2005 Master's Projects
Contact Journalism Library for access journalism@library.columbia.edu
Author: Acostavalle, Melanie
Title: Dinner with a Pedigree: The return of heritage livestock to the American plate
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Adam, Karla
Title: Transatlantic Humo(u)r
Advisor: Stille, Alexander
Format: PRINT
Author: Adelberg, Melanie
Title: Battle for the Altar
Advisor: Cross, June
Format: VIDEO
Author: Aguiluz, Anima
Title: Pool Shark
Advisor: Rimmer, Addie
Format: PRINT
Author: Ahmed, Maria
Title: Ali's Candy Store: An American Tale
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Akram, Ayesha
Title: Battle for the Altar
Advisor: Cross, June
Format: VIDEO
Author: Alarkon, Walter
Title: How They Got Out the Vote
Advisor: Lemann, Nicholas
Format: PRINT
Author: Albrecht, Leslie
Title: Family Treatment Court: How A Manhattan Judge Helps Junkie Moms Get Sober
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Alderman, Jesse Harlan
Title: On the Overnight: Nocturnal "family" bonds over the airwaves at WFAN
Advisor: Blair, Gwenda
Format: PRINT
Author: Ali, Sarmad
Title: From Christian to Muslim: The New Face of American Islam After 9/11
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Allam, Abeer
Title: The Journey of an Egyptian into and out of Militant Islam
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Allen, Jared
Title: Living Without the Lock and Key: New York's efforts to treat, not jail, its drug-addicted criminals
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Allen, Natasha
Title: Free At Last? Can Protopic and Elidel become the new standard for treating eczema?
Advisor: Rimmer, Addie
Format: PRINT
Author: Altman, Mara Rose
Title: Parents with Intellectual Disabilities
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Anderson, Claire V.
Title: A Harlem Parish Fights for Survival: Could it Freeze a Billion Dollar Land Deal?
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Anthony, Jason
Title: Peacemaker's War: The Quakers of Fifteenth Street Take the Long Road
Advisor: Goldman, Ari
Format: PRINT
Author: Armario, Christine
Title: A Tale of Justice Delayed: Undocumented Workers and Public School Construction
Advisor: Blair, Gwenda
Format: PRINT
Author: Arnheiter, Rachel R.
Title: When the Roles Are Reversed: Children Parenting Their Disabled Parents
Advisor: Hartenstein, Julie
Format: PRINT
Author: Asmerom, Rahwa
Title: From Persecution to Detention: Asylum Seekers after 9/11
Advisor: Love, Robert
Format: PRINT
Author: Assad, Joseph
Title: Finding a Family
Advisor: Bennet, John
Format: PRINT
Author: Azimi, Sharene
Title: A Poet Undone: The Art and Illness of Gail Fox
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Baker, Billy
Title: Tour Du Farce: Speed Levitch's New York
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Baker, Katie
Title: Second in Command: Who's really running New York's kitchens
Advisor: Lemann, Nicholas
Format: PRINT
Author: Bario, David
Title: No Alternative: How nicotine is set to win the war on smoking
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Bass, Justin
Title: A Needle in a CD Stack
Advisor: Blum, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Belko, Tracey
Title: Addicted to Debt: The high price many Americans pay for their obsession with spending
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Bell, Jacqueline
Title: Patriot Acts: Politics and Protest in Wartime
Advisor: Richardson, Lynda
Format: PRINT
Author: Bengel, Anna Abigail Walters
Title: Any Given Sunday: The Play's Still the Thing
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Bensen, Amanda
Title: A Tragic Certainty: Criminal Prosecution of Workplace Deaths
Advisor: Cornog, Evan
Format: PRINT
Author: Bensinger, Greg
Title: Nothing Sketchy About It: One comedy troupe's serious struggle to succeed
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Bhandari, Esha
Title: Riding on Tradition: Polo in New York
Advisor: Cohen, Rich
Format: PRINT
Author: Blask, Sara
Title: Outward Bound, but to Where? New York City Thinks Small School on a Large Scale
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Boak, Joshua
Title: Guards at the Crucifixion
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: Bonawitz, Amy
Title: Life with Scleroderma: Awareness and Hope
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Boyle, John
Title: It Takes a Village to Raise a Scallop
Advisor: Dec, Tony
Format: RADIO
Author: Bradley, Theresa
Title: Though the Heavens Fall: Reporter's Privilege in Life and Law
Advisor: Blair, Gwenda
Format: PRINT
Author: Bramen, Lisa
Title: Left Behind: The Reasons and the Future for New York's Illiterate Adults
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Brown, Jen
Title: The A is for Arab
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Brownlow, Ronald
Title: High Noon at Willets Point
Advisor: Klatell, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Bruder, Jessica
Title: The Needle and the Damage Done: New Jersey's Syringe Exchange Crisis
Advisor: Kadetsky, Elizabeth
Format: PRINT
Author: Butler, Kiera
Title: In the Belly of the Whale: One Man's Journey Into the Ex-Gay Movement
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Carollo, Kim
Title: Daddies' Little Girl
Advisor: Klatell, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Carpio, Audrey
Title: Art Battles: Young Painters Face Off in Public
Advisor: Matloff, Judith
Format: PRINT
Author: Carson, Denise
Title: Dying a Good Death: Choices Give People Time to Celebrate Life
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: Casella, Emilia Ann
Title: CEO-Politicians and the Press in Italy and Thailand: When the Country's Richest Man Runs the Show
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Chen, Eva Y.
Title: Pretty Girls: The Ugly Business of Beauty Public Relations
Advisor: Bennet, John
Format: PRINT
Author: Clark, Amy Sara
Title: Young, Independent and Developmentally Disabled
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Clevenger, Andrew
Title: Daddy Plays the Horn: For Michael Blake, Making a Living Ain't Easy
Advisor: Goldman, Ari
Format: PRINT
Author: Cohen, Stefanie
Title: Rebuilding a Language: Mohegans Search for their Native Tongue
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Condie, Stefanie
Title: Returning to the Scene: Spurned St. Louis Passengers Find A Belated Welcome in Havana
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Dalsimer, Sarah
Title: Exonerated: What happens after nineteen years behind bars for a crime you didn't commit?
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Daniel, Jayanthi K.
Title: Fear in the Birthing Center: The Fight Over Medical Malpractice in New York State
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Danigelis, Alyssa
Title: Shelter by Right
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Davis, Kristy
Title: Losing Religion: Mormons Leaving the Fold
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: de Kretser, Leela
Title: A Life Lesson: How Homeless Children Navigate a Bureaucracy and the Subway just to get to school
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Del Toro, Natasha
Title: Battle for Rincon Crillo
Advisor: Blumberg, Alex
Format: RADIO
Author: Dupuis, Isabelle
Title: Poker City
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Elass, Rasha
Title: The Veil of Resistance
Advisor: Matloff, Judith
Format: PRINT
Author: Ensha, Azadeh
Title: Learning to Live and Write in a Nursing Home
Advisor: Bennet, John
Format: PRINT
Author: Espeland, Kristin
Title: Urban Wildlife
Advisor: Karr, Rick
Format: RADIO
Author: Faizulla, Peshwaz
Title: Latinos Finding Their Roots in Islam
Advisor: Fuentes, Annette
Format: PRINT
Author: Fanelli, James
Title: Immigrant Workers Unite: ROC-NY Dishes A New Kind of Labor Movement
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Farbman, Madeline
Title: A Bone To Pick: Unraveling the mystery of the smallest, newest human cousin
Advisor: Klatell, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Farivar, Cyrus
Title: Murder and Vice on the Lower East Side: The Past, Present and Future of the "Chinatown Buses"
Advisor: Nocera, Joseph
Format: PRINT
Author: Farrell, Liam
Title: Frozen Colors: Ice Hockey in Harlem
Advisor: Zarin, Cynthia
Format: PRINT
Author: Fatade, Wale
Title: Fresh Anointing: A Church Breaks Away from Tradition
Advisor: Hoyt, Michael
Format: PRINT
Author: Fatah, Sonya
Title: The Black Sheep of Pakistan: One leader's struggle to elevate a "fallen" race
Advisor: Blum, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Finch, Justin
Title: Crossroads to Recovery: Rehabilitation Beyond Bars
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Fishbein-Gold, Jennifer
Title: Preserving the Peace: For Ultra Orthodox Women, Domestic Abuse Hits Hardest Outside the Home
Advisor: Schatz, Robin
Format: PRINT
Author: French, Laura J. Franco
Title: Out of the Woods: How a Friendship Born at a Summer Camp in Maine Survived the Toughest Test of Geopolitics
Advisor: Love, Robert
Format: PRINT
Author: Fullerton, Ellen Crowley
Title: A Special Place: Murder in a Small Seaside Village
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Gabel, Pearl Esther
Title: Rebel Hasid: A Walk Through The Hasidic Underground
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Gale, Ivan
Title: Fighting with Grace
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Ganapati, Priya
Title: Unhappily Ever After: Abused Women in South Asian Marriages
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Gencer, Arin
Title: Blacks for Bush: Pariahs or the Future of Black Voters?
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: German, Erik
Title: Seekers or Suckers? Reflections on the hijacking of my father's dreams
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Gillespie, Kristen
Title: Finding Food in Other People's Pantries
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Girvin, Allison
Title: Making Music Matter: One school's mission to fight poverty with song
Advisor: Sharkey, Nancy
Format: PRINT
Author: Glassman, Mark
Title: Please Take Out Your iPod and a Number Two Pencil: How the World's Trendiest Music Player Became a Pedagogical Tool
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Glenn, Andrea S.
Title: Fertility Inc.
Advisor: Wald, Richard
Format: PRINT
Author: Goad, Matthew
Title: Pushing the Currant in the Hudson Valley: Farmers Search for a New Crop
Advisor: Rimmer, Addie
Format: PRINT
Author: Goetz, Kristina
Title: Brotherly Love: A Congolese Tale of Family, Flight and Lonesome Freedom
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Goldberg, Olivia
Title: Engaging the Enemy: How Many Parents Does It Take to Change Child Welfare?
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Goldfine, Rebecca
Title: Invitation to Islam: The Stories of Three Muslim Women
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Gordon, Meredith
Title: All's Fair in War Only: Women Veterans on Their VA Healthcare
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Gordon, Rebekah
Title: Convicted, Deported and Torn Apart: Where immigrants and crime intersect, there is little hope for second chances
Advisor: Cornog, Evan
Format: PRINT
Author: Grace, Daniel
Title: There's Always Tomorrow: How Videogames Are Putting the World on Hold
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Grant, Valencia
Title: The Fashions and Foibles of Black Hair
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Graves, Lucas
Title: The Day The Music Died? Digital Piracy and the Free Culture Movement
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Gray, Andrew
Title: The Revival and Other Tales: A Season of Minor League Basketball in Harlem
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Greenwald, Shlomo
Title: Subway Sinatras: The Musicians Who Have Changed New York City's Underground World
Advisor: Nocera, Joseph
Format: PRINT
Author: Grennan, Kay
Title: Money for Babies: New York State Funds Infertility Grant Programs
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Grogan, Jennifer
Title: Brooklyn Politics Under Siege: The Trials of Clarence Norman Jr.
Advisor: Cornog, Evan
Format: PRINT
Author: Grove, Thomas
Title: It's Better to Sweat in the Gym Than Bleed in the Street
Advisor: Dribben, Elizabeth
Format: RADIO
Author: Gustin, Sam
Title: EPIC
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Haggiag, Alexandra
Title: Coming Clean: Reclaiming the Gowanus Canal
Advisor: Lipton, Rhoda
Format: VIDEO
Author: Hakakian, Iara M.
Title: Alternative Revenue Models for Emerging Music Bands using Technology and the Internet
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Hanel, Marnie
Title: Modern Motherhood: Why younger women are getting paid so older women can have it all
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: Harrison, Adelia Honeywood
Title: The Meanings of a Market's Demise
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Hartounian, Alina
Title: Procrastination: The Economist v. the Psychologist
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Harvey, Benjamin
Title: The Turkey Lobby
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Hassan, Sara
Title: Of Dios and Allah: Latinos Embracing Islam After 9/11
Advisor: Richardson, Lynda
Format: PRINT
Author: Hawkins, Nyia
Title: Living In The Shadow of the Watchtower
Advisor: Cross, June
Format: PRINT
Author: Hazlett, Courtney
Title: An impossible mission? Converting immigrant New Yorkers to Christianity, one soul at a time
Advisor: Solway, Diane
Format: PRINT
Author: Hedison, Serena
Title: Racial Discrimination in the New York City Police Department
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Henderson, Nia-Malika
Title: Toward an Afrocentric Scientology
Advisor: Rimmer, Addie
Format: PRINT
Author: Herpich, Nate
Title: Weaving a Cultural Identity: African Hair-Braiding Salons in Central Harlem
Advisor: Zarin, Cynthia
Format: PRINT
Author: Higdon, James C. III
Title: Hellfighting in Harlem: The 719th's Struggle for Basic Recognition
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Holboell, Lars Bjoern
Title: Trapped in a Golden Cage? The role of non-permanent members of the U.N. Security Council
Advisor: Zarin, Cynthia
Format: PRINT
Author: Hong, Susan K.
Title: Favoring Small Schools
Advisor: Sreenivasan, Sreenath
Format: PRINT
Author: Hovell, Bret
Title: Coming Clean: Reclaiming the Gowanus Canal
Advisor: Lipton, Rhoda
Format: VIDEO
Author: Howard, Adam
Title: From Stonewall to a Brick Wall: The Fight for Same-Sex Marriage in the State of New York
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Huffines, Lisa Goddard
Title: Does America Need Its Death Penalty?
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Hughes, Dana
Title: Class Act: Can actress and playwright Anna Deavere Smith's unique process be taught?
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Hussain, Zakir
Title: Young Mixed-Race Activists: Rethinking Race in America
Advisor: Brent Zook, Kristal
Format: PRINT
Author: Hutchinson, Alex
Title: Descent from Olympus: After Athens, Athletes Face the Real World
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Jackson, Candace
Title: Voluntary Objection: How Conscientious Objectors Find Their Way Out of the Military Today
Advisor: Stille, Alexander
Format: PRINT
Author: Jackson, Malena A.
Title: Under One Roof: Mothers work from home to balance family and careers
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Jacques, Rajni
Title: Adventures in the Hip-Hop World
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Johnson, Caitlin
Title: It's in our Blood: Russian Immigrants Fighting for the United States
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Joseph, Channing Gerard
Title: Red Hook Community Justice Center: The Anatomy of a Legal Experiment
Advisor: Goldman, Ari
Format: PRINT
Author: Kamel, Carina
Title: Road to Democracy: Edward Said's Imperatives for Palestine
Advisor: Wald, Richard
Format: PRINT
Author: Karakashian, Ivan
Title: Casualties of the War on Immigrants
Advisor: Matloff, Judith
Format: PRINT
Author: Katz, Neil Samson
Title: The Last Forest
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Kearney, John
Title: Columbia Needs Its Very Own Mideast Peace Plan (But Can Anyone Agree on One?)
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Keim, Brandon
Title: Rushing to Judgment: The Battle Over Thimerosal and Autism
Advisor: Muha, Laura
Format: PRINT
Author: Keller, Karen
Title: The Village That Vanished, and Rebuilt in New York
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Keller, Michael
Title: Eight Weeks at Edgewood: Chemical and Biological Warfare Testing of Human Subjects in the Medical Research Volunteer Program
Advisor: Hoyt, Michael
Format: PRINT
Author: Kemp, Vivek
Title: The Virtual Shift: The Internet's Effect on the Rare Book Trade
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Kindergan, Ashley
Title: In Loco Parentis: What happens to children - and the grandparents who raise them - when birth parents disappear
Advisor: Cohen, Rich
Format: PRINT
Author: Kingsley, Katherine
Title: Street Art But Not Graffiti
Advisor: Nocera, Joseph
Format: PRINT
Author: Kinney, Aaron
Title: Elliott Smith in New York: What His Experience Reveals About the Life and Death of a Gifted Yet Troubled Musician
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Kissi, Dawn
Title: A New Commodity in New York City's Chinatown
Advisor: Richardson, Lynda
Format: PRINT
Author: Kumar, Mohi (Mohana)
Title: The Sea Boils Over: Indian Science and Policy in the Wake of the Tsunami
Advisor: Holloway, Marguerite
Format: PRINT
Author: Lague, Ian
Title: Gray Market Games: Inside America's Prescription Drug Wholesale Industry
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: LaRosa, Nicole
Title: W.E.B. DuBois Academic High School: One Last Chance
Advisor: Matloff, Judith
Format: PRINT
Author: Latiak, Ted
Title: Can Aquaman Teach? A Look Into the Education Benefits of Comic Books
Advisor: Sreenivasan, Sreenath
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~djw2108/comicproject/
Author: LaVallee, Andrew
Title: The Artist's Assistant's Way: Behind the Scenes, a Delicate Balancing Act
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Leahy, Sean M.
Title: Blues Brothers: How Columbia's 1-9 Football Team Lived Through the 2004 Season
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Lebrun, Zyphus
Title: Chasing the Panther: The Absence of Black Super Heroes in Comic Books
Advisor: Dec, Tony
Format: RADIO
Author: Lee, Jennifer
Title: Talking Trash
Advisor: Hartenstein, Julie
Format: VIDEO
Author: Leeder, Jessica
Title: Above Ground and Out of Service: Deserting from the All-Volunteer Force
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Leifer, Rachel
Title: Sex, Kids and the City: New York has bought a new sex education curriculum, but is it what the doctor ordered?
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Lemer, Jeremy
Title: Pills and Needles: One company's efforts to transform injectable drugs into pills
Advisor: Schatz, Robin
Format: PRINT
Author: Leszkiewicz, Jennie
Title: The Moral Debate: New York Judges the Death Penalty
Advisor: Lemann, Nicholas
Format: PRINT
Author: Leung, Wendy
Title: Spirituality without Borders: A Falun Gong Practitioner Strikes a Balance
Advisor: Blum, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Lewin, Enid S.
Title: Divine Inspiration: Women Find a Home in Orthodox Judaism
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Leyssner, Annette
Title: The interaction of healers with the medical community and the role Botanicas play as a point of contact between folk and conventional medicine
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Lidor, Danit
Title: Acting Like Ladies: A Gender Controversy in the Backwoods of Michigan
Advisor: Muha, Laura
Format: PRINT
Author: Lonergan, Brian P.
Title: "He Probably Would Have Cut You Next": Trauma, its research and treatment
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Loten, Angus
Title: Hold On To Your Hats: A family-run hat shop in Harlem struggles with changing times and a red-hot real estate market
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Lumley, Sherron
Title: Soul Capture
Advisor: Cotts, Cynthia
Format: PRINT
Author: Lye, Bethany R.
Title: American Farming, Genetically Modified: Growing a crop has never been so easy. Or so complicated
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Macabasco, Lisa Wong
Title: Double Stigma: Living with HIV and No Green Card in Chinatown
Advisor: Cotts, Cynthia
Format: PRINT
Author: Mador, Jessica
Title: Coming Clean: Reclaiming the Gowanus Canal
Advisor: Lipton, Rhoda
Format: VIDEO
Author: Madsen, Peter G. H.
Title: R. Glenn Hubbard and the Fed Chairmanship
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Mahlman, Emily
Title: Talking Trash
Advisor: Hartenstein, Julie
Format: VIDEO
Author: Maloney, Jennifer
Title: Hidden in Plain View: African immigrant women with HIV and AIDS
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Marks, Nichole Ames
Title: On the Verge: Adolescents and Autism
Advisor: Blair, Gwenda
Format: PRINT
Author: Marmor, Jessica
Title: Cripping Up: Disabled actors today just want to be known as actors
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: McCandlish, Laura
Title: Wait Rings: Could an abstinence-until-marriage program really save Newark's teens?
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: McLain, Les
Title: Housing is Healthcare: Outreach workers fight to improve the city's emergency housing system for New Yorkers living with AIDS
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: McManus, Tim
Title: Epiphany Prince and the Bergtraum Blazers: A Year in the Fire
Advisor: Rimmer, Addie
Format: PRINT
Author: Meyer, Joel
Title: Building Up Brooklyn: From Atlantic Avenue to Atlantic Yards
Advisor: Nocera, Joseph
Format: PRINT
Author: Milkowski, Stefan
Title: Fight the Power: A Brooklyn Community Battles a Power Plant
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Miller, Sheila G.
Title: Hope in Harlem: A Catholic school sends kids to work for their college-prep education
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Moore, Colin
Title: The Cat Detectives
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Morgan, Richard
Title: Earnest Goes to College
Advisor: Lemann, Nicholas
Format: PRINT
Author: Naanes, Marlene
Title: Bias Crimes at Lafayette High
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: Namako, Tom
Title: In the Kitchen of a Rising Starr
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: Norman, Joshua
Title: America's Good Face: Does the Peace Corps Work?
Advisor: Hancock, Lynnell
Format: PRINT
Author: Okach, Elias O.
Title: The Shrinking American Priesthood: Will the Vatican Ordain the Solution?
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Olesker, Joshua
Title: Defiant Requiem
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: O'Mara, Kate
Title: Street Naming: A Sign of the Times
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Onsanit, Rattaphol
Title: European Neuroscience and the American Discovery of Dyslexia
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Opar, Alisa
Title: Fouled Waters: Industry and Pollution on Newtown Creek
Advisor: Holloway, Marguerite
Format: PRINT
Author: Orso, Joe
Title: A Tree in Winter and the Fruit of a Jesuit Roshi
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: Ou, Han
Title: A Different World: How does outsourcing in the IT industry affect new immigrants?
Advisor: Blair, Gwenda
Format: PRINT
Author: Pace, Gina
Title: The Business of Education: How Private Tutoring Companies are Vying for Public School Students Under No Child Left Behind
Advisor: Fuentes, Annette
Format: PRINT
Author: Patel, Samir
Title: The Elves on the Island: Teenage Vandals or Ecoterrorists?
Advisor: Holloway, Marguerite
Format: PRINT
Author: Payne, Catherine
Title: Out of Foster Care and Into the World
Advisor: Solway, Diane
Format: PRINT
Author: Perez, Madeleine
Title: Hardly A Help: What Women Are Really Risking by Popping the Pill
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Perlman, Lani
Title: Sleeping Giants No Longer: Puerto Rican Politicians Have Taken Over and Revolutionized Bronx Politics
Advisor: Stille, Alexander
Format: PRINT
Author: Piazza, Johanna
Title: Not Your Parent's Party: Some Young Conservatives Go Their Own Way
Advisor: Kadetsky, Elizabeth
Format: PRINT
Author: Quinn, Vonnie
Title: Little Bits of Diamonds: Jimmy Breslin's Reinvention of the Urban Newspaper Column
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Rafsanjani, Nazanin
Title: Marriage within the Iranian-American Community
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Ramirez, Elva
Title: Life in Beats per Minute: Lindy Hop & the Jitterbug Kids
Advisor: Muha, Laura
Format: PRINT
Author: Randall, Thomas S.
Title: Prairie Cuisine: The new Midwestern farm and the return of local food
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: Rashid, Fahmida Yasmin
Title: Suddenly, Really Really Small is Beautiful: Why Bankers are Counting on Domestic Microcredits
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Reardon, Nancy E.
Title: Landmarked for Ruin
Advisor: Cohen, Rich
Format: PRINT
Author: Rice, Michael
Title: Burned Alive
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Richardson, Reed
Title: The Green Divide
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Rocha, Amy
Title: Loud and Clear: A New Generation of U.S. Latina Writers Add Their Voices to Literature
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Rosenberg, Rebecca
Title: The New Older Americans
Advisor: Donahue, Kerry
Format: RADIO
Author: Russ, Hilary
Title: In Front of Their Noses: Once someone finally noticed little Rosie Batista, did 911 botch her rescue?
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: Russell, Julie Anne
Title: Love or Country? Immigration law forces gay couples to decide
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Saad, Shirine
Title: As Four's Fairytale
Advisor: Brent-Zook, Kristal
Format: PRINT
Author: Sachedina, Omar
Title: Battle for the Altar
Advisor: Cross, June
Format: VIDEO
Author: Sacks, Ethan
Title: Downloading the Call: Can Umpires Outlast the Coming Technological Age?
Advisor: Baranauckas, Carla
Format: PRINT
Author: Salazar, Cristian
Title: Princess: The Diary of a Former Transsexual Escort
Advisor: Stewart, James
Format: PRINT
Author: Schapiro, Richard
Title: Escaping the Revolving Door
Advisor: Fuentes, Annette
Format: PRINT
Author: Schienberg, Jonathan Eric
Title: Finding Frank
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Schlesinger, Victoria
Title: The Stewardship Wars: Evangelicals are the New Environmentalists
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Schneiderman, Ross
Title: Offshoring: The Complicated Truth
Advisor: Stille, Alexander
Format: PRINT
Author: Schulman, Daniel
Title: Worst Case Scenario: Is the biodefense boom making us less safe?
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Schupak, Adam
Title: Is the Diamond of Diamonds Forever? The Fate of Yankee Stadium and What It Means to the South Bronx
Advisor: Padwe, Sandy
Format: PRINT
Author: Schwartz, Karen
Title: Alternative Ministry: Changing lives one scoop at a time
Advisor: Goldman, Ari
Format: PRINT
Author: Schwartz, Sydney
Title: Maintaining the Minyan: The Struggle of a Storefront Synagogue
Advisor: Freedman, Samuel
Format: PRINT
Author: Scott, Joelle
Title: New York's Newest Anti-Terrorism Force is at Your Front Door
Advisor: Solway, Diane
Format: PRINT
Author: Scott-McDonald, Denise
Title: Black Republicans in New York City
Advisor: Donahue, Kerry
Format: RADIO
Author: Sen, Rinku
Title: Short Brown People to the Back: A Mexican Immigrant Fights to Be Your Waiter
Advisor: Blum, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Sharpe, Shannon
Title: You Shall Not Lie with Men as With Women. It is An Abomination: Religion and Gay Marriage
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Sheyner, Gennady
Title: Mixing It Up: A Ukranian Boxer Blends Jewish Faith with Black Moves
Advisor: Buckley, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Shu, Catherine
Title: Secret Pain: Overcoming the Urge to Self-Injure
Advisor: Klatell, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Silva, Pablo Toledo
Title: Talking Trash
Advisor: Hartenstein, Julie
Format: VIDEO
Author: Sloan, Karen
Title: Big Dreams, Small Venues: Searching for Success on the New York Music Scene
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Smith, Lisa Ann
Title: Off the Books: Health Care Costs in New York City
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Smith, Stephen W.
Title: Harlem Air: Ten-Watt Radio Station Tunes In To Diverse Interests
Advisor: Giegerich, Stephen
Format: PRINT
Author: Soloway, David
Title: The Changing Face of Poker: Teenagers have found a new pastime. Should we be worried?
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Spencer, George
Title: Criteria for Admission: Eighth Graders Apply to New York City's Public High Schools
Advisor: Wald, Richard
Format: PRINT
Author: Story, Louise
Title: Ivy League Housemoms
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Strickland, Eliza
Title: Climate Change in the Courts
Advisor: Matloff, Judith
Format: PRINT
Author: Superville, Denisa R.
Title: At The Crossroads: Second-Generation West African Teenagers and Their Quest For An Ethnic Identity
Advisor: Hoyt, Michael
Format: PRINT
Author: Swaminathan, Nikhil
Title: An Architecture of Risk: Finding the Genes Behind Schizophrenia
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Swift, Arthur
Title: Light Blue: Inside the NYPD Auxiliary Police
Advisor: Coyne, Kevin
Format: PRINT
Author: Szumanski, Kathryn A.
Title: Banking on the Benefits of Breast Milk: How Donated Human Milk May Save Babies' Lives
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Tamplin, Melissa
Title: Journalism: From Theory to Practice: "Taking Principles from the Classroom to the Newsroom"
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: VIDEO
Author: Terjimanian, Armen
Title: The Future of the Armenian Church in America
Advisor: Sreenivasan, Sreenath
Format: PRINT
Author: Thuburn, Dario
Title: Close to Home: Immigrant Law-Breakers Confront Deportation
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: Thurston, Jennifer
Title: Instrumental Obsessions
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Tomassi, Kate DuBose
Title: Time Served, Time Lost
Advisor: Stille, Alexander
Format: PRINT
Author: Tsang, Sarah
Title: The New NordPolitik: A Korean-American Family's Efforts to Engage With North Korea
Advisor: Nasar, Sylvia
Format: PRINT
Author: Turner, Stacey
Title: False Security: The Response to Sexual Assault on Campus
Advisor: Benedict, Helen
Format: PRINT
Author: Tuttle, Robert
Title: Straddling the Firing Line: Syrian Jews and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Advisor: Lemann, Nicholas
Format: PRINT
Author: Upson, Sandra
Title: The Expert Industry: How experts on TV news talk shows shape public debate
Advisor: Friedman, Josh
Format: PRINT
Author: Uretz, Cassandra
Title: The Mountain Comes to Mohammed: Young Muslims in American Life
Advisor: Spielmann, Peter
Format: PRINT
Author: Vanden Bussche, Eric
Title: When Culture and Gender Mix: Being Transgender in Asian Communities
Advisor: Hickey, Neil
Format: PRINT
Author: Velasquez-Manoff, Moises
Title: What Do (Japanese) Women Want? Seeking Freedom, Twice as Many Japanese Women as Men Immigrate to New York City
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Visco, Gerry
Title: Screw That! Al Goldstein's Sexual Revolution
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Viviano, JoAnne
Title: Families divided: How U.S. immigration policies separate parents and children
Advisor: Gitlin, Todd
Format: PRINT
Author: Vuolo, Michael
Title: In Search of Eddie Parks
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT
Author: Waltz, Emily
Title: Coping with Mental Illness: A Bronx Family Story
Advisor: Muha, Laura
Format: PRINT
Author: Wang, Derek
Title: Can Aquaman Teach? A Look Into the Education Benefits of Comic Books
Advisor: Sreenivasan, Sreenath
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~djw2108/comicproject/
Author: Weiss, Jennifer
Title: The Battle of Band Promotion: XM and Sirius War Over the Best Way to Break New Musicians
Advisor: Cornog, Evan
Format: PRINT
Author: West, Heather
Title: The Salesman: Your Friend, With an Agenda
Advisor: Bearak, Barry
Format: PRINT
Author: White, Maureen
Title: The Journey of an Urban Gymnast
Advisor: Wald, Richard
Format: PRINT
Author: Whitford, Ben
Title: Growing Up Gangster
Advisor: Klatell, David
Format: PRINT
Author: Wihbey, John P.
Title: For Lebanese Christians, Identity Increasingly Blurred by Politics
Advisor: Tucher, Andie
Format: PRINT
Author: Wilson, Emily
Title: The Joy of the Long Distance Runner
Advisor: Dinges, John
Format: RADIO
Author: Wu, Eileen
Title: Great Expectations: A Generation of Women Challenge the Biological Clock
Advisor: Hartenstein, Julie
Format: PRINT
Author: Yogis, Jaimal
Title: Salt-Water and Whiskey: Fishing through the winter in Montauk
Advisor: Goldman, Ari
Format: PRINT
Author: Zabjek, Alexandra
Title: Jesus Sets the Rules, Dad! Evangelical Christianity and the Generation Gap
Advisor: Span, Paula
Format: PRINT