Economic Development, Education, & Environmental Affairs
- Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab: Evaluation Projects in Africa (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of Cape Town, South Africa)
--Select "Africa" - ACA2K--Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright (2010) -- Claremont, South Africa : Juta and Company Ltd. ; Toronto, Canada : IDRC, 2010.
- The open access, electronic book version of a 2010 final report. "[ACA2K] probing the relationship between national copyright environments and access to knowledge in African countries. This project, supported by Canada's IDRC and South Africa's Shuttleworth Foundation, and managed by the Wits University LINK Centre in Johannesburg, begun in October 2007 with legal researchers in five African countries (Egypt, Ghana, Senegal, South Africa and Uganda) preparing initial 'environmental scans' of the copyright contexts in their countries."
- Documents from The Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, September 2-4, 2008, Accra, Ghana (OECD DCD-DAC, Paris, France)The website offers documents from the 3rd High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, organized by the OECD-Development Cooperation Directorate and The World Bank. The Forum brought together ministers, heads of development agencies and civil society organizations from more than 100 countries.
-- Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005) and Accra Agenda for Action (2008)
- ACET--African Centre for Economic Transformation (Accra, Ghana)"We focus on the 'how-to' of policy reform, going beyond the traditional role of a think tank to ensure our research is accessed by the right people at the right time to accelerate the transformation agenda."
--See especially: African Transformation Report (2014, 2017, and 2021)
--Plus: Country Reports and Multi-Country Studies - ACMAD: Centre africain pour les applications de la météorologie au développement = African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (Niamey, Niger)
- "L'objectif est de contribuer au développement durable des différents secteurs socio-économiques du continent africain à travers ses domaines d'investigation, la Météorologie et le Climat. Les activités de ACMAD sont la prévision du temps à courte et moyenne échéances, la veille climatique, la prévision saisonnière, et la formation des métérologistes Africains aux nouvelles techniques et technologies." A ce site, on peut trouver entre autres choses: un bulletin climatique, image satellite, plan stratégique, et liens météos.
- Long-Range Forecast Bulletin, January-March 2025 (December 2024)
- Preliminary State of the African Climate, 2022
- State of the Global Climate/African Climate--Archive, 2012-2021
- OACPS: African, Caribbean and Pacific States -- General Secretariat (Brussels, Belgium)
- This site -- in English or in French -- offers current news, press releases, and documents pertaining to the activities of the OACPS (originally created as ACP in 1975) and its relations with other organizations.
- About the OACPS: history and documents
- OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly -and- List of Assembly Members
- 9th Summit Declaration of the ACP Heads of State, December 9-10, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
- Georgetown Agreement, Revised, December 6, 2019
- Post-Cotonou and Cotonou Agreements (Documents and overview, November 2023)
- ActionAid on Africa (London, UK)
- Reports and campaigns in various African countries, including: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda. See especially:
- ActionAid News (General)
- ADEA--Association for the Development of Education in Africa = L'association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)
- "The ADEA was established at the initiative of the World Bank in 1988. Its objective was to foster collaboration and coordination between development agencies in support of education in Africa. ADEA now focuses on developing partnerships between Ministers of Education and funding agencies..."
- ADEA 2017 Triennale Conference, March 14-17, 2017, Dakar, Senegal: "Revitalizing Education Towards the 2030 Global Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063."
- 6th Africa CEO Forum--"Shaping the Future of Africa," March 26-27, 2018, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Co-sponsors, African Development Bank, Groupe Jeune Afrique, & Rainbow Unlimited)
--See also: Africa CEO Forum--"Women in Business" The Annual Leadership Meeting, July 2-3, 2018, Paris, France
- Africa Climate Action Roundtable, May 7-8, 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa--Hybrid Event. Co-sponsored by The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group, African Risk Capacity Ltd, African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, World Food Programme (WFP), Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), African Export-Import Bank, and others.
--See especially: Programme - Africa Climate Summit 2023, September 4-6, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya
Co-sponsored by the Republic of Kenya and the African Union.
"Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World."
- "Africa Climate Week," September 4-8, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)
- Co-organized by the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the UN Climate Change, the global partners UN Development Programme, UN Environment Programme and the World Bank Group and the partners based in Africa.
- "Africa Climate Week," August 29--September 2, 2022, Libreville, Gabon
- Co-organized by the Government of Gabon, the UN Climate Change, the global partners UN Development Programme, UN Environment Programme and the World Bank Group and the partners based in Africa.
--See especially: Programme (English)
--See also: "Africa Climate Week" 2022--Official Website
- Co-organized by the Government of Gabon, the UN Climate Change, the global partners UN Development Programme, UN Environment Programme and the World Bank Group and the partners based in Africa.
- The 8th Annual Africa Debate, July 6, 2022, Guildhall, London, UK (Co-sponsored by Africa Finance Corporation and others)
- Africa Food Systems Forum (Kigali, Rwanda)"Since 2010, the Africa Food Systems Forum has been an annual gathering held in different regions of Africa, with evolving themes. Heads of State, Ministers, business leaders, development partners, thought leaders, farmers, youth, and other stakeholders come together to focus on actionable measures and policies to drive the continental agenda forward."
--See especially: AGRF Publications
--2023 AGRF Summit, September 5-8. 2023, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - The Africa I Know (USA)
- Africa Platform for Development Effectiveness Coordinated by the African Union Commission and NEPAD Agency. (South Africa)
- "...brings consultation, coordination and a common voice to Africa's development perspectives, strategies and policies focusing on capacity development, aid effectiveness and south-south cooperation."
- The Africa Platform for Social Protection (Nairobi, Kenya)"...a Pan African non-governmental organisation working in the five regions of the African create partnerships with Civil Society and other organizations to engage with the Governments and International Development Agencies (IDAs) to develop and implement innovative Social Protection strategies and programmes."
--See also: African Studies Centre, Leiden: "Social Protection in Africa" (June 2012) Web Dossier (Leiden, The Netherlands) - Africa Portal Library--Archive (Centre for International Governance Innovation, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda; South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, South Africa)A digital library of over 5000 books, journals, and documents related to African policy issues; a directory of experts; plus, news analysis and opinion articles.
- AfricaRice: Africa Rice Center = Centre du Riz pour l'Afrique (Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire)In September 2009, the West Africa Rice Development Association was renamed "Africa Rice Center".[The Center] a leading pan-African research organization with a mission to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through research, development and partnership activities. It is one of the 15 international agricultural research Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)...created in 1971 by 11 African countries. Today its membership comprises 24 countries, covering West, Central, East and North African regions..."
--Bibliography of AfricaRice publications, 1991-2020 ; Current news (2017) ; Current News
- African Association of Agricultural Economists (Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya)
--See especially: AfJARE: African journal of agriculture and resource economics. (Online)
- African Capacity Building Foundation (Harare, Zimbabwe)
- "To be the leading African institution, in partnership with other stakeholders, in building sustainable capacity for good governance and poverty reduction in Africa...The Board of Governors comprises representatives of African governments and all donor countries to the ACBF as well as the World Bank, the African Development Bank, UNDP and the IMF."
- Virtual Library on Capacity Development
- African Centre for Biodiversity (Emmarentia, Johannesburg, South Africa)The site offers briefing papers, reports, press releases, and links related to the question of genetically modified agricultural crops and organisms or GMOs in Africa. "[Established in 2003 and registered in 2004]...Previously named the African Centre for Biosafety, the name change was effected in April 2015, to reflect the expanded scope of the ACB's work over the past few years beyond biosafety. ACB has a long and respected track record of research and advocacy. Our current geographical focus is Southern and East Africa, with extensive continental and global networks."
--See especially: All ACBIO Publications - African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) (Nairobi, Kenya)
- "The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is an international inter-governmental policy research and training organization... The Centre"s activities focus on the implementation of Agenda 21 and related conventions on biological diversity, climate change and desertification."
--See especially: ACTS books ; policy briefs ; working papers ; special issue papers
- "The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is an international inter-governmental policy research and training organization... The Centre"s activities focus on the implementation of Agenda 21 and related conventions on biological diversity, climate change and desertification."
- African Cities Research Consortium (University of Manchester, Manchester, UK)
- "The African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) is a major six-year investment (2020-2026) by FCDO (UK Aid) to fund new, operationally-relevant research to address intractable development challenges in African cities."
- ACRC Publications: articles and briefings on the impact of COVID-19 ; City Scoping studies ; Working papers ; etc.
- Project Cities: Accra, Addis Ababa, Bukavu, Dar es Salaam, Freetown, Harare, Kampala, Lagos, Lilongwe, Maiduguri, Mogadishu, and Nairobi.
- Annotated bibliography on urban politics and political economy in African cities. (December 2021) By Lewis Abedi Asante. ACRC working paper 2021-03 ; 211 pages in PDF format
- ACRC News
- African Conservation Foundation (Africawebsites.Net, UK)
- A portal site of information about conservation organizations working all over Africa. The site is searchable by country, organization, etc.
- African Continental Free Trade Area (See below) --via The African Union
- African Crop Science Society (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda; El Minna, Egypt)
- African crop science journal. (Online) via Bioline International. -- Campinas, Brazil: Published for the African Crop Science Society by Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental ; Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto, 1995-2003.
- African Development Bank Group Home Page (Tunis, Tunisia ; Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)
- General information about the ADB institutions, including a telephone and fax directory. "The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia. Headquartered in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, the Bank Group consists of three institutions: The African Development Bank (ADB); The African Development Fund (ADF); and, The Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). Established in 1964, its mission is to promote economic and social development through loans, equity investments, and technical assistance."
- ADB Documents (search by country or topic)
- African Economic Outlook, 2024 and earlier
- African statistical yearbook, 2009 to present -- Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire; Tunis, Tunisia: African Development Bank ; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
-- See: African statistical yearbook 2021
- Africa Health Atlas"This tool aims to provide a clear picture on the overall accessibility of healthcare services by the general population in each African country. For this purpose, we developed a repository of healthcare facilities in African countries, the essential healthcare services those facilities provide and the prices for specific healthcare services."
- MapAfrica--ADB Projects
- High Level Forum on Land-Based Foreign Direct Investments in Africa, October 4-5, 2011, Nairobi, Kenya (Co-sponsored by the African Development Bank, the African Union, and the UN Economic Commission for Africa)
- Gender, Poverty, and Environmental Indicators on African Countries. (2005 to present) -- Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: African Development Bank, 2005--.
- Selected Statistical Publications on African Countries, 2006--
- African Diaspora Policy Centre (The Hague, The Netherlands)"...ADPC enables African Diaspora in Europe to connect more closely with the continent as a collective force. The thematic areas are Peacebuilding, Research, Expert Meetings, Training, Better Governance, Migration & Development, and Brain Gain."
--See especially: ADPC publications: articles, policy briefs and papers, reports, book summaries, etc. - African Economic History Network"Founded in 2011, the network is an initiative intended to foster communication, collaboration and research as well as teaching amongst scholars studying the economic history of sub-Saharan Africa, from the pre-colonial to the post-colonial era. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden."
--See especially: AEHN Blog ; AEHN Working Papers ; AEHN Data & Research ; and, AEHN Workshops--2023 Conference: 16th Annual Meeting of the AEHN, October 5-6, 2023, University of Pretoria, South Africa
--See also: African Commodity Trade Database, 1737-1939. - African Economic Research Consortium -- Publications (Nairobi, Kenya)At this site, abstracts and full texts in PDF format are available: papers, executive summaries, research newsletter, etc. "The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), established in July 1988, is a public not-for-profit organization devoted to advanced policy research and training."
- African Forum & Network on Debt & Development (AFRODAD) (Harare, Zimbabwe)
- This site offers information about research, country debt profiles, and publications, with some downloadable reports and the AFRODAD newsletter: Debt & Development in Africa.
- AFFORD: African Foundation for Development (London, UK)A web portal for the African diaspora in the United Kingdom, with news and information on opportunities in education and investment.
- Sam Moyo African Institute of Agrarian Studies (Harare, Zimbabwe)"In the past decade our central focus has been on building an Independent African Knowledge Resource on Agrarian Issues to promote research into topics such as land, food, markets and trade...Our two key networks are the Land & Agrarian Network which includes Zimbabwean interest groups, local scholars and researchers; and the Agrarian South Network made up of scholars and researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America."
--See especially: AIAS publications
- AFIDEP--African Institute for Development Policy (Nairobi, Kenya; Lilongwe, Malawi)" international non-profit policy think tank whose mission is to translate and enable utilisation of research evidence in policy-making in the fields of Population Change and Sustainable Development, Health Systems Strengthening, Education and Skills Development (Transformative Education) and Strengthening Capacity for demand and use of research evidence in policy-making spaces in Africa."
--See especially: AFIDEP Research Reports --and-- annual reports, news, policy briefs, and other publications - AMCOW--African Ministers' Council on Water (Abuja, Nigeria)
- "...formed in 2002 in Abuja Nigeria, primarily to promote cooperation, security, social and economic development and poverty eradication among member states through the effective management of the continent’s water resources and provision of water supply services...AMCOW has also being accorded the status of a Specialised Committee for Water and Sanitation in the African Union."
- Africa water atlas: summary for decision-makers 38 pages in PDF format
- 2012 Status Report on the Application of Integrated Approaches to
Water Resources Management in Africa 98 pages in PDF format
- The African Network (Santa Clara, California; Chantilly, Virginia)"...a global non-profit organization with the sole mandate of fostering entrepreneurship and technology among people of African descent. TAN was founded in Silicon Valley, California in 2004 to provide a support structure and network for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and community leaders worldwide."
- African Population & Health Research Center, Inc. (Nairobi, Kenya)This website includes downloadable publications--newsletter, research reports, working papers, etc. "The Center was established in 1995 as a Population Policy Research Fellowship program of the Population Council, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2001, it became an autonomous institution with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya."
-- APHRC Publications - African Publishers Network (APNET) (Accra, Ghana)"The African Publishers Network, established [in Harare, Zimbabwe] in 1992, brings together national publishers associations and publishing communities to strengthen indigenous publishing throughout Africa."
- ARUA--African Research Universities Alliance (Accra, Ghana; via South Africa)"Inaugurated in Dakar, Senegal, in March 2015, bringing together 16 of the region's leading universities...ARUA aims to enhance research and graduate training in member universities through a number of channels, including the setting up of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) to be hosted by member universities."
--ARUA Publications
--ARUA Conferences - African Social Forum = Forum social africain (Dakar, Sénégal)
- The African Social Forum assists in the debates and the organization of the African delegations to the World Social Forum usually held at Porto Alegre, Brazil. The website features general information on activities, contact information, selected documents, and a few newsletters.
- 4th African Social Forum, December 1-5, 2005, Conakry, Guinea
- 3rd African Social Forum, 10-14 December 2004, Lusaka, Zambia
- World Social Forum = Fórum Social Mundial below.
- African symposium: a journal of educational research on Africa. (Online) -- Raleigh, North Carolina: African Educational Research Network (AERN); via North Carolina State University, 2001--The current issue on offer, plus the "Archives" provides free access to the full text in PDF format of back issues since 2004.
- African Union = Union Africaine (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) Formerly the Organization of African Unity
- AU Political Affairs, Peace and Security: News, legal instruments, other documents, and links
- Decisions and Declarations of the AU Assemby, 1964 to present
- Decisions and Declarations of the AU Executive Council, 1963 to present
- AU Common Repository (Archive)
- Africa Business Directory. 2022. -- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: The African Union Commision, c2022. 871 pages in PDF format.
- AUDA-NEPAD: African Union Development Agency--The New Partnership for Africa's Development (2024) (Johannesburg, South Africa)The NEPAD offices were originally established with the formal adoption of The NEPAD Strategic Framework at the 37th Summit of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) in July 2001, as a programme of the OAU. Since 2018, NEPAD was reorganized as the AUDA-NEPAD.
- 37th AU Summit, January 15--February 18, 2024
- 36th AU Summit, January 16th--February 18, 2023
- AU / Africa CDC on COVID-19
- African Continental Free Trade Area, 2019-- (Accra, Ghana)
--See also: The AfroChampions Initiative below
--Plus: UNECA: "Next Steps for the African Continental Free Trade Area: Assessing Regional Integration in Africa-ARIA IX." (2019)
--Plus: UNCTAD on AfCTA (2018) - African Innovation Outlook III (2019)"...presents the status of Research and Experimental Development (R&D) and Innovation performance in Africa, focusing on the period from 2013 to 2016. The information is derived from R&D and Innovation surveys conducted periodically by African Union Member States as part of the African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) initiative."
- African Union on Education (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- African Union on Infrastructure and Energy Development
- 32nd AU Summit--"2019 Year of Refugees, Returnees, and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa," February 10-11, 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 31st AU Summit--"2018 Year of Combatting Corruption," June 25-July 2, 2018, Nouakchott, Mauritania
- 30th AU Summit Decisions and Declarations, January 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 5th African Union-European Union Summit, November 29-30, 2017, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
--See also: European Union site - 29th AU Summit, "Harnessing the Demographic Dividend Through Investments in Youth," June 27--July 4, 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS)Press release and reports, October 27, 2015
-- See especially: Final Report of the AUCISS, October 15, 2015 315 pages in PDF format; plus:
A Separate Opinion. By Mahmood Mamdani, Commissioner, Member of the AUCISS, October 20, 2015 - The White House, Office of the Press Secretary (Washington, DC):
"Remarks by President Obama to the People of Africa," Mandela Hall, African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethioipa, July 28, 2015
- Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want (April 2015)
- 50th Anniversary of OAU/AU Statements, May 25, 2013
--Plus: OAU Charter (May 1963) --and- Resolutions from the Inaugural Meeting of the Organization of African Unity, May 25, 1963 - AU Panel of the Wise: strengthening relations with similar regional mechanisms (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : 4-5 June 2012) 63 pages in PDF format
- Global African Diaspora Summit, May 23-25, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa (via South African Government, Pretoria)
- Common African Position on the Proposed Reform of the United Nations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 8, 2005 (via United Nations, New York, USA)--See also: "Ezulwini Consensus" (via International Coalition for The Responsibility to Protect, New York)
- The Centre for Conflict Resolution Seminar: "Building an African Union for the 21st Century: Relations with Regional Economic Communities (RECs), NEPAD and Civil Society", 20-22 August 2005 (Cape Town, South Africa) A 66 page report in PDF format.
- For other documents and a web site about the OAU, see below.
- 2nd International Conference on African Urban Planning, September 7-8, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal (African Urban Planning Research Network, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
--See also: Abstracts & programme from International Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial African Urban Planning, September 5-6, 2013, University of Lisbon, Portugal - African Virtual University (Nairobi, Kenya ; The World Bank, Washington, DC)
- The web site includes information for the public about the programs. Note: User registration is required to access curriculum materials. "The African Virtual University (AVU) is a first-of-its-kind interactive-instructional telecommunications network established to serve the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The mission of AVU is to use the power of modern information technologies to increase access to educational resources throughout Sub-Saharan Africa ... training world-class scientists, technicians, engineers, business managers, health care providers, and other professionals."
- African Virtual University: "L'Université virtuelle africaine, histoire d'une mise en scène" (2005). Mémoire par Pierre-Jean Loiret, Université de Rouen, France, Faculté de psychologie, sociologie et sciences de l'éducation. (via OSIRIS--Observatoire des Systèmes d'Information, des Réseaux et des Inforoutes au Sénégal, Dakar, Sénégal) 228 pages en format PDF.
-- Voir aussi: le résumé de cette recherche.
- African Women's Development Fund (Accra, Ghana)"In the year 2000, three women, Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, Joana Foster and Hilda Tadria created a philanthropic organisation focused on making measurable change in African women’s lives...Since 2001 AWDF has worked to build relationships with, and mobilise resources for over 1,300 women’s organisations in 45 countries Africa and the Middle East."
--See also: African Women's Development Fund Repository - Africapolis: Visualise Urbanisation in Africa (2018) (Paris, France)Produced by the OECD Sahel and West Africa Club, is the only comprehensive and standardised geospatial database on cities and urbanisation dynamics in Africa...Africapolis data is based on a large inventory of housing and population censuses, electoral registers and other official population sources, in some cases dating back to the beginning of the 20th century."
- Africités 2018 / Sommet Africités 8: Sommet et Salon international des villes et des collectivités territoriales d'Afrique, November 20-23, 2018, Marrakech, Morocco
- Afrique et Nouvelles Interdépendances (Paris, France)"Depuis sa création en novembre 2002 à Sciences Po Paris, Afrique et nouvelles interdependances (ANI) anciennement appelé Avenir NEPAD International est une association qui mobilise les personnes issues de l'immigration africaine, les partenaires africains et français autour des enjeux de solidarité internationale de ce continent et des actions concrètes à y mener pour un développement durable."
-- Veuillez voir aussi: NEPAD ci-dessous. - AFRISTAT: Observatoire économique et statistique d'Afrique Subsaharienne (Bamako, Mali)Sur ce site, on peut trouver les données statistiques sur les états membres de l'organisation: démographie, education, activités économiques, échanges extérieurs, prix, transports, tourisme et environnement, etc. 'AFRISTAT est une organisation internationale créée par un traité signé le 21 septembre 1993 à Abidjan par les pays de la Zone Franc.'
- The AfroChampions Initiative (Abuja, Nigeria; Johannesburg, South Africa)"[Co-Chaired by Thabo Mbeki and Aliko Dangote], the AfroChampions Initiative is a set of innovative public-private partnerships and flagship programs designed to galvanize African resources and institutions to support the emergence and success of African private sector multinational champions in the regional and global spheres."
--See also: African Continental Free Trade Area above
- AFRODAD--African Forum & Network on Debt & Development (Harare, Zimbabwe)
- This site offers information about research, occasional papers on debt, aid, poverty reduction strategy impact, and other topics, plus recent issues of the AFRODAD newsletter: Debt & Development in Africa.
- All AFRODAD Publications
- Agence universitaire de la Francophonie
- A ces sites, on peut lire les actualités sur l'éducation dans les régions de l'Afrique Centrale et l'Afrique de l'Ouest et suivre les liens aux autres sites.
- Bureau Afrique Centrale et des Grands-Lacs (Yaoundé, Cameroun)
- Bureau Afrique de l'Ouest (Dakar, Sénégal)
- AGRA: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)"Since 2006, we have worked with our partners, governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector businesses, and more; to deliver a set of proven solutions to smallholder farmers and indigenous African agricultural enterprises."
--See especially: Africa Agriculture Status Reports, 2013-- - AIACC--Assessment of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors (Washington, DC ; Nairobi, Kenya) --via START International
- Eleven of the AIACC projects and a substantial number of reports are on Africa. "AIACC is a global initiative developed in collaboration with the UNEP/WMO Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and funded by the Global Environment Facility to advance scientific understanding of climate change vulnerabilities and adaptation options in developing countries."
- AIACC Regional Studies -- project summaries
- AIACC Publications: Final Reports & Working Papers
- 3rd Annual Aid & Development in Africa Summit, 27-28 February 2018, Nairobi, Kenya
--See also: Aid & International Development Forum News - AidData: tracking development finance (Development Gateway, Washington, DC; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah)Search this directory of projects and funding by donor and country recipients. "AidData attempts to capture the universe of development finance and foreign aid, increase the value of data by providing more descriptive information about development activities, provide data in an accessible format, and strengthen efforts to improve donor and recipient strategic planning and coordination."
- AIDS/HIV in Africa --via Health Information & Health Organizations on Africa.
- AIDF--Aid and International Development Forum (London, UK; Bangkok, Thailand; Washington, DC, USA; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- "...the world leading forum specialising in disaster relief, resilience, mobile for development, food security and water security...We unite all stakeholders from government, UN agencies, intergovernmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector..."
- AIDF Africa Summit 2016, February 2-3, 2016, UN Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- ALIN: Arid Lands Information Network -- Eastern Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)
- "ALIN--Eastern Africa is a network of Community Development Workers who are involved in drylands development...ALIN members are drawn from government departments, non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations."
The site includes a few newsletters and information about community center programs.
- "ALIN--Eastern Africa is a network of Community Development Workers who are involved in drylands development...ALIN members are drawn from government departments, non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations."
- All Africa Foundation: "Sustainable Africa" Internet Channel (AllAfrica Global Media, Washington, DC)
- A portal site for news stories and public domain documents relating to "sustainable development" issues in Africa: environment, trade, debt, population, water, climate change, forests, agriculture, etc.
- Directory of organizations (International, regional, national, and community-based)
- American Economic Association -- Selected Articles on Africa (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
- "Washington Consensus Reforms and Lessons for Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa." (Summer 2021) By Belinda Archibong, Brahima Coulibaly, and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Journal of economic perspectives. vol. 35, no 3 (2021)
- "This Mine is Mine! How Minerals Fuel Conflicts in Africa." (June 2017) By Nicolas Berman ..[et al.]. American economic review. vol 107, no. 6 (2017)
- All AEA "Articles" on Africa
- ARID Afrique: Le réseau sur la petite irrigation de l'Association Régionale sur l'Irrigation et le Drainage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
- "L'ARID est une association à but non lucratif créée en 1996 pour répondre à la demande des professionnels de l'irrigation du drainage et de la maîtrise des crues, en attendant que des comités nationaux de la Commission Internationale des Irrigations et du Drainage se mettent en place. En effect, elle couvre géographiquement 23 pays qui n'étaient pas représentés sur la scène internationale à la création de l'association."
- Association of African Planning Schools (Cape Town, South Africa)"... a voluntary, peer-to-peer network of African institutions that educate and train urban/city and/or regional/rural planners. Our members are drawn from all regions of Africa, including the countries: Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe."--See especially: Directory of Member Institutions
- Association of African Universities (AAU) = Association des Universités Africaines (Accra, Ghana)"AAU was formed by 34 universities which adopted its constitution and formally inaugurated its association at a founding conference in Rabat, Morocco. It now has 140 members from 42 African countries. The secretariat in Accra is the permanent executive organ of the Association and operates under the direction of the Secretary-General. There is also an executive board consisting of a president, three vice-presidents and nine other members, all of whom are chosen at the quadrennial general conference."
- Association of Commonwealth Universities--Africa (London, UK)
- "...supported by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), formerly the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), and the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DELNI)."
- Associations - O.N.G. Annuaire international africain via PlaneteAfrique.Com (Niamey, Niger)
- "Back to the Blackboard: Looking Beyond Universal Primary Education in Africa," edited by Peroshni Govender & Steven Gruzd (2004). NEPAD policy focus series.-- Johannesburg, South Africa: South African Institute of International Affairs, 2004. 104 pages in PDF format ; via Africa Portal Library
- BCEAO: Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Dakar, Senegal)Sur ce site, on peut trouver les actualités de la banque et de l'Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UMOA).
- BEAC: Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (Yaoundé, Cameroun)Ce site officiel comprend les actualités sur la Banque, plusieurs dossiers statistiques, les notes conjonctures actuelles, quelques rapports annuels d'activités de la Banque, et les diverses informations sur les économies des Etats membres (Cameroun, Centrafrique, Congo, Gabon, Guinée Equatoriale, et Tchad).
- Banque de France: La Zone Franc, 2003-- (Paris, France)
- Voir aussi: France. Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances, et de l'Industrie ci-dessous.
- BOAD: Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (Lomé, Togo)"BOAD est l'institution commune de financement du développement des Etats de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)." Sur ce site << officiel >> de la banque, on peut lire les actualités et les publications. Voir aussi, le site de l'UEMOA ci-dessous.
- Bellagio Publishing Network (Oxford, UK)"BPN is an international solidarity network for publishing and book development in the south. For over a decade...a key information and knowledge provider, an enabling collaborative network, and a forum for discussion on issues of indigenous publishing, with special emphasis on Africa and the Caribbean."
- BREDA: Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'éducation en Afrique (UNESCO, Dakar, Sénégal)A ce site, on peut lire les actualités sur la planification et le développement de l'éducation en Afrique au Sud du Sahara. Le BREDA aussi assume le rôle de représentation de l'Unesco auprè de six pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest: le Cap Vert, la Gambie, la Guinée-Bissau, le Liberia, le Sénégal et la Sierra Leone.
- 15th BRICS Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa, 22–24 August 2023 (Pretoria, South Africa)
- "[Since 2006] BRICS is a partnership of five leading emerging markets and developing countries, founded on historical bonds of friendship, solidarity and shared interests. Together, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa represent over 42% of the global population, 30% of the world's territory, 23% of GDP and 18% of global trade." The 15th BRICS Heads of State Summit will be hosted at the Sandton Convention Centre (SCC) in Johannesburg, Gauteng. The theme of the Summit is "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development and inclusive multilateralism."
- South African Government: "Joint Statement of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs and International Relations," Cape Town, South Africa, June 2, 2023 (Pretoria) Press statement
- BRICS Summit Declarations, 2009--2022
- 2022 BRICS Joint Statistical Publication 230 pages in PDF format
--Plus: 2013 to present - See also: 10th BRICS Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25--27 July 2018
- "[Since 2006] BRICS is a partnership of five leading emerging markets and developing countries, founded on historical bonds of friendship, solidarity and shared interests. Together, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa represent over 42% of the global population, 30% of the world's territory, 23% of GDP and 18% of global trade." The 15th BRICS Heads of State Summit will be hosted at the Sandton Convention Centre (SCC) in Johannesburg, Gauteng. The theme of the Summit is "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development and inclusive multilateralism."
- The Brookings Institution: Africa Growth Initiative (Washington, DC)News, event information, and reports from this US-based think tank, with partners in Africa. "...brings together African scholars to provide policymakers with high-quality research, expertise and innovative solutions that promote Africa's economic development."--See also: Africa in Focus (blog posts)--Foresight Africa 2022. 126 pages in PDF format.
--Foresight Africa 2021. 95 pages in PDF format.
--Foresight Africa 2020: Top priorities for the continent, 2020-2030. 92 pages in PDF format.--Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2019. 120 pages in PDF format--Plus: Foresight Africa (past issues)--See also: Middle East and North Africa
- CAMES: Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l'Enseignement Supérieur (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
- CAMES--Bibliothèque numérique (2012): une petite archive de thèses et mémoires, en plus des articles qui sont parus dans deux revues du CAMES pour les pays du réseau universitaire francophone en Afrique.
- Portails des revues africaines (2014-) Open journal systems
- CARE Village Savings & Loan Associations (New York)With Pennies a Week, African Women Are Saving for Their Future.
--See also: Reports on Village Savings program
- The Center for Global Development on Africa (Washington, DC)
- "[Founded in 2001] The Center for Global Development works to reduce global poverty and inequality through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community to make the world a more prosperous, just, and safe place for us all."
- Supporting Private Business Growth in African Fragile States: A Guiding Framework for the World Bank Group in South Sudan and Other Nations (2012). By Benjamin Leo, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Ross Thuotte. 112 pages in PDF format
- Innovative Financing in Early Recovery: The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund (2012). By Jacob Hughes, Amanda Glassman, and Walter Gwenigale. Working paper; no. 288. 34 pages in PDF format
- All publications on Africa, 2002 to present
- Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa)"CAHF has been operating as an independent think tank in South Africa since May 2014, pursuing its mission of making Africa’s housing finance markets work." The site includes: project descriptions; reports ; and, yearbook, 2015-2022
--See especially: Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook 2022. 280 pages in PDF format - Centre for Higher Education Transformation (2018) (Wynberg, South Africa)
- News about research, education trends, and online publications about higher education in South Africa and around the African continent.
- African Higher Education Open Data
- Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (Abuja, Nigeria)
- " an independent non-profit research organization established in April 2008 by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-lweala,former Managing Director, World Bank, and also Nigeria’s past Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Honourable Minister of Finance."
- All CSEA Publications
- Nigeria Economic Updates, 2014 to present
- "Children in Africa" Web Dossier (September 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- The Children's Institute (University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
- "... child policy research and advocacy in South Africa. Our activities focus on key challenges to the well-being of South Africa's children: poverty, inequality, HIV/AIDS, high infant and child mortality and morbidity, violence and abuse, and limited voice."
- South African Child Gauge 2020: Food and Nutrition Security. 200 pages in PDF format
--With back issues since 2005, annual snap-shots of the status of South African children. - South African Early Childhood Review 2019. 52 pages in PDF format
- South African Child Gauge 2015. 140 pages in PDF format
- All CI Publications: arranged by date, theme, author.
- China-Africa Relations
- Africa Research Institute (London, UK)
- Ambassador Zhong Jianhua on Trade, Aid, and Jobs (August 2013) Conversation series
- Between extremes: China and Africa (October 2012) Briefing note.
- African Economic Research Consortium--Publications (Nairobi, Kenya)
--Search for "China-Africa economic relations policy briefs"
--The impact of China and India on the SSA [Sub-Saharan Africa]: a methodological framework. (March 2007) by Raphael Kaplinsky. Asian drivers working paper ; 17 pages in PDF format - AidData: on Africa (via Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia) is a collaborative online platform that seeks to make information about Chinese development finance flows worldwide more accessible and usable."
- Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)--"Understanding China's Belt and Road infrastructure projects in Africa," September 2019. A report by David Dollar.
--"Africa in Focus" blog: "Rising Sino-Japanese competition in Africa," Aug. 31, 2016 - Center for Strategic and International Studies -- Africa (Washington, DC)
- "Real Threats and Misplaced Fears at the Seventh Forum for China-Africa Cooperation." (September 5, 2018). By Judd Devermont, Director, Africa Program.
- The Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa: Taming the dragon? : defining Africa's interests at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), July 13-14, 2009. Seminar report ; 55 pages in PDF format.
- Chatham House: "The response to debt distress in Africa and the role of China." December 15, 2022. By Alex Vines, Creon Butler and Yu Jie. (London, UK) 49 pages in PDF format
- China-Africa Project (Eric Olander and Cobus van Staden, Vietnam and South Africa)"...a multimedia resource dedicated to exploring every aspect of China’s growing engagement with Africa. Through a combination of original content and curation of third-party material from across the Internet..."
- "China in Africa" Web Dossier (April 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- ChinAfrica = Chinafrique. (Online) -- Beijing, République populaire de Chine : Beijing Review, 2001-Official news from the Chinese government in English, French, or Chinese.
- China in Africa, Part I: The Good. By David Volodzko (2016) The Diplomat. (Online). June 2016. (Tokyo, Japan)
--See also: Part II: The Bad -and- Part III: The Ugly - "China in Africa: The Real Story" Blog (Prof. Deborah Brautigam, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC)
- China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) -and- Department of African Affairs. (See People's Republic of China below)
- Chinese University of Hong Kong -- Events & Documents on Africa
- CODESRIA--Council for the Development of the Social Sciences in Africa: Africa-China relations: updated bibliography (June 2022) (Dakar, Senegal)
- Gavin Menzies' 1421 Project and his critics
- Gavin Menzies: 1421 (Gavin Menzies, London, UK)
- The '1421' myth exposed: Chinese admiral Zheng He did not discover the world in 1421 (2012) (Dr. Geoff Wade et al., Singapore) --via The Internet Archive--Wayback Machine
" international group of academics and researchers who are greatly concerned about the myths being created and perpetuated by Gavin Menzies, his business group, and his publishers (1421: The Year China Discovered the World )."
- GIGA--German Institute of Global and Area Studies (Hamburg, Germany)
Online-Bibliographies dok-line: Africa and China: relations in the era of globalisation (2009) ; Update, 2009-2012 ; Update, 2013-2015 ; Update 2016-2018 - ICASSA--Institute for China Africa Studies in Southern Africa (SARDC--Southern African Research and Documentation Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe)"ICASSA was established to coordinate the exchanges, seminars and research activities for China Africa Studies that began in 2007."
--See especially: Papers - Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced and International Studies: China Africa Research Initiative (Washington, DC, USA) Since 2014
--See especially: CARI Publications -and- Blog--"China in Africa: The Real Story" - South African Institute of International Affairs -- China-Africa Relations (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- South China Morning Post--Post Magazine: "Afro-Chinese marriages boom in Guangzhou..." June 1, 2014, by Jenni Marsh. (Hong Kong, China)
- Zhejiang Normal University, Institute of African Studies (China)
- Africa Research Institute (London, UK)
- Cities Alliance (Washington, DC; Brussels, Belgium)
- "... a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development."
- Cities Alliance Home Page
- See also: UN Habitat on Africa (via Columbia University Libraries)
- United Nations Climate Change Conferences, Cancun, Mexico (November 29-December 10, 2010) -and- Copenhagen, Denmark (December 7-18, 2009) (via Columbia University Libraries)
- Climate & Environment in Africa (via Columbia University Libraries)Selected annotated links to web sites and documents of international and US organizations involved in climate and environmental research in Africa.
- CILSS--Comité permanent inter-états de lutte contre la sécheresse au Sahel (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)Ce site offre les informations sur les diverses activités du CILSS et par les neuf état-membres de la zone sahelienne, une liste des publications qui ont paru, avec quelques rapports en ligne.
--Bases de données: pesticides, technologies, et institutions--Veuillez voir surtout: CILSS sur le COVID-19
- Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest = Sahel and West Africa Club (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development on West Africa = Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques; Paris, France)
- "Le Club du Sahel: c'est un réseau informel mais structuré au sein duquel les donateurs et les administrations sahéliennes ont pris l'habitude de communiquer, afin d'augmenter l'efficacité de leurs actions communes. La fondation du Club fut entérinée par les hauts représentants des donateurs et, au même moment, par les ministres sahéliens réunis à Dakar en 1976."
- Toutes les publications de SWAC
- European Union -- Coton ACP
- SWAC--Coton en Afrique de l'Ouest
- Voir aussi: Coton africain et les médias ci-dessous
- Columbia University, The Earth Institute (New York)
- African Soil Information Service"AfSIS works with a wide range of stakeholders to develop demand-driven spatial data and information products and services and in helping to build institutions for improving the management of soils and landscapes."
--See especially: ASIS Publications - Earth Institute Research Projects on Africa (Current and past)
- The International Research Institute for Climate and Society
--See also: IRI Resources--Data Library, Publications, etc.
- African Soil Information Service
- Commission de l'Océan Indien (Port Louis, Mauritius)
- << La COI (créé en 1984) est une organisation originale qui regroupe quatre Etats ACP (Comores, Madagascar, Maurice, Seychelles) et une région ultrapériphérique européenne (La Réunion). >>
- COI Publications
- Commission for Africa Report, March 11, 2005 Official report (London, UK; via Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research, University of Bristol)
- "The Commission for Africa was launched by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair in February 2004...Five formal objectives were established to guide the Commission's respond to positive changes taking place on the continent, such as the leadership shown by the AU and generate new ideas and action; to support the best of existing work; to help deliver implementation of existing international commitments; to offer a fresh and positive perspective; to understand and help fulfil African aspirations..."
- Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office: International Development Funding -- Search by country ; and, Commonwealth Secretariat
- See also: United Kingdom, Department for International Development (below)
- The Commonwealth Secretariat: "Commonwealth Education Ministers Vow to Increase Investment in Education at Nairobi Conference," April 29, 2022 (London, UK) 21st Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, April 27-28, 2022, Nairobi, Kenya
--See 21 CCEM Kenya website
- COMESA--Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Lusaka, Zambia)
- This site provides information on banking, online trade directories for some countries, and many other links with an emphasis on business and economic information. "COMESA exists 'as an organisation of free independent sovereign states which have agreed to co-operate in developing their natural and human resources for the good of all their people'...with its 19 member states."
- CEEAC-ECCAS--Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale = Economic Community of Central African States (Libreville, Gabon)
- La CEEAC a été crée en octobre 1983 par les membres de l'Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale et les membres de la Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs, ainsi que Sao Tomé et Principe. En 1999, l'Angola est devenu membre.
- Actualités = News
- Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) (Bangui, République Centrafricaine)
- Veuillez voir: Bulletins officiels de la CEMAC, 2017-2018
- Conférence des Ministres de l'Agriculture de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (CMA/AOC) (Dakar, Sénégal)"[Créée en 1991] CMA/AOC est une organisation inter-gouvernementale qui regroupe les Ministres de l'Agriculture et/ou de l'Elevage des 20 pays membres d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre."
- Coton africain et l'OMC dans les médias = African cotton and the WTO in the media
- abcBurkina -- Actualités sur le coton (SEDELAN--Le Service d'Edition en Langues Nationales, Koudougou, Burkina Faso)
- Club du Sahel sur le Coton European Union-Africa (Voir ci-dessus)
- International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development = Centre international pour le commerce et le développement durable (Geneva, Switzerland)
--Africa Cotton - Oxfam International on Cotton and Africa--Oxfam International on US cotton subsidies and the impact on Africa (and other cotton news)
--Pricing farmers out of cotton: the costs of World Bank reforms in Mali. (March 2007)
Oxfam briefing paper; no. 90
--Impacts of reductions in US cotton subsidies on West African cotton producers (June 2007) - International Cotton Advisory Committee
- Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) = Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (Dakar, Sénégal)
- CODESRIA is 'a pan-African, non-governmental organisation, set up in 1973. Its constituencies are African research institutes, social science faculties of African universities as well as professional organisations. It has an observer status and a collaboration agreement with the African Union (originally with the Organisation of African Unity).'
- --See especially: Cheikh Anta Diop Lecture, 15th CODESRIA General Assembly, December 2018:
"Thabo Mbeki on Africa and the Challenges of Globalization." -- Or, via
- Courrants de Femmes: Les Associations en Afrique de l'Ouest (Paris, France)Un répertoire des associations locales de promotion féminine: plus de 100 associations africaines partenaires.
- Data Africa (HarvestChoice, IFPRI-International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. ; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)" open data platform designed to provide information on key themes for research and development such as: agriculture, climate, poverty and child health across Africa south of the Sahara at the sub-national level." Currently, data is provided for the following countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and, Zambia.
- Demographic & Health Surveys (DHS) (Macro International, Calverton, MD)Search especially under "Obtaining Data" for reports on individual countries or the Sub Saharan Africa region.
- Development Gateway -- Africa Programs (Washington, DC)
- A reference clearinghouse of links to a wide variety of organizational websites with economic data for 160 countries...but only a selected number of African countries. [Originally founded by The World Bank, the DG has been an "independent", donor-funded organization since 2001.]
- Directory of Development Organizations--Africa (2011), Archived (Bert Wesselink, The Netherlands)
via The Internet Archive--WayBack Machine (USA) - Directory of Research Data Repositories in Africa (2017) (UK)"...developed by Chevening Research Fellow Oluwaseun Obasola in 2017 with support from Chevening and the British Library in the United Kingdom. DODRIA provides links to data portals, brief description of each portal, publishing organisations, areas covered and access policies (open, licensed and enclaved data) on available datasets from each country in Africa."
- Droit-Afrique.Com: le droit des entreprises en Afrique francophone (Paris, France)", site généraliste et gratuit sur le droit des affaires et la fiscalité des 24 pays d'Afrique francophone, propose principalement: des textes de Codes, lois, décrets, arrêtés, conventions, doctrine; un portail internet recensant les sites contenant de l'information juridique africaine;et un annuaire des juristes d'affaires..."
- EarthLife AfricaAn activist organization in South Africa & elsewhere.
- Earth Summit 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa (See "Johannesburg Summit 2002" below)
- East African Community = Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki (Arusha, Tanzania)
- This is the official website of the regional intergovernmental organization (encompassing Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda) which was (re)established in 1999 by treaty (see "Documents & Publications"). The site includes information about the EAC, current news, and related links.
- East African Development Library -- Paris, France: UNESCO Direction de l'Information et de l'Informatique, 1999. --via New Zealand Digital Library, University of Waikato, New Zeland.A small archive of digitized documents furnished by the World Bank, FAO, UNDP, and other UN agencies on East African development.
- Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (PTA) (Nairobi, Kenya)"...a treaty-based regional institution...established as an international organization on the 6th November, 1985 pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Treaty (1981) establishing the Preferential Trade Area for the Eastern and Southern African States (PTA) which was later transformed into the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)."
- EBAFOSA--Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly (Nairobi, Kenya)"EBAFOSA is the first inclusive pan-African policy framework and implementation platform, a solutions space that brings together key stakeholders and actors along the entire EBA driven agriculture value chain."
--See especially: EBAFOSA Publications -and- Nairobi Action Agenda (2011) - ECOMAC-WAMI: Common Statistics Database for the Economic Community of West African Studies (ECOWAS Computer Centre, Lomé, Togo)"The Common Statistics Database (CSD) contains a large variety of macro-economic statistics about: government revenues and expenditures, budget surplus, GDP ratio, central bank financing, public debt, etc." See also: West African Monetary Institute below.
- Economic Commission for Africa -- See UNECA: UN Economic Commission for Africa (Part of United Nations Agencies on Africa, compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States = Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Abuja, Nigeria; via Community Computer Centre, Lomé, Togo) This site -- in English or in French -- offers information on the ECOWAS Secretariat, member states, activities, and current news on the West Africa region.
- EconPapers (Sune Karlsson, Swedish Business School, Örebro Universitet, Örebro, Sweden)A searchable repository of research papers by economists working on development issues worldwide. Search under "Africa" or individual countries.
- "Education for Life." (May 2017) Web dossier (African Studies Centre, Library and Documentation Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)An annotated bibliography of print and online resources, based on library acquisitions since 2013.
- FHI 360 -- Education Policy Data Center (Washington, DC)"...founded in 2004...EPDC serves as a resource for education data, profiles, and data reports on education status at the country and subnational level, research papers on issues and challenges in education in developing and transitional countries, as well as medium-term education projections."
- Education Sub Saharan Africa (Sutton, UK; Accra, Ghana)"[ESSA's]...mission starts by working with universities and colleges: using evidence to drive a dramatic improvement in education for young people...For the period 2021-2026, we will focus on: Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia.
--See especially: African Education Research Database ; and other Resources - EITI--Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative : Country Profiles and Reports (2017) (Oslo, Norway)"Guided by the belief that a country’s natural resources belong to its citizens, the EITI has established a global standard to promote the open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources...In each of the 51 implementing countries, the EITI is supported by a coalition of government, companies, and civil society."
--See especially: EITI in Africa (September 2018) 40 pages in PDF format - ELDIS: Electronic Development and Environment Information System (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
- An indexing service provided by IDS. Papers are selected from all over the Internet based on topics in African, Asian, and Latin American studies. Documents are produced by research institutes or international organizations. Some documents are electronic versions of printed works, while others are full online documents--with citations and bibliographies. The Africa country guides provide links to Web sites, as well. Note: Some documents listed in the search are only accessible at the IDS library, University of Sussex.
- ELDIS Home Page: select Countries and Topics
- For Sub-Saharan Africa -and- North Africa & The Middle East development news and country profiles:
Select Countries
- e-Learning Africa (Berlin, Germany)An annual conference and exhibition on ICT and education in Africa. "...includes core dialogues, discovery demos, knowledge exchange sessions, knowledge factories, panel discussions, panel talks, plenary sessions, pre-conference events and poster presentations on specific topics and informal networking opportunities."
--See especially: 14th International Conference & Exhibtion on ICT for Education, Training, and Skills Development, October 23-25, 2019, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
--Past Conferences
--eLearning Africa News (Current) - ENACT Africa (Pretoria, South Africa; Geneva, Switzerland; Lyon, France)"ENACT works to mitigate the impact of transnational organised crime in Africa on development, governance, security and the rule of law. Funded by the European Union...[it is] implemented by the Institute for Security Studies and INTERPOL, in affiliation with the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime."
--Analytical reports on organised crime in Africa
--ENACT observer on transnational organised crime in Africa
--Research papers - Enda Tiers-Monde (environnement et développement du tiers-monde) (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Page d'accueil en français ou anglais--Veuillez voir aussi: ENDA Europe
- Page d'accueil en français ou anglais
- Energy in Africa (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)A set of links to reports by international and US organizations, research institutes, e-news, e-journals, and official web sites of African Ministries of Energy and related sectors.
- Environmental Law Institute: Africa Program Publications (Washington, DC)This site offers downloadable research papers and project reports on various African countries, plus country-specific links to environmental law and general information. "...Partnering with activist African NGOs, ELI drafts and advances pragmatic and effective environmental laws and policies, analyzes and identifies options to improve the implementation of existing environmental law, and builds the capacity of local institutions and citizens in Africa to carry out these tasks independently."
- European Centre for Development Policy Management - ECDPM (Maastricht, The Netherlands; via Euforic)Current news, publications and press releases in French, English, and Portuguese on European-African Union and bilateral African-European relations. "ECDPM aims to improve international cooperation between Europe and countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP). It does this through capacity building for policy management, the promotion of policy dialogue between ACP countries and Europe, and the provision of information and facilities for knowledge exchange."
- The European Union on African Development, Environment, and Security (Brussels, Belgium)
- EU-Africa relations
- OACPS-EU (EU relations with the Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States)
--See also: Post-Cotonou and Cotonou Agreements (Documents and overview, November 2023) - EU and Sub-Saharan Africa: Context and Programs ; Countries ; and, Documents (2021-)
- EU-African Union Summit, February 17-18, 2022
- EU trade relations with West Africa
- EU and East African Community
- EU trade relations with Eastern and Southern Africa
- EU and SADC
- : news and resources on the Joint Africa-EU Strategy"The Joint Strategy, adopted during the second Africa-EU Summit in Lisbon in December 2007, outlines a long term shared vision of the future of Africa-EU relations in a globalized world."
- EITI: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Oslo, Norway)
- This site offers country reports on transparency of taxation and royalty payments in major extractive industries in countries around the world--including many in Africa. "[Since 2006] EITI is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organisations...the EITI appointed at the bi-annual EITI Global Conference."
- EITI Country Reports
- FARM-Africa (London, UK)"FARM-Africa works at a grassroots level with rural communities in eastern Africa (& in South Africa), providing long term solutions to poverty. By working with farmers and herders to introduce new and innovative ways to increase food production and manage natural resources, we aim to improve their food security in a sustainable way."
-- See especially, FARM Africa Publications: annual review, working papers, fact sheets, etc. - FHI 360--US and Global Reach: News, Project Reports, and Resources. (Durham, North Carolina, USA)"FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions...In 2011, the teams of experts from Family Health International and Academy for Educational Development came together to create FHI 360." The site includes reports on activities and projects in 25 Sub-Saharan African countries especially in the fields of health, education, communications, social services, and technology.
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Selected by Columbia University Libraries)
- Commission des Ministres en charge des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (Belgique)--Veuillez voir surtout: Plan de Convergence -et- COMIFAC Publications
- Food Security Information Network (Rome, Italy)
- "FSIN is a technical platform for exchanging expertise and best practices on food security and nutrition analysis...FSIN’s work spans the effort of 16 global and regional partners."
- 2020 Global Report on Food Crises. -- Rome, Italy: Food Security Information Network, 2020. 236 pages in PDF format
- Resources on Africa (including maps)
- Ford Foundation International Fellowships Archive, Columbia University (New York, USA)The digital components of a larger repository of the Ford Foundation's International Fellowship program, 2001 to 2013. About 33% of the fellows were from Africa and the Middle East. "...a decade-long program that offered advanced study opportunities to more than 4,300 social justice leaders from the world’s most vulnerable populations in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Russia."
--See also: Finding Aid to the IFP Records at Columbia University's Rare Book and Manuscripts Library.
-- Plus: IFP Alumni Tracking Study (April 2016) (via Institute of International Education, New York, USA) - Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) (Nairobi, Kenya)
- General information about FAWE and its activities, plus contact information for national chapters. "The Forum for African Women [FAWE] ... brings together African women ministers in charge of national education systems, women vice chancellors of universities and other senior women policy makers in education in Africa. Founded in 1992, and registered in Kenya as a pan-African NGO in 1993, FAWE has 56 full members drawn from 30 African countries, 25 associate members comprising male ministers of education and permanent secretaries ... to stimulate broad policy reform and create a conducive environment for increasing parental demand for girls' education."
- Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) (Accra, Ghana)The website features news on activities, conferences, and programmes. "[Founded in 2002, hosted by the FAO Regional Office for Africa] FARA umbrella organization bringing together and forming coalitions of major stakeholders in agricultural research and development in Africa."
--See especially: FARA Publications - France. Agence française de développement sur l'Afrique (Paris)
- France. Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances sur l'Afrique (Trésor Direction Générale, Paris)
- France. Ministère de L'Europe et des Affaires Étrangères : Afrique (2021) (Paris)
- Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (Québec, Canada)
- "...organe subsidiaire de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, est né en 1988..[et] dénommé jusqu'au 31 janvier 2013 l'Institut de l'énergie et de l'enivronnement de la Francophonie.
- IFDD Publications
- Liaison Énergie-Francophonie (2013-2019)
- G7/G8 Summit Meetings
- G7 Research Group (University of Toronto Library, Toronto, Canada)
- G7 Research Group (University of Toronto Library, Toronto, Canada)
- Global Development Research Center: Microfinance and Migrant Remittances (Africa) (Microcredit and Microfinance WWW Virtual Library, Kobe, Japan)A selection of links to a bibliography and online reports from academic and organizational websites.
- Global Land Tool Network (UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya)"...[its] main objective is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure."
--See especially: GLTN e-Library -- Publications - La Grande Muraille Verte = The Great Green Wall
- Agence panafricaine de la Grande Muraille Verte (Nouakchott, Mauritania)"L’Initiative Africaine de la Grande Muraille Verte (IAGMV) de Dakar à Djibouti décidée en 2005 par les Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement des Etats au Sud du Sahara et endossée en 2007 par l’Union Africaine, constitue la solution et le modèle efficients de ces Etats face à l’enjeu environnemental et climatique."
--Veuillez voir surtout: Textes et documents officials -et- Planification
- La Grande Muraille Verte: capitalisation des recherches et valorisation des savoirs locaux. (2012) Sous la direction de Abdoulaye Dia et Robin Duponnois. IRD Éditions. -- Marseille, France: Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2012. --via OpenEdition books
--Veuillez voir aussi: Le Projet Majeur Grande Muraille Verte de l’Afrique. (2010) - Oxford Research Encyclopedias--Climate Science: "The Great Green Wall in the Sahel," by Cheikh Mbow, August 2017. (Oxford, UK)
- Agence panafricaine de la Grande Muraille Verte (Nouakchott, Mauritania)
- HOMEF--Health of Mother Earth Foundation (Benin City, Nigeria)"We are an ecological think tank organisation advocating for environmental/climate justice and food sovereignty in Nigeria and Africa at large."
--See especially: Eco-Instigator (Online). 2013 to present;
Who Benefits from Corona? (April 2020) ; Beyond Oil: Reimagining Development in the Niger Delta (November 2017) ; Living in Fear: Wars, Conflict, and Natural Resources in the Heart of Africa (2016) ; Highway Through the Forest (2016)
--See also: E-books ; Reports ; and, Other Publications - Le Hub Rural: Appui au développement rural en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre =
The Rural Hub: Supporting rural development in Western and Central Africa (Dakar, Sénégal)- Ce site met à la disposition du public des bases de données sur le développement rural--en format PDF; un annuaire des agences gouvernementales, des organismes privés, et des centres de recherche; en plus, un recueil des liens aux sites Web.
- Ressources: Base documentaire
- Voir aussi: Sahel point DOC ci-dessous
- Impact Formerly, Partnership Africa Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- "...investigates how natural resources are managed and how these systems can be improved. Based on recommendations from its research, IMPACT develops and delivers innovative systems for the management of natural resources through technical assistance and capacity building."
- IBSA: India-Brazil-South Africa (2021) IBSA Trialateral (Brasilia, Brazil; Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa; New Delhi, India)
- "Established in June 2003, IBSA is a coordinating mechanism amongst three emerging countries, three multiethnic and multicultural democracies, which are determined to contribute to the construction of a new international architecture...In 2004, the IBSA Trust Fund was enhance South-South cooperation for the benefit of the most needed nations. Its purpose is to identify replicable and scalable projects that can be disseminated to interested developing countries as examples of best practices in the fight against poverty and hunger."
- IBSA Publications
- Innovation Africa 2022, Africa's Official Ministerial Summit, November 16-18, 2022, Lusaka, Zambia (AfricanBrains, London, UK)"Major multilateral education projects, skills development and the continent’s upsurge in investment in ICT for education will feature strongly in Africa’s number one high-level ministerial forum where industry partners enjoy pre-scheduled meetings with senior government officials from over 40 countries."
- Institut Africain de Développement Economique et de Planification (IDEP) = African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (Dakar, Sénégal ; via UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)"...créée en 1962 par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies. L’IDEP a démarré ses activités le 21 novembre 1963 avec pour mandat principal d’accompagner et d’aider les pays africains...à renforcer les capacités de leurs ressources humaines, condition préalable à remplir pour garantir la viabilité de l’indépendance et la promotion du développement socioéconomique de l’Afrique."
- Institut Africaine de Gestion Urbaine (Dakar, Sénégal)"Créé en 1987, l'IAGU...a pour principale mission: appuyer les municipalités et les autorités des villes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre à renforcer leurs capacités de planification et de gestion pour améliorer la gouvernance locale ; promouvoir une gestion durable de l'environnement; et lutter contre la pauvreté."
--Veuillez voir aussi: IAGU sur Facebook (2023) ; en plus: Etudes de l'IAGU - Institut de la Francophonie Pour le Développement Durable (IFDD) (Québec, Canada)
- Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD, Bondy, Île-de-France, France; Dakar, Sénégal)
Anciennement: ORSTOM- Ressources documentaires de l'IRD: toutes les publications
- Bibliothèque électroniques en partenariat Greenstone Digital LibraryCe site offre plusieurs collections de texte intégral en ligne, y compris celles de la Bibliothèque centrale de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar, Sénégal); à l'Université Gaston-Berger (Saint-Louis, Sénégal;) et, à l'Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Bénin
- Ressources documentaires de l'IRD: toutes les publications
- ISRA--Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles (Dakar, Sénégal)"[ISRA est un]...établissement public à caractère scientifique, il a été créé en 1974 pour concevoir, organiser et mener à bien toutes les recherches relatives au secteur rural au Sénégal."
- Institute for Global Dialogue (Midrand, South Africa)The Institute is an independent South African NGO broadly concerned with international affairs. The website offers selected issues of publications series since 2000 on African and international economic and political relations. See especially:
-- Global Dialogue, Global Insight, and Occasional Papers. - Intergovernmental Authority on Development = Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement (IGAD, Djibouti)"IGAD is the new name of the Authority superseding the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was created in 1986 by the six drought stricken countries of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda to co-ordinate development in the Horn of Africa. The State of Eritrea became the seventh member of IGADD in September 1993 after its independence."
- International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (Nairobi, Kenya)The site offers information about on-going research by this international organization in human, animal, plant, and environmental health; plus a list of publications. "[Founded in 1970]...ICIPE is a tropical organisation: tropical insect science for development."
- International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: Australian Mining in Africa ; Luanda Leaks ; Mauritius Leaks ; West Africa Leaks. (Washington, DC)Four major investigative news projects in Africa (since 2019) which focus on corruption and crimes by moguls, politicians, and corporations.
- International Development Research Centre (Ottawa, Canada)
- IDRC Home Page
- IDRC Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Dakar, Senegal)
- IDRC Active Programs in North Africa (Cairo, Egypt)
- IDRC Digital Library (All Publications)
- IDRC Focus Collection--Online Books:-- Our continent, our future: African perspectives on structural adjustment (2002) By Thandika Mkandawire and Charles C. Soludo.
-- Language of instruction: policy implications for education in Africa. Oct. 1997: Working Group on Educational Research & Policy Analysis, Association for the Development of Education in Africa.
-- Management of water demand in Africa & the Middle East. Oct. 1997: by D.B. Brooks et al.(eds.)
-- Communicating with adolescents about AIDS...eastern & southern Africa. March 1997: by R. Nduati et al. (eds.)
-- Politiques sociales en Afrique de l'Ouest et de Centre. (mars 1997): par H. Konate
-- Telecommunications & universal service: international experience in the context of South African policy reform. Sept. 1996: by S.O Siochru
-- Water management in Africa & the Middle East. May 1996: by E. Rached et al.
-- La communication participative pour le développement: un agenda ouest-africain. (mai 1996): par G. Bessette et C.V. Rajasunderam. (Or, see the English version.)
-- Grassroots indicators for desertification...eastern & southern Africa. Feb. 1996 by H. Hambly & T. Onweng Angura (eds.)
-- Farming systems of the African savanna. Nov. 1995: by Andrew Ker.
-- Technology policy and practice in Africa. Oct. 1995: by O.M. Ogbu et al. (eds.)
-- L'intégration régionale en l'Afrique de l'Ouest: Résultats de la conférence...janvier 1993. (septembre 1995): par M.-C. Diop et R. Lavergne (eds.)
- International Finance Corporation on Sub-Saharan Africa (Washington, DC)
The IFC is a member of the World Bank Group. The site includes country information and general investment advice for Africa. See The World Bank below. - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (Washington, DC)
- "Through its policy analyses, which is of broad relevance to the developing world, IFPRI directly supports developing-country policymakers, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society in their efforts to help the poor."
- IFPRI Home Page (General)
- AgriTech Toolbox (2019-20) Hosted by HarvestChoice
- Data Africa HarvestChoice project
- IFPRI on Africa : Research projects, data, and reports
- Global Hunger Index (2017)
"...designed to raise awareness and understanding of regional and country differences in the struggle against hunger." - IFPRI Publications -- Search all
Selected reports on Africa in PDF format, with order information:-- Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in East Africa, Country Reports (2015)--Ethiopia | Kenya | Uganda
-- East African agriculture and climate change: a comprehensive analysis (2013) Edited by Michael Waithaka ...[et al.] 434 pages in PDF format-- "Evaluation of Ethiopia's Food Security Program" (2013) by Guush Berhane al. EDRI Report; 235 pages in PDF format.
-- "Evaluation of Ethiopia's Food Security Program" (2011) by Guush Berhane al. Background report ; 255 pages in PDF format.
-- "Managing resources in erratic environments...Ethiopia, Niger, and Burkina Faso," by Nancy McCarthy ...[et al.] (2004). Research report ; 135.
-- "Human capital, household welfare, and children's schooling in Mozambique," by Sudhanshu Handa ...[et al.] (2004). Research report ; 134.
-- "Strategies for sustainable land management and poverty reduction in Uganda," by Ephraim Nkonya ...[et al.] (2004). Research report ; 133.
-- "Rebuilding after war: micro-level determinants of poverty reduction in Mozambique," by Kenneth R. Simler ...[et al.] (2003). Research report ; 132.
-- "Macroeconomic policy reforms and agriculture...Zimbabwe," by Romeo M. Bautista ...[et al.] (2002). Research report ; 128.
-- "Market institutions, transaction costs, and social capital in the Ethiopian grain market," by Eleni Z. Gabre-Madhin (2001). Research report ; 124.
-- "The Egyptian food subsidy system...options for reform," by Akhter U. Ahmed ...[et al.] (2001). Research report ; 119.
-- "Seasonal undernutrition in rural Ethiopia...functional significance," by Anna Ferro-Luzzi ...[et al.] (2001). Research report ; 118.
-- "Structural adjustment and intersectoral shifts in Tanzania...equilibirum analysis," by Peter Wobst (2001). Research report ; 117.
-- "Access to credit and its impact on welfare in Malawi," by Aliou Diagne, Manfred Zeller (2001). Research report ; 116.
-- "Wheat policy reform in Egypt...future reforms," by Mylène Kherallah ...[et al.] (2000). Research report ; 115.
-- "Urban livelihoods and food and nutrition security in Greater Accra, Ghana," by Daniel Maxwell ...[et al.] (2000). Research report ; 112.
-- "Agricultural growth linkages in Sub-Saharan Africa," by Christopher L. Delgado ...[et al.] (1998) Research report ; 107. - See also: ReSAKSS: Regional Strategic Analysis and Support System for African agricultural development studies
- International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) on Africa (UNESCO, Paris, France)
- Country training activities and reports. "IIEP has always been particularly active in the African region. Providing the tools to improve planning, policy analysis and management processes in Africa is a central focus of IIEP’s activities."
- See also: HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse on Africa: country profiles and reports
- Country training activities and reports. "IIEP has always been particularly active in the African region. Providing the tools to improve planning, policy analysis and management processes in Africa is a central focus of IIEP’s activities."
- International Institute for Environment and Development on Africa (London, UK)
- IIED Home Page (General)
- Search Africa
- Haramata. (Online)--Archive (2010) -- London: IIED, 2001-2010 PDF formatThe official bulletin of the IIED Drylands Programme--in English or in French. Ceased in 2010.
- Drylands Programme: Drylands issue papers (292+ papers in PDF format)
- Urban
- Forests
- Regoverning Markets -- Publoications (IIED, in association with International Farming Systems Research Methodology Network, and the Royal Tropical Institute--The Netherlands)
- Africa: up in smoke?. The Second Report from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development (June 2005). By Andrew Simms, with support from Hannah Reid. via Practical Action--Intermediate Technology Development Group (UK). 44 pages in PDF format.
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria (via Lambourn & Co., Croydon, UK and CGIAR--Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, Washington, DC)General information, research activities, conferences, and online publications (available in HTML or PDF). "IITA aims to enhance the food security, income and well-being of resource-poor people primarily in the humid and sub-humid zones of sub-Saharan Africa by conducting research and related activities to increase agricultural production, improve food systems, and sustainably manage natural resources, in partnership with national and international stakeholders."
- International Labour Organization, Regional Office for Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Geneva, Switzerland)"The Regional Office is responsible for leading, planning and coordinating the framework of projects and programs undertaken through ILO Decent Work Technical Support Teams (4) and Country Offices (9) throughout better serve the tripartite constituents (Governments, Workers, Employers) and promote Decent work and Social Justice for All in Africa."
--ILO Africa Publications
--Fact Sheets - International Land Coalition on Africa (See below)
- The International Monetary Fund on Africa (Washington, DC)
- General Home Page
- Country Info (All countries in alphabetical order.)
- JOLIS: Joint World Bank - IMF Library NetworkA network of 14 libraries which principally serve the Bank and the IMF; free public access via the Internet to the library catalog only--plus, lists of publications.
- IMF World Economic Outlook (General): 1993-2004A downloadable report, PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat). "The WEO database is created during the biannual World Economic Outlook (WEO) exercise, which begins in January and June of each year and results in the WEO publication, which is released in May and October. Selected series that are available in the publication are now available on this website at the time of the release of the WEO press version."
- IMF Staff Papers Series Archive (General)
- IMF press releases & new publications (General)
- Search for all IMF publications (General)
- African Development Organizations Directory (2008):-- African Development Bank
-- African Development Fund, 2001
-- African Export-Import Bank
-- Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
-- Arab Maghreb Union
-- Bank of Central African States (Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale, BEAC)
-- Central Bank of West African States (Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, BCEAO)
-- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
-- East African Development Bank
-- Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
-- Lake Chad Basin Commission Profile
-- League of Arab States
-- United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (Institut Africain de développement économique)
-- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
-- West African Development Bank (Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement) - IMF Report on: Central African Economic and Monetary Community...September 2002.
- IMF Reports on: West African Monetary Union: Recent Economic Developments...March 2003. -and- November 2001
- INTRAC--International NGO Training and Research Centre on Sub-Saharan Africa (Oxford, UK)"INTRAC ...supports non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) around the world by helping to explore policy issues, and by strengthening management and organisational effectiveness." The searchable database provides access to downloadable reports and manuals.
--See also: Resources on Sub-Saharan Africa
- International Network for Higher Education in Africa (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)"Established in 2003, at the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, before moving to the University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa in 2013." This site features recent news on higher education from around Africa, information about various research projects, as well as full text access to a journal, a newsletter, and other publications sponsored by the Network.
--See especially: International journal of African higher education -and- African Higher Education News
- International Organization for Migration (Geneva, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany)
- The site features news about IOM activities, statistics, and downloadable reports. "Established in 1951...IOM maintains close working relations with UN bodies and operational agencies. IOM has as partners a wide range of international and non-governmental organizations."
- IOM on migration issues in: East Africa & Horn of Africa | North Africa & Middle East | Southern Africa | West & Central Africa
- "Missing Migrants, Missing Solutions?: Reviewing Objective 8 of the Global Compact for Migration in West Africa." (April 2022)
- Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (Berlin, Germany)
- Migration Data Portal: Eastern Africa | Middle Africa | Northern Africa | Southern Africa | Western Africa
- IOM Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa--Annual Regional Overview (May 2021)
- Migration in West and North Africa and Across the Mediterranean. (2020) 496 pages in PDF format
- Health Vulnerabilities Study of Mixed Migration Flows from the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region to Southern Africa (2013).
- IOM Home Page
- The site features news about IOM activities, statistics, and downloadable reports. "Established in 1951...IOM maintains close working relations with UN bodies and operational agencies. IOM has as partners a wide range of international and non-governmental organizations."
- International Trade Centre: Strategic Market Research Group Country Reports, 2006 (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland)Select a country and download reports in PDF files: statistical information on exports and imports. "ITC...created by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1964 and since 1968 has been operated jointly by GATT (now by the World Trade Organization, or WTO) and the UN, the latter acting through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)."
- International Union for Conservation of Nature on Africa -- Evaluations
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (Paris, France)<< L'Union internationale pour l'étude scientifique de la population (UIESP) vise à promouvoir et à encourager les recherches en démographie et sur des sujets ayant trait à la population. Fondée en 1928 et reconstituée en 1947, l'UIESP est une association scientifique internationale composée de près de 2000 membres individuels intéressés par les questions de population. Plus d'un tiers de nos membres sont originaires de pays en développement.>>
Voir surtout: Publications ; Conferences & other events
- 17th Annual Internet Governance Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 28--December 2, 2022 (IGF, United Nations Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland)
--See also: Internet Governance Forum--African Regional Group
- Inter-Réseaux -- Développement Rural (Paris, France)
Sur ce site, on peut lire les communications et les rapports de beaucoup des chercheurs qui travaillaient dans le domaine du développement et de la coopération technique en Afrique de l'Ouest et en Amérique latine depuis 1996. Voir surtout le bulletin: - Grain de sel. (Online) -- Paris, France: Inter-Réseaux, Développement Rural, 1996-
- The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) (Kampala, Uganda?)
The web site offers general information about programs, fellowships, and news.
- Istituto Per Gli Studi Di Poitica Internazionale: Out of Africa, Why People Migrate. (2017) Edited by Giovanni Carbone. -- Milan, Italy: Ledizioni LediPublishing for ISPI, 2017. 172 pages in PDF format
--See also: Search for all other publications on Africa from ISPI authors
- Italy. Ministero degli Affari Esteri: Cooperazione Internazionale (Rome)
- Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Africa (Tokyo)
Japan-Africa Relations -- By Country and Region- TICAD--Tokyo International Conference on African Development
- TICAD VIII: 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, Tunis, Tunisia, August 27-28, 2022
--See also:TICAD VIII Official Website - TICAD VI: Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development, Nairobi, Kenya, August 27-28, 2016"...launched in 1993 to promote high-level policy dialogue between African leaders and development partners. Meetings are led by Japan and co-organized by the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the African Union Commission (AUC)...The last five TICADs were held every five years in Japan. From 2016 onwards, TICAD will be held every three years, hosted alternately in Africa and Japan."
--See also: TICAD VI (via Kenya Government, Nairobi)
--Plus: Japan and the TICAD Process (2010) by Bert Edström (Institute for Security & Development Policy, Stockholm, Sweden; Washington, DC)
- TICAD VIII: 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, Tunis, Tunisia, August 27-28, 2022
- TICAD--Tokyo International Conference on African Development
- Earth Summit 2002--Johannesburg Summit 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development, 26 August to 4 September 2002, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa (via The United Nations, New York)The final Report on the 2002 Summit
--Plus: French version of original website: Sommet mondial sur le développement durable: Page d'accueil (2002)
- Jubilee Plus: Supporting Economic Justice Campaigns Worldwide formerly Jubilee 2000 Coalition. (London, Washington, DC, Johannesburg, etc.)
- Kabissa - Space on the Internet for the African Non-Profit Sector (Washington, DC)
- Warning: As of January 8, 2018, the Kabissa site is still offline. An extensive clearinghouse and website provider, with news reports on "social justice" from various online news services, opinions, and links to information about African NGOs, as well as general Africa links.
- Pambazuka newsletter. (Online) -- Oxford, UK; Cape Town, South Africa: Pambazuka, (2000) 2001-Formerly Kabissa-Fahamu Newsletter: Current weekly issue and back issues since December 2000.
- Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen = Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
The website of this research institute contains much information on various research projects under way or completed by KIT, plus a wide selection of related links on development, gender, children, and health issues in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
- Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI) (Windhoek, Namibia)The website includes contact information --- and online research reports, workshop papers, and other publications in HTML format...many with a regional focus. "The institute aims to assist the Namibian labour movement in building its capacity....[including]: a collecting, updating and releasing information in an accessible form; a establishing and maintaining a database on the Namibian economy and industrial relations; a designing and undertaking training programmes for trade unions; a providing a platform for discussions on labour and socio-economic issues, [etc.]"
- International Land Coalition on Africa (Rome, Italy)
- "In 2003, the Popular Coalition to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty was renamed the International Land Coalition (ILC), in recognition of its strategic focus on land access issues. Since 2003, ILC has grown to a coalition of 152 organisations representing more than 56 countries..."
- ILC Home Page (General)
- All ILC "Resources"
- Land Investment Deals in Africa -- Selected Reports from The Oakland Institute
- Leiden University, African Studies Centre Library: "African Women Entrepreneurs" Web Dossier, March 2023. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- London School of Economics and Political Science: How Africa Trades. (2023) Edited by David Luke. -- London: LSE Press, 2023. Open access e-book.
- MAFE--Migration between Africa and Europe (Louvain, Belgium)The Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve sponsors this site for a group of 10 organizations. "The MAFE project focuses on migration flows between Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK) and Senegal, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana, which together account for over a quarter of all African migration to the EU."
---See especially: MAFE Project Working Papers, 2009-2015 - On Migration (Africa to Europe; or Regional), see also: IOM -and- ISPI above
- The Miombo Network: Land Cover Monitoring and Management in Southern Africa (Maputo, Mozambique)
- "Miombo is a vernacular word that has been adopted by ecologists to describe those woodland ecosystems ...of the southern sub-humid tropical zone from Tanzania and Zaire in the north, through Zambia, Malawi and eastern Angola, to Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the south. "
- Miombo Network Policy Briefs
- New American Economy Research Fund (New York)
"Power of the Purse: How Sub-Saharan Africans Contribute to the U.S. Economy." (January 12, 2018)
24 pages in PDF format
- NewGlobe (New Globe Schools, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts)"Newglobe supports national and state governments by creating powerful technology-enabled education systems." This foundation helps build schools and train teachers. It has worked in African countries such as Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda.
--See especially: NewGlobe publications (via
- NEPAD: New Partnership for African Development -- African Union Development Agency
- AUDA-NEPAD Home Page (2024) Since 2018
--See especially: Research and Publications, 2010 to present - NEPAD: 'New Partnership for African Development', 'New African Initiative' & Related Documents, 2001. (via United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- Search ECA Knowledge Repository for "NEPAD" or "New Partnership for African Development"
- See also: The African Union (above)
- AUDA-NEPAD Home Page (2024) Since 2018
- The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) (NBI Secretariat, Entebbe, Uganda)
General information about the programme and its committees. "[Launched in Dar es Salaam in February 1999] ... The NBI is a regional partnership within which countries of the Nile basin have united in common pursuit of the sustainable development and management of Nile waters. ... supersedes the disbanded 'Technical Co-operation Committee for the Promotion of the Development & Environmental Protection of the Nile Basin.'" See also, Map of the Nile River Basin (Source: The World Bank)
- Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation on Africa (Oslo, Norway)
--Search also: Publications on Norwegian development aid - Nyaka (East Lansing, Michigan; Kampala, Uganda)Formerly Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project, founded in 2001 by Twesigye Jackson Kaguri: The official web site of a community-based project with a wholistic approach to education for children and their families in southwestern Uganda. "To provide a high-quality, free education, both formal and informal, to children who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS in order to counteract pervasive hunger, poverty and systemic deprivation."
- Oakland Institute--Special Investigations: Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa (Oakland, California)Thnik tank reports on Ethiopia, Mali, and Sierra Leone, pending reports and profiles on South Sudan, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and related issues.
--See especially:--The Highest Bidder Takes it All: The World Bank's Scheme to Privatize the Commons. (May 2019)
24 pages in PDF format
- Obama Foundation: Leaders : Africa, 2018-2023 (Chicago, Illinois and Washington, DC, USA)"...a one-year leadership development and civic engagement program designed to train, support, and connect emerging African leaders working to create positive change in their communities."--See also: "About" the Obama Foundation
- Observatoire Sahara et Sahel = Sahel and Sahara Observatory (Tunis, Tunisie; via UNESCO, Paris, France)"L'OSS est une organisation internationale membres sont des pays d'Afrique et d'Europe, quatre organisations sous-régionales, des organisations régionales, des agences du système des Nations-unies et une ONG internationale."
--Le site comprend la Publications de l'OSS - ODINAFRICA: Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization--UNESCO, Paris, France)This website outlines various programs of the ODINAFRICA--a project involving about 20 African countries. The site includes current and recent news, conference information, and other data about Africa's oceanic resources.
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (Paris, France)
- OER Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Braamfontein, South Africa)"...a ground-breaking initiative established by the South African Institute for Distance Education (Saide). We play a leading role in supporting higher education institutions across Africa in the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) to enhance teaching and learning."
--See especially: OER Sites & Repositories
- Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (Paris, France)
Anciennement Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie.- Page d'accueil de l'OIF
- Textes de référence: charte, déclarations, et accords de coopération
- Institut de l'Energie et de l'Environnement de la Francophonie
- OMVS: Organisation sur la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Le site est censé offrir les renseignements essentiels des activités et des projets de cet ONG et des états membres (Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, et Sénégal).
- Actualités
- Le site est censé offrir les renseignements essentiels des activités et des projets de cet ONG et des états membres (Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, et Sénégal).
- Overseas Development Agency of The United Kingdom (See UK Department for International Development below)
- Overseas Development Institute - ODI (London, UK)
"ODI is Britain's leading independent think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues." - ODI Africa Portal
- ODI General Home Page
- Current list of all ODI publications
- International Economic Development Group -- ProjectsReports and summaries on projects in South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, and various countries in West Africa; as well as African international trade relations with Europe and the Caribbean.
- Agriculture in Sub-Saharan AfricaReports and summaries on projects.
- Natural resource perspectivesReports and summaries on projects in Southern Africa, West Africa, South Africa, Ghana, and outside of Africa.
- ODI Agricultural Research and Extension Network Publications (Full list)
- Selected archive of full text, online publications (PDF format):--"Remittances: the huge cost to Africa in money transfer fees": (April 2014); includes executive summary, short video, talking points from discussion held on April 16, 2014, and 36 page report in PDF format.
--"The history, impact, and political economy of barriers to food trade in Sub-Saharan Africa: an analytical review" (Dec. 2013) by Jakob Engel ...{et al.]
Older titles in the archive:
--"The contribution of soil and water conservation to sustainable livelihoods in semi-arid areas of Sub-Saharan Africa". Edited by C. Boyd and C. Turton (2000) Case studies on Tanzania and Uganda.
--"Rural Africa at the crossroads: livelihood practices and policies," (Apr 2000) by Deborah Bryceson. ODI Natural resources perspectives ; no. 52.
--"The contribution of soil and water conservation to sustainable livelihoods in semi-arid areas of Sub-Saharan Africa" (Online). Edited by Charlotte Boyd and Cathryn Turton. -- London : Agricultural Research and Extension Network, ODI, 2000. PDF file : case studies on Tanzania and Uganda.
-- "Adjustment in Africa: lessons from Ghana," (Jul 1996). ODI Briefing paper; no. 3.
-- "Aspects of resource conflict in semi-arid Africa," (Nov 1996) by Roger Blench. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 16.
-- "Assessing the potential of forest product activities ... in Africa," (Nov 1998) by Michael Arnold and Ian Townson. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 37.
-- "Encouraging sustainable smallholder agriculture in southern Africa ...," (Jul 1998) by Martin Whiteside. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 36.
-- "Financing of agricultural research and extension for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa," (Nov 1996) by Jonathan Beynon. ODI Natural resource perspectives ; no. 15.
-- "Improving the access of smallholders to agricultural services in Sub-Saharan Africa," (June 1997) by Rachel Stringfellow ... [et al.]. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 20.
-- "Land tenure reform ... in southern Africa," (Feb 1999) by Martin Adams ... [et al.]. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 39.
-- "Multiple uses of common pool resources in semi-arid West Africa ...," (Nov 1998) by Timothy O. Williams. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 38.
-- "Participatory biodiversity conservation ... tropical Africa," (Jul 1998) by David Brown. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 33.
-- "Recent experiences with participatory technology development in Africa ...," (Jan 1998) by Alistair Sutherland ... [et al.]. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 25.
-- "Reconciling interests among wildlife, livestock and people in eastern Africa ...," (June 1999) by Charlotte Boyd, with Roger Blench ... [et al.]. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 45.
-- "Redesigning for risk: tracking and buffering environmental variability in Africa's rangelands," (Nov 1994) by Roy Behnke and Carol Kerven. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 1.
-- "SADC-EU trade relations in a post-Lomé world," by Sheila Page ... [et al.]. -- London: ODI, 1999.
-- "What's special about wildlife management in forests? ... West-Central Africa," (June 1999) by Amar Inamdar... [et al.]. ODI Natural resource perspectives; no. 44.
-- "Livestock, land use and agricultural intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa," (Dec 1994) by David Bourn, William Wint. Pastoral Development Network paper ; no. 37a.
-- "Pastoral labour and stock alienation in the sub-humid and arid zones of West Africa," (Feb 1985) by Roger Blench. Pastoral Development Network paper ; no. 19e.
-- "Settlement schemes for herders in the sub-humid tropics of West Africa: issues of land rights and ethnicity," (Feb 1985) by Clare Oxby. Pastoral Development Network paper ; no. 19f.
- Oxfam International on Africa (USA, UK and Australia)
- Reports on West African countries: from Benin to Togo
- Promises, power, and poverty: corporate land deals and rural women in Africa (April 2013) Oxfam briefing paper; no. 170. (26 pages in PDF format)
- Overcoming the barriers: how to ensure future food production under climate change in southern Africa (October 2011) Oxford research reports (60 pages in PDF format)
- Impacts of reductions in US cotton subsidies on West African cotton producers (June 2007) -- Boston, Massachusetts: Oxfam America, 2007. PDF format.
- Oxfam Australia in Southern AfricaPolicy and campaign reports for Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe.
- Oxfam International Home Page
- People's Republic of China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Africa (Beijing)
- Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
- "[Launched in Beijing in 2000]...a platform established by China and friendly African countries for collective consultation and dialogue and a cooperation mechanism between the developing countries, which falls into the category of South-South cooperation."
- 2024 Summit of the FOCAC, September 4-6, 2024, Beijing
- The 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, November 29-30, 2021, Dakar, Senegal
--Veuillez voir aussi: le site en français - Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19, June 17-22, 2020 (Beijing, China)
- FOCAC 2018: Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, September 3-5, 2018, Beijing, China
- Departments of African Affairs -and- West Asian and North African Affairs
- Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
- PEP: Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network (via Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- The site offers a searchable digital library of policy briefs, working papers, and reports. The PEP Africa office is located in Dakar, Senegal. "...a global network of developing country researchers with the skills and reputation to participate in and influence national and international academic and policy debates on poverty issues."
- PEP-NET Publications
- Power Shift Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)"PSA’s mission is to mobilise climate action in Africa, amplify African voices through increased visibility in media and public communications, and leveraging this voice internationally."
--See especially: Publications
- PTA Bank: Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (Nairobi, Kenya)
- RAP21--Réseau africain de presse pour le 21ème siècle = African Press Network for the 21st century (World Association of Newspapers, Paris, France)Le site offre un bulletin d'information --en français et en anglais-- sur la gestion des médias et les violations de la liberté de la presse sur le continent. "[Lancé en septembre 2000 en liaison avec l'Union des Editeurs de Presse d'Afrique Centrale] un réseau électronique pour la presse africaine, qui sert de plate-forme d'échange d'idées et d'informations, et de forum de discussion entre les directeurs de journaux, les journalistes et les autres professionnels des médias sur le continent africain."
- ReSAKSS: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (International Food Policy Research Institution, Washington, DC)Launched in 2007, ReSAKSS is an Africa-wide network offering tools and recent data for analysis of African agricultural development. The website features statistical tables and graphs for each African country--to be viewed online or downloaded, plus Africa-wide working papers, reports, and other publications.
--See especially: "Beyond a Middle Income Africa" Conference, September 1-3, 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, organized by the African Union Commission, at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa headquarters.
--Beyond a middle income Africa: transforming African economies for sustained growth with rising employment and incomes. (2014) Edited by Ousmane Badiane and Tsitsi Makombe. 264 pages in PDF format
- ROCARE--Réseau Ouest et Centre Africain de Recherche en Education = Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa (Bamako, Mali)
- "[Créé en 1989] Le ROCARE compte plusieurs centaines de chercheurs dans 14 pays membres dont 10 francophones et 4 anglophones : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, et Togo...Le siège de la coordination régionale se situe à l'Institut Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (ISFRA) à Bamako."
- Bulletin du ROCARE/ERNWACA. (Online) -- Bamako: ROCARE/ERNWACA, 2004-
- ICT and changing mindsets in education = repenser l'éducation à l'aide des TIC edited by Kathryn Toure, Therese Mungah Shalo Tchombe, & Thierry Karsenti. -- Bamenda, Cameroon : Langaa ; Bamako, Mali : ROCARE/ERNWACA, 2008.
- Bibliothèque numérique du ROCARE/ERNWACA
- ROPPA--Réseau des organisations paysannes et des producteurs agricoles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
A ce site, on peut lire les actualités et plusieurs rapports à propos des activités de l'organisation: les actes des ateliers, des colloques; et les propositions en français ou en anglais. << Le ROPPA a formellement été fondé en juillet 2000 lors d'une rencontre à Cotonou qui a rassemblé ... des organisations ou cadres de concertation de 10 pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Bénin, Burkina Faos, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambie, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sénégal, Togo) l'ambition est d'accueillir des organisations paysannes de l'ensemble des pays de la CEDEAO...>>
- SADC: Southern African Development Community (Gaborone, Botswana)
- Member state information, policies and programs on food security, trade, infrastructure, and strategic planning, with some numerical indicators; plus related links.
--See also: SARDC--Southern African Research and Documentation Centre - SADC Newsletters
- SADC Press Releases and Statements
- 42nd SADC Summit, August 17-18, 2022, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. 108 pages in PDF format; via SARDC
- SADC Macroeconomic Statistics Bulletin (November 2021) 77 pages in PDF format
- European Union's Cooperation with SADC (2021)
- 41st SADC Summit, August 17-18, 2021, Lilongwe, Malawi. 108 pages in PDF format; via SARDC
- 40th SADC Summit, August 17, 2020, Maputo, Mozambique. 109 pages in PDF format; via SARDC
- 39th SADC Summit, August 17-18, 2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 108 pages in PDF format ; via SARDC
- SADC Energy Monitor (2018)
- SADC Summit and Council Records (2016)
- Member state information, policies and programs on food security, trade, infrastructure, and strategic planning, with some numerical indicators; plus related links.
- SADC-CCBG: Southern African Development Community--Committee of Central Bank Governors (SADC Finance and Investment Sector, Pretoria, South Africa)
- The official home page of the committee, established in August 1995.
- Publications
- Member Countries
- SADC Parliamentary Forum (Southern African Development Community--PF, Windhoek, Namibia)This site offers recent election news, information about election observations, other documents and reports, and member profiles. "The SADC Parliamentary Forum [launched in July 1996] is a regional organisation that brings together 12 parliaments of the southern Africa region and represents 1800 Members of Parliament. Among the Forum's critical issues of concern in the 21st century is the support of the growing democracy in the region."
- SADC Regional Human Development Report 2000. -- New York: United Nations Development Programme, 2000. (PDF format)
- Sahel point DOC: anthologie du développement au Sahel -- Paris, France: UNESCO, Division de l'Information et de l'Informatique, 1999. --via New Zealand Digital Library, University of Waikato, New Zealand.Une petite archive de documents numérisés fournies par la Banque Mondiale, Centre Songhaï, OECD--Club du Sahel, CILSS, FAO, PNUD, et par quelques autres organisations sur la zone sahelienne.
- SARDC--Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (Harare, Zimbabwe)
- " independent regional knowledge resource centre established in 1985 to strengthen regional policy perspectives and track implementation on a range of issues in southern Africa, and works in partnership at national and regional levels."
- "Virtual Library": all online publications
- Southern Africa today. (Online) SADC today -- Harare, Zimbabwe: Published by SARDC for the SADC Secretariat, 1997-
- SARDC Energy Investment Yearbook 2018. 40 pages in PDF format
- SADC Summit Yearbooks, 2014 to present
- SADC Energy Monitor 2018. 74 pages in PDF format
- SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2018. 120 pages in PDF format
- The Zambezi Watercourse Commission. (2015)
- Southern African Environment Outlook. (2008) -- Harare, Zimbabwe: SARDC, 2008. 196 pages in PDF format
- SARPN--Southern African Regional Poverty Network (Pretoria, South Africa)A consultancy website rich in development-related news, other news on human rights and health issues, project and conference reports, and related links for the region.
- SARUA--Southern African Regional Universities Association (Johannesburg, South Africa)"Founded in 2005, SARUA is a membership-based organisation which is open to all the public universities of the 15 countries that make up the Southern African Development Community (SADC)..."
--See especially: Profiles of SADC Public Universities -and- Publications
- SARW--Southern Africa Resource Watch (Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa)The site features news, information about recent books, country legislation watch, contact information for country ministries, and downloadable research reports and papers on extractive industries in 10 southern African countries -- outside of South Africa, plus a field office in the Democratic Republic of Congo. "To monitor corporate and state conduct in the extraction and beneficiation of natural resources in Southern Africa region, in particular assessing to what extent these efforts contribute to sustainable consolidate research and advocacy on natural resources extraction issues in Southern Africa."
- Save the Children, UK: Policy Resources (London)
A searchable library of downloadable publications on various African countries; mostly in PDF format.
- SchoolNet Africa (2020) (Dakar, Senegal ; Johannesburg, South Africa)The website --in English or French-- includes information on ICTs and computers in schools, reports on ICTs & education in Africa, programs, conferences & workshops, etc. "[Founded in 1999] SchoolNet Africa is one of Africa's first African-led, African-based non-government organisations (NGO) that operates across the continent in its endeavour to improve education access, quality and efficiency through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African schools."
- SSATP African Transport Policy Program. World Bank Group. (Washington, DC)"With the goal of ensuring that all Africans have access to, and are served by, safe, sustainable and reliable transport systems, SSATP actively partners with African member countries, development partners, regional economic communities, and other private and public sector organizations."
--See especially: SSATP Publications
- Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa (Kigali, Rwanda)"Opened in July 2016, the SDGC/A is an international organization that supports governments, civil society, businesses and academic institutions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa."
--See especially: 2019 Africa SDG Index and Dashboard s Report (June 2019). 243 pages in PDF format.
--Africa 2030: Sustainable Development Goals Three-Year Reality Check. (June 2019). 136 pages in PDF format.
--All reports
- International Centre for Tax and Development (Brighton, UK)Funded by DFID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
"[Established in November 2010]...a global policy research network, devoted to improving the quality of tax policy and administration in developing countries, with a special focus on sub-Saharan Africa."
--See especially: Publications -and- Datase
- Third World Network Africa (Accra, Ghana)The site features news analysis, some downloadable reports, and related links.
"TWN Africa is a Non Governmental Organisation which carries out Research and Advocacy on issues of social and economic policy that advances the needs and interests of peoples of African and other third world countries (especially marginalized social groups), a fair distribution of world's resources, and forms of development which are sustainable and fulfil human needs."
- TICAD--Tokyo International Conference on African Development (Japan)"[TICAD] was launched in 1993 to promote high-level policy dialogue between African leaders and development partners. TICAD has since evolved into a major global framework to facilitate the implementation of initiatives for promoting African development under the dual principle of African 'ownership' and international 'partnership'."
--The 8th conference held August 27-28, 2008, in Tunis, Tunisia (via Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
--See also: Official TICAD 8 website
- Union for African Population Studies (Accra, Ghana)
- 'UAPS is a non-profit, Pan-African, scientific organization, first launched in 1984 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to improve research capacity and promote evidence-based population policies and programmes in Africa.' In 1987, the headquarters moved to Dakar, Senegal, and then moved again in 2006 to Accra, Ghana.
- Journal of African population studies. (Online) -- Accra, Ghana: UAPS, 1988--
- UAPS News
- 'UAPS is a non-profit, Pan-African, scientific organization, first launched in 1984 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to improve research capacity and promote evidence-based population policies and programmes in Africa.' In 1987, the headquarters moved to Dakar, Senegal, and then moved again in 2006 to Accra, Ghana.
- Union du Maghreb Arabe (Rabat, Morocco)
- UEMOA: Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Sur ce site, on peut trouver l'agenda de l'UEMOA, les actualités, les publications, et un lien au site Web << Investir en zone franc >> pour chaque pays. Voir aussi, le site de la Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement ci-dessus.- Communiques de presse les autres publications
- Communiques de presse les autres publications
- United Kingdom, Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office (formerly DFID and ODA)
- FCDO General Home Page
- Search by Country: International Development Funding
- Development Tracker : search for current and recent UK aid projects
- FCDO General Home Page
- United Kingdom. Department of International Trade: Africa Investment Conference, January 20, 2021 (London)
- United Nations Agencies on Africa (including UN Economic Commission for Africa, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNEP, and UN Industrial Development Organization) via Columbia University
- Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly, March 11-15, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya (via UN Environment Programme, Nairobi)"Three areas of focus: (a) tackling the environmental challenges related to poverty and natural resources management, including sustainable food systems, food security and halting biodiversity loss; (b) introducing life-cycle approaches to resource efficiency, energy, chemicals and waste management; (c) ensuring sustainable business development at a time of rapid technological change."
--See especially: Documents of UNEA
- United Nations Millennium Development Goals via Columbia University
- Universities, Employability, and Inclusive Development: Repositioning Higher Education in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa (2016) Sponsored by The British Council. (London, UK) 108 pages in PDF format
"The research project ran from March 2013 to February 2016, and involved five countries – Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and for comparative purposes, the UK...The research study focuses primarily on the teaching function of universities, rather than research and community engagement – while acknowledging that the latter two also play an essential part of the university’s role in enhancing a country’s development."
- University world news. (Online)--Africa edition. Weekly newspaper. -- London, UK; Durban, South Africa: Higher Education Web Publishing Ltd, 2008-
- "Urban Planning and Urban Architecture in Africa." (February 2017) Web dossier (Library, Documentation, and Information Department, Afrikastudiecentrum=African Studies Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)An annotated bibliography of print and online resources, based on library acquisitions at Leiden University.
- VSO: Voluntary Services International (United Kingdom)
- "VSO's work revolves around four development areas, linked to the priorities of our partners, international development targets and our areas of expertise. These are health, HIV and AIDS, participation and governance, secure livelihoods and education."
- For VSO projects in Africa: search by country.
- WaterAid: an international development charity (London, UK)
- Home Page
- Research publications
- WaterAid in Africa:
-- Burkina Faso
-- Ethiopia
-- Ghana
-- Madagascar
-- Malawi
-- Mali
-- Mozambique
-- Nigeria
-- Tanzania
-- Uganda
-- Zambia
- Home Page
- The Water Page -- Incorporating The African Water Page (Len Abrams, Water Policy International, Johannesburg, South Africa)
"This is a page dedicated to the water sector in Africa and in other developing regions. Issues addressed include water policy, water resource management, water supply and environmental sanitation, water conservation and demand management, and a variety of other issues." The site contains documents on water resources legislation, development projects, and research, plus links to related sites.
- Water Program of The World Bank (The World Bank, Washington, DC)
- CIWA--Cooperation in International Waters in Africa
- The Future of Water in African Cities: Why Waste Water? (2013) (226 pages in PDF format ; plus additional resources on Africa)
- Water Partnership Program (General)
- Water and Sanitation Program, 2000-2010 (General)
- For more on Water in Africa: Climate and Environment in Africa--Water (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (Lagos, Nigeria)[Established in 1996]...the principal objective of WAIFEM is to build capacity for macroeconomic and financial management in the countries of its member central banks: The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
- West African Monetary Institute (Accra, Ghana)"The objectives of the WAMI is to establish a common central bank with a single currency for the economic prosperity of the West African Monetary Zone." The site feature ***current and recent news, plus...statistical data, and publications from 2001 to 2011; and, some data for 2013.
- World Agroforestry Centre: Eastern and Southern Africa -and- West and Central Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Yaoundé, Cameroun)Research and project news, with links to open access journal articles and reports. " generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes, and to use its research to advance policies and practices, and their implementation, that benefit the poor and the environment."-- See especially: WAC Publications Repository. Search by topic and country
--"Climate change and variability in southern Africa: impacts and adaptation in the agricultural sector." (2006) Published by WAC and UNEP. 42 pages in PDF format
- The World Bank on Africa
- General Home Page
- Africa's Pulse"...a biannual analysis of the near-term macroeconomic outlook for the region, published around the World Bank/IMF Spring and Annual meetings each April and October."
- Office of the Chief Economist, Africa Region
- Africa Development Forum Series in "Open Knowledge Repository"
- The World Bank on COVD-19 in Africa
- "The World Bank and IMF mobilize partners to fight against COVID-19 in Africa," April 17, 2020.
- "COVID-19 drives Sub-Saharan Africa towards first recession in 25 years, April 9, 2020.
- "For Sub-Saharan Africa, Coronavirus crisis calls for policies of greater resilience," April 8, 2020.
- "In the face of Coronavirus, African countries apply lessons from Ebola response," April 3, 2020.
- Operational Response to COVID-19 Projects List--By Country
- The World Bank in Africa
- "Open Knowledge Repository" (All)
- All World Bank open access publications, 2009 to present (via
- Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Sub-Saharan Africa Knowledge CenterA digital library of open access reports--search by country and region. "WAVES is a World Bank-led global partnership that aims to promote sustainable development by ensuring that natural resources are mainstreamed in development planning and national economic accounts." WAVES partner countries include: Botswana, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
- IMF--World Library NetworkA network of 14 libraries which principally serve the Bank and the IMF; free public access via the Internet to the library catalog only--plus, lists of publications.
- World Development Reports, 1978 to present (General) --via Open Knowledge Repository."Each year the WDR provides in depth analysis of a specific aspect of development. Past reports have considered such topics as the role of the state, transition economies, labor, infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty."
- Fifth Investing in Africa Forum, September 10-12, 2019, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
- Groundswell : preparing for internal climate migration. (March 2018) By Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Alex de Sherbinin, Bryan Jones ..[et al.] -- Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2018. --via Open Knowledge Repository ; 256 pages in PDF format
[Focus on Ethiopia and East Africa; Bangladesh and South Asia; Mexico and Central America] - EduTech: "Surveying ICT use in education in Africa." (Sept. 2015) by Michael Trucano. A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education (Washington, DC)
--See also: EduTech blog articles (All)
- Worldwide Governance Indicators, 1996-2014"[The WGI]...project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for 215 countries and territories over the period 1996–2013, for six dimensions of governance: voice and accountability; political stability and absence of violence; government effectiveness; regulatory quality; rule of law; control of corruption.
- Sub-Saharan Africa -- Home Page ; see also: Middle East and North Africa
- Topics in DevelopmentSearch by region or country; including:
-- EdStats: Educational Statistics -- Country Profiles - Water Programs in Africa at The World Bank
- Millennium Development Goals for Sub-Saharan Africa, 2001--
--Achieving the MDGs in Africa - Securing Africa's land for shared prosperity: a program to scale up reforms and investments -- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2013. 231 pages in PDF format
- infoDev--Information for Development Project-- All reports (Most recent and search)
- HIV/AIDS in Africa, 2002-- (Aids Campaign Team for Africa, The World Bank, Washington, DC)
- "Africa Region" 2014 Overview from Annual Report 2014
- Annual Report 2013 [SeeTables of Contents for "Africa"]
- "Africa Region" 2012 Summary in Annual Report 2012 PDF format
- "Africa Region" 2011 Summary in Annual Report 2011
PDF format - "Africa Region" Summary in Annual Report 2009: Year in Review PDF format
--See also: Overview for Annual Report 2009 "Africa Region"
- "Africa Region" Summary in Annual Report 2008: Year in Review PDF format
- African Development Indicators 2010
- Silent and lethal--How quiet corruption undermines Africa's development efforts.
-- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2010. 45 pages in PDF format - African Development Indicators 2008-2009: Youth and employment in Africa. -- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2009. 34 pages in PDF format
- Silent and lethal--How quiet corruption undermines Africa's development efforts.
- ANSA-Africa: Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (via Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa)"ANSA-Africa is a new network, jointly created by the World Bank and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa, to become a leading African advocate of citizen involvement in demand-side governance develop cross-country collaboration, to provide technical assistance, and to share country experiences and lessons." The site features news on activities and events, reports on projects and policies, manuals on methodologies, and related news links.
- World Bank Assistance to Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: An IEG Review. (2007) -- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2007. 228 pages in PDF format
- Challenges of African growth: opportunities, constraints, and strategic directions. By Benno Ndulu et al. -- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2007. 221 pages in PDF format
- Making finance work for Africa. By Patrick Honohan and Thorsten Beck. -- Washington, DC: The Bank, 2007. 260 pages in PDF format
- Africa Region, 2007. The World Bank Annual Report 2007. (Online)
- Africa Region, 2006.The World Bank Annual Report 2006. (Online)
- Africa Region, 2005. The World Bank Annual Report 2005. (Online)
- For annual reports 1974-2004: Search "Documents and Reports"
- Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and Joint Staff Assessments for
Sub-Saharan Africa | Middle East & North Africa
- Clean Air Initiative in Sub-Saharan African cities (Washington, DC)A special initiative launched in 1998 as a response to increase in air quality problems in the region. The site includes documents from recent conferences and news.
- Africa's international rivers: an economic perspective. (Jan 2003) By Claudia Sadoff ...[et al.]. -- Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, c2003.
- Global Information & Communication Technologies Department--Projects Search by country.
- Enhanced HIPC--Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative (General)"The principal objective ... is to bring the country's debt burden to sustainable levels, subject to satisfactory policy performance, so as to ensure that adjustment and reform efforts are not put at risk by continued high debt and debt service burdens." Note: This site includes downloadable documents with information on conditions since 1997 for23 African countries
- Independent Evaluation Group Formerly OEDA large archive of reports (in HTML or PDF) from: " independent unit within the World Bank; it reports directly to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors. IEG assesses what works, and what does not; how a borrower plans to run and maintain a project; and the lasting contribution of the Bank to a country's overall development."
- Misc. Conference Proceedings:
- African forestry policy forum: proceedings. (Nairobi, August 29-30, 1996), Vol. I ; Vol. II
"The African Forestry Policy Forum was convened under the sponsorship of the World Bank and UNEP to facilitate in-depth discussions of high-quality case studies of the new forest policy agenda implementation experience in Sub-Saharan Africa." Note: only some of the case study reports are available in full text.
- African forestry policy forum: proceedings. (Nairobi, August 29-30, 1996), Vol. I ; Vol. II
- World Data on Education, 7th ed. (2010-2011) (UNESCO, Paris, France)
Published in 2012: a searchable (by country) database of UNESCO annual reports on national education systems, 1998-2010---plus updates; including recent conference papers.
--See also: 6th ed. (2006-2007)
--Plus: National reports for 2004 presented at the 47th International Conference on Education, 8-11 September 2004, Geneva, Switzerland.--For more info, see: UNESCO on Africa (via Columbia University Libraries)
- World Economic Forum--"Achieving Inclusive Growth," May 3-5, 2017, Durban, South Africa (Geneva, Switzerland)
- WEF 2017 Overview
- WEF Home Page (General)
- Past WEF on Africa
- World Economic Forum on Africa 2016, May 11-13, 2016, Kigali, Rwanda
"Under the theme Connecting Africa’s Resources through Digital Transformation, the 26th World Economic Forum on Africa will discuss digital economy catalysts that can drive radical structural transformation, strengthen public-private collaboration on key global and regional challenges, and agree on strategic actions that can deliver shared prosperity across the continent." - WEF on Africa 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 9-11, 2012This site includes summaries of the discussions, video recordings, and information about the participants, plus overall reports. "The WEF is a business-centered organization acting as an interface with all stakeholders in society...membership is primarily drawn from the world's 1,000 leading global companies..."
- WEF on Africa, May 5-7, 2010, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- WEF on Africa, June 10-12, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa
- All WEF briefings and reports on Africa, 2003--
- World Economic Forum on Africa 2016, May 11-13, 2016, Kigali, Rwanda
- World Resources Institute on Africa (Washington, DC)
This site includes data and maps on African economic and environmental issues--including watersheds, forests, urban-rural demographics and health, and community banks. There are special sections on: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Niger, & Nigeria. - WRI--Country Projects and Publications (Search by country)
- WRI Maps
- WRI Home Page (General)
- Congo Basin Forest Atlases"WRI works in the following Congo Basin countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon."
- Report on the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August-4 September 2002 (via The United Nations Digital Library, New York, USA)
--See also: Summaries of round tables -and- Other search results in the UN Digital Library - World Trade Organization (Geneva, Switzerland)
'The WTO is an international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.'