Sudan: History, Culture, & Education
- AFROPOP Worldwide: Sudan (Brooklyn, New York)
- Ahfad University for Women Founded in 1966. (Omdurman, Sudan)
- Ancient Nubia -- Robert F. Picken Family Nubian Gallery (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)
--See: Nubia Salvage Project in 1987 and in 1992
--See also: International Society for Nubian Studies below
--Plus: 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, August/September 2022 below - "Ancient Nubia Now," October 13, 2019--January 20, 2020, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts"...showcases the strength of the MFA’s collection, with hundreds of objects on view, some for the first time. Highlights include the exquisite jewels of Nubia’s queens, an army of funerary figurines, gold and silver treasure, and a stele bearing the longest known inscription in the still untranslated Meroitic language and script. The exhibition also brings new insights and voices. Throughout the galleries, video interviews with a biological anthropologist, an Egyptologist, a young Sudanese American, a photographer, and a professor connect the objects on view to pertinent themes such as power, self-representation, and cultural appropriation."
- The British Museum--World Cultures: Sudan (London, UK)
- Sudan: Past and Present, 9 September 2004 -- 9 January 2005
- Sudan Archaeological Research Society
(c/o The British Museum, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan)-- About SARS publications; see also: Berlin's Sudan Archaeological Society below.
- Sudan: Past and Present, 9 September 2004 -- 9 January 2005
- CEDEJ: Centre d'Etudes et de Documentations Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales (Caire, Egypte)Le site offre la présentation sur le centre et les activités du personnel de recherche, le contenu de la bibliothèque du centre--y compris une liste des dernières acquisitions, et quelques publications en ligne. << Le CEDEJ est un centre de recherche pluridisciplinaire, dont les travaux portent sur l'Egypte et le Soudan a été créé par l'accord de coopération franco-égyptien de 1968. ...L'antenne du CEDEJ à Khartoum, fondéé en 1993, ...en collaboration avec le Development Studies and Research Center (rattaché à la Faculté de Sciences Economiques et Sociales de l'Université de Khartoum)...>>
- Comprehensive Peace Agreement (2005) (via Republic of The Sudan)
- Darfur Crisis and Peace Agreement (2006) (via Columbia University Libraries)
- Darfur Website Documents The Centre Studies Research Seminars, The Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Bergen. (Professor Rex Sean O'Fahey, Dept. of History, University of Bergen, Norway)Assorted notes, historical essays, and Darfur historical documents: a catalogue--documents photographed by Prof. Rex Sean O'Fahey in the 1970s.
- Durham University Library: Sudan Archive (UK)A detailed description of the collection at Durham University, UK. "The Archive was founded in 1957 to collect and preserve the papers of administrators and others who had served or lived in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. It contains official, semi-official and private papers which document in considerable detail the Sudan under Mahdist and Condominium rule for the period 1883-1956, with some material from the post-independence period. It includes a substantial quantity of papers relating to Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria and African states bordering on the Sudan."
- Elections and Referendum in Sudan/Southern Sudan, 2010-2011 (via Columbia University Libraries)
- Indiana University Libraries: Nuer Field Notes -- Eleanor Vandevort (Marion Francis-Wilson et al., Digital Library Program; Bloomington, Indiana)The digitized book, A leopard tamed (1968), field notes, grammar, and word lists of a woman missionary in southern Sudan.
- International Society for Nubian Studies (Warsaw, Poland)
- The Nubian.Net (2007) (Abubakr Sidahmed, Dubai, U.A.E.)A general information site for Nubian history and culture, with a historical "who's who" list. The author is an architect with a strong interest in his own Nubian cultural heritage.
- 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, August 29--September 4, 2022, Warsaw, Poland
--See especially: Programme and Book of Abstracts
- P21 Gallery: "Sudan: Emergence of Singularities," 23rd March – 6th May 2017, via Facebook (London, UK)"A season blending contemporary visual arts, theatre, music, design, films and words from and about Sudan." ***Note: as of September 2024, the exhibition web site is no longer accessible.
- Rift Valley Institute (Nairobi, Kenya)
- " independent association based in Kenya and the United Kingdom. The Institute was established in 2001 to support research, publishing and educational initiatives in the African Rift Valley region. Fellows of the Institute include academic specialists from Africa, Europe and the Americas and local and international practitioners in the fields of aid, development, environmental conservation and human rights."
- Sudan Abduction & Slavery Project, 1983-2003
- See also: Sudan Open Archive below
- The Sudan Archaeological Society, Berlin (Germany)This site in German offers summaries of the activities of the society, contact information, table of contents of the SAG Bulletin, an archive of photos (GIF files), and links to Sudan-related web sites. "The Sudan Archaeological Society in Berlin (SAG) was founded on September 23, 1993. The society's aim is the preservation especially of the ruins at Musawwarat es Sufra/Sudan in collaboration with the Institute for Sudanarchaeology and Egyptology, Humboldt University of Berlin."
- Sudan Archaeological Research Society (c/o The British Museum, London, UK)The website offers information about current research, fieldwork projects, and publications by the Society (founded in 1991).
See especially: Sudan and Nubia, 1997-2022 (Bulletin of the SARS) - Sudan Historical Photography Archive University of Khartoum, Department of History (See below)
- Sudan Institute for Research and Policy (via Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania)The site includes downloadable papers from SIRP members and a 2007 SIRP-sponsored conference, as well as information about SIRP projects. " independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization dedicated to the promotion of knowledge about The Sudan. SIRP seeks to provide a platform for scholars (especially Sudanese) concerned with the provision of accurate, well-researched, independent materials to contribute to the development of The Sudan and the Sudanese peoples in a broad sense."
--See especially: Sudan Vote Monitor (2010) - Sudan Memory (Khartoum, Sudan)"A digitisation project dedicated to conserving and promoting Sudanese cultural and documentary heritage...The materials scanned by Sudan Memory include films, photos, manuscripts, objects, documents and art works. Many stories, histories and memories related to this content have been recorded...Funded by the British Council Cultural Protection Fund and the Aliph Foundation. King’s College is the project lead. The National Records Office (NRO) and Sudanese Association for Archiving Knowledge (SUDAAK) are the major national partners."
- Sudan Open Archive (Rift Valley Institute, London, UK & Nairobi, Kenya)"The first phase of the Archive involved the digitisation of technical reports on aid and development from Operation Lifeline Sudan (1989-2005). A library of contemporary and historical literature on environmental issues was added in 2006; a collection of reports on local peace processes in 2007. They will be followed by further ethnographic writing, grammars and dictionaries of Sudanese languages, and collections of documents in Arabic."
- The Sudan Studies Association of North America (via Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island)"The Sudan Studies Association (SSA) is an independent professional society founded in the United States in 1981. Membership is open to scholars, teachers, students, and others with interest in the Sudan. The Association exists primarily to promote Sudanese studies and scholarship. It maintains a cooperative relationship with the Institute of African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum. SSA works to foster closer ties among scholars in the Sudan, North America, Europe, the Middle East and other places."
-- SSA Bulletin and Newsletter Archive, 1981-2017
-- See also: Past SSA Annual Meetings - Sudan Universities (Khartoum, Sudan)A searchable information portal --in English-- for all higher education institutions in Sudan, with an archive of selected documents, videos, and publications. "Sudan Universities Sustainable Development Goals (SUDSDGs) aims to bring together Sudanese universities, colleges and research institutions in a national forum to collaborate and reconnect with the discourse of Sustainable Development."
- Sudan Archaeology, Geography, and History (Dotdash Publishing, New York)
- Understanding the Horn of Africa--Sudan: A Teaching and Learning Resource (University of California at Berkeley, California)An extensive list of links and fact sheets for teacher and classroom use---frequently updated. "This portal will be developed over three years (2005-2008), and will portray the variety of Sudanese experiences, showcase not only empirical facts of the country's history, political economy, ecology, societies and cultures, but also its literatures in indigenous and colonial languages, arts and music, and scholarly work."
--See also: Understanding Sudan: Commentary by Prof. Michael Kevane of Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California. - University of Bergen Library, Special Collections: The Mahmoud Salih Collection (Digitalt, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen, Norway)An open access digital library of books, documents, maps, papers, and prints on Sudanese history and cultural anthropology.
- University of Khartoum, The Sudan Founded in 1902
- Historical Photography Archive Project, Department of History -- via The British Library, Endangered Archives Programme, London, UK