Economic Development, Education, & Environmental Affairs

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  • International Trade Centre: Strategic Market Research Group Country Reports, 2006 (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland)
    Select a country and download reports in PDF files: statistical information on exports and imports. "ITC...created by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1964 and since 1968 has been operated jointly by GATT (now by the World Trade Organization, or WTO) and the UN, the latter acting through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)."
  • Jubilee Plus: Supporting Economic Justice Campaigns Worldwide formerly Jubilee 2000 Coalition. (London, Washington, DC, Johannesburg, etc.)



  • Kabissa - Space on the Internet for the African Non-Profit Sector (Washington, DC)
    • Warning: As of January 8, 2018, the Kabissa site is still offline. An extensive clearinghouse and website provider, with news reports on "social justice" from various online news services, opinions, and links to information about African NGOs, as well as general Africa links.
    • Pambazuka newsletter. (Online) -- Oxford, UK; Cape Town, South Africa: Pambazuka, (2000) 2001-
      Formerly Kabissa-Fahamu Newsletter: Current weekly issue and back issues since December 2000.
  • Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen = Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    The website of this research institute contains much information on various research projects under way or completed by KIT, plus a wide selection of related links on development, gender, children, and health issues in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.



  • Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI) (Windhoek, Namibia)
    The website includes contact information --- and online research reports, workshop papers, and other publications in HTML format...many with a regional focus. "The institute aims to assist the Namibian labour movement in building its capacity....[including]: a collecting, updating and releasing information in an accessible form; a establishing and maintaining a database on the Namibian economy and industrial relations; a designing and undertaking training programmes for trade unions; a providing a platform for discussions on labour and socio-economic issues, [etc.]"


  • NewGlobe (New Globe Schools, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts)
    "Newglobe supports national and state governments by creating powerful technology-enabled education systems." This foundation helps build schools and train teachers. It has worked in African countries such as Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda.
    --See especially: NewGlobe publications (via
  • The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) (NBI Secretariat, Entebbe, Uganda)
    General information about the programme and its committees. "[Launched in Dar es Salaam in February 1999] ... The NBI is a regional partnership within which countries of the Nile basin have united in common pursuit of the sustainable development and management of Nile waters. ... supersedes the disbanded 'Technical Co-operation Committee for the Promotion of the Development & Environmental Protection of the Nile Basin.'" See also, Map of the Nile River Basin (Source: The World Bank)
  • Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation on Africa (Oslo, Norway)
    --Search also: Publications on Norwegian development aid
  • Nyaka  (East Lansing, Michigan; Kampala, Uganda)
    Formerly Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project, founded in 2001 by Twesigye Jackson Kaguri: The official web site of a community-based project with a wholistic approach to education for children and their families in southwestern Uganda. "To provide a high-quality, free education, both formal and informal, to children who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS in order to counteract pervasive hunger, poverty and systemic deprivation."
  • Obama Foundation: Leaders : Africa, 2018-2023 (Chicago, Illinois and Washington, DC, USA)
    "...a one-year leadership development and civic engagement program designed to train, support, and connect emerging African leaders working to create positive change in their communities."
  • Observatoire Sahara et Sahel = Sahel and Sahara Observatory (Tunis, Tunisie; via UNESCO, Paris, France)
    "L'OSS est une organisation internationale membres sont des pays d'Afrique et d'Europe, quatre organisations sous-régionales, des organisations régionales, des agences du système des Nations-unies et une ONG internationale."
    --Le site comprend la Publications de l'OSS
  • ODINAFRICA: Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization--UNESCO, Paris, France)
    This website outlines various programs of the ODINAFRICA--a project involving about 20 African countries. The site includes current and recent news, conference information, and other data about Africa's oceanic resources.

  • OER Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Braamfontein, South Africa)
    "...a ground-breaking initiative established by the South African Institute for Distance Education (Saide). We play a leading role in supporting higher education institutions across Africa in the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) to enhance teaching and learning."
    --See especially: OER Sites & Repositories
  • PEP: Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network (via Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
    • The site offers a searchable digital library of policy briefs, working papers, and reports. The PEP Africa office is located in Dakar, Senegal. "...a global network of developing country researchers with the skills and reputation to participate in and influence national and international academic and policy debates on poverty issues."
    • PEP-NET Publications
  • Power Shift Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)
    "PSA’s mission is to mobilise climate action in Africa, amplify African voices through increased visibility in media and public communications, and leveraging this voice internationally."
    --See especially: Publications



  • RAP21--Réseau africain de presse pour le 21ème siècle = African Press Network for the 21st century (World Association of Newspapers, Paris, France)
    Le site offre un bulletin d'information --en français et en anglais-- sur la gestion des médias et les violations de la liberté de la presse sur le continent. "[Lancé en septembre 2000 en liaison avec l'Union des Editeurs de Presse d'Afrique Centrale] un réseau électronique pour la presse africaine, qui sert de plate-forme d'échange d'idées et d'informations, et de forum de discussion entre les directeurs de journaux, les journalistes et les autres professionnels des médias sur le continent africain."
  • ROPPA--Réseau des organisations paysannes et des producteurs agricoles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
    A ce site, on peut lire les actualités et plusieurs rapports à propos des activités de l'organisation: les actes des ateliers, des colloques; et les propositions en français ou en anglais. << Le ROPPA a formellement été fondé en juillet 2000 lors d'une rencontre à Cotonou qui a rassemblé ... des organisations ou cadres de concertation de 10 pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Bénin, Burkina Faos, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambie, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sénégal, Togo) l'ambition est d'accueillir des organisations paysannes de l'ensemble des pays de la CEDEAO...>>
  • Sahel point DOC: anthologie du développement au Sahel -- Paris, France: UNESCO, Division de l'Information et de l'Informatique, 1999. --via New Zealand Digital Library, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
    Une petite archive de documents numérisés fournies par la Banque Mondiale, Centre Songhaï, OECD--Club du Sahel, CILSS, FAO, PNUD, et par quelques autres organisations sur la zone sahelienne.
  • SARPN--Southern African Regional Poverty Network (Pretoria, South Africa)
    A consultancy website rich in development-related news, other news on human rights and health issues, project and conference reports, and related links for the region.
  • SARW--Southern Africa Resource Watch (Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa)
    The site features news, information about recent books, country legislation watch, contact information for country ministries, and downloadable research reports and papers on extractive industries in 10 southern African countries -- outside of South Africa, plus a field office in the Democratic Republic of Congo. "To monitor corporate and state conduct in the extraction and beneficiation of natural resources in Southern Africa region, in particular assessing to what extent these efforts contribute to sustainable consolidate research and advocacy on natural resources extraction issues in Southern Africa."
  • Save the Children, UK: Policy Resources (London)
    A searchable library of downloadable publications on various African countries; mostly in PDF format.
  • SchoolNet Africa (2020)  (Dakar, Senegal ; Johannesburg, South Africa)
    The website --in English or French-- includes information on ICTs and computers in schools, reports on ICTs & education in Africa, programs, conferences & workshops, etc. "[Founded in 1999] SchoolNet Africa is one of Africa's first African-led, African-based non-government organisations (NGO) that operates across the continent in its endeavour to improve education access, quality and efficiency through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African schools."
  • SSATP African Transport Policy Program. World Bank Group. (Washington, DC)
    "With the goal of ensuring that all Africans have access to, and are served by, safe, sustainable and reliable transport systems, SSATP actively partners with African member countries, development partners, regional economic communities, and other private and public sector organizations."
    --See especially: SSATP Publications



  • International Centre for Tax and Development (Brighton, UK)
    Funded by DFID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
    "[Established in November 2010]...a global policy research network, devoted to improving the quality of tax policy and administration in developing countries, with a special focus on sub-Saharan Africa."
    --See especially: Publications -and- Datase
  • Third World Network Africa (Accra, Ghana)
    The site features news analysis, some downloadable reports, and related links.
    "TWN Africa is a Non Governmental Organisation which carries out Research and Advocacy on issues of social and economic policy that advances the needs and interests of peoples of African and other third world countries (especially marginalized social groups), a fair distribution of world's resources, and forms of development which are sustainable and fulfil human needs."
  • United Nations Agencies on Africa (including UN Economic Commission for Africa, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNEP, and UN Industrial Development Organization) via Columbia University
  • Fourth  United Nations Environment Assembly, March 11-15, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya (via UN Environment Programme, Nairobi)
    "Three areas of focus: (a) tackling the environmental challenges related to poverty and natural resources management, including sustainable food systems, food security and halting biodiversity loss; (b) introducing life-cycle approaches to resource efficiency, energy, chemicals and waste management; (c) ensuring sustainable business development at a time of rapid technological change."
    --See especially: Documents of UNEA



  • VSO: Voluntary Services International (United Kingdom)
    • "VSO's work revolves around four development areas, linked to the priorities of our partners, international development targets and our areas of expertise. These are health, HIV and AIDS, participation and governance, secure livelihoods and education."
    • For VSO projects in Africa: search by country.
  • The Water Page -- Incorporating The African Water Page (Len Abrams, Water Policy International, Johannesburg, South Africa)
    "This is a page dedicated to the water sector in Africa and in other developing regions. Issues addressed include water policy, water resource management, water supply and environmental sanitation, water conservation and demand management, and a variety of other issues." The site contains documents on water resources legislation, development projects, and research, plus links to related sites.
  • West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (Lagos, Nigeria)
    [Established in 1996]...the principal objective of WAIFEM is to build capacity for macroeconomic and financial management in the countries of its member central banks: The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
  • West African Monetary Institute (Accra, Ghana)
    "The objectives of the WAMI is to establish a common central bank with a single currency for the economic prosperity of the West African Monetary Zone." The site feature ***current and recent news, plus...statistical data, and publications from 2001 to 2011; and, some data for 2013.
  • World Resources Institute on Africa (Washington, DC)
    This site includes data and maps on African economic and environmental issues--including watersheds, forests, urban-rural demographics and health, and community banks. There are special sections on: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Niger, & Nigeria.