The Pine Tree Scholars program introduces Columbia and Barnard graduate and undergraduate students to the crafts associated with fine book production, such as typography, letterpress printing, bookbinding, and papermaking, as well as to the rare and art book trades. Most of these sessions include a hands-on component but no prior experience is necessary. All mandatory sessions will take place on Friday afternoons; two optional sessions take place other times.
This program is open to students in all departments and programs. All costs of instruction and ticket fees and lunches will be covered by Columbia and Barnard through the generosity of the Pine Tree Foundation. The program is run by Morgan Adams, Mellon Conservator for Special Collections, Columbia University Libraries; Teresa Harris, Curator of Avery Classics at Columbia's Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library; and Melina Moe, Curator of Literature at Columbia's Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
An informational session for the 2019-2020 program will be held in Butler Library room 523 from 3-4pm on Friday, September 20. Program directors and past students will be available to answer questions about the program. Anybody interested is welcome to join program directors as they head to the Art Book Fair @PS1 afterward. This is not part of the program and attendance is not required to apply to the program.
Fall 2019
September 20 Informational session + visit to the Art Book Fair @PS1
October 11 Letterpress printing workshop
November 8 Papermaking workshop and monotype and linotype printing demonstration
November 15 Tour of the Columbia University Libraries Conservation Lab + end of semester party
Spring 2020
January 24 RBML Bibliography Week lecture + reception (Optional)
February 14 Conservation Lab Tour
March 7 New York Antiquarian Book Fair (Optional)
March 27 Bookbinding workshop
April 10 Zinemaking workshop and party
April 17 Paper Marbling
Read more information regarding the 2018-2019 program
To apply, please email the information requested below in the body of an email to by Friday, September 27, 2019.
Please note that we receive many more applications to this program than there are spaces, so while it's always good to be succinct, do make sure to clearly and enthusiastically explain why this program interests you. Also, out of thoughtfulness to others please do not apply unless you are confident that you can make all of the mandatory sessions. If you anticipate holiday or weekend travel or an internship commitment that will interfere with your attendance, please don't take a space that could go to somebody else!
Degree program and year:
Email address and UNI:
What previous experience do you have with book arts and crafts? What about with rare books or rare book libraries?
In 3-5 sentences, why are you interested in this program?