RDS Workshops
This list contains correnly offered workshops by RDS. Not all of these are offered each semester, and some are offered only once, and some are repeated throughout the academic year. To learn more about any of these workshops, request an on-demand workshop, or request a class visit on any of these topics, please send us an email at data@library.columbia.edu. To see upcoming workshops visit the workshops calendar.
Remote and in-person workshops
Don't see the workshop you need? Reach out to us!
Beyond Google
In this workshop we go beyond our own collections and even Google itself in order to explore advanced research techniques. The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of possibilities for finding data sets or documents in the open web.
Introduction to the Census COVID-19 Data Hub
An overview of demographic and economic data resources from the Census COVID-19 Data Hub for all interested in using the Census data for COVID-related data analysis and research.
Introduction to GIS techniques and cartographic visualization in R and Rstudio
Introduces GIS techniques and cartographic visualization in R and RStudio.
Panel Data Analysis using Stata
Introduces how to run linear and non-linear panel data regressions using Stata.
Plotting Models Using R
Introduces several aspects of how to display regression output using R, including plotting models with and without interaction terms, comparing different models’ coefficients, plotting regression output in a tidy table, plotting by sub-groups.
Plotting Tables Using R
Introduces how to manipulate and visualize tabular data, primarily using the ggplot2 and dplyr R packages.
R: Basics
Introduces the RStudio IDE (Integrated development environment) features and how to manage your work in RStudio.
R: Data Structures
Introduces basic but important data terms in R such as data types, factor, data frame, and explores data structures in RStudio based on these terms.
R: Data Visualization using gglot2
A brief introduction for creating publication-quality graphs using the ggplot2 package.
Resource Guide for Learning Julia
Introduction to resources for learning Julia, an emerging programming language for large scale data computing. This is an information session for data literacy purpose rather than a hands-on coding session.
Research Data Management: Plans and More
As using some kind of data becomes a part of research programs in more and more fields, the need for good research data management also grows more acute. In this workshop, learners will be introduced to conceiving of research data as part of a cyclical process of research, the research data life-cycle. They will also be introduced to specific services Columbia provides in helping them manage their research data.
Studio Workshop PhD Gitsertation 1: Git + Dissertation
Git is free software for creating and managing reproducible, portable, sustainable, and integrated scholarship. The underlying Git system is extremely useful for writing and managing a complex research project, such as a dissertation or monograph.
Librarian Moacir P. de Sá Pereira leads two “PhD Gitsertation” workshops to help new learners install and use Git and integrate it into their research workflow.
Survey Data Analysis using Stata
Introduces basic descriptive and inferential analysis for survey data using Stata.
Streaming content
Coding with the Dead
Research Data Librarian Moacir P. de Sá Pereira streams on Tuesdays, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm New York time, for the Studio Remote’s Coding with the Dead where Moacir works on, and builds Wandertext, a project dedicated to creating datasets, thereby providing a semantically rich catalog of places referred to in various “texts” (understood broadly) that can then be cross-referenced with each other.
Studio Remote
Season one was streamed live on Twitch, now archived and available to watch on the Columbia University Libraries Studio YouTube channel. Season one, The Rose Hall Project, focused on building a digital scholarship project from the ground up.