author:    "Murno, Donald W."
Title:    St. John's: More than a Sunday service
Year:    1987
Author:    "Nacelewicz, Tess"
Title:    …In Sickness and in Health…:Being the spouse of a manic-depressive
Year:    1987
Author:    "Navazelskis, Ina L."
Title:    East Meets West: A look at the contacts between the post-war generation of American and Soviet Lithuanians
Year:    1987
Author:    "Needell, Nancy J."
Title:    """We're not satisfied:"" A new approach to spinal cord injury"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Neven, Thomas E."
Title:    If This has Been an Actual Emergency…thinking about the unthinkable in New York
Year:    1987
Author:    "Newman, Anne"
Title:    Solidarity or Subversion? The AFL-CIO of South Africa
Year:    1987
Author:    "Newman, Lisa"
Title:    The New York City Blood Supply: Blood shortages and fears of contamination
Year:    1987
Author:    "Norton, Leslie P."
Title:    Radical Center: MBA's and social change
Year:    1987
Author:    "Nyborg-Anderson, Irene"
Title:    Psychic Advisors in Manhattan
Year:    1987
Author:    "Offman, Laurel Jill"
Title:    A Shot in the Dark: Independent documentary maker's struggle for survival
Year:    1987
Author:    "Percy, Dudley"
Title:    Babies Behind Bars
Year:    1987
Author:    "Perkins, Olivera"
Title:    Feeder Commuter Vans: Transportation wave of the future?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Perl, Rebecca"
Title:    Spermicides
Year:    1987
Author:    "Peyser, Marc N."
Title:    A New Generation Fights for Equality in the Art World
Year:    1987
Author:    "Phaneuf, Anne M."
Title:    Public Art: whose art is it anyway
Year:    1987
Author:    "Phillips, Michael J."
Title:    The Chilean Human Rights Commission and Chile Democratic: Politics if human rights in the Chilean opposition
Year:    1987
Author:    "Porter, B. Evette"
Title:    Are Volunteers Doing More to Help New York City's Needy?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Pratt, Suzanne"
Title:    Defense for the Oppressed: Volunteer attorney's who represent political refugees
Year:    1987
Author:    "Purvis, Andrew C."
Title:    The East End Bayman: Without a harvest
Year:    1987
Author:    "Ranalli, Ralph G"
Title:    Expect no Mercy: A portrait of the modern repo man
Year:    1987
Author:    "Richardson, Kym B"
Title:    Independent Black Cinema
Year:    1987
Author:    "Riss, Suzanne"
Title:    Manhattan Valley: Hard times and hope
Year:    1987
Author:    "Ritchie, David M"
Title:    Coming Home to Harlem: Portrait of a community activist
Year:    1987
Author:    "Robibs, Charles T"
Title:    Long Island City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Robinson, James R."
Title:    Billey Lane: An alcoholic on the streets of New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Robinson, Lisa M"
Title:    Black-White Marriages: for better or worse
Year:    1987
Author:    "Robinson, Ruth L"
Title:    Newspaper Advertising: A look at how four New York dailies cope with competition
Year:    1987
Author:    "Sagann, Jessica"
Title:    A Mothers Milk: Breastfeeding in New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Salm, Harriet"
Title:    Schools for Pregnant Girls in New York city
Year:    1987
Author:    "Saltzman, Michael S.U."
Title:    The Comic Book Comeback: No longer just for kids
Year:    1987
Author:    "Sauter, Mark A."
Title:    The Madness of Crack: Deranged drug users
Year:    1987
Author:    "Schmit, Karen"
Title:    "New York Haitians Since Duvalier: Old bonds, new ideas"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Schneider, Richard W."
Title:    "Live from Reykjavik"": Foreign reporting by local television"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Schroeder, Iva"
Title:    Separated Spouses: A personal and Political Dilemma
Year:    1987
Author:    "Schulte, Brigid F."
Title:    "Is God Female, Too: Women priests chanting a male clergy"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Schwartzkopff, Frances"
Title:    An Urban Mission in the South Bronx
Year:    1987
Author:    "Segarra, Joyce Ormsby"
Title:    The Quiet Epidemic: the growing resistance of staphylococcus aureus to antibiotics in new York City and hospitals world wide
Year:    1987
Author:    "Seijas, Nancy"
Title:    Press Coverage of Racism: Truble in Belmont
Year:    1987
Author:    "Sender, Stuart H."
Title:    Log Jam: US Military involvement in Central America
Year:    1987
Author:    "Shariff, Shaffin"
Title:    The Invisible Minority
Year:    1987
Author:    "Shiff, Elliott I."
Title:    Blessed Exile: The Syrian Jews of Brooklyn
Year:    1987
Author:    "Shinkle, Peter B"
Title:    "Pedro Zelaya, Salvadorian on Long Island"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Shogren, Elizabeth M"
Title:    Soviet Dissidents: Their American lives
Year:    1987
Author:    "Shcuchman, Lisa E"
Title:    """Never the Twain Shall Meet""?: Americans face the Japanese on Wall street"
Year:    1987
Author:    "Smith, Craig S"
Title:    Chinatown
Year:    1987
Author:    "Solow, Barbara"
Title:    Harvey Milk High: Gay rights moves to the head of the class
Year:    1987
Author:    "Spiridaki, Alexandra I"
Title:    The Greeks in New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Stanley, Terry L"
Title:    Student Writers and Censorship: The suppression of teenage expression
Year:    1987
Author:    "Suh, Margaret"
Title:    Xanax
Year:    1987
Author:    "Sunohara, Tsuyoshi"
Title:    Inner Friction
Year:    1987
Author:    "Tamaro, Janet"
Title:    The Good Soldier: Women at West Point
Year:    1987
Author:    "Thompson, Richard D"
Title:    Chilean Refugees in Limbo
Year:    1987
Author:    "Todd, Susan Pogue"
Title:    Tarot Card Fortunetelling: An old con game or new therapy?
Year:    1987
Author:    "Trei, Lisa A"
Title:    The Afghan Community in New York
Year:    1987
Author:    "Toriano, Peter"
Title:    Learning with Imagination: A look at New York City's Steiner School
Year:    1987
Author:    "Venerose, Joseph R."
Title:    Kimchi Comes to Harlem: Blacklash to Korean immigration
Year:    1987
Author:    "Vermeersch, Peter"
Title:    My Gradual Descent into Singleness
Year:    1987
Author:    "Walker, Gwendolyn C."
Title:    Undergraduate Evening School Students: Evening Stars
Year:    1987
Author:    "Wandycz, Katarzyna E"
Title:    Greeting Cards as a Portrayal of American Society
Year:    1987
Author:    "Weaver, Leslie P"
Title:    New York City's Board of Estimate: Whither now?
Year:    1987
Author:    "White, Marchene"
Title:    Teen Mothers of the Past (TCB): Taking care of baby
Year:    1987
Author:    "Willen, Elizabeth C"
Title:    The Ghosts of Coney Island
Year:    1987
Author:    "Wilson, Campbell O"
Title:    The New School for Social Research: Changes in the adult division
Year:    1987
Author:    "Wofford, David G"
Title:    Bail in Practice: Unlegislated preventive detention in New York City
Year:    1987
Author:    "Woody, Todd D."
Title:    Exile on Main Street: Salvadorian refugees on Long Island
Year:    1987
Author:    "Yanowitch, Lee"
Title:    Filling the Gaps: How nonprofits are helping New York City's homeless
Year:    1987
Author:    "Yih, Ann"
Title:    Parents Flag: We love our gay and lesbian children
Year:    1987
Author:    "Yoshioka, Itsuo"
Title:    Morality of Photojournalism-It's Violence and Lie: A comparative study of journalism between Japan and he US
Year:    1987
Author:    "Zeman, David L"
Title:    Classroom Crackdown: The Trampling of student's rights in the NYC public schools
Year:    1987
Author:    "Zerwick, Phoebe"
Title:    The Benevolent Captro and the Call of the Wild
Year:    1987