Mathematics Library
The Mathematics Library holds two distinct collections. The mathematics collection covers algebra, number theory, geometry, topology, statistics, and probability. The science collection consists of general and multidisciplinary materials including the history of science and technology. The library features seating and study spaces for students and researchers.

Libraries Acquire Full-Text Corpus Data
The Libraries recently acquired 12 full-text corpus datasets, including the comprehensive Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), which will help researchers across many disciplines to understand how language is and has been used around the world.

Jim Babcock
Library Specialist
- Science, Engineering, & Social Sciences Libraries

Amanda Bielskas
- Science, Engineering, & Social Sciences Libraries

Jim Crocamo
Head, Access and User Experience
- Science, Engineering, & Social Sciences Libraries

William B. Vanti
Science & Engineering Librarian
- Science, Engineering, & Social Sciences Libraries
View All Science, Engineering, and Social Science library staff