The Fall 1986 issue of Columbia College Today (CCT) celebrated the 45th Annivesary of WKCR, Columbia's student radio station. As part of the comprehensive coverage, the issue included a vinyl-like record. The Highlights of King's Crown Radio offers a wide range of audio samples from WKCR's archives: a station break in 1941-1942; an interview with Fidel Castro, 1958; the first stereo sign-on, 1964; University President Grayson Kirk on academic freedom, 1954; the Columbia vs. Princeton Ivy League basketball championship game, 1968; a Louis Armstrong station promo, 1970-1971; and live coverage from the "bust" of the spring 1968 campus occupation. The audio was produced and narrated by James C. Katz CC 1972, BUS 1980, CCT's then-editor.
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Highlights of King's Crown Radio
Side 1
- Columbia University Radio Club station break, 1941-1942. Announcer: Lincolm Diamant CC 1943.
- Commercial from "Camel Campus Caravan," 1941-1942. with Lincoln Diamant CC 1943.
- Comments on Benny Goodman and Bela Bartok, by Professor of Music Willard Rhodes, 1941-1942.
- United Nations coverage: British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan is interrupted by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. General Assembly erupts in laughter when MacMillan coolly quips, "I'd like it translated, if you would," 1961.
- Interview with Fidel Castro, 1958. Reporter, Jim Collis CC 1958.
- Former President Harry S. Truman speaks to students, 1959.
- Interview with House Speaker Sam Rayburn, 1961.
- Excerpts from talks with Senatos Hubert H. Humphrey and Barry Goldwater, probably from 1960-1961.
- Professor of Music Vladimir Ussachevsky recounts early experiences with electronic music at WKCR, problably from 1960-1961.
- First stereo sign-in, 1964.
Side 2
- University President Grayson Kirk on academic freedom, 1954.
- Professor Mark Van Doren concludes the final class of his career, 1959.
- Dramatic reading, from Macbeth, by D. Keith Mano CC 1963, from 1961.
- Columbia vs. Princeton basketball, final moments of Ivy League championship game, March 1968.
- Live coverage of police "bust" of campus occupation. Reporters: Steven Silberblatt CC 1969 and Jim Goldman CC 1970. Anchor: Bob Siegel CC 1968. April 1968.
- Press conference: University Vice President David B. Truman, April 1968.
- Historic jazz recording of Thelonious Monk and Kenny Clarke at Minton's Playhouse, by Jerry Newman CC 1942, from 1941-1942.
- Louis Amstrong station promo, from 1970-1971.
- Mary Lou Williams comments on jazz history, August 1979.
- Max Roach drum solo excerpt, from WKCR benefit, August 1982.
Produced by James C. Katz CC 1972
Associate Producers: Jonathan Gill CC 1986, Tom Mathewson, Jessica Raimi, Phil Schaap CC 1973
Re-mixed and mastered by Peter Darmi at Charlie Morrow Associates, Inc., New York, NY
Script: Jessica Raimi and James C. Katz CC 1972
Narration: James C. Katz CC 1972
Manufactured by EVA-TONE Soundsheets, Cleawater, FL
Audio materials provided by: Richard M. Booth CC 1942, Jay S. Bulmash CC 1963, Kenneth E. Howitt CC 1976, Phil Schaap CC 1973, Arthur L. Wisot CC 1961, and the WKCR Archives.
Special thanks to: Fred Seibert CC 1973, Alan Goodman CC 1974, Fred/Alan Inc., Bill Binderman CC 1961, Ken Howitt CC 1976, Mike Meadvin CC 1972, Andy Caploe CC 1983, Pam Cohen, Larry McKnight, and Fran Matsuo.