1991 Master's Projects

Author:    "Abate, Tom"
Title:    "Fetal Brain Birth: It thinks, therefore…"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Abramoqitz, Yosef I"
Title:    The On-Going Abandonment of Jewish Students
Year:    1991
Author:    "Angel, Karen"
Title:    Radical Movements in the Roman Catholic church
Year:    1991
Author:    "Asa-El, Amotz"
Title:    Europe and the Maghreb: A North-South fault line
Year:    1991
Author:    "Atkins, Elizabeth"
Title:    "A Beautiful Mix of Hues, Textures and Voices: Biracial people as ambassadors for face relations"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Atkins, Gaile Perkins"
Title:    The Golden Ones: The emergence of black senior corporate executives
Year:    1991
Author:    "Banchero, Stephanie"
Title:    The Tiniest Victims
Year:    1991
Author:    "Bebbington, Jim"
Title:    The 1990 Strike at the New York Daily News
Year:    1991
Author:    "Beeson, Douglas B"
Title:    Toe to Thumb: Reconstructive  microsurgery today
Year:    1991
Author:    "Bell, Kevin M"
Title:    How 'Ya Like Us Now? Gays and Lesbians strike back against homophobic violence
Year:    1991
Author:    "Benneward, Patrice"
Title:    A Superfund Saga: The story of Wha Chang smelting and refining corporations
Year:    1991
Author:    "Bevine, Susanne"
Title:    The War That Won't End
Year:    1991
Author:    "Blass, tony"
Title:    The Politics of Prostitution
Year:    1991
Author:    "Bligen, Lisa d."
Title:    Out of Africa: Vestiges of slavery
Year:    1991
Author:    "Boles, Anne L"
Title:    The Elements of Style: Inside the apparel industry
Year:    1991
Author:    "Brad, Andriana"
Title:    A Revolution on Ice: Today's skaters leap into a changing sport
Year:    1991
Author:    "Braslavsky, Andrea M"
Title:    A Womb of One's Own: Reclaiming the birthing process through midwifery
Year:    1991
Author:    "Breen, Virginia M"
Title:    Four Wives of the Imam: Pride and polygamy in Bedford-Stuyvesant
Year:    1991
Author:    "Bresnahan, Stephen J"
Title:    Beauty and Brutality: The lives of the people of boxing
Year:    1991
Author:    "Brown, Keith M"
Title:    AIDS in Harlem
Year:    1991
Author:    "Burnes, Donald"
Title:    Emergence of a New Medium: the return of direct broadcast state lights
Year:    1991
Author:    "Cajueiro, Costa and Marcelo Santos"
Title:    The Left in the United State: The search for a third party
Year:    1991
Author:    "Chappell-Brown, Laura"
Title:    The American Conformist
Year:    1991
Author:    "Charles, François"
Title:    Where are the Black Managers in Local Television News?
Year:    1991
Author:    "Che, Fei"
Title:    Throwing Away the Babies? Throwing away the nation!
Year:    1991
Author:    "Cheakalos, Christina"
Title:    A Woman's Priest's Place is in Hell's Kitchen
Year:    1991
Author:    "Chitwood, Susan"
Title:    """Millie Quezada: Portrait of a Merengue Queen"""
Year:    1991
Author:    "Clancy, Dean"
Title:    "Free and Safe Sex six! AIDS, ACTUP, and Cardinal O'Connor"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Clark, J. Ghrushedi"
Title:    Outside the Closed Circle: Curators of color at art museums
Year:    1991
Author:    "Cohen, Leh"
Title:    Deaf Culture
Year:    1991
Author:    "Colt, Anne"
Title:    The School of the 21st Century: Meeting the Nation's Child Care Needs
Year:    1991
Author:    "Couglin, Dan"
Title:    The Audubon Ballroom: The struggle for land and self-determination
Year:    1991
Author:    "Cowan, Lynn M"
Title:    A Tale of Two Schools: Newark's multicultural studies
Year:    1991
Author:    "Dailey, Linda"
Title:    Manhattan Chefs: Those women are really cooking now
Year:    1991
Author:    "Daly, Ross"
Title:    Something That Rightfully Belongs to Me: the foreign claims settlement commission of the United States
Year:    1991
Author:    "Daniel, Alice"
Title:    A Classroom With a View
Year:    1991
Author:    "Davidson, Jessica"
Title:    That Thou Didst Not Make Me A woman: the struggles of female Rabbis in America
Year:    1991
Author:    "Davis, Tatia Mia"
Title:    Home Again: Black Students return to black colleges
Year:    1991
Author:    "Dehn, Frank"
Title:    Republicans in New York: the decline of the party and what they can do about it
Year:    1991
Author:    "Determan, Wendy"
Title:    Fusion Faces Uncertain future
Year:    1991
Author:    "Dienst, Jonathan"
Title:    The Search for Justice in the Case of Gabriel Foddelmesi: How New York's criminal justice system deals with mentally retarded adults accused of committing serious crimes
Year:    1991
Author:    "Dolan, Kerry A"
Title:    Breaking Down the Wall of Silence: Battered Asian Women
Year:    1991
Author:    "Drey, Leonard L"
Title:    After the Fact: Two post-teen mothers
Year:    1991
Author:    "Durant, Sheala"
Title:    Infinite Wisdom: The prevalence of African spiritualism among American blacks
Year:    1991
Author:    "Durocher, Sophie"
Title:    Mohawks in New York: Portrait of an urban Indian community
Year:    1991
Author:    "Ehrhardt, Mike"
Title:    New Yorkers Push 911 Into Critical Condition
Year:    1991
Author:    "Elliott, Polly Bashore"
Title:    "A Story of the Scientists who Play god, and the choices they Make for Us"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Fairley, Juliette"
Title:    "Bellevue Hospital: Sickness, poverty and death"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Ferdinand, Pamela"
Title:    Metal Detectors in New York city High Schools: Kids shooting Other Kids
Year:    1991
Author:    "Fitzgerald, Kamiz"
Title:    My Friend Bob
Year:    1991
Author:    "Foroohar, Kambiz"
Title:    Back to Africa-Afrocentric and American Education
Year:    1991
Author:    "Fowler, Joanne"
Title:    Outside the Mainstream: The Japanese Boehme in New York City
Year:    1991
Author:    "Fox, Margalit"
Title:    Drawing on Memory: Police composite artists
Year:    1991
Author:    "Freidman, Rebecca"
Title:    Uncovering the National endowment for the Arts: A look behind the great art debate
Year:    1991
Author:    "Funderburg, Lise"
Title:    "Fish Got to Swim, Birds Got to Fly: Issues of race and ethnic density among biracial people in the United States"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Furia, Clair"
Title:    Emmaus House: A refuge in Harlem
Year:    1991
Author:    "Garey, Juliann"
Title:    Depressed? Anxious? Possessed? Spirit healing in the Hispanic community
Year:    1991
Author:    "Geer, Carri"
Title:    Risky Rides: How the city has failed to monitor a growing liberty cab industry
Year:    1991
Author:    "Gessler, M. Rebecca"
Title:    Black-Owned Business: An outlook for the 1990's
Year:    1991
Author:    "Goggin, Keith Fitzgerald"
Title:    Tunes by the Tracks: Music in the New York City Subways
Year:    1991
Author:    "Goodman, r. Wesley"
Title:    Peeps on the Deuce: Sex empire on 42nd street
Year:    1991
Author:    "Gould, Jodie"
Title:    Where the Jobs are in New York
Year:    1991
Author:    "Gqubukle, thandeka"
Title:    Kemron: The struggle for an African Anti-AIDS Drug
Year:    1991
Author:    "Greczyn, Mary"
Title:    Learning on the Run: Trying to educate homeless children in New York City
Year:    1991
Author:    "Greene, Lisa "
Title:    Women in the Middle: Eldercare in the Nineties
Year:    1991
Author:    "Hacker, Thomas C"
Title:    Shakedown
Year:    1991
Author:    "Harrison, Kimberly P"
Title:    "The Good,  the Bad, and the Godly: The fiver percent formula"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Harold, Max"
Title:    God's Paradox: what happens when a priest ahs AIDS
Year:    1991
Author:    "Hayashi, Yuka"
Title:    MBA for Who? Japanese corporate-sponsored students at US business schools
Year:    1991
Author:    "Hayden, Jeff"
Title:    The Vietnam Syndrome: Is it really over?
Year:    1991
Author:    "Heldman, Kevin"
Title:    Alcoholism-The culture of drinking and recovery
Year:    1991
Author:    "Herbst, Diane"
Title:    "Foster Mother, Aunt Fight for Custody of Boy with AIDS"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Hernandez, Sandra"
Title:    Chicano Activist in the Ivy League
Year:    1991
Author:    "Herrmann, Dorothee"
Title:    The Other Half
Year:    1991
Author:    "Holland, Mary Sue"
Title:    Special Families: Special kids
Year:    1991
Author:    "Holloway, James"
Title:    Salad Bowl or Melting Pot? The debate on multicultural education
Year:    1991
Author:    "Howrwitz, Paul"
Title:    Trouble in Cyberspace: The prodigy debate and the future of the computer networks
Year:    1991
Author:    "Hruska, Bronwen"
Title:    Misconceptions: 20.20's coverage of Romanian orphans and the ethics of television journalism
Year:    1991
Author:    "Huggins, Sheryl E"
Title:    Can We take Back the Streets by Filming Them? A north Philadelphia experiment in youth gang reform
Year:    1991
Author:    "Janovy, Jena"
Title:    Inside New York City's New Boot-Camp jail on Rikers Island
Year:    1991
Author:    "Goldstein, Lisa"
Title:    No Time to Reset
Year:    1991
Author:    "Jaramillo, Carolina"
Title:    The New Jerusalem
Year:    1991
Author:    "Jean-Francois, Marie Edvige"
Title:    Pierre Toussaint: Will a former salve rise to the tanks of sainthood
Year:    1991
Author:    "Johnson, Patrice K"
Title:    The Anatomy of a Posse
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kadetsky, Elizabeth"
Title:    Worlds in Collision: the uneasy isolation of the Williamsburg Hasidim
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kancelbaum, Barbara R"
Title:    Facing the Demons Within: the fight against obsessive-compulsive disorder
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kass, Jeffery"
Title:    La Hoop
Year:    1991
Author:    "Katz, Leslie Sarah"
Title:    In the eyes of God-the Gay/Lesbian Jewish movement
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kaufman, Kathi"
Title:    The Pink Panthers: On the front line of the gay and lesbian movement
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kavesh, Richard A"
Title:    The Light at the End of the Tunnel: the rise of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kelleher, Kevin"
Title:    "The ""People Problem"": Japanese manufactures are still struggling with American labor"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Keller, Sarah N"
Title:    "Is It Dead, or does it Just Look Dead?"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Klein, Steven Michael"
Title:    The Married Priest Movement in the Roman Catholic church
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kodis, Michelle R"
Title:    Disability and Sexuality: Debunking the myths
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kriz, Heidi"
Title:    New York's Shock and Aftershock: Progress in criminal rehabilitation?
Year:    1991
Author:    "Kunugi, June"
Title:    When the Twain Meet: A growing Japanese community takes hold in the east village
Year:    1991
Author:    "Langdon, Stephen r"
Title:    Portrait of a Statistic
Year:    1991
Author:    "Levine, Daniel R"
Title:    The Hunters and the Hunted
Year:    1991
Author:    "Levy, Dawn Marie"
Title:    Chronobiology: Tricking father time to circumvent mother nature
Year:    1991
Author:    "Lewnes, Alexia"
Title:    Nurse-Midwives at North Central Bronx Hospital: Delivering babies and much worse
Year:    1991
Author:    "Leynse, James"
Title:    Over Troubled Waters: New York's Crumbling Bridges
Year:    1991
Author:    "Lim, Grace"
Title:    Stolen Lives
Year:    1991
Author:    "Lin, Paul c"
Title:    Raising Hell
Year:    1991
Author:    "Lipani, Kristin"
Title:    "Home, Sweet Homeless?"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Lloyd, Lem"
Title:    Freddie Mac and its Decade of Easy Money Leaves New York City Tenants in the cold
Year:    1991
Author:    "Di Lorenzo, Joann"
Title:    Ovaries and Ironies: Gender bias in biomedical research
Year:    1991
Author:    "Maclean, Heather J"
Title:    New york City Primes the Alternative Fuels Pump
Year:    1991
Author:    "McFaden, Deidre"
Title:    I Will not Live in Fear: Elderly residents of public housing fight back
Year:    1991
Author:    "Macht, Hilary Ann"
Title:    New York city's surrounding Farmland: A valuable and disappearing resource
Year:    1991
Author:    "Maffei, Daniel B"
Title:    Talk Around the Issues
Year:    1991
Author:    "Mahoney, Brett Michael"
Title:    Political Prisoners in the United States
Year:    1991
Author:    "Mayer, Gal"
Title:    Young Doctors show Less Interest in internal Medicine
Year:    1991
Author:    "meisel, Agnes"
Title:    Eating disorders
Year:    1991
Author:    "Messina, Judith E"
Title:    The Collapse of Freedom National Bank
Year:    1991
Author:    "Meuse, Mariane K"
Title:    Silent Voices: The language dispute in deaf education
Year:    1991
Author:    "Miller, Jonathan"
Title:    Adapt or Liquidate: A thrift responds to a changing community
Year:    1991
Author:    "Min, Janice"
Title:    Conflict and Economics: New York city's black and Korean Americans
Year:    1991
Author:    "Mitchell,Ricahrd"
Title:    Refugee fro Tradition: Profile of Lee young Soon
Year:    1991
Author:    "Mollison, Caitlyn"
Title:    Tensions and Divisions in Williamsburg
Year:    1991
Author:    "Moore, Mary G"
Title:    A Look Beyond Women: Men with anorexia nervous and bulimia nervosa
Year:    1991
Author:    "Moran, Maureen e"
Title:    Caught in the Middle; women as caregivers
Year:    1991
Author:    "Moyer, Liz"
Title:    Immigrants in Norwood: the changing face of one Bronx community
Year:    1991
Author:    "Muldoon, bob"
Title:    Businessmen's Boxing at Gleanns Gym: My own experience
Year:    1991
Author:    "Mullen, Ruth"
Title:    Sentenced to Separation: Mothers behind bars
Year:    1991
Author:    "Murray, anna P"
Title:    The Children: Babies born to crack addicted mothers enter kindergarten
Year:    1991
Author:    "Nayyar, Seema"
Title:    First Generation Asian Indian-American Women: A community at its crossroads
Year:    1991
Author:    "Paschal, Jan"
Title:    "Hurry Up and Wait: The on-again, off-again rush to reform the Federal Banking and Securitas Loan"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Pereira, Catherine E"
Title:    "Pints, Pipes, and Politics: A profile of two Irish bands in New York City"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Peterson, Christine"
Title:    Prozac
Year:    1991
Author:    "Pittman, Alan"
Title:    Poisoning the Future of Our Children: Lead paint in New York
Year:    1991
Author:    "Ramsdell, Melissa"
Title:    "The Wrong Side of the Tracks: Race, poverty and urban environmental discrimination"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Rasmussen, Matt"
Title:    A Spill Grows in Brooklyn
Year:    1991
Author:    "Rauch, Catharine Ann"
Title:    Silver Magic: Poison for sale
Year:    1991
Author:    "Regan, Kelly"
Title:    Sisters are Doing if For Themselves: women and self-defense
Year:    1991
Author:    "Reinhard, Beth"
Title:    Women's Self-Hel: Seizing the means of reproduction
Year:    1991
Author:    "Roca, Dan"
Title:    "The Disinvited Luon: The story of a developer, community board 11, and La Marqueta"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Romero, Ana"
Title:    Spaniards and Latin Americans: So close yet so far
Year:    1991
Author:    "Roy, Madeline"
Title:    "Sex, Crime and Human Tragedy: the industry of reality-based newsmagazines"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Russo, Melissa H"
Title:    The New Language Requirements: Freedom of Speech V. Freedom from harassment on Campus
Year:    1991
Author:    "Salemy, Shirley"
Title:    Palestinian Exodus: New York's new immigration
Year:    1991
Author:    "Salomon, Andrew "
Title:    For the Good of the People? The Nehemiah housing program in east New York
Year:    1991
Author:    "Salvage, Peter e"
Title:    The Gulf War Protest Movement (Radio documentary)
Year:    1991
Author:    "Samdup, Tsheten"
Title:    Tibetan Business Community of New York City
Year:    1991
Author:    "Saywell, Trish"
Title:    The Groom Wore Handcuffs: Marriages on death row
Year:    1991
Author:    "Schroeter, Josh"
Title:    You Got to Let me Out One Day
Year:    1991
Author:    "Shultz, Steven"
Title:    Fighting Crime Their Own Way: the Pink Panthers and the Guardian Angels
Year:    1991
Author:    "Sibongo, Daniel"
Title:    Chasing the American Dream-Senegalese Style
Year:    1991
Author:    "Sills, Jonathan"
Title:    Blintzes and Beans: a sour and sweet ethnic feast in Williamsburg
Year:    1991
Author:    "Silverman, Amy Nicole"
Title:    "Cops in the Classroom, Dealers in the Playground: Drug education in New York city public schools"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Simmons, Curtis R"
Title:    "Black Middle Class Neighborhoods in southeast Queens: St. Albans and Jamaica, ""Keeping the flame burning"""
Year:    1991
Author:    "Sloan, Daniel"
Title:    "The International Citizen: Community relations between Japanese and Americans in Rye, NY"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Sloane, Alison"
Title:    "Obsessed Fans: Loneliness, delusion and the media age"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Smyte, Karen"
Title:    Scaling Back the War: changes in the political actions of rape centers
Year:    1991
Author:    "Spiker, Ian D."
Title:    Cambodia's Elusive Peace: The United Nations Peace plan for Cambodia
Year:    1991
Author:    "Struzzi, Diane"
Title:    A Lost Generation: Can Polish émigrés go home again?
Year:    1991
Author:    "Thompson, Mary J"
Title:    Sifting Through the Remains: The story of one banks' failure
Year:    1991
Author:    "Tijerina, Edmund S"
Title:    Colombians in New York City
Year:    1991
Author:    "Topper, Mitchie"
Title:    Professional Japanese Women  in New York City: Breaking the myth of subservience
Year:    1991
Author:    "Treidman, JB"
Title:    "Seeking Refuge, Many Find Imprisonment"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Twarontie, Lisa"
Title:    In the Sahdow of the Stereotype: American women doing business with the Japanese
Year:    1991
Author:    "Van Voorhis, Scott"
Title:    A MASH Unit in Brooklyn: Kings county hospital's trauma center
Year:    1991
Author:    "Varchaver, Nicholas"
Title:    "Beyond the Pentagon Papers: Floyd Abrams, 20 years later"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Vecchio, rucahrd J"
Title:    Soldiers in the Closet
Year:    1991
Author:    "Wachs, Esther"
Title:    Learning English Among Immigrants at Newton High School
Year:    1991
Author:    "Warmbir, Steve"
Title:    Community Policing in New York City: Pancea or pipe dream?
Year:    1991
Author:    "Weisz, Pamela"
Title:    Women and AIDS: A crisis ignored
Year:    1991
Author:    "Weintraub, Miriam"
Title:    Spiritual superman: Sri chinmoy and the peace mediation at the United Nations
Year:    1991
Author:    "Whiteside, Kelly"
Title:    A Tense Regreening: the new Irish vs. the long-time Irish Americans
Year:    1991
Author:    "Williams, Melissa"
Title:    Skipping School for Good: Home schooling among high school-age students
Year:    1991
Author:    "Wilson, LeFred Jr"
Title:    The Black Experience in Children's books: A new beginning I the 1990s
Year:    1991
Author:    "Wright Ninivaggi, Anne-Marie"
Title:    "Can you Read, New York?"
Year:    1991
Author:    "Yurko, Chris"
Title:    The Veil of Eviction
Year:    1991
Author:    "Zunitch, victoria Madeleine"
Title:    Living in the Hospital: Alternate level of care patients
Year:    1991