Roll of Honor
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James Outwater Vedder
- School: Columbia College
- Class Year: 1919
- War: World War I
- Date of Death: September 29, 1918
Corporal James Outwater Vedder, Company K, 107th Infantry, U.S. Army, was killed in battle on September 29, 1918, while leading his squad against German machine gun emplacements. He was twenty-one years old. He is buried at the American Cemetery of the Somme in Bony, France. He died two months before his older brother, Sergeant Harmon Boultbee Vedder. He had enlisted while a freshman at Columbia, in April 1917, and had gone overseas in May 1918.

bonjour, mon fils est le parrain de sa tombe en france. voici une photo prise ce jour. cordialement, david marez
- David Marez

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