2017 Master's Projects

Contact Journalism Library for access journalism@library.columbia.edu

AUTHOR:             Abbas, Talia      

TITLE:    The Arab-American Roadtrip to Learning English               

ADVISOR:            Clark, Alexis      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Adams, Caitlin

TITLE:    A Young Diagnosis: The devastating disparities of breast cancer in women under 40        

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Agyemang, Nana           

TITLE:    8 Black Models Embrace Their Insecurities as a Message to Fashion Industry       

ADVISOR:            Berman, Nina

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Albertson-Grove, Joanna           

TITLE:    How American Shipping Companies Use Open Registries to Avoid Taxes and Regulations             

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ali, Sana             

TITLE:    Journalists Driven From Home Find Little Refuge in the U.S.        

ADVISOR:            Fisher, Ian         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Allsop, Jon        

TITLE:    Hamilton, Jefferson, and the Rap Battle for America's Young Minds       

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Amadon, Brett                

TITLE:    Abuse and Depression in College Athletes          

ADVISOR:            Richardson, Lynda         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Amzat, Ajibola Taofeek               

TITLE:    New York City Agencies Flag in Fines Collection *Lose $691 Million in Eight Years

ADVISOR:            Lehren, Andrew             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Andreoni, Manuela       

TITLE:    How to Profit from Brazil's failing Public Health System  

ADVISOR:            Ornstein, Charles           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Arnaiz, Santiago J.          

TITLE:    Kapit sa Patalim: Human trafficking in the Land of the Free          

ADVISOR:            Singer, Amy      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Arni Ravishankar, Rakshitha      

TITLE:    Free Yet Confined: Formerly incarcerated women return to society        

ADVISOR:            Heinzerling, Larry           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ashford, Grace               

TITLE:    The Man Who Wanted Men to be Men

ADVISOR:            Lombardi, Kristen          

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Au-Yeung, Angel            

TITLE:    Fentanyl: The new enemy in the opioid wars     

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Baker, Elizabeth              

TITLE:    Unground Opera: How independent troupes survive-and thrive-in New York City            

ADVISOR:            Schoonmaker, MaryEllen           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Barkley, Christiana         

TITLE:    Computer Science for All: Why diversifying the tech industry requires a trip to the Bronx              

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bastien, Laurent             

TITLE:    Finding Every Government Surveillance Flight   

ADVISOR:            Stray, Jonathan               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Baudoin, Louis

TITLE:    Climate Change and Christmas Pines: The elephant in the room

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bengani, Priyanjana      

TITLE:    Storytelling in Augmented Reality           

ADVISOR:            McGregor, Susan           

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Bhaskar, Gabriela           

TITLE:    Only Wakes Upon the Sea          

ADVISOR:            Berman, Nina  

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Blanchard, Elise               

TITLE:    Afghan Interpreters: Their stories and their fates            

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Blaskey, Sarah

TITLE:    A Monopoly on Extinction: One family threatens shark populations throughout Central America               

ADVISOR:            Rust Papenfus, Susanne             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bordas, Alexandria        

TITLE:    Complementary Cancer Treatments on the Rise- Along with Skepticism

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bosilkovski, Igor              

TITLE:    Journey of No Return: Will Mars One ever settle the Red Planet?

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Boxer, Kate S.

TITLE:    Cleanliness Detection   

ADVISOR:            Bell, Emily          

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bozkaya, A. Selin            

TITLE:    Sent Home: U.S.-Educated international students get shrinking sliver of skilled work visas           

ADVISOR:            Bradley, Theresa            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Briski, Devin     

TITLE:    Democratizing Work: Inside New York's growing movement of worker-owned business               

ADVISOR:            Singer, Amy      

FORMAT:             Print     

AUTHOR:             Brussani, Mirella             

TITLE:    The Suite Science: Knocking out work in the office white-collar boxing   

ADVISOR:            DePalma, Anthony        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bryant, Bailey  

TITLE:    As Egg Donation Increases, So Does Need for Industry Improvements  

ADVISOR:            Richardson, Lynda         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Bucay, Yemile  

TITLE:    A Life in Limbo: Waiting for Asylum in the United States

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Buhl, Cecilie      

TITLE:    The Toothless Regulatory System of Maritime World     

ADVISOR:            Coronel, Sheila                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Burford, Corinna            

TITLE:    The Brooklyn-Kingston Connection         

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Cam, Deniz       

TITLE:    Playing Comedy by the Rules     

ADVISOR:            Padawer, Ruth                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Cassidy, Benjamin         

TITLE:    Stuck in Their Echo Chambers: New York Liberals avoid confronting their political adversaries     

ADVISOR:            Hickey, Neil      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Caval, Valentina              

TITLE:    Broken Promises: A man, an international ship registry and the thousands of lives it affects       

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Chang, Olivia    

TITLE:    A New Recipe for Cottage Food Laws in New york           

ADVISOR:            Hickey, Neil      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Chen, Yutai   Keenan    

TITLE:       They Told Me to Wait  : How public housing became the most sought-after commodity in New York City            

ADVISOR:            Heinzerling, Larry           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Churchill, Emily                

TITLE:    Explaining the Turban: Efforts to combat anti-Sikh discrimination nationwide and in New York City           

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Coles, Caroline                

TITLE:    Young, Black, and Independent: The new generation of Black entrepreneurship             

ADVISOR:            Schoonmaker, MaryEllen           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Coleman, Curtis              

TITLE:    Dreamcatchers: A season with the Cardinal Hayes High School basketball team 

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Corry, Kristin    

TITLE:    Pick your Feet Up: Examining double dutch's legacy under the erasure of gentrification

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Cough, Kate     

TITLE:    Poland Springs and Crumbling pipes: A Maine town faces difficult choices after a season of drought        

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Courchay, Diego             

TITLE:    A Haven for Urgent Words: The school inspiring Latino students against the odds             

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Crouse, Jacob  

TITLE:    Tough to Bear: How the demand for bear bile is threatening bear populations in the U.S.             

ADVISOR:            Lehren, Andrew             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Dadouch, Sarah              

TITLE:    Just a Few Minutes        

ADVISOR:            Rohde, David   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Daloria, Shana

TITLE:    What's Happening to Black Harlem?       

ADVISOR:            Cooper, Ann    

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Dalton, Megan

TITLE:    The Frontlines of Climate Change: How the community of Broad Channel is responding to the rising seas             

ADVISOR:            Alarcon, Daniel                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Darbyshire, Madison    

TITLE:    The Depp End of the Pooled Trust: Can elderly New Yorkers afford to be too rich for Medicaid?

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             de Puy Kamp, Majlie    

TITLE:    Deep Waters: How a U.S. citizen based in Texas could violate international sanctions though the Tanzanian ship registry

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Deng, Huixin    

TITLE:    In Their Own Way: How community groups help Chinese-American women seek gender equality            

ADVISOR:            Gissler, Sig        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Dias, Nicholas  

TITLE:    Companies, Countries Still Violating UN Shipping Sanctions Against North Korea

ADVISOR:            Stray, Jonathan

 FORMAT:            Print     

AUTHOR:             Dillingham, Olivia            

TITLE:    The Magical Waters of Sharon Springs   

ADVISOR:            Fisher, Ian         

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Dixon, Emily     

TITLE:    For New Yorkers Homeless Children, Problems at School Begin Outside the Classroom

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Dozier, Lauren

TITLE:    Moms and Brands: Instagram as a channel to instant success     

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Drooby, Emily  

TITLE:    Fighting for Exoneration: A twisted tale to justice            

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Dugdale, Emily

TITLE:    A Dirty Issue: San Francisco shirks responsibility for sewer flooding in forgotten neighborhoods

ADVISOR:            Rust Papenfus, Susanne             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Echenique Peirano, Martin        

TITLE:    The Power of Words: Trump's rhetoric and the explosion of hate crimes in America        

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Einbinder, Nicole            

TITLE:    Fighting for Justice in Bronx Housing Court          

ADVISOR:            Singer, Amy      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ejiofor, Annette             

TITLE:    From the Roots: Stories from a rose garden        

ADVISOR:            Kirchner, Lauren             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Eldridge, Taylor Elizabeth            

TITLE:    Unwilling & Unable: New York State's struggling juvenile justice system

ADVISOR:            Boynton, Margaret and Meg Kissinger

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Elliott, Vittoria

TITLE:    No Vacancy: How lack of oversight & enforcement allow New York landlords to deplete affordable housing        

ADVISOR:            Herships, Sally

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Elsen-Rooney, Michael                

TITLE:    Chasing Ghosts: Can community schools solve the parent engagement problem?            

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Emanuel, Daniella          

TITLE:    The Decline of Group Homes in the child Welfare System: Are family placements always the best choice?            

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Fanelli, Joseph                

TITLE:    Breaking the Ice: Hockey and race collide in Harlem        

ADVISOR:            Padawer, Ruth

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Feather, A.J.    

TITLE:    Feather Automation      

ADVISOR:            Bell, Emily          

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Feibleman, Ben              

TITLE:    King of the Dead             

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Finch, Abigail    

TITLE:    When Relief Turns Deadly: The real story behind NJ's heroin explosion

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Flaherty, Joseph             

TITLE:    Heightened Alert: Being Muslim during the Trump administration            

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Fleming, Keisha C.         

TITLE:    Black Twitter: Power and influence online and offline    

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Freer, Emma    

TITLE:    Boarding Houses: An old-fashioned living solution with a modern twist

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Freyman, Falyn               

TITLE:    Down the Rabbit Hole with Eric Schlosberg          

ADVISOR:            Rosario, Daisy  

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Friend, Nina     

TITLE:    Pay What You Can: Hot bread kitchen and the revitalization of La Marqueta        

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Frost, Natasha

TITLE:    At the Kiki Ball: HIV prevention for the youth of the ballroom scene        

ADVISOR:            Kantrowitz, Barbara      

FORMAT:             Print


AUTHOR:             Gallo, Bruno     

TITLE:    Evicted from Life             

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Galloway, Erin F.             

TITLE:    Access to Disability Services in Texas: 13 years or fraught with peril          

ADVISOR:            Boynton, Margaret and Meg Kissinger

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Gao, Michelle Yuxiao    

TITLE:    From the Cultural Revolution to Flushing, Queens: The late-life immigration of a Chinese senior to the United States  

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     

AUTHOR:             Gelardi, Christopher     

TITLE:    A Streetcar, Undesired: The plan for de Blasio's Brooklyn Queens connector is plagued by questionable financing and conflicts of interest               

ADVISOR:            Martin, Alyson                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ghani, Amel     

TITLE:    Hazards: Decades of death in Pakistan  

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Gibson, Sarah C.             

TITLE:    New York's Magic Birthday: How 16 and 17-year-olds get arrested and jailed as adults    

ADVISOR:            Donahue, Kerry              

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Gokhale, Shibani            

TITLE:    Freelance Isn't Free: The conflict explored. The newly enacted Freelance Isn't Free Act makes New York City the first in the United States to legally protect freelancers, but is the protection enough?    

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Gomez, Amanda L.P.    

TITLE:    Managing and Affording Diabetes in NYC             

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Guo, Xinru        

TITLE:    Fighting to be a Citizen: Non-citizens join army to become Americans    

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ha, Lucy             

TITLE:    Aged Out            

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print and USB


AUTHOR:             Hajjaji, Danya  

TITLE:    Women Leave Islam: Closed Qur'ans, open wounds      

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hansen, Christine          

TITLE:    Shipyards, Naval Ambitions, and Sanctions: How Crimea's shipyards operate at the fringes of international law

ADVISOR:            Pierce, Olga      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Haq, Elizabeth

TITLE:    The Old Ones: Barriers to re-entry for formerly incarcerated older people           

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Harris, Emily Jelica          

TITLE:    Skin Beyond the Pale: Tattoo culture and changing perceptions in the public sphere and work life            

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hauptman, Maxwell     

TITLE:    The Frozen Moment     

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hauser, Micah

TITLE:    The Bronx Bombers' Big Balk: Yankee Charity Fund falls short on its promises     

ADVISOR:            Ornstein, Charles           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Haynes, Allana                

TITLE:    Black Lives Matter and the Black Church: The rise of a modern day civil rights movement              

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Herzig, Ilana     

TITLE:    Activism & Action            

ADVISOR:            Chin, Alan          

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hess, Taylor      

TITLE:    Hail Mary Robot               

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Holmes, Cale    

TITLE:    Swept Away, South of Canal Street: Chinatown struggles to retain its cultural roots        

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hong, Joseph   

TITLE:    The Maritime Koreas     

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Horowitz, Eli     

TITLE:    Wages Unpaid: Why workers can't collect their wages even after court rulings   

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             House, Jeremy

TITLE:    How Cities are Reshaping to Take on Racism       

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hu, Guanhong

TITLE:    A Trip to Uncertain Hope Chinese Women Head to America to Freeze Their Eggs              

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Hudson, Erin    

TITLE:    The Monument's Men: Remembering little Syria             

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ibarra, Alejandra            

TITLE:    Recheck Your Water: The tanks continue to weep           

ADVISOR:            Wilson, Duff     

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ibrahim, Mukhtar          

TITLE:    U.S. Counter Terrorism Program Meets Reality in Kenya               

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

AUTHOR:             Ibrahim, Noor  

TITLE:    Love in the Diaspora: Muslim women in interfaith marriages      

ADVISOR:            Padawer, Ruth                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Jain, Yen-Ting  

TITLE:    Rage Against the Dying of the Light: Tales of those living with progressive vision loss       

ADVISOR:            DePalma, Anthony        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Januta, Andrea

 TITLE:   Leave No Man Behind: How one court is changing the way Manhattan's criminal justice system treats veterans

ADVISOR:            Belkin, Lisa        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Javed, Haniya  

TITLE:    Denied the Right to be Muslims: The Ahmadis of Pakistan           

ADVISOR:            Hickey, Neil      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Jeans, David     

TITLE:    Behind the Veil of Pacific Flags Flown at Sea       

ADVISOR:            Bonner, Raymond         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Jiang, Mingtong              

TITLE:    Is It Ever too Late for a Home? Three journeys through foster care          

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Johnson, Darius              

TITLE:    Black, Gay, and Muslim               

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kamin, Jennie  

TITLE:    The United City-States of America: Trump's opposition and the leaders who will defy him            

ADVISOR:            Martin, Alyson                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kang, Sangsuk Sylvia     

TITLE:    Art, Great Again!            

ADVISOR:            Berman, Nina  

FORMAT:             Print and USB


AUTHOR:             Karakaya, Irem                

TITLE:    A Voyage in Darkness: Iranian company disguises oil tankers' identity during sanction years        

ADVISOR:            Stray, Jonathan               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Karlsson, Carl-Johan     

TITLE:    What Once was Theirs  

ADVISOR:            DePalma, Anthony        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kelley, Caitlin   

TITLE:    Political Comedy Equals Tragedy in Real-Time    

ADVISOR:            Kantrowitz, Barbara      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kerwin, Camila

TITLE:    Doomsday Preppers Are on the Air        

ADVISOR:            Weber, Tracy   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Khan, Imran Ahmad      

TITLE:    Syrian Refugees in a New America          

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kidangoor, Abhishyant Pradeep              

TITLE:    Barriers to Broadway: South-Asian artists struggle to make it in theater

ADVISOR:            Gissler, Sig        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kimball, Whitney            

TITLE:    Heimet, USA    

ADVISOR:            Heinzerling, Larry           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Klein, David      

TITLE:    The Service in Exile         

ADVISOR:            Heinzerling, Larry           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kocay, Lisa        

TITLE:    Students Face All Odds to Compete for a Shot at Their Dream    

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Koenigsfeldt, Caroline Lynggaard            

TITLE:    Break Point        

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kortyka, Lindsey             

TITLE:       Are There Any Spirits Here With Us Tonight?  : Investigating with ghost hunters             

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Krzaczek, Kathryn          

TITLE:    Requiem for a Private Life: The Instagram diaries of teens and why you should care        

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Kudelska, Kamila            

TITLE:    The South Shore and the Government Buyout  

ADVISOR:            Alarcon, Daniel                

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Lajka, Arijeta    

TITLE:    When You Can't Go Home: Syrian asylum seekers in New York  

ADVISOR:            Kantrowitz, Barbara      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Lau, Allison J.   

TITLE:    Love After Incarceration: How women out of prison approach the dating scene

ADVISOR:            Maharidge, Dale             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Law, Tara           

TITLE:    Refuge: Voices of Russian asylum seekers in New York City         

ADVISOR:            Singer, Amy      

FORMAT:             Print

AUTHOR:             Liautaud, Alexa               

TITLE:    Redefining Success: How Millennials are coping with modern uncertainty            

ADVISOR:            Maharidge, Dale             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Lim, Julian         

TITLE:    Breaking Impermanence             

ADVISOR:            DePalma, Anthony        

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Lin, Summer     

TITLE:    Tenant Displacement in Manhattan's Chinatown              

ADVISOR:            Boynton, Margaret       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Lin, Tony            

TITLE:    The Good Old Smuggling With a Modern Twist  

ADVISOR:            Sharp, Sonja     

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Liu, Luna            

TITLE:    The SHSAT: An unfair test? The debate over the admission exam for New York City's specialized high schools     

ADVISOR:            Kirchner, Lauren             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Liu, Senhao       

TITLE:    From Stories of Two White Patients, They Say Chinese Medicine Works               

ADVISOR:            Blum, David      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Liu, Xiaoxian     

TITLE:    Where Should the Horses in New York Go?        

ADVISOR:            Kann, Peter      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Long-Higgins, Hannah  

TITLE:    Aging Out of Place: Brooklyn's emerging elder diaspora

ADVISOR:            Chin, Alan          

FORMAT:             Print and USB


AUTHOR:             Loureiro Fernandez, Adriana    

TITLE:    The Fear of the Others

ADVISOR:            Berman, Nina  

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Lu, Amy              

TITLE:    Kpop Star           

ADVISOR:            Hiatt, Anna       

FORMAT:             Print and USB


AUTHOR:             Lu, Yi    

TITLE:    Live Stream Becomes a Life Style and a Business              

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ma, Jiani            

TITLE:    Chinatown Tenants Combated Predatory Landlords       

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Macalulay, Modupe Cecilia        

TITLE:    The Hidden Face of Black Infertility         

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Malekian, Somayeh      

TITLE:    Displacement: Longing to belong             

ADVISOR:            Wayne, Leslie

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Marrelli, Megan              

TITLE:    Illegal Streetracing in New York

ADVISOR:            DePalma, Anthony        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Martin, Patrick

TITLE:    The Future of New York Gun Regulation Under the Trump Administration           

ADVISOR:            Sharp, Sonja     

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Maschke, Alena              

TITLE:    Searching for Sanctuary

ADVISOR:            Lesser, Ben       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Masud, Nafisa

TITLE:    Living in Limbo: The struggles to redefine Muslim identity in America     

ADVISOR:            Aaron, Katherine           

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             McGowan, Sean             

TITLE:    Breathing Underwater

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Mehboob, Danish          

TITLE:    The Once Percent: Surviving in a Resettlement system of chance             

ADVISOR:            Meagher, Thomas         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Melendez, Pilar              

TITLE:    Snapchat, Surgeries, and Brain Scans: The extreme of social media addiction     

ADVISOR:            Sharp, Sonja     

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Merritt, Margie               

TITLE:    Struggling to Survive: The hardships of re-entering society for formerly incarcerated mentally ill people

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Meza, Summer               

TITLE:    Easier to Get Started, Harder to Stand Out: New York DHs search for success    

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Mierjeski, Alexander    

TITLE:    How New York's Criminal Justice System Fails 16- and 17-Year-Olds         

ADVISOR:            Clark, Alexis      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Miller, Leila       

TITLE:    Breath by Breath             

ADVISOR:            Blum, David      

FORMAT:             Print     

AUTHOR:             Misra, Saranya

 TITLE:   The Business of Online Beauty: YouTube's ambitious gurus         

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Moazami, Yassaman     

TITLE:    The Perfect Muslim: Beneath the Hijab. Blending religion and style. A look at how many Muslim women feel about wearing the hijab, and gaining more representation in mainstream fashion. No doubt a woman's hijab is an external sign of her religion, but the strength of her faith comes from her inner-self       

ADVISOR:            Belkin, Lisa        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Morris, Abigail

TITLE:    Childless by Choice: The social lives of childfree women

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Muldowney, Decca Maria          

TITLE:    Stolen Sisters: Missing and murdered Native American women in the United States       

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Nayar, Anjali    

TITLE:    Towards Non-Incarceration: How community criminal courts are struggling from offender rehabilitation in a broken misdemeanor system

ADVISOR:            Kirchner, Lauren             

FORMAT:             Print


AUTHOR:             Nevitt, Chloe    TITLE:    Back to Berlin    

ADVISOR:            Alarcon, Daniel                

FORMAT:             Print and USB


AUTHOR:             Nixon, Priya      

TITLE:    Climate Change Uncertainties, Truth, and Post-Truth    

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Nyathi, Tanya Tsitsi       

TITLE:    Defying the Fear of Mugabe: How social media fueled hope to a Zimbabwean crisis and put a man's life in danger               

ADVISOR:            Maharidge, Dale             

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ojeda, Hillary   

TITLE:    Flatbush Diabetes           

ADVISOR:            Kann, Peter      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Oliver, Joshua  

TITLE:    In Google We Trust: The search giant is moving to fix one of the internet's oldest security flaws, but should we let them?  

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Osman, Roda   

TITLE:    White Affinity Groups   

ADVISOR:            Cooper, Ann    

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Otten, Torrence             

TITLE:    Ink         

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print


AUTHOR:             Pacheco, Inti    

TITLE:    Exploiting the Gaps of Regulation in the Maritime Industry          

ADVISOR:            Stray, Jonathan               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Park, Andrea    

TITLE:    Abstaining From Reality: The trouble with Texas' assistance-based sex education

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Pathak, Sushmita Sudhir             

TITLE:    Shut it Down: The uncertain future of nuclear energy in America              

ADVISOR:            Hickey, Neil

 FORMAT:            Print     


AUTHOR:             Pennamon, Tiffany       

TITLE:    Healing Figures: A restorative revolution for black women with depression         

ADVISOR:            Boynton, Margaret       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Perera, Katryna              

TITLE:    A Man in a Woman's World: Stories of men who entered   pink-collar   jobs and found success  

ADVISOR:            Clark, Alexis      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Person, Imani  

TITLE:    Part Indian: The two worlds of a Native woman

ADVISOR:            Schoonmaker, MaryEllen           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Pesantez, Nathaly         

TITLE:    Briana's Law: The politics of caring           

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Peterson, Pia   

TITLE:    Pungo  

ADVISOR:            Alarcon, Daniel                

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Pham, Jason     

TITLE:    Ugly Truth: Sexual harassment in the male modeling industry    

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Piccolo, Thomas              

TITLE:    To Heal with Humor       

ADVISOR:            Donahue, Kerry              

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Pishdadian, Erica            

TITLE:    No Intent, No Problem: How the felony murder rule makes criminals into murderers        

ADVISOR:            Bruder, Jessica                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Prager, Danielle              

TITLE:    Online Dating in the Kink and Fetish Community: More opportunity and more risk           

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print

AUTHOR:             Prince, Lauren

 TITLE:   Twice the Minority: Muslim women wearing hijabs confront Islamaphobia          

ADVISOR:            Luhby, Tami      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Proctor, Katherine         

TITLE:    The Flood Next Time: Resident of North Carolina's oldest black-founded town weigh history v. high ground        

ADVISOR:            Hickey, Neil      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Purcell, Lindsay               

TITLE:    Immigrant and Health Care: How one organization is helping immigrants succeed while addressing the needs of a rapidly aging population               

ADVISOR:            Stabiner, Karen               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Raftis, Alaina    

TITLE:    America's   Unchurched   Millennials: Ditching the pew but keeping the faith     

ADVISOR:            Blair, Gwenda  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ralph, Patrick   

TITLE:    Beep Baseball   

ADVISOR:            Kann, Peter      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ranjit, Bimina  

TITLE:    Enlisting in the Military: A path to citizenship      

ADVISOR:            Wayne, Leslie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Runcie, Ayanna Iris        

TITLE:    Violence Begets Violence: Black women tell how being abuse helped put them behind bars       

ADVISOR:            Isabel, Lonnie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Sadeque, Syeda Samira               

TITLE:    Survivors in Secret: The silent lives of childhood sexual abuse survivors in the south Asian diaspora in the U.S.   

ADVISOR:            Hiatt, Anna       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Saint-Vil, Sweenie         

TITLE:    Hip-Hop Hooray: Hip-hop therapy helps young people address emotional and social issues         

ADVISOR:            Barclay, Dolores              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Sangmo, Tenzin              

TITLE:    US Based Tibetan Women Activists Working for Tibet    

ADVISOR:            Blum, David      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Savage, Gia       

TITLE:    Between Tradition and Progress: Spelman considers transgender admission. The revered college for women finds that its twin missions may complicate a big decision        

ADVISOR:            Hoyt, Michael

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Schuetz, Rebecca           

TITLE:    Measuring Up: A renewal school that met its benchmarks may still be slated to close     

ADVISOR:            Weber, Tracy   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Schwab, Kristin               

TITLE:    A North American Dream: Americans Seeking Political Refuge in Canada               

ADVISOR:            Cooper, Ann    

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Scott, Rebecca                

TITLE:    Devout but Divided: Hasids sue for secular education    

ADVISOR:            Benedict, Helen              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Sekine, Sara     

TITLE:    The Other Side of Cancer            

ADVISOR:            Alarcon, Daniel                

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Seyler, Matthew            

TITLE:    A Social Justice Apostasy: Campus speech in theory and practice              

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Shad, Nadeem                

TITLE:    Breaking the Cycle: Leaving the Brooklyn underworld    

ADVISOR:            Hiatt, Anna       

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Shen, Dailin      

TITLE:    Learning and Measuring User Behavior in News Reading              

ADVISOR:            McGregor, Susan           

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Shi, Jessie          

TITLE:    Chinese-American, but Neither Chinese Nor American                

ADVISOR:            Wayne, Leslie  

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Siegman, Alex

TITLE:    The Cost of Running a Professional Women's Sports League       

ADVISOR:            Grueskin, William           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Singh, Ana         

TITLE:    The Paradigm of Punishment: Elderly violent offenders and parole         

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Singh, Preeti    

TITLE:    How Women are Returning to Work After a Career Break            

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Situma, Anade                

TITLE:    Untitled              

ADVISOR:            Heinzerling, Larry           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Smole, Maria   

TITLE:    Paralympic Athletes: The reality between disability and disparity

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Steindecker, Alisha       

TITLE:    Local Newspapers Fight the Good Fight Despite Nationwide Decline       

ADVISOR:            Fisher, Ian         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Steve, Kristin M.             

TITLE:    The Justice Gap: Falling in            

ADVISOR:            Kleman, Kimberly          

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Sullivan, Katherine        

TITLE:    Plea Bargain Ban in Queens Court Presents Defendants with Impossible Choice

ADVISOR:            Protess, Benjamin         

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Tenreyro, Tatiana          

TITLE:    Our Band could Save a Life: A community of bands formed by bonding over mental disorders    

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Tian, Siqi            

TITLE:    Are New York City's Gay Bars Dying? Or just evolving?   

ADVISOR:            Martin, Alyson                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Torres, Reuben A.         

TITLE:    Amidst Social Chaos, Tow Cities Find Musical Harmony

ADVISOR:            Sharp, Sonja     

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Tsuru, Kylee     

TITLE:    Permanency Pending: Reuniting families drives New York's foster care system, but can leave foster children in limbo    

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ulbricht, Emilia                

TITLE:    A Day in Bronx Housing Court    

ADVISOR:            Cooper, Ann    

FORMAT:             Print     

AUTHOR:             Uriegas Fabian, Fernanda           

TITLE:    A Crack in the Mirror: The families of the wrongfully convicted  

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             VanMetre, Elizabeth    

TITLE:    The Real Brooklyn Mom               

ADVISOR:            Belkin, Lisa        

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Venkataramakrishnan, Siddharth           

TITLE:    Hormone-Changing Pollutants Set to Worsen Under New Administration            

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Villa Rodriguez, Jose Manuel    

TITLE:    Waterless Ports: Landlocked countries' problematic ship registration systems    

ADVISOR:            Segnini, Giannina           

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Vinopal, Courtney         

TITLE:    News, Trust, and the Opposition Party: Media crusaders' battle for a common ground  

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Vitkute, Demi  

TITLE:    No Better Export Than Higher Education              

ADVISOR:            Martin, Alyson                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Wang, Aoyang

TITLE:    First-Year Experiences: Coming to America         

ADVISOR:            Shapiro, Michael            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Wang, Chi-An  

TITLE:    Extract Pitching Location Data From Baseball Broadcast Video    

ADVISOR:            McGregor, Susan           

FORMAT:             Print and USB   


AUTHOR:             Watson, Kirsten A.        

TITLE:    Franchise Player and Disenfranchised Player: The continuing challenges of the black quarterback             

ADVISOR:            McManus, Jane              

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Wesley-Majsiak, Brianna            

TITLE:    Twentysomething and Having a Preventative Double-Mastectomy         

ADVISOR:            Bruder, Jessica                

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Wizner, Taylor

TITLE:    Heroin Island: The surge of opioid overdose deaths in Staten Island        

ADVISOR:            Cooper, Ann    

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Xie, Kawala       

TITLE:    How a Mormon Church in Chinatown Helps Refugees Resettle: Immigrants escaping domestic violence seek better lives in New York City    

ADVISOR:            Span, Paula       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Ybarra, Suzanne             

TITLE:    Is Kindergarten the New First Grade?    

ADVISOR:            Tsiantar, Doris

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Young, Bernadette        

TITLE:    Who Says There Aren't Bookstores in Harlem?  

ADVISOR:            Kann, Peter      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zhang, Ruinan

TITLE:    Standardized Tests and Limited Resources Discourage Minority Students From Enrolling in Gifted Programs in the Bronx   

ADVISOR:            Hancock, Lynnell            

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zhang, Zhiming               

TITLE:    The King of Brooklyn: A problem solver

ADVISOR:            Hiatt, Anna       

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zhao, Xuejie     

TITLE:    Is that Bike Legal? The curious case of E-bikes in New York          

ADVISOR:            Coyne, Kevin   

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zhu, Yuqing      

TITLE:    Beyond Entertainment: Virtual reality startups in New York City develop products beyond video games

ADVISOR:            Kann, Peter      

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zimmer, Katarina Sigourney      

TITLE:    How to Launder Illegally Caught Fish into the Market? Use transshipment           

ADVISOR:            Stray, Jonathan               

FORMAT:             Print     


AUTHOR:             Zissmann, Rebecca        

TITLE:    Access to Parks in Hunts Point Key to Better Children's Health   

ADVISOR:            Baum, Geraldine Emily                

FORMAT:             Print