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Alfred Lucien Pierre Féry
- School: Columbia College
- Class Year: 1917
- War: World War I
- Date of Death: September 26, 1915
Alfred Lucien Pierre Féry withdrew from Columbia in the spring of 1915, to return to his native France where he underwent military training. Upon completing his military course in August 1915, he joined the 10th BCP (Battallon de Chasseurs á Pied). He died during an attempt to take a German trench by a mass attack using hand grenades. He is buried in the military cemetery in Sain en Gohelle in Calais.

Pierre Lucien Alfred FÉRY (or Alfred Lucien Pierre FERY, as he became known during his time at Columbia) was born May 30,1895 in Blamont, in Lorraine, France. His father, Jules Nicolas, was a notary and his mother was named Eugénie Boulhaut. Pierre FÉRY studied in Verdun as well as Nancy from which he graduated high school in 1913. He enrolled at Columbia as part of the Class of 1917, but after war broke out in Europe, in 1914, he decided to return to France to enlist in the French army, in the 3rd Bataillon de Chasseurs à pied as an officer cadet. He then fought with the 10th Bataillon de Chasseurs à pied. He was killed September 26, 1915 at Angres (near Aix Noulette, Pas de Calais), during the Artois offensive after having been wounded. There is memorial marker on his parents’ grave in the cemetery of Sains en Gohelle, near the site where he was killed.
- Michele Heymonet
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