1992 Master's Projects
Author: "Aruego, Juan"
Author: "Mankiewicz, Ben"
Author: "Morrell, Geoff"
Title: Chinatown Sweatshops: The quiet murder (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Hughes, Angela"
Author: "McClintock, Pamela"
Author: "Courtenay, Reese"
Title: I Don't Want Her to Leave: Losing a aprent to AIDS (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Costello, Emily"
Author: "Royal, Weld"
Author: "Weiss, John"
Title: New Alliance Party: Cult of crusade? (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: Hubbermann
Title: Night Watch (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Kahn, Leila D."
Title: Not-So-Special Olympics (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Hamel, Elizabeth"
Author: "Hamblin, B.Colin"
Title: Silicone Debate (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: McCarthy
Author: Mackenzie
Author: Cunningham
Title: Untitled (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Cox, Lisa"
Author: "Davila, Fiorangela"
Author: "Levy, Susan"
Title: When Your Family is Different: Growing up with lesbian mothers (radio transcript)
Year: 1992
Author: "Abel, Pamela Press"
Title: The Battle of Jericho
Year: 1992
Author: "Ali, Karen"
Title: Treating Medicale Education: An attempt to heal patients better
Year: 1992
Author: "Allimad, Milton G"
Title: Darketst Times in Africa: A centruy and more of African coverage
Year: 1992
Author: "Anderson, Heather C"
Title: "Garish or Goulish Goodbyes? A closer look at the funeral ""Pleasant Memory Picture"""
Year: 1992
Author: "Baril, Lynda"
Title: Cathy's story: Why would a wome kill her baby?
Year: 1992
Author: "Belser, Ann"
Title: Cities in Receivership: A study of three cities in the red and how they plan to rebuild
Year: 1992
Author: "Benavides, Lisa"
Title: Civilian Patrols in New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "Blackwell, Savannah Rose"
Title: Sacraficing our Civil Liberties in the Name of the War on Drugs
Year: 1992
Author: "Bleil, Bryan Charles "
Title: The Call of the Worm
Year: 1992
Author: "Bohner, Kate R"
Title: House of Cards: Brooklyn family court
Year: 1992
Author: "Boyd, Chambers"
Title: Police Stress
Year: 1992
Author: "Boyd, Melia N"
Title: Heroin: Mainlining into college life
Year: 1992
Author: "Brand, Madeleine"
Title: Ain't Life Grand? Ethnic tension in the grand street copperative village
Year: 1992
Author: "brewster, Mike"
Title: From the Garrett to the Galley-Via Grad School
Year: 1992
Author: "Bridge, Catherine"
Title: Black Female Leadership
Year: 1992
Author: "Byrd, Veronica N"
Title: "Triple Jeopardy: Race, sex, class and the African-American womanist movement"
Year: 1992
Author: "Calkins, Geoffrey"
Title: Mandatory Minimus: A shortcut to justice?
Year: 1992
Author: "Caloz, Marie"
Title: Political Prisoners in the united States
Year: 1992
Author: "Carroll, Linda"
Title: Why Men Rape: Interviews with acquanintace rapists
Year: 1992
Author: "Chaix, Jean Kim"
Title: Cutting and Pasting: Nicaragua's press gets a face lift
Year: 1992
Author: "Chen, Joanne"
Title: Heeding the Call: How and why women of the '90s enter the convent
Year: 1992
Author: "Consul, Wilma B"
Title: Pilipino Nurses: Struggles within the American Dream
Year: 1992
Author: "Conti, Smantha Vittoria"
Title: Tamping and Tending the Flock: Bishop Thomas Daily's agenda for the Brooklyn diocese
Year: 1992
Author: "Cox, Robert B"
Title: Guidos and Blood: Middle class youth gangs in Flushing
Year: 1992
Author: "Dale, Arden"
Title: "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Creativity, manic depression and tereotypes of the crazy artist"
Year: 1992
Author: "Davis, Elizabeth Ann"
Title: Corporations in the Classroom: Taing care of business in New York city schools
Year: 1992
Author: "de Bourbon, Elizabeth"
Title: "Addicts, Sellers and Sentences: The choice between jail and probation"
Year: 1992
Author: "Di Martino, Rosa Maria"
Title: A Revolt in Sicily Against Mafia Racketeering
Year: 1992
Author: "Dillon, Susan Jane"
Title: The Oral Histories of Frances Harvaitt and Ralph Vince: A radio documentary
Year: 1992
Author: "Doren, Konstantin"
Title: The Elderly on Their Own
Year: 1992
Author: "Dornbush, Claudia"
Title: Rehabilitating the Invisable Scars of Torture
Year: 1992
Author: "Douglas, Jennifer L"
Title: Women Decision-Makers in Television News: All Dressed up with no place to go (beyond middle managent)
Year: 1992
Author: "Dowdy, Zachary R."
Title: Conflict and Compromise: Afrocentrism and the black Christian church
Year: 1992
Author: "Dukakis, Andrea"
Title: From Vietnam to the Land of Their Fathers: Amerasians in America
Year: 1992
Author: "Dunaief, Daniel"
Title: What if Something Happens to Me?: Down's Syndrome and the need for housing
Year: 1992
Author: "Durand, Cayolyn"
Title: A Rolodex Mystery from Hollywood to New York
Year: 1992
Author: "Durrow, Heidi W"
Title: Who Will Put on Plays about Me Now?: The future of professional black theater companies
Year: 1992
Author: "Dutta, Robi"
Title: Techno Generation: Inside raving-Britian's youth subculture
Year: 1992
Author: "Dworsky, Nancy"
Title: The Urban Midwives and Their Teenage Clients
Year: 1992
Author: "Espinoza, Galina"
Title: Don't Belive the Hype: The truth behind services for rape victims in NYC
Year: 1992
Author: "Etkind, susan"
Title: Balcks and Jews: Confrontation and cooperation
Year: 1992
Author: "Evans, Lance Q"
Title: AIDS Bashing: AIDS or HIV related violence against gay men
Year: 1992
Author: "Feemster, Ron"
Title: Herman Ferguson: Becoming a black nationalist
Year: 1992
Author: "Fernanso, S.H. Jr."
Title: Rap's Raggamuffin Roots
Year: 1992
Author: "Fiedelholtz, Sara"
Title: From the Bedroom to the Boardroom
Year: 1992
Author: "Fitzgerald, Patrick"
Title: "Special Schools, Special Kids, Mainstreaming and Special Education in New York city Public Schools"
Year: 1992
Author: "Gerlin, Andrea"
Title: Worship-Vis-Satelite: Mainline regligion's cable televison venture
Year: 1992
Author: "Goldberger, Amy r"
Title: ACT-Up: Fragmenting coalition a radio documentary
Year: 1992
Author: "Grace, Stephanie L"
Title: A Political Coming of Age: The battle for a Latino congressional district in Brooklyn
Year: 1992
Author: "Green, William"
Title: Where There's a Will: The betral of Christian Science
Year: 1992
Author: "Groc, Isabelle"
Title: The Russuian Orthodox Community in New York: A radio documentary
Year: 1992
Author: "Hermanson, Sylvia"
Title: Taking the Calssroom out of School
Year: 1992
Author: "Hoch, Dov"
Title: SOHO in Recession
Year: 1992
Author: "Holmes, Stanley"
Title: An Examination of the Harlem Urban Development Corporatiion
Year: 1992
Author: "Hornblass, Jonathan s"
Title: Camphill Village: Communal living for the mentally disabled
Year: 1992
Author: "Horne, Naiomi"
Title: Where do We Go From Here: Youth on the streets of New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "Jacobson, Murrey"
Title: Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence: Breaking the silence
Year: 1992
Author: "Jaffe, Greg"
Title: Life After the Cold War: A Massachusetts town stuggles to survive defense cuts
Year: 1992
Author: "James, Michael s"
Title: Stories from the New York City Ecosystem
Year: 1992
Author: "Jay, Sarah"
Title: Egg Donation: New promise for infertile couples
Year: 1992
Author: "Johnson, Adrienne M"
Title: The We Can Walk Free: Longwood's sttuggle to survive
Year: 1992
Author: "Jones, Vanessa E"
Title: The Haunting Sound of Silence: Rape and African-American women
Year: 1992
Author: "Joseph, Olga Marie"
Title: Airline Deregulation and the Survival of America West Airlines
Year: 1992
Author: "Kalin, Sari"
Title: Do You Want to Come in and Watch?: Police insensitvity to rape victims
Year: 1992
Author: "Kapiloff, Howard"
Title: Maic Depression: From the shelter to the suppor group
Year: 1992
Author: "Katzarova, Mariana"
Title: Brighton Beach: Russian Odessa by the sea-hopes and fears
Year: 1992
Author: "Kempton, Jamie"
Title: Achilles Track Club
Year: 1992
Author: "Kennedy, Kostya"
Title: Behind the Suns: What it means to be a bar band
Year: 1992
Author: "Koller, Micheal"
Title: Japanese Transplant Schools: The first two Japanese high schools in the United States
Year: 1992
Author: "Kritsch, rebeca"
Title: Dolls Strained with Blood: Violent girls in New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "LaPolla, Joie ann"
Title: Bitches on a Mission: A look into the toughest girl gang in Bensonhurst
Year: 1992
Author: "Leibowitz, Edward"
Title: The Last Days of Skid Row
Year: 1992
Author: "Lemus, Carlos"
Title: New York's Gaurdian Angels: An orphan's tale
Year: 1992
Author: "Lewis, Yale"
Title: Waste Paper Recycling in New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "Loos, Ted"
Title: And the Blows Came Down: On gay bashing in New York
Year: 1992
Author: "Losada, Aurora"
Title: Columbus sails on Troubled Waters. The Polemic celbration of the quincentennial
Year: 1992
Author: "Lothian, Robert"
Title: Manhattan's Underground Infrastructure
Year: 1992
Author: "Lowi, emanuel Paltiel"
Title: The Road from New York to Mecca: The strange journey of American Jews who convert to Islam
Year: 1992
Author: "Margo, Amy"
Title: Ready and Willing: A lifeling search for the priesthood
Year: 1992
Author: "Maher, Anrian"
Title: "Souls on Fire: Catostrophic burn surviors and their sturggle for life, meaning and idenity"
Year: 1992
Author: "Maiella, James Jr"
Title: Feature Filming in New york: Gothem bounces back after year spent Home Alone
Year: 1992
Author: "Mallin, Erika"
Title: Remaking a Neighborhood: The Bradhurst Plan
Year: 1992
Author: "Markey, william"
Title: How did you Meet your Wife?: the mail-order bride insudty today
Year: 1992
Author: "Martin, Lindsey"
Title: Mexican immigration to New York
Year: 1992
Author: "Mazart, Fred"
Title: Hosteling: Then and now
Year: 1992
Author: "McDermott, Darren"
Title: Himalayan Exodus: Tibetans come to the United States
Year: 1992
Author: "Miller, Adam"
Title: Micheal Levin and the Morals of Logician
Year: 1992
Author: "Miller, Lori-Anne"
Title: Assimilation of the Mohawks
Year: 1992
Author: "Miranda, Nannette"
Title: The Rising Sucide Rate Among Asian-American Youths: A radio documentary
Year: 1992
Author: "Mizner, David"
Title: A Suffocating Struggle: Asbestos victims and the litigation logjam
Year: 1992
Author: "Moerk, Christian"
Title: Alien Nation: The new Irish in New York
Year: 1992
Author: "Mogi, Chikako"
Title: Reports from America: Choice of stories and challenges faced by Japanese correspondants
Year: 1992
Author: "Montalbano, Andrea"
Title: Talents Eternal: The death of an artist
Year: 1992
Author: "Moore, thomas Phip"
Title: "The Brooklyn Navy Base: Housing in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. A radio documentary"
Year: 1992
Author: "Mow, Jacqueline M"
Title: Far from Home: Chinese students and scholars in the United Sttes
Year: 1992
Author: "Multedo, Molly"
Title: When Mental Illness Hits Home: A sibling's story
Year: 1992
Author: "Munk, Nina"
Title: Attention K-Mart Shoppers: The rise of captive television
Year: 1992
Author: "Newsom, John"
Title: "Bricks, Morter, Money, hope: The story of 460 Convent Avenue"
Year: 1992
Author: "Nick, Mary Beth"
Title: East Timor: The forgotten war
Year: 1992
Author: "Neilson, Karol"
Title: Black Anti-Semitism: Roots of the black-jewish feud
Year: 1992
Author: "Noble, Christopher"
Title: School Choice: Recipe for reform
Year: 1992
Author: "O'Brian, Robert L"
Title: A Misunderstood Way of Life: New York's Muslims
Year: 1992
Author: "O'Brian, Maura K"
Title: Takin' it to the Streets: New York's Muslims
Year: 1992
Author: "Ohashi, Yumiko"
Title: Ameruicans Working for the Japanese: Can the twain ever meet?
Year: 1992
Author: "Olexy, Bryn c"
Title: Investing in Central Europe: The missionary spirit
Year: 1992
Author: "Onran, Yaleman"
Title: Drop-Out Prevention: An insider's account of a novel experiement
Year: 1992
Author: "Orlando, Andrea Maria"
Title: Learning the Law at Ps 106: A prosecuters response to the drug problem
Year: 1992
Author: "Osborne, duncan"
Title: Squatting on the Lower East Side
Year: 1992
Author: "Palazzo, Anthony"
Title: Defying the Odds: A tradtion of farming in New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "Pascual, Aixa"
Title: Salvadorian's Stuggle to Stay in the United States Continues as War Back Home Ends
Year: 1992
Author: "Pate, Patricia Lynne"
Title: Newborn Adoption in the '90s: Choices ofr birth parents and adoptive parents
Year: 1992
Author: "Patton, Suannah"
Title: Freedom from Within: Writing from New York prisons
Year: 1992
Author: "Pearson, Trevor"
Title: African American in Newspaper Magnagment: Caught in the middle
Year: 1992
Author: "Perman, Stacy A"
Title: "Japan, Israel, and the American Jewsih Community"
Year: 1992
Author: "Perozzi, David"
Title: Curing the Contemporary Sexual Compulsive
Year: 1992
Author: "Prince, Cathyrn J"
Title: After the War: Vietnam veteran doctors disillusioned by today's medical system
Year: 1992
Author: "Reardon, chirstpoher"
Title: Take Tow Aspirin and Call Me in the Morning: Why America needs socieled medicineā¦and won't get it
Year: 1992
Author: "Reitman, Janet"
Title: The Neo-Activits: Doing good in the '90s
Year: 1992
Author: "Roh, Min-Jeong"
Title: Minority Journalisls in Broadcast Newsrooms
Year: 1992
Author: "Rubinstein, Julian"
Title: Hoops and Dreams: The conplex and corrupt system of cultivating basketball talent in New York city
Year: 1992
Author: "Salisbury, Laney"
Title: Pulling the right Strings: Puppetry enhancing the lives of patients and students
Year: 1992
Author: "Sampson, Mark T"
Title: Women as AIDS Educators
Year: 1992
Author: "Schwartz, Emily"
Title: Suffering in Silence: New York City's garment workers with RSI
Year: 1992
Author: "Shapiro, Michelle"
Title: Outer Borough Allure
Year: 1992
Author: "Shelton, Stacy M"
Title: "The Dissapearance of the New York city Public School Teacher, and Those who Choose to Stay"
Year: 1992
Author: "Siegal, Jessica"
Title: Will the Sewing Machines Whirl On?: New York city's garment industry
Year: 1992
Author: "Siegal, Matthew"
Title: """Mishpucha Power"" and the Election of Manhattan's Supreme Court Justices"
Year: 1992
Author: "Smith, Matt"
Title: An Un-American Harvest: Jamacian guest workers in southern New York State apple orchards
Year: 1992
Author: "Smith, shirley L"
Title: The Impact of AIDS on Families and Children in New York City
Year: 1992
Author: "Stanly, Bruce W"
Title: "From Warsaw to Greenpoint: Poles, the forgotten immigrants in the 1900's New York"
Year: 1992
Author: "Stone, Amey"
Title: Leaving Marks: A new culture of teen-age girls and fighting
Year: 1992
Author: "Stone, Christian B"
Title: The New Faces of AIDS: Parents
Year: 1992
Author: "Strauss, Cheryl"
Title: Rerouting the Retail Industry
Year: 1992
Author: "Stuart, Jan"
Title: The New York City Buyers Club: ?Giving people with AIDS an option
Year: 1992
Author: "Sullivan, Marianne"
Title: A Pedding Presence: New York's vitality or infestation
Year: 1992
Author: "Taylor, Kate"
Title: On Their Own: Youth unemployment in New York city
Year: 1992
Author: "Tilsner, julie"
Title: The Oakland Tribune Bailout
Year: 1992
Author: "Tischler, Fred"
Title: North American Labor Zionist Youth in the 1990s?
Year: 1992
Author: "Turin, David"
Title: Big City in a Small Town: Experimental Roosevelt Island grapples with its growth
Year: 1992
Author: "Turk, M,ichelle"
Title: Fear on the Front Lines: Health care workers and AIDS
Year: 1992
Author: "Vaugh, susan M"
Title: Artists Emerge from Eastern Europe: Is the west ready for them?
Year: 1992
Author: "Vogel, Thomas T Jr"
Title: Appeakl to the Young: The stories of two Catholic Workers
Year: 1992
Author: "Weir, Richard"
Title: Clamming Jamacia Bay: Poacher's paradise is consumer's nightmare
Year: 1992
Author: "Wendell, Mary Lou"
Title: Squatters on the Lower East Side
Year: 1992
Author: "White, Nadia D"
Title: Deadly Fun: Games kids play on New York City's Subways
Year: 1992
Author: "Willens, Patricia"
Title: Domestic Violence in New York: The system facing battered women
Year: 1992
Author: "Wilson, Scott W"
Title: "Herion on the Hill: AIDS, addiction and activists"
Year: 1992
Author: "Wilson, sue Young"
Title: Going Away Coming Back: Brooklyn's drug treatment alternative to prison program
Year: 1992
Author: "Wolfsteller, Pilar e"
Title: Go West Young Men: Eastern European Players uin the National Hockey League
Year: 1992
Author: "Wolgast, Stephen L"
Title: Term Limits for Politicians
Year: 1992
Author: "Wollman, Louise"
Title: Let Them Eat Bread
Year: 1992
Author: "Yerton, Steward"
Title: "The Paranoid Style and the AIDS Viris: Conspiracy, genocide and African America"
Year: 1992
Author: "Yoo, Paula"
Title: Tip of the Iceberg: Asian American teen scuicde
Year: 1992
Author: "Zernike, Kate"
Title: "Ron carey and the ""New"" Teamsters: Can one man change Hoffa's union?"
Year: 1992
Author: "Ziegenhirt, ana"
Title: Three Generations of Cuban Families in Exile
Year: 1992
Author: "Zimmerman, Rachel"
Title: Looking for Lindsey: comments on a city in Decline
Year: 1992
Author: "Kaplan, Daniel L"
Title: Hating or Housing the Homeless? Reactions to the mayors shleter paln (bound in own vol)
Year: 1992