Study Spaces
Columbia Libraries offer a variety of services and amenities for your studying needs. What type of space are you looking for?
Video conferencing is allowed in the following designated locations:
- Barnard (Milstein Center) [group study rooms]
- Butler Library [rooms 202 and 209; group study rooms 403A, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409A]
- Business & Economics Library [all spaces except 2M]
- Science & Engineering Library [400 level, group study rooms 605, 606]
- Lehman Social Sciences Library [group study rooms 327.1 and 327.2, room 329A, room 207]
- Social Work Library [group study rooms 204, 205, 206]
- Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library
- Barnard (Milstein Center) [400 level]
- The Burke Library
- Business & Economics Library [2M]
- Butler Library [Rooms 301, 502-504, 601, 602, 603, 604, 607, Stacks]
- Starr East Asian Library
- Jewish Theological Seminary Library
- Lehman Library
- Mathematics Library
- Music & Arts Library
- Science & Engineering Library [600 level]
- Social Work Library
- Butler Library: [Rooms 202, 209, 403A, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409A]
- Barnard (Milstein Center) [200 level, group study rooms on 100, 200 and 300 levels]
- Business & Economics Library [all spaces except 2M]
- Lehman Social Sciences Library [group study rooms 327.1 and 327.2, room 329A, room 207]
- Science & Engineering Library [400 level, group study rooms 605, 606]
- Social Work Library [group study rooms 204, 205, 206]
- Teachers College Library
- Butler Library [24/7 during Fall and Spring semesters: Floors 2, 3, 4]
- Business & Economics Library
- Lehman Library
- Science & Engineering Library
During midterms & finals additional spaces may be available and some libraries offer extended hours. Check the hours calendar for more information.
Current Columbia, Barnard, and Union Theological Seminary students can use our Room Reservation system to reserve a room for collaborative group study and/or presentation practice. Rooms are available in Butler Library, the Lehman Social Sciences Library, and the Science & Engineering Library.
Matthew C. Baker
Head, The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary
(212) 851-5611The Burke Library - 3041 Broadway Union Theological Seminary
- Christian Theology
- Religion
Ian Beilin
Research Collections & Services Librarian
(212) 853-0627Butler Library - 309 Butler Library
- Germanic Literature & Language
- Philosophy
- Reference
Amanda Bielskas
(212) 854-6767Science & Engineering Library - 403 Northwest Corner Building
- Climate Research
- Geology & Geosciences
Caro Bratnober
Public Services Librarian
(212) 851-5609The Burke Library - 3041 Broadway Union Theological Seminary
- Biblical Studies
- Christian Theology
- Disability Studies
- LGBTQ Studies
- Religion
Katherine Brooks
Collection Analysis Librarian
(212) 854-4119Science & Engineering Library - 405 Northwest Corner Building
- Anthropology, Physical
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Microbiology
- Physics
- Psychology
Yuusuf Caruso
African Studies Librarian
(212) 854-8045Global Studies - 309 International Affairs
- African Studies (South of Sahara)
Tanya Chebotarev
Curator, Bakhmeteff Archive
(212) 854-3986Rare Book & Manuscript Library - 6th Floor East Butler Library
- Slavic Studies (Archives)
Jim Cheng
Director, C.V. Starr East Asian Library
(212) 854-1508C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 305M Kent Hall
- East Asian Film Studies
- East Asian Institute
Ben Chiewphasa
Social Sciences & Policy Librarian
(212) 853-4255Lehman Social Sciences Library - 328 International Affairs International Affairs
- Anthropology, Cultural
- Political Science
- School of International and Public Affairs
- Sociology
Madiha Zahrah Choksi
Digital Learning & Emerging Technologies Specialist
(212) 853-2509Butler Library - 208A Butler Library
- Digital Methods in the Classroom
- Digital Scholarship
Jenny Davis
Research Services Librarian
(212) 854-6745Avery Library - 224 Avery Hall
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art History
- Fine Arts
- Historic Preservation
- Real Estate Development
- Urban Planning
Robert H. Davis
Russian, Eurasian & East European Studies Librarian
(212) 854-4701Global Studies - 309 International Affairs
- East Central Europe, Institute on
- East European Studies
- Harriman Institute
- Slavic Studies
Kristina Dy-Liacco
Tibetan Studies Librarian
(212) 854-9875C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 304M Kent Hall
- Tibetan Studies
Nancy Friedland
Librarian for Butler Media, Film Studies, & Performing Arts
(212) 854-7402Butler Library - 309 Butler Library
- Dance
- Film
- Media
- Theatre
Eric Glass
GIS/Metadata Librarian
(212) 854-8878Lehman Social Sciences Library - 212 International Affairs
- Maps & GIS
Pamela M. Graham
Director, Humanities & Global Studies; Director, Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research
(212) 854-3630Butler Library - 309B Butler Library
- Human Rights
Karen Green
Curator, Comics & Cartoons; Lecturer in English & Comparative Literature
(212) 853-0429Rare Book & Manuscript Library - 6M50 Butler Library
- Graphic Novels
- Greek, Modern
Teresa M. Harris
Director, Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library
(212) 854-3068Avery Library - 230 Avery Hall
- Architectural Rare Books
Gary Hausman
South Asian Studies Librarian
(212) 854-8401Global Studies - 309 International Affairs
- Buddhist Studies
- South Asian Studies
- South Pacific and Oceania Studies
- Southeast Asian Studies
Esther Jackson
Scholarly Communication Technologies Librarian
212-853-3429Butler Library - 208A Butler Library
- Researcher IDs & Profiles
Ria Koopmans-Debruijn
Head of Public Services / East Asian Studies Librarian
(212) 854-1505C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 310 Kent Hall
- East Asian Studies
Kae Bara Kratcha
Social Work & Professional Studies Librarian
(212) 854-8813Social Work Library - 210 School of Social Work
- School of Professional Studies
- Social Work
Peter Magierski
Middle East & Islamic Studies Librarian
(212) 854-3995Global Studies - 309 International Affairs
- African Studies (North of Sahara)
- Arabic Literature & Languages
- Armenian Studies
- Iran Center
- Islamic Studies
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Turkish Studies
Michelle Margolis
Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies
(212) 854-8046Global Studies - 309 International Affairs
- Hebrew Literature & Language
- Jewish & Israeli Studies
- Yiddish Literature & Language
Jeremiah R. Mercurio
Head, Humanities and History
(212) 853-1478Butler Library - 309A Butler Library
- Linguistics
Sydni Meyer
Teaching and Undergraduate Services Librarian
212-853-4706Butler Library - 309G Butler Library
- Columbia College
- Columbia FLI Partnership
- School of General Studies
- Undergraduate Services
Rina E Pantalony
Director, Copyright Advisory Services
(212) 851-0757Copyright Advisory Services - 507D Butler Library
- Copyright
Nick Patterson
Head, Gabe M. Weiner Music & Arts Library
(212) 854-8523Music & Arts Library - 701-E Dodge Hall
- Electronic Music Center
- Music
Nickeisha Pencil
Business & Entrepreneurship Librarian
(212) 851-2195Business & Economics Library in Uris - 130 Uris Hall
- Business
- Entrepreneurship
Kathryn Pope
Digital Repository Manager
(212) 851-2856Butler Library - 208 Butler Library
- Institutional Repository
- Researcher IDs & Profiles
- Scholarly Communication
Yasmin Saira
Research Support & Collection Development Librarian
(212) 854-5467Business & Economics Library in Uris - 130 Uris Hall
- Business
- Economics
Chiaki Sakai
Japanese Studies Librarian
(212) 854-1506C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 308M Kent Hall
- Donald Keene Center for Japanese Culture
- Japanese Studies
Christine M. Sala
Architecture & Fine Arts Librarian
(212) 854-4629Avery Library - 223 Avery Hall
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art History
- Fine Arts
- Historic Preservation
- Real Estate Development
- Urban Planning
Emily Schmidt
Journalism & Government Information Librarian
(212) 854-3916Journalism Library - 204A Pulitzer Hall Pulitzer Hall
- Government Information
- Journalism
Hee-Sook Shin
Korean Studies Librarian
(212) 854-1507C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 310M Kent Hall
- Korean Studies
Jane Siegel
Rare Book Librarian
(212) 854-8482Butler Library - 6th Floor East Butler Library
- Graphic Arts
- Rare Books
Kimberly Springer
Curator of Oral History
(212) 854-7083Oral History Archives - 6M50 Butler Library
- Oral History
Moacir P. de Sá Pereira
Research Data Librarian
(212) 854-0514Lehman Social Sciences Library - 311 International Affairs
- Research Data
John L. Tofanelli
Research Collections & Services Librarian
(212) 854-4356Butler Library - 309 Butler Library
- African-American Studies
- American Literature & Language
- Asian American Studies
- English Literature & Language
- History (American & British)
- Latinx Studies
- Native American Studies
Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen
Head, Research Data Services
(212) 854-5664Lehman Social Sciences Library - 311 International Affairs
- Research Data
William B. Vanti
Science & Engineering Librarian
(212) 851-7138Science & Engineering Library - 404 Northwest Corner Building
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Mathematics & Statistics
Chengzhi Wang
Chinese Studies Librarian
(212) 854-3721C.V. Starr East Asian Library - 307M Kent Hall
- Chinese Studies
- Hong Kong Area Studies
- Taiwan Area Studies
Jeffrey Wayno
Collection Services Librarian
(212) 851-5608The Burke Library - 3041 Broadway Union Theological Seminary
- Classics
- History (Ancient & Medieval)
- Religion
Western European Studies Librarian (Vacant)
Western European Studies Librarian (Vacant)
Butler Library - 309 Butler LibrarySubjects:
- Comparative Literature
- French & Romance Literature & Language
- History (Renaissance & Western European)
- History of Science
- Italian Literature & Language
- Scandinavian Literature & Language
Jocelyn K. Wilk
University Archivist
212-854-1338Rare Book & Manuscript Library - 6th Floor East Butler Library
- Columbia University History
Sarah Witte
Research Collections & Services Librarian: Women & Gender Studies
(212) 854-5492Butler Library - 309 Butler Library
- Gender & Sexuality Studies
- LGBTQ Studies
- Women's Studies
Wei Yin
Research Support & Data Services Librarian
(212) 854-5272Lehman Social Sciences Library - 328 International Affairs
- Research Data
The Libraries offers lab spaces, specialized software, and staff with specific expertise in a range of software and technologies.
Here is an index of software available in the Libraries.