Web Archives at Columbia
Web archives preserve information that may not remain available on the live Web and show how the websites have evolved over time.
Columbia University Libraries is creating thematic collections of archived websites, archiving the University's web domain, and participating in collaborative web collecting with other research libraries. Learn more about our web collecting.
Art Exhibition Websites (2023-present)
Burke Library (2022-present)
Democracy Reform and Voting Rights in the U.S. (2021-present)
Frank Lloyd Wright (2019-present) via CLIO
Human Rights (2008-present) via CLIO
New York City Places & Spaces (2010-present) via CLIO
New York City Religions (2010-present)
Rare Book and Manuscript Library (2011-present)
Resistance (2017-2021)
Stonewall 50 Commemoration (2019)
University Archives (2010-present) about
Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Collaborative Collections
Web Collecting Program
International Internet Preservation Consortium Collaborative Collections
Street Art (2023-present)
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (2020-2023)
Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Climate Change (2019)
European Refugee Crisis (2015-2016)
Intergovernmental Organizations (2015-present)
Olympics (2010-present)
Online News Around the World (2018-2019)
World War I Commemoration (2015-2018)